
Love Expression Quotes

There are 456 quotes

"I can't take for granted I'm going to see you every day, and you're going to see me. So, that's why you say I love you all the time."
"Take advantage of this moment and really say 'I love you' to the people that you love."
"Express your love; go ahead and make the romantic gesture."
"Men feel most loved when women in their lives hug, kiss, and smile at them, explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection. Men also feel loved and connected through sexuality."
"I cannot even describe my love towards BTS with words."
"Life is short, so don't be afraid to go out there and live your life and tell the people around you that you love them and appreciate them."
"You are the gift of all gifts. You are my pearl of great price, and I will love you forever and ever, as long as I have breath."
"I love you a lot, not like a little bit, a lot of bit."
"I love my wife to death. My wife is amazing. I am incredibly lucky."
"Love expressed, not just love in concept, is what matters."
"I love in holes. If I love you, I love you with all of me."
"Love shows itself in its actions, not in his words, not by focusing on his own desires and bragging about it."
"It's all about showing people that you love them. No fame, no money, it's just about showing people that you love them."
"If you love someone, just tell them you love them. You don't have to make it a scene, you just gotta do it."
"Love flows out of you like a brilliant light."
"The heart chakra is about loving fully and honestly, connecting to our ability to love."
"Say I love you, say it loud and clear, in front of everybody and shit."
"Your chemistry comes through intercourse because you need to drug yourself with the release from your brain."
"You can express love without that physical act."
"When you love someone it's like you just want to hug them so tight, you want to just kiss all over them."
"He just let me know he loved me... and he just was kind of like, 'You're still you, you're doing a great job.'"
"I'm scared of the dark, what do you want me to do, get murdered?"
"You try to adjust how you show love so that you're doing the thing the other person feels the most loved by."
"Their eyes couldn't lie about how much they loved each other."
"May the blessings of joy abide within me, may the blessings of peace rest upon me, and may the blessings of love flow out through me."
"They want to commit to you and they feel this loyal love to you."
"Loving those around you is the best way to honor those you've lost."
"I am thinking of you at this very moment, your love fills me with light. I love you."
"Make sure you tell people every day you love them, like good morning, good night."
"You really are, and I love you to bits and pieces."
"There's no better way to tell someone how much you love them than to make them their favorite."
"Thank you so much for tuning in and just know that Lisa and I really truly love you."
"So this year and last year I did all the romantics."
"Stand with me... let them know you love them through your giving."
"Will any of us be shocked if on the last day Jesus says to such people by this you've more than proved your lack of love for the Lord?"
"That is you. That is exactly you. That is why I love you so much."
"Thanks once again for watching. I'll see you in the next one. I love you all and good night."
"I love you too with all my heart and all the ways that a person can love and be loved."
"If you are in love most people want to get completely ass naked on a bicycle and ride around."
"I know it's not that much but I love you. Any donation counts guys, you guys are amazing."
"When you're in love, you don't need to keep score, things just build themselves almost out of thin air."
"They authentically love you, but it's hard for them to do what they're doing."
"Love and oneness and service to others... comes across so beautifully."
"I've colored all the walls of my heart's palace with your color."
"Dear wives, the very fact that your husband is consistently taking care of the finances means he loves you."
"If you have a family that loves and cares for you, tell them you love them today because tomorrow is not promised to anyone."
"If they say 'I love you,' they truly mean it with all of their heart."
"Your person does feel a lot of love for you. There is a lot of love here."
"They want to give you all their love, and it's like overflowing."
"They just want to really come in quickly towards you and work things out with you and give all their love to you."
"Love a person the way the person wants to be loved."
"When you love someone, the best feeling is to make them feel good."
"Someone can tell you all day I love you I love you I love you if they're not showing up like it doesn't mean that [ __ ]."
"Thank you ever so much for being so supportive and sending all of our love."
"I just want people to know I love them as much as I love you."
"Getting married was always like if you know you're going to be with someone for the rest of your life like you go ahead and you you you get in front of everybody else and you tell them how much you love them so that you can be committed."
"If I actually say I love you but I don't even give you an opportunity to enter into eternity with God do I actually love you."
"They just love expressing their love for you, and that could be in terms of a direct expression or through 5D."
"Jesus kept teaching them, kept giving them hints: what I'm doing is an expression of great love."
"There is love here that your person wants to share with you, wants to express. So powerful."
"I love you, Maddy Patti. I want to be with you forever."
"Giving is an individual situation between you and God that you love him so much you want to give."
