
Market Influence Quotes

There are 438 quotes

"Retail actually has a lot of power within this market."
"Market values and market thinking begin to reach into almost every sphere of life."
"Consumer activism absolutely means much... it drives an unbelievable amount of our market."
"Every single time the government penetrates the marketplace, it always favors the biggest players."
"The market is dominated by women. They make 80% of the consumer decisions."
"The market is dominated by women. They make eighty percent of the consumer decisions."
"People don't realize how critical games are in driving consumer purchasing behavior."
"Keep voting with your dollar. If you see an ad for your favorite company and they've gone woke, look for alternatives."
"The hope for the future lie[s] in returning the shaping of the world to politics and away from market world."
"The institutional investors out there have a lot more availability to pull strings than us retail investors do."
"Central Bank buying activity would be a good leading indicator for the price going higher."
"He's able to manipulate the market or influence the market in a way that he's able to."
"Hedge funds don't really try and predict the market anymore. They try and engineer it."
"We could choose one company and bankrupt them."
"Great entrepreneur, poor market; market wins."
"If Apple announced that they bought Bitcoin and they're holding it on their balance sheet, that would be huge. That would be way bigger than what we experienced yesterday with the fake news of Walmart and Litecoin."
"Speculation about their involvement in cryptocurrency, with claims of market manipulation and expansion of their financial empire."
"Jacqueline Glenn has never truly been an intellectual but that she was pushed into that role by the forces of the YouTube market."
"Square was becoming a force to be reckoned with."
"Who are we to decide? Like, does the consumer want this? Does the consumer want that? We're not here to tell them."
"Stop buying cars... the only Avenue as consumers that we have to get manufacturers and dealers to rethink how it is that they're doing business."
"The narrative is the reality, and the smart money usually starts the narrative."
"Shein is a gold-plated Pegasus, one woman once said about Shein how can I stand against Shein if I don't have anything to back it up."
"The consumer 100 percent has realized that the power lies within them."
"Fashion is a particularly powerful way to change markets."
"Narratives drive money flowing into markets."
"Just madness I mean just for buying a piece of metal but that shows how powerful it is and how much the banks don't want you to to do it that's the greatest advert ever."
"Apple's so big and so powerful that the government's going to be forced to step in at some point or another."
"You will be able to push the big guys around."
"I think the questions and ideas posed by retail investors are actually the most insightful."
"Ultimately, Bitcoin is gonna carry the market, and I do think Bitcoin will continue to carry the market for quite some time."
"Crypto is a [__] black hole that is going to absorb every Market in the world."
"Bitcoin drops because Elon Musk says we're not going to sell it."
"Influence can happen across all NFTs at any given time."
"Dogecoin rallies on Elon Musk tweet anticipated Coinbase listing."
"I think Dogecoin and Ethereum will be the top two in the world at some point in the future."
"SBI detected is but one more avenue that would allow people to better speak with their wallets and that is something that the ideologically driven cannot abide."
"Retail investors as a collective can be more powerful than traditional institutional funds."
"You have made the difference, you have influenced the marketplace, you have decided that the quality and the variety of picks needed to be improved."
"Always go to where the growth is... make Italy a well-known name and its products well known."
"I think Board Ape is showing themselves to be the supreme, the Nike, the Yeezy, whatever, the rockstar must-have brand."
"Purchasing an EV starts looking less like just an interesting option for many consumers and more like a product that is impossible to ignore."
"It's going to force companies like HP and Microsoft to innovate."
"For decades, there's been a ton of talk about how he was ordered to make them lighter and more kid-friendly and to tailor them more to the demands of the marketing departments and the need to sell toys."
"They're gonna blow this bubble up so goddamn big, it's in everyone's interest."
"Pindor door and Timu are selling huge amounts of merchandise to huge numbers of people around the world."
"So it does seem that they are still at the will of the market um in terms of what voters want."
"Supreme's limited releases and attitude have pushed them far beyond their beginnings."
"It's within the customers right to reject these offerings and vote with their wallets."
"Large Chainlink whales approach 3.4% of the total LINK supply. LINK is gonna pump."
"Lord of the Rings also single-handedly proves the viability of selling adults fantasy."
"It's going to be really difficult to ignore."
"You know if we look at Ethereum where we look at Solana, you can look at either of them when NFTs are doing well the price of the project tends to do well as well it gets a bump."
