
Personal Exploration Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The parables were taught so that it would give God and the Holy Spirit an opportunity to become your tour guide so that they can take you into yourself to a place where you cannot go by yourself."
"The right to be wrong gives us permission to think, to explore ourselves and figure out where we land on something."
"Who are you really? Because here's the thing, you're not a body, you're not a disassociative mind, you're not a victim. You're a person. You have personality, quirks, wants, feelings, desires."
"It wasn't until I had the courage to kind of realize I was keeping a journal of things that I wouldn't show anybody and things I wasn't really proud to feel, but I had to get it out somehow."
"Religion can be a powerful and poetic tool for understanding our own inner world."
"It's time to be a scavenger and start asking ourselves what would light up my life."
"Writing is a personal way to get in touch with yourself."
"There is no right or wrong way to do things... it's all about having fun trying to maximize what your watch is capable of."
"Why are you here on Earth and/or how do you want to experience being here on Earth?"
"Some people stay really tight in what they're gonna explore, some go bananas. I like that."
"You can do this... so if you feel like there's a story in you or something that you want to explore, listen to that and do it. There's never been an easier time."
"As a firm believer in the scientific method, I feel like it's time for me just to really buckle down and get to the bottom of this plant-based meat thing."
"I just want to take you on a quick journey around some of the interior of the Great Pyramid."
"What makes this record from Drake so special is that it explores his life and where it was going at the time in a way that we had never seen before."
"Chase what makes you curious and find your passion."
"My intention with psychedelics was not just to do one or two trips and just have some fun."
"You wanted to make a difference, give back to society, see what the rest of the universe looks like. I am definitely an explorer, I prefer exploring, so yes, I agree with."
"Because maybe I am cool, sexy Diane, or really-in-touch-with-her-feelings Diane, or possibly other Dianes we don't even know about yet."
"A raw, real, vulnerable look at what it means to be a Try Guy."
"These books can help you uncover the mess that is your internal world."
"You can play around to your heart's content."
"As long as you just try your best, you're going to find something that works for you."
"I encourage people if they have any curiosity about them to just check it out for themselves."
"Look for happiness in places that you don't normally look."
"Life is this expansive body that opens up, reaches out, allows things to come in, allows us to play, to discover, to explore."
"Step over the fear for a little bit and pursue it and see what happens."
"So what happens is... trying to figure out what I was interested in... just the ability to be creative."
"So my encouragement to you is try it out even if you have visual studio try out vs code."
"What makes you, you, is the most fascinating concept."
"Lisa explores other religions and settles on Buddhism."
"A slow-moving disaster. It's our role as members of the government to advocate for our constituents."
"I've got to actually you know explore search for things myself which is such an improvement of how it used to be."
"Any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe."
"Jupiter is the planet of wisdom... to delve deeper into such things..."
"Find the channel and you'll find your own personal laboratory version of the whole macrocosm."
"The unconscious mind... is where all the knowing is."
"Date in your 20s, explore, and don't settle for less."
"This is going to be absolutely mind-blowing because you will be able to penetrate those parts of your life that you weren't able to penetrate before."
"If you're not willing to go look behind the curtain, if you're not willing to go deep into your truth, then right now they're doing that to everybody."
"Hit the road and go for a low-budget travel adventure."
"That would be a fun exercise you're in a better place to do that than me maybe I'll do it."
"I've always been interested in spirituality, and ASMR has allowed me to explore that further."
"I wanted to reduce everything to something that was clean, clear-cut, easy to understand, fully sighted so you guys could learn more, dive down your own little rabbit holes if you wanted to."
"Your body is fine, it's your soul going on adventures."
"It's a journey to figure out what works best for my body..."
"Inspiration can come from just wondering what would happen if you did something."
"It's very different and that's what I want to explore."
"Don't judge and figure out why you feel like you need to wear makeup."
"Explore the parts of you you have yet to explore."
"It's all about experimentation, figuring out what works for you, and dialing that in."
"I have a real curiosity and I think that's important in order to be successful or happy at anything or in your life."
"Summer is about you. It's about getting out there and figuring out who you want to be."
"It's really about being in your presence... how much of my divine presence can I hold."
"Kids need that space to really find things that make them happy."
"Pathfinder, just due to its name, is about you forging your own. Let's find out if it did a very good job."
"That's why those those early stages of trying to determine exactly why the person in front of me has drifted from the church is so important."
