
Climate Science Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"The average temperature of the world's oceans is at its highest since records began."
"The greatest ice sheet in the world does not have snow falling upon it."
"Absent greenhouse gases, we would be a cold and lifeless rock."
"Humanity has been monitoring global sea level from space with exquisite accuracy for more than 28 years."
"Permafrost is the part of the upper layer of the Earth's crust characterized by sub-zero temperatures of rocks and soils which never thaws."
"Everything that we studied was basically consistent with the finding that the Earth was going to warm significantly."
"The science was growing more certain and Exxon's own scientists were working with scientists in academia to discern the human fingerprint on a changing climate."
"97 percent of scientists likely agree that carbon dioxide plays a role in greenhouse warming phenomenon."
"At its heart, this story is about science, science informing our knowledge of the climate emergency and influencing how we respond to it."
"The vast majority of climate scientists say evidence for human-caused warming is clear."
"Why not learn about real climate science from people other than those who echo your belief that it's all a conspiracy?"
"Scientists fear that the runaway global warming of the past could happen again in the future with more than 30 trillion tons of methane locked up as hydrates on the seafloor."
"Climate change is real, human activity affects climate change more than likely."
"Every single time there's an error in a climate change study, it tends to benefit people who say the climate change is a catastrophe."
"Global warming is real, climate change is real, these are happening."
"The science behind climate change is not a hoax. The science behind the virus is not partisan."
"We now know that definitively at no point during the least the past 800,000 years has atmospheric CO2 been as high as it is today."
"Climate models can't predict short-term changes, but they can predict the long-term trend."
"One storm now of course no one weather event is climate change but climate change models have predicted more extreme weather events like this."
"Understanding the mechanisms behind temperature fluctuations on Mars is vital for assessing the planet's habitability and formulating strategies for long-term human presence."
"The investigation has discovered Siberia's hotspot caused a million years of worldwide chaos."
"The results of these research flights provide evidence of climate change."
"The reason that climate change has become a lot more important recently is because scientists have worked out that we have about 12 years."
"God packs are regarded as some of the rarest and most sought after packs you could ever find in the hobby."
"Sentinel 6 Michael Freilick will give us a global view of the sea surface height, helping us understand how changing sea level impacts coastal communities worldwide."
"We know that 99.8% of the carbon that is in our atmosphere is caused through natural causes..."
"I would love to be people's personal climate scientists."
"We now know from the most recent and most extensive science studies that the entire foundational premise for solar radiation management is completely flawed."
"There are many more factors in play than simply the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere."
"97% of scientists believe that climate change is real and it’s an issue we need to face today."
"Nights have warmed nearly three times as fast as days during fire season, lowering nighttime humidity and supporting unprecedented nocturnal fire behavior."
"Fresh water melting from the glaciers interrupts the delicate balance of the thermohaline circulation, shutting off warmth to the North Atlantic."
"The basics behind human-caused climate change are not controversial. It's physics and chemistry that's been known for nearly two centuries."
"No matter how you look at it, the models are very clear that the planet is warming."
"As our ability to model the climate has improved over time, we've learned a lot about how our planet works and what we're doing to it."
"Scientists say at least 1/3 of all global sea-level rise is attributed to the melting here."
"When he says the scriptures speak of me right the scriptures speak of me."
"Altogether, that's 291 trillion extra Joules of heat."
"They're aware of them because it was climate scientists who discovered these things."
"Carbon dioxide is the principal control knob of the Earth's temperature."
"The core science is the planet warming is the human burning of fossil fuels causing it is pretty clear."
"The blue blob has slowed the melting rate of the glaciers on the island."
"The ice cores from Greenland go back 140,000 years. The ice cores from Antarctica go back 800,000 years."
"Ice cores including those ones from Kilimanjaro can often shed light on events in human history."
"Hurricanes gain their intensity from the heat of the ocean, you know, the science."
"Climate scientists have proven to us that they are quite effective at predicting the polar opposite of what is actually going on."
"The earth is warming, the actual data shows the earth is warming."
"Scientific consensus is everything, and there's no denying it."
"Scientific consensus: the backbone of climate science."
"Why Flat Earth arguments don't hold up against climate science."
"Climate change is science and we can't treat it as something that is just happening within the borders that we've created in our society."
"The Sun decreasing its activity, global cooling right here right now."
"The physics that kind of determines why it's getting warmer is very well established."
"Given that information, when we see warming happen in tandem with an increase of a warming gas CO2, then we know that at the very least the CO2 is a contributing factor."
"NASA studies Earth's ice because it's incredibly important for the rest of the Earth's system."
"Human emissions of carbon dioxide were causing the planet to warm."
"An exponential increase in CO2 gives you a linear increase in temperature."
"Understanding what the polar vortex is and why it's a big deal is crucial."
"Why is Florida such a prime target for hurricanes?"
"Even if solar irradiance fell to the same level of the maunder minimum, the resultant drop in global temperature would be less than 0.3 degrees centigrade."
"The greenhouse effect is crucial for life on Earth, but increased greenhouse gases are the primary cause of global warming."
"The climatic record in these deep-sea cores tells us that there have been eight ice ages in the last 700,000 years."
"The carbon we're putting in the atmosphere will remain up there for centuries."
"The Sun controls much of our life, from climate to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions."
"Climate change is happening because carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are increasing and they're increasing because humans are doing stuff."
"It is now entirely clear that the Earth's temperature is increasing as well, globally."
"Climate models also can inform observations. With models and observations together, we can learn in more detail more specifically about where that carbon goes."
"So, the future is working with people from NASA and NOAA to get a better understanding of how we as humans are affecting the climate and how it’s changing natural."
"In climate science, the message of the scientists does not align with those three things."
"The big fight that we often have is that climate systems science, like others, is really a preponderance of evidence-based outcome."
"He was the first to measure atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration accurately."
"We have a really accurate record of global temperatures going back to the latter decades of the 19th century."
"The majority of scientists think that there is a causal link between the levels of carbon dioxide and temperature of the earth."
"The tremendous uncertainty in those sea level projections, especially as we look beyond the next century, is largely due to uncertainty related to Antarctic ice loss."
"ML-based super-resolution techniques are being used to increase the spatial resolution of certain pieces of climate models."
"We have a very brief window of observations for this observational era where we can use high precision satellite observations to do things like you know brevimetry to actually weigh from space the amount of ice over Greenland or Antarctica."
"In order to really understand the response to climate, you have to average over many years. And because our satellite observation era is really so short, we need these longer scale geologic observations to help us understand the behavior into the future."
"The climate models are open source; you can download them, you can run them."
"The more pushback I got from the climate science establishment, the more popular I became with people from other different fields."
"We don't have a good quantitative understanding of the fast feedbacks in the climate system."
"It's so refreshing to have a real climate scientist on the program."
"For climate scientists, it's a treasure trove of key information."
"Without the greenhouse gases, the average temperature of the earth is calculated to be about 18 degrees below zero Celsius."
"It's not periodic, it's not predictable, and the first person that comes up with a really accurate way to predict El Nino will be rich and famous."
"Over 90% of the heat that's trapped by the greenhouse gases is in the oceans."
"Climate science: we would get paid the same even if there was no such thing as climate change."
"We can have a much better picture of how the Sun affects the climate."
"Without the greenhouse effect, there would be no life on Earth."
"If there truly is a solar effect on the climate, there's some big parts that are totally missing at the moment that we just don't know about."
"Most climate scientists agree that atmospheric CO2 levels must decrease to 350 parts per million for our continued survival."
"I'm pleased to introduce our keynote speaker, Olivia Taylor. Ms. Taylor is not only a distinguished climate scientist but a best-selling author."
"Paleobotany is a key piece of the climate scientist's toolkit."
"Climate science is like a flight simulator for a planet... we can't afford to make the mistake with the one planet we've got."
"Climate change: change in the patterns of climate due to human activity."
"97 out of 100 practicing climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming."
"The sea ice keeps the oceans cool because when the surface is covered in ice, it's white, so the energy from the sun is reflected back into space, keeping the Arctic cold."
"Global precipitation has increased since 1950."
"Being right means the world is warming at an unprecedented pace and ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland are melting."
"The only reason life exists on this planet is because we have a naturally occurring greenhouse effect."
"Our climate science has been incredibly robust and our predictions have been largely accurate up until this point."
"The clear scientific case and evidence has been building for a hundred and sixty years."
"For every one degree that the temperature goes up on Earth, the atmosphere is sucking up 7% more precipitation from the ground."
"A clearly defined pathway for companies to reduce their GHG emissions in line with what the latest climate science says."
"It's not easy going from intercepting tornadoes and chasing storms to working on seasonal climate variability."
"The ice cores that have been collected in Antarctica and in Greenland are fantastic pieces of Science and have changed our understanding of the global climate."
"Milankovitch cycles are predictable roughly 100,000 year variations in Earth's climate."
"Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will trap more heat in Earth and it will lead to a warmer planet."
"The ocean level will rise due to this effect of thermal expansion."
"We need the greenhouse effect to keep our Earth's temperature at a stable 57° Fahrenheit."
"Does volcanism drive the climate cycles or just add modulation to the squiggles?"
"It's uncertain whether we've actually moved out of the most recent ice age or whether we're actually in one of these interglacial intervals."
"More absorption of infrared radiation leads to an increase in the temperature of the earth."
"The greenhouse effect is the reason why the earth has a nice ambient temperature which means that life could essentially thrive."
"We have known for a long time, probably as early as the 70s, about the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on climate change."
"Weather is short-term, like over minutes or hours, while climate is long-term, like patterns that occur over years."
"Warming air, scientists concluded, was responsible for the Larsen B's demise."
"CO2 has been the biggest control on it, and this is an emerging picture that has come out in my career."
"The science is clear: any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a livable future."
"Permafrost contains a huge pool of soil organic carbon, 1400 to 1600 gigatons."
"Abrupt thaw is important because it thaws permafrost much more efficiently than gradual thaw."
"Permafrost carbon emissions are much smaller, at most up to 10 percent of anthropogenic emissions."
"For every 100 units of heat that radiate towards a particular area of earth's surface, 51 percent is absorbed at the surface."
"There's a perfect and irrefutable correlation between CO2 and the temperature."
"The sun can and does influence Earth's climate, but it's not responsible for the trend of warming that's happening over recent decades."
"Global warming is a product of a naturally occurring process which we call the greenhouse effect."
"The climate, like the weather, is a chaotic system."
"Ocean currents are driven by a combination of temperature, gravity, prevailing winds, the Coriolis effect, and the location of the continents."
"The atmosphere can warm the ocean, and the ocean can then pass some of that heat and that warmth back to the atmosphere."
"The Arctic is warming much faster than any other part of the world, a phenomenon called Arctic amplification."
"Once you put the CO2 in the atmosphere, it takes a very long time to get it back out by natural processes."
"Because of their large size, mid-sea polynyas are capable of impacting the climate of the region, and even of the whole globe, as they modify the oceanic circulation."
"Geoengineering... is one of the most controversial ideas in all of climate science."
"His work is foundational for all modern climate research."
"If you're looking at longer periods of time like glacial cycles, you'll see very similar signals between what's observed in Greenland and what's observed in Antarctica."
"When water gets warmer, it expands, and sea level goes up."
"Global wind patterns are the result of differential heating of the Earth's surface by the sun."
"We can use AI to develop complex climate models; disaster models can help us mount more effective responses."
"The computer model was remarkably accurate at predicting the climate patterns in the region today."
"The climate has momentum, it took some time to build up the CO2 to a point where man-made CO2 was the primary driver of climate change."
"The four main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide."
"Without greenhouse carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, planet Earth will be a lot colder than what it is now."
"I learned how to make climate graphs today."