"Love can be defined as sacrifice. No greater love than he who lays down his life for a friend."
"With all my heart and this." - A heartfelt declaration of love.
"I pushed you away because I was scared, I'm letting you go because I love you."
"Hospitality is love incarnate that welcomes strangers and guests."
"Love you all and as much as I can love people I don't know, be safe out there and talk to you next time."
"If anything else gets done, if those vital things are done, I'm okay, my family's okay, not okay, we're wonderful, we're feeling loved, and we're safe."
"I'm gonna give you, Car, my love. It's been this long, the bond now has nurtured has finally matured."
"Take time to show the people you love that you love them."
"They love you with all of their heart and soul."
"Spirit always understands. Love always communicates."
"You're all so precious and I love you all so much."
"I make sure those that I do love know I love you."
"Be an example to those around you, live love the way Christ, be an example."
"Survival is not enough. Paying attention to things is how we show love."
"A Love Supreme is an expression of ultimate love."
"I love you and I will walk beside you behind you or even sit in the stands and support you."
"Venus is love so if you want to declare your feelings to someone you love it would be a good period to choose."
"He feels really loved... that's a reminder for me to stay present and to appreciate the moment."
"There's genuine love here, a lot of love in this connection."
"Do not miss it, and I truly love every single one of you."
"They see you as someone they can love openly and authentically."
"God's wrath is the expression of love's perfect justice."
"Treat your body as if it belonged to someone that you truly loved or you know that it was like a little baby that you were taking care of and just that kind of adoration and love and care you would show that thing."
"When a girl really likes a guy, she'll make an incredible amount of effort, even go to the other side of the world for him."
"I am so sorry I didn't treat you well. I want you to know I love you."
"Love you, love you, the most. Goodnight, I love you."
"From the looks of it, from the sound of it, I feel like you and that guy I'm with right now are pretty [expletive] special."
"Doc, she's amazing. She does all the cooking, she does the laundry, she keeps the house clean. She's completely my little guardian angel, I love her so much."
"I'm your boyfriend who loves you insanely. I'm serious all right."
"I love you, man, and I just want to get this ring out and see you later. I was gonna propose."
"The key to unity is to speak the truth in love."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your presence. We love you."
"I love everybody, man. No matter where you guys are from, the world is a beautiful place."
"This is my fiancée Jonathan... we love you guys, thanks for all the well wishes, bye."
"Just know that I'm always here for you guys I love you so much."
"I'll be there for you no matter what happens. Love you, D."
"Their connection was so perfect and I just love them so much."
"You are my everything and I worship your perfection."
"Thank you so much for watching, you guys are the best, I love you all very much!"
"You really start to appreciate people who treat you like you are like anybody who says they love you and goes out of the way to take care of you."
"You are loved, and we want you to come back home, Freddie."
"I love you. I love you so much. God knows I love you."
"Actually the obsessiveness shows how much he loves her."
"You Will Be Loved by going above and beyond to show that you care."
"I love you so much, and I would protect you with like literally everything."
"I love you so much. And I want you to be reminded of that."
"I'm yours and yours alone. Do with me as you please, my love."
"Express love generously in your life, and you're going to see how this comes back twofold."
"I love you all...and I'll see you in 2021. Take care."
"Marriage is the radical giving of the self to another; it is a radical act of love outward love."
"I am sorry, please forgive me. Thank you, I love you."
"I want you to know I love you for being crazy."
"Life is very short, so if you're out there and you haven't told your loved ones that you love them today or you miss them, go today."
"They will tell you every day and they will show you every day."
"Be sure to go hug your loved ones and tell them how much you love them."
"Cooking for me is an act of love and community."
"You gonna say 'I love you' to each other yet? Yes, we do."
"I can't describe how I feel every single time."
"That's a good group of friends, that's a good dude I love you."
"Compassion is the most meaningful human experience because it is an expression of love and care."
"Make them feel as loved and involved as much as you can."
"Goodbye! I love you, you will find a new home."
"Somebody wants to express their love to you. Someone's coming in hot and heavy."
"She told him that she loved him and thanked him for everything."
"Wise men say only fools rushing, but I can't help falling in love with you."
"Men show their love through giving you resources."
"Every time you give, you're telling Jesus I love you."
"Just remember, all love, all love. We had to have a little hey in there, like that is my opinion."
"I really like giving people gifts. Just quality time and gift giving is my love language."
"Love not in word or speech, but indeed in truth."
"That's literally the definition of putting your money where your mouth is, making that sacrificial, that's that sacrificial love is what that is for your kid."