"Choose cards you love over what the market dictates."
"You have this opportunity to lead your audience, lead your market, do things that are creative, do things that are unpredictable."
"Apple wants average consumers to start thinking about all-in-one computers again."
"Good exclusive games and deals are what's going to matter the most."
"They saved AMC because of the retail investors."
"Netflix is still got that market share it still has that algorithm and if you get in good position on Netflix you are going to reach a lot of people fast."
"Increasing Chinese demand and loosening regulations fundamentally changed the durian business."
"Just you having a book is a big deal in whatever market that you're in."
"Hey, if I gotta be the catalyst to get the pullback, the little bit of a dip so you guys get an opportunity to buy, so we can continue to move forward, hey, I'll do that job every single day."
"This may be one of the turning points for Bitcoin. The network is getting much stronger."
"Nothing like price to change sentiment."
"So two major listings like that as well would definitely pump the price. All the 110 partnerships they have in the pipeline and everything else they're going to be rolling out, marketing as well."
"Sac because of its size and how much it trades gets first dibs on that information."
"The fixed income markets will do the tightening for the Fed."
"Bitcoin will be considered as the biggest and the most liquid single asset in the world."
"I am in favor of the deal for video games because I think a strong and competitive Xbox helps to uh police some of the more egregious behaviors of its main competitor in Sony."
"That's the thing about Tencent that's another thing that bothers me about Tencent is the way that they're just working in the background nobody really knows who they are."
"Your feedback is taken and you can have an influence on which products make it to the stores."
"I don't tell people what to buy or sell. I don't give picks."
"Your ability to at scale, change perception to create more percentage of wallet and better LTV is far greater than I think most people realize."
"It's extremely decisive for entire crypto markets, all confluent with what's happening here."
"Voting with your wallet has become more powerful. Bad products don't sell."
"If the crypto community comes out of the dark basement... staring at the one minute chart, this is how we're going to affect the change."
"These mini consoles inspired dozens of companies to jump into the retro gaming scene themselves."
"Capital knows no borders; they'll make more money leaning towards China or America."
"A settlement or a win is still a win, a loss is really the only thing that hurts, I think, crypto."
"Sony argued without a hint of irony that Call of Duty being exclusive would likely influence people's console purchase decision."
"It looks sharp, I'm happy to see AMD getting their products in stuff like this."
"Sig once again was leading the way in innovation."
"The narrative around bitcoin has never been stronger, the institutional FOMO, infinite amount of money printing coming down the pipeline, these things are going to devalue the dollar like never before."
"It's the Apple Advantage. If any company can get these headsets to be a real mainstream thing, it seems like it's Apple."
"I just can't like understand the like consumers chose this it's like [__] show me on the brochure where it says three years from now your purchase contributes to our Market domination."
"The most pressing ethical consumerist action is veganism... we can destabilize an entire market."
"The market always decides what sticks and what doesn't stick."
"We set the trends in the market as well, we make companies high and once you understand the disciplines of how to trade in the market, you can use that same discipline when you're trading crypto."
"That's exactly what is happening, that is the catalyst for wider adoption."
"Regardless if you like this device or not I'm using it as an example of a potential futuristic device being pushed forward through competition."
"What we've seen transpire year to date has been a tremendous advertisement for Bitcoin."
"The president only moved on his reaction to the coronavirus because the stock market went down."
"Companies like Ant Financial, Tencent... they've already taken over the entire mainland."
"Retail investors can make a difference. All coins are 100% driven by retail investors."
"If anyone can dethrone or take the throne of the MMO genre it might be riot games."
"Sometimes almost you could say aided and abetted by a certain selection of stock trading investment youtubers who are deeply deeply irresponsible."
"Their response to the trend of full-coverage makeup was the Born This Way foundation."
"Any big name institution that gets into bitcoin, that's all we need. That's just a little bit of gas on this already fire."
"Bitcoin's fundamental addresses all-time high at nearly 45 million."
"Bitcoin carries the market. Even if the bitcoin dominance comes down slightly, still bitcoin is carrying the market."
"Expectations play that Jerome Powell is making, the psychological play."
"These are not companies that are currently in crypto that they want to go after. They want to scare people from innovating."
"Watch Binance. They are very clever, very shrewd, run the biggest exchange, and have a ton of influence over the actual marketplace."
"Tesla is in the pole position to dominate two multi-trillion dollar industries."
"Expecting prices to go up with the new ESPN Fox Warner Brother streaming service."
"Elrond's impeccable uphill trek... It's a buzz across many public platforms."
"Tesla wants the competition. If this brings more people in, that's exactly what Elon wants."
"That's the boycott: if you don't like it, you don't have to see it."
"Elon Musk and Tesla will announce very soon that they are going to be accepting bitcoin again, that would be great."
"The big money is collecting physical metals. The big money, the banks, the profits, the nations, they're all collecting it and they're trying to convince you not to."
"The frenetic rally in Tesla has also buoyed money management groups such as Cathy Wood's ARK Invest and Bailey Gifford."
"If Tesla's ascent continues, it will further enrich believers, hurt the dwindling band of doubters, and drag swaths of the broader equity market up with it," - Benjamin Bowler
"When people see more adoption coming from the big guys, they're going to feel much more comfortable to come into the space."
"Whether BMW won the battle with the XM, that's totally up to you, but I have a feeling that in the end they're going to win the war."
"Libre is not a threat to Bitcoin, in fact, I think Libre could potentially skyrocket Bitcoin."
"The people who have done that are literally saying like famous traders on CT are saying that because of NFTs they finally feel like they've made it."
"Bitcoin has a fanatic following and a brand recognition the likes of which we have never seen before."
"Our stock split would help reset the market price... may help maximize stockholder value." - Tesla
"Dogecoin deserves to be where it is... and deserves to be even higher."
"With purposeful collective action, we will see systemic change across markets."
"Tesla without solving FSD is basically whatever, it's like worth nothing."
"Huawei, you know they're going to push you to more innovation and to make better products."
"It's Tesla's world and everyone else is paying rent."
"During bull runs the amount of effort a seller needs to impact the price is immense and usually ineffective."
"Mark Cuban is a bitcoin bull. He's a big bitcoin bull."
"A cash register's ding speaks a lot louder than a hashtag."
"Buy the game if you want to shape the industry."
"How do they reconcile that? The hero of Bitcoin is the biggest pumper of a meme coin."
"I remember telling him pretty clearly that I didn't think that was funny in the slightest before promptly hanging up on him."
"Is he one of the most shrewd investors and businessmen ever with a vision of the future many people just aren't yet appreciating, or is he a lucky gambler destroying venture capital and manipulating markets?"
"This whole situation honestly smacks of an executive coming along and realigning a feature set to artificially create value in one product by killing it in another."
"Options figured prominently in that example because a small Cadre of users on this Reddit sub Channel Wall Street bets decided that the hedge fund managers that were shorting the stock needed to be punished."
"A narrative in our world of crypto is that big money is going to come in. Institutional investors are going to come in. And that is going to buoy the price up and move it forward."
"Bitcoin whales now hold 9% of the circulating Supply totaling about 1.8 million in Bitcoin."
"Reddit's Wall Street bets coordinating to drive up GameStop's price."
"The world is built on memes. Hate it or not, memes are driving the market."
"If this scaled to all games...domineering position against both AMD and Nvidia."
"The future of XRP and Ripple won't be decided by the SEC. It will be decided by the efficacy of the product."
"This 494 million investment from Grayscale isn't just reflective of what one company thinks, this is representative of what wealthy investors think."
"If we make bad products that people don't want to use, then the users will vote with their resources."
"Tesla putting their cash into bitcoin would in itself cause the price of bitcoin to go up."
"Bitcoin's the rising tide that lifts all boats."
"The London hard fork could signal a very strong start to the overall state of the crypto market."
"Critics have influenced is you have to care what a critic says if you want to sell your books."
"Exclusive only really matters when you're trying to persuade people to buy your console compared to another console."
"Vote with your wallets. If you like something, support it. If you don't, walk away."
"Apple is dangerous because they've got trillions of dollars."
"Mark Cuban tweeted about dogecoin! Just talked to my friends at BitPay. They do massive doge sales. Not only do the math sales continue to grow, but BitPay says they're on track to do 6k doge transactions in April. That's awesome!"
"A correction in the stock market would be far more impactful on the economy."
"This is one of the last times we can show them that there is demand for more games like this."
