
Star Wars Quotes

There are 6053 quotes

"Our first movie this week is The Empire Strikes Back, and this is the best of the Three Star Wars films."
"If the second one works, then I'll make more, but he says if it doesn't work, then that's the end of Star Wars, like forever."
"Star Wars has always been a leader in the latest technological developments. Now, with Disney Imagineers bringing Star Wars to life with Star Wars Galaxies Edge, this is a really exciting year for the saga."
"It's not just about Luke's story or Leia's story... it's a place where you can truly live your own Star Wars adventure."
"John Williams has composed some amazing new music for Star Wars Galaxies edge."
"We're so glad that we're able to make Black Spire Outpost the launching point for not only those stories but for your story."
"It will challenge what we know about the Jedi and the Sith by making the Sith the good guys."
"It's dark and moody like an emo teenager, focusing on a gritty Jedi murder mystery investigation."
"The Acolyte is definitely a special case when it comes to Star Wars TV series; it's a lot like an onion: it's got many layers to it, and the more layers you peel away, the more you want to cry."
"This is the first time you're getting to see an Asian Jedi."
"I'm not ready for them. I'm only a trainee Jedi."
"It's epic and authentic, and now it's your chance to live your Star Wars adventure in a galaxy far, far away."
"This all-new land completely immerses you in the world of Star Wars."
"Jump into hyperspace across the Star Wars galaxy to black spire outpost on the planet of Batuu, a destination that offers a chance for you to live out your very own Star Wars story."
"The ship that once made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs."
"The truth is that what makes the Star Wars universe interesting is the dark side of the force."
"Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is a full 20-plus minute galactic experience."
"The LucasArts team had come up with the concept of doing an action-adventure game with popular Star Wars character Chewbacca as the lead character."
"May the fourth be with you, all of my nerdy, nerdy friends."
"The supreme irony is that Star Wars is quite possibly the most analyzed, most discussed, most picked apart ur-text of academically studied fan theory universe expanded, dissected, deconstructed, obsessively obsessed over work of mainstream filmmaking, perhaps even mainstream art ever created."
"This was a really new, different, bizarre movie, in fact, it's probably the most aesthetically different of the Star Wars films."
"Star Wars was such a thorough rewriting of the cultural dialect that almost every major pop fiction work or character since carries some strand of its DNA."
"Celebrate May the 4th with new Star Wars merch."
"Your friend, the Jedi... He served me well during the Clone Wars and has lived in hiding since the Emperor's purge."
"Luke's heroic traits are well defined in A New Hope: he's courageous, loyal, and impulsive."
"Integrating your dark side looks like, by the end of the movie, Luke refuses to kill Vader. In fact, at the end of all three movies, Luke gives up control and takes a leap of faith."
"The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet."
"For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic."
"The best of Star Wars fan content is incredible... some of the fan films are like made by people who could go on to be incredible creators."
"Star Wars has never felt so grounded before."
"Not everything in Star Wars needs to be dark like Andor. I still love my light-hearted adventures."
"The fact that you get Luke and Darth Vader teaming up side by side to fight the Emperor, that is so badass."
"The Legends history of Star Wars is terrifying, but I just love how weird it is."
"When you visit the planet [Korriban] as a traveler, you're either going to run into a hiding Cult of Dark Jedi, a Sith Academy, the reborn Sith, or a myriad of other things."
"Darth Nihilus... became more of a force of nature rather than any sort of actual being."
"Abeloth was so powerful that the Ones and the Killiks worked together to imprison her within the Maw."
"Abeloth could drain people of their Force energy, which obviously killed them, she could take over people's minds, and she could assume any appearance that she wanted to."
"There's a dark unknown presence lurking in the unknown region, a malevolent substance that is calling out to the Emperor himself."
"This mysterious part of the galaxy has already played an important part in the new Canon."
"In a game which whole goal is to allow one to live in the Star Wars Universe, immersion was absolutely Paramount."
"I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me."
"Your father would have been proud of you, Jyn."
"I think you'd all agree Star Wars Battlefront 2 is one of the best Star Wars games for vehicle combat."
"While Dark Forces might not be the best first-person shooter ever made, it is easily one of the best Star Wars games made."
"The reward is immense for learning how to play this game mode because it's so immersive, large-scale Star Wars battles like you've never seen before."
"Everything you unlock in Star Wars Squadrons is through gameplay. There's no microtransactions at all in this game."