"I was running around trying to find all the locations from the Henry Stickman games."
"I'm looking for extremes of emotion and experience."
"Invest in discovery rather than dwelling in the emotionality of it all."
"You don't have to know what your life purpose is... many people have multiple life purposes."
"Eventually I went back to school... and I tried new things constantly."
"Intuition is key, trust your gut instincts and explore new paths."
"My purpose is to create, explore, and show up for other people."
"Every year, I'm trying to find just new cool stuff to add and it looks like there's a good amount."
"I'm willing to learn everything new about her, everything that I don't know."
"Allow yourself to explore and to find that inspiration that you're seeking."
"Step out of the plan... uncover your personal truths."
"More and more people in the West are starting to realize that defeat is coming in Ukraine... Frozen in place, unable to think or do anything constructive about it."
"Leary argued that it could lead to vast insights not only into the self, but into the cosmos."
"Experimentation allows you to figure out what you like."
"Lucid dreaming is something that I actually experimented with a while back."
"Learning to grill, it's just like learning a woman for the first time."
"Your feelings are real and worth exploring here."
"I got your tickets to the Ghibli Museum in Japan... I wanted to get you something that you could do alone if you wanted to but you don't have to do a lot."
"There is a wealth of possibilities here for you."
"Travel within your own life as much as you can."
"It's an environment which is super healthy to explore your personal sides."
"So I would say try everything, be active, yeah, don't get complacent."
"Sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside."
"I just find it so interesting to explore that topic of how we can kind of get in touch with our future selves and embody them now."
"It's time for you to explore your options, expand your mind, go into new ideas, new belief systems, go into the unfamiliar territory. That is where your answers lie this week, that is where your opportunities are this week."
"He has a mental curiosity about learning what fantasies that you have."
"I don't play many JRPGs, but because of your reverence for Persona 5, I really want to give it a shot."
"I wanted to figure out how are these people coming through."
"You're already looking outside of the circumstance before you fully explored the circumstance."
"Give yourself the permission to be creative and try things out. What's fun for you? What's joyful for you?"
"Fluidity is key - you can be everything all at once."
"Not just about the destination, but the journey."
"The purpose of a painting is to take you through your own creative exploration."
"It feels good to push myself and to kind of be more like in my masculine in a way but like not."
"Social media man and um for me the most productive way to think about it this is just how I'm wired is Robbie's irrelevant she really is sorry Robbie I don't think you're going to be the next superstar in poker."
"We must step out of the shade if only we are brave enough to see the light around us, but also if we are brave enough to see the light within us."
"I came up here looking for an adventure, I definitely found it."
"So by developing and choosing your own exploration, choose your own adventure, you can let go of the anxiety of not feeling like you can handle stuff in reality."
"The left-hand path challenges us to question, explore, and ultimately realize our true potential, speaking to the timeless human desire for autonomy, knowledge, and transcendence."
"Take on new passions man and explore yourself and get to know yourself better because things change all the time our personal identity doesn't mean that's going to be our same identity forever."
"Each person should be able to explore what brings them joy."
"You're opening up a new journey to absolutely explore completely new routines, new schedules."
"Enjoy the journey, Gemini. Take time to explore and reconnect with your past for pleasure."
"No one knows what they're doing. We're all just muddling through life trying to figure everything out."
"Learning to hunt is just another way for Anna to explore where her food comes from."
"I definitely suggest you check it out and see if it fits what you're looking for for your lifestyle."
"What is your truth? What are the things that you've gone through in your life?"
"Every day is different. Every day you get to do something you didn't do the day before."
"Go watch these films and form your own opinion."
"People want to know about this... they want to be connected to their roots."
"The Way of Kings was for me. It was my exploration of my own goals for the fantasy genre."
"Explore your own pleasures when it comes to the visual side of this."
"It was incredible to work on something that was source material but for Rebecca was also deeply personal and an exploration for her."
"I love Pilates so much, I wasn't really going for results, it was just to keep getting to try something new."
"I've always wanted to know what it looked like inside or at least walk around personally, walk around inside."
"I was searching for mindfulness techniques to combat anxiety and honestly, I had tried everything."
"I'm trying to figure out how to enjoy a little more."
"I started researching... to figure out what exactly Islam was."
"Our quiet thoughts in our Quiet Mind do we have what it takes within us to explore those sides of ourselves in a gentle non-threatening way."