"The game set standards with its dynamic open-world experience, music, characters, story, and level design."
"Bitcoin defines the market. If bitcoin is doing well, then we know that the entire market capitalization is going up."
"If you don't like the game, please don't buy it. They'll stop making it if you don't buy it."
"I'm 100 percent saying that anybody's bought a golf club in the last five years, it's pxg's fault."
"We influence the greatest stores on the planet to buy this shoe."
"As we break past the trillion dollar market cap, I think very much what Peter Thiel at Bitcoin Miami was talking about where Bitcoin could really break away as a store value hedge in the overall asset markets."
"Japan's move was viewed as China leveraging its market advantage to retaliate against the US."
"But where you have to be careful is when you have these gigantic whale wallets that can dump the market."
"Tesla will be dictating terms in the automotive industry as far as pricing goes."
"Garyvee called up 30 heavy hitters... and said crypto punks are going to be the next biggest thing. If we all band together and buy them, create a monopoly, the price has only one option, it's going to go up." - Phillian
"Whatever the future holds, it's pretty apparent that a single website has completely reshaped real estate."
"Everybody in this world will use on passive product."
"But mostly we've just been getting straight up, and much of that, I don't care what they say, is due to all the Federal Reserve printing."
"Doge has a lot of big billionaires pushing them."
"AMD just reckoning the field when it comes to laptops."
"We make the big budget triple-A games that are going to move the industry"
"The market dictates that you're paid equivalent to the value of your labor."
"Every single day, he covers the whales of Safe Moon, and that's important because remember, Dogecoin by far, 30% of Dogecoin is held by just a bunch of whales."
"Is this a major, major player in the ever-popular half-million dollar segment?"
"We as consumers have the ability to stop this [ __ ] for good, and we're the only ones who can do that."
"There's no doubt that we would not have the same kind of just wholesale global Holocaust of trillions of beings if there were no demand for those products."
"We cannot let a company, a hedge fund, or a private equity firm get to a point where they can move the market."
"It's all about the market, sadly. Central banks and politicians are using the market to signal a sense of well-being to everybody."
"Bitcoin is following Polka Dot's moves. It's almost like there's somebody behind the scenes orchestrating everything."
"We are redefining luxury, taking back our definition of luxury."
"It's not the general investor buying gold, it's central banks... driving gold prices higher."
"The Range Rover name has exceptional power earned for it by an extraordinary product."
"Bitcoin remains the rising tide that lifts all boats."
"If AMD is able to shake up the GPU price-to-performance equation, that will have flow-on effects for the rest of the market."
"Bitcoin is the leader... it's the alpha dog in the hunt."
"Bitcoin tanked and I was like you crashed the market."
"For every dollar that comes in, it's going to have 120 times that amount of impact on the market cap."
"Bitcoin is kind of like the big daddy when it comes to cryptocurrency."
"Members of the Sinaloa cartel, one of the most powerful cartels in North America, told The Daily Beast that it planned to infiltrate the legal pot market."
"I don't like that XRP is basically dragging ETH into this."
"All markets are affected by this, even the supermarket."
"What an amazing world where the power is in the consumer."
"So you know if if the price of Bitcoin goes down I I I lose money I'm not sort of you know um you know I might pump but I don't dump."
"Sustainability is going to be one of those trends that are going to drive your brand from being overlooked to being in the spotlight."
"Retail traders have definitely played a significant part."
"Substratum is currently on the rise, potentially the savior to cryptocurrency."
"World of Warcraft was so big... Nvidia really started to gain a heap of their market share."
"Holding just for holding's sake was something that started with GameStop in order to squeeze out something else. Holding in this ecosystem is not the point. The point is to build a strong community."
"Tesla today is like Google running away with Search in 2000 or Amazon running away with ecommerce in 2008."
"In the bull market, every positive thing he said about Dogecoin and Bitcoin thereafter kind of had diminishing returns."
"That smells like institutional large players moving the needle."
"And that, my friends, is how you move markets."
"Samsung brought their a-game to the table with the introduction of the s8 and we saw competitors sort of take inspiration from that and implement them in their own flagship devices."
"You're either going to be the person sitting on the train getting manipulated or you're going to be the person who invests in the rails."
"Crypto is kind of like a high school... your opinion on what should or shouldn't be the future is less important than what the market believes."