"In order to master the ways of the Force, Jedi must forgo all attachment. And Mando responds, 'Well, that is the opposite of our creed. Loyalty and solidarity are the way.'"
"Luke Skywalker's original blue lightsaber from Star Wars was sold at an auction in the year 2008."
"The Force is actually a frequency, and what are frequencies? Frequencies are light waves."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is the greatest Star Wars character of all time."
"Mace Windu is back in the ground invasion; we're going for Bespin still."
"Strike me down in anger and I will always be with you, just like your father."
"The Mandalorian is a glimmer of hope for Star Wars in the future, at least for television."
"Darth Bane... goes on to create the rule of two and change the history of the Sith."
"Though Revan was still strong, he could not have fought off the Sith Emperor's assault... without the aid of Mitra Surik, the Jedi General's Force ghost."
"Revan physically died, but the dark side version of himself refused to become one with the Force."
"Darth Bane...survived to secretly form the new Sith Order which would follow the Rule of Two."
"I know." (In response to Leia's "I love you" in Star Wars)
"Star Wars game changer, surpasses Andor, and will win several awards."
"We don't just need lightsabers; we don't just need the force. We need a good story."
"Her bravery, her passion, her power, Ahsoka is truly one of a kind."
"Revealing his true nature as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued clone Protocol 66, forcibly turning the soldiers of the Clone Army against the Jedi generals they had so loyally served."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have Poe Dameron's X-wing."
"The Empire did nothing wrong, they're just trying to create order in the galaxy."
"It's the rebellion that is the true enemies of the galaxy, the true enemies of order and justice."
"Star Wars Andor feels like the first Disney Star Wars installment that isn't trying to sell you something but tell you something."
"It captures what Star Wars has lost: how long we hang on, how far we get, how many of us make it out...all of that is now up to us."
"This is the most adorable droid in Star Wars and it is telling that Andor is the first show to empathize with the droid."
"The Empire from the original movies was actually quite dangerous and pretty good at what they did. You can see why they dominated the Galaxy."
"Imperial Star Destroyers looking like sharp teeth of the jaws of a beast, chomping down on the stars, devouring the galaxy."
"James Earl Jones returns to voice Darth Vader."
"George Lucas's opening shot for A New Hope was also a Star Destroyer bearing down on us."
"The force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." - Leia Organa
"Remember, the Force will be with you, always." - Ezra
"I love Star Wars. That has been my all-time favorite, all the movies, since the beginning of time."
"I loved The Last Jedi. I thought it was the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back."
"That's the beauty and horror of Star Wars fandom; it's so beloved that we begin to create identities for ourselves around it."
"Don't let Star Wars take over your lives. The point of the movie is to get on with your lives, to take the challenge, to leave your uncle's moisture farm, and go out into the world and change it and save the universe."
"Star Wars isn't an escape; it's actually just the beginning of your own adventure, should you choose to take that leap."
"Star Wars has always been for everyone... What Star Wars is not, it's not about preventing other people from enjoying Star Wars."
"Star Wars was once something worth being celebrated. It was a story of good versus evil, fathers and sons, and destiny and redemption."
"It's important to remember that Sheev Palpatine was the elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic before he became the Emperor."
"Ian McDermott as Emperor Palpatine is going full ham, and I loved it."
"A new hope is in fact the first time that Leia uses the force... to resist mind probes."
"It's everything you want a Star Wars thing to be."
"I guess I was in the camp of somebody who generally enjoyed the Disney sequels even though I consider myself very easy to please and I just really like Star Wars in a like a unconditional need to give back."
"One of the underlying causes of the Clone Wars was the Republic's decision to rein in control of the area from the Trade Federation."
"Senator Amidala finds out about the kidnapping."
"Luckily, Anakin Skywalker is willing to bend some rules."
"This chase is kind of a Star Wars wish fulfillment."
"Even if PewDiePie and his entire channel disappear tonight, somebody new will spring up and take his place tomorrow as long as this process of stochastic terrorism is permitted to continue."
"It's not just a great Star Wars movie, it's actually a great film."
"I'd have to see it multiple more times, but by far this is my favorite Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back."
"Jedi treated their job with quite a lot of responsibility, and they considered taking a life to be a very serious matter."
"The High Republic was a period of time that occurred roughly around 200 years before the Clone Wars started, representing a time of belief in the central government and Jedi Order."
"Bryce Dallas Howard needs to direct a Star Wars movie...she totally gets Star Wars and knows how to make it feel like Star Wars."
"I love the character Jyn Erso, she brings a lot to the Star Wars story."
"This movie did pay off. I love this movie. Made me feel like a Star Wars fan."
"I want all Star Wars movies going forward to look and feel like this movie."
"For the first time in thousands of years, a Sith Empire operated openly once more within the galaxy."
"I've never played a Star Wars RPG that captured Star Wars like that game."
"It's finally just a fun Star Wars game with a focus on the single-player."
"The Star Wars IP was the most valuable IP in the world."
"I think it's time we all admit Phantom Menace is a good movie, not the best but a good one."
"The Last Jedi... visually, this is probably the best Star Wars film that's ever been made."
"The Force Awakens... reintroduce Star Wars for a modern generation with interesting characters and cool concepts."
"The mandalorian is just the perfect example of disney actually making star wars media that puts story and character above all the other crap that we don't really like."
"I also think that the order 66 sequence is one of the best sequences in star wars ever."
"It's a flawed masterpiece which i know makes absolutely no sense but it's just easily my number one star wars film."
"The next move should be an Old Republic movie."
"I started the channel almost two years ago now, and I've always been a huge Star Wars fan."
"It's just one small delicious part of the larger Galactic economy, a hectic sprawling mess that spans most of the known Galaxy."
"Even in the darkest movies, good always wins over evil... that's what Star Wars is about."
"It adds a Palpatine legacy can live on somehow and he's not just a crazy old coot saying or fire at will commander he left a will alright."
"Vader thank goodness. Jedi should be doing stuff like this far more often."
"Jedi Fallen Order delivers a compelling depiction of Order 66."
"It makes for such a compelling conflict between a half brainwashed clone and his non-brainwashed comrades, again a whole new angle to view Order 66 from."
"Once upon a time, to learn a force power, it took a lot of training. You couldn't just pull it out of your butt suddenly."
"The Force now has no cohesive rules or structure, it's whatever is being just anything for the services of an inane plots."
"Rey kills Palpatine with the power of all the Jedi who've ever lived in her."
"I think Rogue One did a great job at showing us what the average person is going through during this really crazy war."
"Mon Mothma kept everyone together and really focused on the larger mission of essentially inspiring other people to join the rebellion."
"I want to tap back into that pure Star Wars feel."
"You can try to redeem Kylo Ren, but it's gonna be really tough for me to buy that storyline."
"Yoda decides instead to save Anakin, sacrificing his own life to bring Darth Sidious down."
"The Jedi morality was the hole in their armor."
"Anything is permissible that would help bring down the empire."
"Tatooine looks like a really money producer in the Outer Rim."
"I mean the Legends period of Star Wars represented a time when the IP was a lot more chaotic and less restrictive and so things were a bit more free form for better or worse."
"Hope is one of the main themes of Star Wars that George Lucas has taught me."
"The rise of Skywalker was plain and simple a poorly constructed movie."
"Han Solo's death in the force awakens really impressed me."
"That Vader scene might be my second favorite scene in any Star Wars movie."
"The fan base is not split. The majority of people really embrace and like this movie."
"I think it's time to move on from the Skywalker's."
"Rey's parents were nobody and Kylo just affirmed that to her."
"I think that's what Star Wars is always done is it's inspired people to create their own stories and find their own narratives and really feel ownership over it."
"Star Wars has mattered to people for 42 years. I think there's a reason it's endured and we really hope that everybody feels good leaving this film."
"The second you hear that music... you're in."
"It's like no wonder Star Wars was a banger when it came out."
"It is Star Wars for a reason... they do not pull any punches."
"Why did Luke train to be a Jedi? I want to be a Jedi like my father before me."
"The Empire Strikes Back: Star Wars at its very best."
"Dave Filoni is the heir to the George Lucas throne."
"This is the turning point for Star Wars for sure, end game setup is real and I'm so hyped."
"I want a Luke spin-off series. Seriously, they can pull it off. Could that location be the same location that Kylo got his training from Luke?"
"Best Star Wars anything in ages. Also, can we talk about how incredible Luke looks now? They improved the effect a thousand percent. Just speechless overall."
"Seeing R2, Luke, Ahsoka, and Grogu again was so wholesome, 1000 out of 10."
"This is such a treat, like the future of Star Wars."
"I'm very excited to see what they do with Star Wars going forwards now that they can do all this stuff with the deep fake."
"It does the most character development, I think, of most of the Star Wars things."
"Star Wars squadrons: earn your wings in a single-player story spanning two factions."
"This is the definitive Star Wars pilot experience."
"Star Wars hashtag skate skate for squeeze squirt oh let's go star we'll skaters let's go Darth Maul is in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater come on let's go look the cross that has happened let's make it happen again."
"The story follows Eden Versio, an elite Imperial special forces officer."
"I mean, even if you don't watch Star Wars, you know who Darth Vader is. It's just like, kids are born knowing who Darth Vader is."
"When Palpatine revealed himself to the galaxy, he tried to sway the new Supreme Leader of the First Order, Kylo Ren by promising a fleet of Xyston class Star Destroyers, each planet killers in their own right."
"Why does Kathleen Kennedy keep making Star Wars movies with little to no lightsaber action? It's so weird."
"Luke Skywalker, who saw what the Empire did to the galaxy, would not abandon his sister and let it all happen again."
"Why does the Resistance even need Luke? Give Rey a week and she'll be stronger than him."
"Star Wars is not about the Force or the power it gives the user. It's about life."
"I'm excited to see Taika Waititi's take on Star Wars." - John Campia
"I don't know what you're talking about I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."
"Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron 2 is an absolute gem."
"CAD Bane is genuinely one of my favorite bounty hunters in the Galaxy."
"Admiral Holdo was so annoying. I was happy when she was gone."
"Aayla Secura's death during Order 66 was one of the saddest scenes in Star Wars."
"The sad part of Maul's death is realizing that he never actually hated Obi-Wan."
"Plagueis was able to control the actions of midi-chlorians to rejuvenate his body, enhance his mind-trick abilities, and even prolong his own immortality."
"When we meet Leia in the new trilogy, she's General Organa, leader of the new Rebellion, and all-around badass."
"Vader is gone. My father, our father, returned. He is Anakin Skywalker once more."
"Leia was finally able to forgive her father and let go of the hate she contained for him."
"I think the people are turned off because the overall story of the show seems to be about the rise of the first order."
"What makes Star Wars so wonderful is that it's an incredibly broad canvas that can tell hundreds of different stories."
"I saw the energy in that panel on a Thursday morning from the fans, and texts, I'm crying, I'm crying, guy next to me crying, women crying, everyone's crying because you get that feel like John said, 'It's Star Wars again.'"
"Star Wars is about heart, feeling, and compassion."
"Galaxy's Edge: A place where you can spend nothing or splurge on lightsabers and droids."
"The revolution that Star Wars has created in the sci-fi world has changed the sci-fi world."
"The prequels are true Star Wars: world building, characters, epic arc, ambition of the tale."
"You become a part of this movie almost, you know, live your own Star Wars adventure."
"It's pretty impossible to start talking about weird obscure pieces of Star Wars media without discussing the original weird obscure piece of Star Wars media."
"Star Wars prequels give an important lesson on the rise of a dictator."
"It's like if Luke Skywalker doesn't care about lightsabers then what was it all for?"
"The Last Jedi came in and was like, 'What you think you know doesn't matter.'"
"That is so true, like we've lost Leia, we've lost Luke, we've lost Han, why was I not thinking of course we're gonna lose Chewie?"
"What was going on with Finn's love life? Dude, was it Rose, was it Janna?"
"Ben Solo walks into Palpatine's palace throne room whatever holding a blaster."
"So I've always wondered I've always assumed the Knights of Ren cuz man I really thought we'd get more information about them."
"I think the force awakens lives on as my favorite movie me too from this trailer Jonah asked and possibly from Star Wars movies."
"Religion has always been a huge part of Star Wars."
"Great job of really making you feel bad for Anakin."
"Revenge of the Sith book is so underrated, must read."
"Do you think there'll be an uprising of clones?"
"Make your Star Wars content the way you want to make it, have fun with it, detach yourself from any sort of clout, fame, money, whatever it might be, and just go headfirst into the love and adoration that you have for this franchise."
"She's definitely someone who does not follow the Jedi code... isn't afraid to make those tough choices."
"I like the theory... not being Anakin's Force ghost but actually being an Anakin who has found a portal."
"The force is simple. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the Galaxy together."
"How was General Grievous able to kill so many Jedi knights when he did not even have force powers?"
"Don't let anyone out there tell you opposite - be proud, because you guys are what kept Star Wars alive for such a long time."