"If he loves you and wants to marry you, he'll find a way."
"One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love and they hug you back."
"You leave your unique stamp of love on everything you do."
"In our relationship, I'm a hundred and he's a hundred. Together we make a thousand."
"Someone you love very much... the greatest acts of love is to let somebody go."
"Known for generosity, seeking justice, expressing love."
"Lizzie could be stronger than this, swallow the stress and show him only all the love she had."
"Emotions for me, or when I practice love...after I gain trust and respect."
"Actions speak loudly; express your love through actions."
"You are very generous with your love, your care."
"Love resides in holding hands during chemotherapy, not just the good times."
"There are three words we've been dying to say: we love you."
"This person is completely awakened, in love with you, they just need to take action."
"My love is the melody that soothes your ears as you rest your head."
"The fact that you give her boundaries doesn't mean that you love her any less. But it means that 'no' is 'no.'"
"I just wanted to stop by and tell you I love you. I hope today is a great day and I hope tomorrow is an even better one. Take care. Tell someone you love them."
"Giving is a supernatural act; it's a demonstration of love."
"Take a deep breath and say this: I am bomb because you are bomb and I love you so I will see you tomorrow."
"I would never do anything to hurt her because, you know, I love her so much."
"You listen to him, you listen to her, it sounds like they love each other."
"Your love is Rich and warm and flowing still and it is time for you to renew your connection to the source."
"Tell the people you love that you love them and don't you know don't just tell them show them like physical touch hugs laughs like see them show up for them."
"Melly...loved by showing love...very rare type of character."
"Your person has a lot of love for you... but they're scared to express it."
"I stopped playing overwatch to make this, that's how much I love you."
"I love you so much from the bottom of my heart."
"I don't think you understand just how much you mean to me, sunshine. Every little thing you do, I hang on it."
"I just wanted to tell you that, that I love you, as I am."
"You mean the world to me. So yeah, you're very precious. You mean the world to them. They're fearful of losing that. This is true love."
"I just have a lot of love in my heart for kids for sure."
"Let's compete on who can love the other the most."
"Your love can be felt by everyone that's ever known you because of the way that you are currently opening your heart chakra."
"I love you today. We have a lovely Mother's Day with love just for you."
"Tell people you love them before it's too late."
"I love you guys so much, stop talking Cody, I'm done."
"They want to communicate, they're gonna offer up that love in the right way."
"To recognize that in ourselves and in others brings about a spirit of service, to serve with love, to serve with devotion."
"Choices affirming self-value and self-respect lead to genuine love towards oneself and others."
"I would without even thinking about it I would die for you."
"This person's in love with you. You are the dream come true."
"I love sharing love with my friends and family with homemade treats."
"Protect yourself and love your ones...y'all have a great wonderful night."
"Nobody's gonna make fun of a man loving a woman."
"I love you so much, seriously. Love you for the sake of Allah."
"Let your actions speak louder than your words and show your love."
"Actively putting God first in your marriage is something you're going to have to do every day. Wake up with the attitude of 'how can I make you feel more loved and served today?'"
"For deku and for all normal people consuming someone's blood or hurting them in any way is not the way you express your love."
"All of his actions suggest to me that he does love me."
"I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you."
"Expressions and experiences of love are the highest octave we can experience here with each other."
"I love all of you, honestly mean so much to me."
"Your person loves you to the moon and back."
"Wild Thing, you make my heart sing."
"Love talks, all right. 'You're everything to me, I would give my life to you just to be with you even for a minute.'"
"Do me a favor, do everybody that you love a favor, call them and tell them that you love them, okay?"
"They want to tell you that they love you and they want to tell you how attractive they are to you. They want to show you, they want to express it, they want to be with you."
"I'm just happy 'cause I love you."
"The dumber he gets, the more I love him."
"That nose boop... It's gonna sound crazy, but when you did that, I just felt like you were trying to say I love you."
"It's deeper than just physical attraction. It's about expressing love through physical acts."
"I'm going to love and worship you like nobody has ever done before. We will be the best of friends before lovers. Expect the unexpected with me."
"You obviously love this guy a lot."
"When a man really loves you, he's pursuing you."
"Express your love. Go ahead and make the romantic gesture if you guys are feeling like you want to express your love to this person or you just want to give them some extra attention."
"I love you so much, I'm proud of you."
It's not always going to be reciprocated, and people may be confused by that move, but it is positive communication to have the courage to send that text and to say to that person, "I'm grateful for you and I love you."
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach."