
Voter Behavior Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"The reason Americans don't vote in their own interests is that they don't view politics as a means to improve their material condition; they view it as a tool to punish their political enemies."
"If you give people a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who sounds like a Republican, they're just going to pick the genuine article."
"Doing the same thing, keeping the same party, same people in power, and expecting it to be different is insanity."
"The majority of voters are commonsensical. If you can explain to them that it is in their best interest to do X, Y, Z, they will."
"If you continue to fall in line and vote for Democrats every single election they will continue to take you for granted."
"We all objectively have to realize that this 'vote blue no matter who' strategy is giving Democrats permission to [expletive] you over."
"But it didn't matter. These voters, these I guess they weren't Maga voters yet in 2016, they obviously evolved that are now supporting Mr. Walker may not care because as long as it's not a democrat in that seat that's good enough."
"How shallow must we be to vote for somebody based on who they slept with?"
"Trump is surging in popularity with literally every single category of voter in a way he simply never has before."
"The big story: a blue wall held. Young voters, women, and independents held strong against this non-existent red wave."
"We should always be looking at who and what serves our best interest. Let's talk about the ideas and the ideas that that individual is putting on the table."
"My God, am I jealous that you have an electorate that remembers things that happened six months ago."
"I would have voted Labour had they unequivocally backed a second referendum... but because they didn't, I voted the Dems."
"The Republican electorate likes the baggage. That's why they show up."
"Why are certain Republicans throwing their lot in, why are other Americans basically believing?"
"Where individuals are organizing themselves into clusters of extremely like-minded voters."
"Trump voters aren't going to show up when Trump isn't on the ballot."
"White Suburban women are swinging back toward Republicans." - Ben Shapiro
"College-educated voters tend to be the highest propensity voters that turn out the most no matter what."
"Americans love voting for progressive ballot measures."
"Happy blacks vote Republican. Happy women vote Republican. Happy Jews vote Republican."
"The minute that he gets a win all of those gains are basically erased."
"Regular Democratic voters are able to take their cue from the establishment and fall in line."
"Winning an election in the United States is about two things: making it unpalatable to vote for your opponents and making it very palatable for people to vote for you." - Ben Shapiro
"This is the one issue that will bring Democratic women to come over and vote for Republicans."
"Unlike their peers who switched from Obama to Trump, they were perhaps a little too smart to make that leap."
"How do politicians go about getting elected? They seek to satisfy the median voter, even if the median voter is a small portion of the population."
"One presidential advisor said if you give Republicans a chance to vote for a sociopath or a socialist, they will vote for the sociopath every time."
"So it does seem that they are still at the will of the market um in terms of what voters want."
"There's a reason why black folks do tend to vote for left-leaning candidates more so than right-leaning candidates."
"Maybe he's just trying to say he didn't think irrelevant was going to vote for Biden. Maybe that's what he meant."
"A lot of the time people don't really know what is in their best interest."
"A moment of truth appears imminent. It's one that will reveal whether the American electorate is still capable of large-scale shifts in opinion or whether the country is essentially locked into a schism for the foreseeable future."
"There are millions of people who are going to vote for Donald Trump but would never lend him money, would never let him babysit their kids, would never let him walk their dogs."
"Yes, there are horrible, ignorant people in the United States and they vote."
"I think the Australian voters, they're very largely fair laid back... Democracy doesn't mean anything if you're not going to go out and vote."
"People are voting against their own interests because they have been brainwashed."
"The people Donald Trump lost between 2016 and 2020, they're gone forever."
"If we cannot make institutions work for them they will vote for demagogues who will break those institutions because they're so frustrated."
"Those 7% of voters, most of them in those swing states, they are not going to be open to supporting Donald Trump as Nikki Haley voters."
"He literally said that he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue, shoot them, and the American people would still vote for him. And he was right."
"Florida passes $15 minimum wage but the state went to Trump."
"This is why hardcore Democrats black Democrats voted for Trump."
"Perhaps Trump isn't the problem. Perhaps the problem is that 74 million Americans voted for him."
"How is it possible in a country where progressives have the majority of voters the more popular positions the more popular politicians that Republicans and conservatives keep winning some of the battles?"
"If you live in an affluent suburb the overwhelming majority of the voters are there are going to be Democrats now and the big divide in American politics is no longer about ideology it's significantly about income and even more education."
"Conservatives don't vote, so the city council is dominated by woke far-leftists who do whatever they want because the right does not organize."
"No, Democrats are deplorable: Why 9 million Obama voters ditch the Democrats and embrace Donald Trump."
"Single issue voters are known for their intelligence, by the way."
"Conservatives haven't traditionally done well in with Quebec voters but a new polling is showing the official opposition is gaining support among the electorate."
"People don't vote for parties, they vote for people. It's that Cult of Personality thing."
"People vote their damn temperament, giving you more understanding of those who sit on the other side of you politically."
"Democrats were defeated by a group of voters that hadn't even made it onto their sophisticated radar."
"Enough people vote for Jill Stein, they risk losing."
"Maybe they will finally stop voting for people who want to take away our freedoms."
"We have all these proverbs we know about and they're contradictory... same thing is true with these Trump voters."
"He's just got to get enough of those suburban voters to say I don't like him I'm bothered by him and I don't think he's a good leader but I'm not going to vote for a democrat."
"So many Democrats are leaving the party. I think we are going to see another massive wave who are already telling us they plan to vote for Donald Trump coming in November 3rd."
"Trump voters they're vocal. They wave the flag, they yell Trump Trump Trump MAGA. It's easier for them but there are Democrats who are scared to speak up but they're not scared to email in private someone they trust."
"They voters would rather go with a flawed outsider than a flawed insider."
"Republicans are losing support among female voters." - Ana Kasparian
"That is voter remorse, ladies and gentlemen."
"But yet, on Election Day, the majority of the voters who didn't like both broke for Trump."
"If voters are sophisticated... they will modify their positions on important issues when they see voters care about it."
"People don't vote just on an ideological spectrum; it's about trust and relatability."
"That's Donald Trump. He's like their daddy, right? They can't drive some of these voters to the polls without him."
"Minimizing Bernie supporters to a protest vote... change is about pushing hard getting knocked down etc. because it puts her best attributes in service of progressive ends."
"Thank you guys so much for coming on. That was so fun."
"I think voters reward you for doing the right thing."
"I find it still unconscionable that one should vote for him."
"When someone can't buy gas when there is no gas when there is no food they are going to vote for anything other than Democrats."
"I just can't believe people asked me what about swing voters. Unless you don't have a clue what's going on."
"Predictably, the Trump voters we talked to were not put off by that, they were even a bit sympathetic."
"Swing voters want to see passion, authenticity, but conviction."
"They changed who they voted for... and this was a non-problem."
"It's not as bad to say it. So, I don't know about these polls whether there's a hidden Trump vote or not."
"For everybody else that's living in a real America, they will vote no."
"At least I mean again we've talked about it there's a reason he brought up Mo Brooks... there's a runoff right now two out of three voters in the Republican primary in Pennsylvania voted against Donald Trump's choice."
"A lot of what we do to rile up our base actually makes voters on the right really angry."
"Despite four years of Trump being called a racist, according to these exit polls, Trump did one point better with black voters."
"Labour absolutely dominated everyone aged 18 to 45, the Tories dominated from 45 upwards, and the problem with Labour's young vote is that it's solid, it is pretty much unchallenged."
"If you can speak to their pain, if you can speak to their frustration, they will never vote for Democrats, but many of them would be open to those who are speaking to their needs."
"It's going to be easier to get independent swing voters to vote against Trump than against DeSantis."
"Instant runoff voting allows voters to vote honestly, but if their favorite candidate ends up getting last anyway, they can fall back on being strategic with their second favorite."
"I was never going to be a person that voted for Trump until the media went very radical."
"I love it because I don't have to vote straight Republican or straight Democrat, and I can just get a feel for each candidate."
"They've lost more of the white working class, and maybe that's been a realignment that's been happening over years and years."
"Your location has become a bigger indicator of how you vote."
"The median voter in Britain may resemble that of Canada in the future."
"When a party assumes it is entitled to every vote within a certain demographic, it will treat even the slightest sign of defection as an emergency."
"When you look at the fact that gas prices are going back up, groceries are going up... you lose their votes and you lose their ear."
"So here's the deal guys, we're about to find out how many voters just straight-up don't pay attention."
"There is a divide here between college-educated, high information voters and the rest of the electorate."
"Polarization doesn't come from voters getting more extreme but more exclusively consistent instead."
"When presidents leave, voters rarely choose the replica of what they had; they choose the remedy."
"If I had every reason in the world to vote for Donald Trump... I would turn around and change my mind."
"The Democratic voters sound like they make decisions based on reasonably rational calculations and they are not wholly mortgaged to The Cult of Joe Biden like some of us are"
"Every day that Trump does something crazy, the door to voting for Biden opens a little bit more."
"Normal Labour voters, union working-class people, voted Conservative."
"Regular Americans might vote for Trump; this stuff might scare them."
"We're the only people that are voting for them or these Cro-Magnon cave people that are trying to [ __ ] destroy the [ __ ] country."
"Once Trump is out of the White House anyone who mimics him or identifies as a Trump Republican they're probably going to be voted out next."
"People think, 'Oh well Stoma's going to keep all of Labour's voters from 2019.' And in big cities I personally don't think he will."
"Why are Democrats alienating potential voters?"
"Trump voters are willing to risk lethal pathogens to vote."
"But I don't think that's most Trump supporters. I think most Trump supporters have hated the Republican establishment as much as the Democrat establishment for some time."
"After eight nine ten years... they tend to vote out their government."
"Utah has had the highest average third-party vote share since 2000 at 8.2%."
"One third of nominal Republicans and Republican leaners are more loyal to Donald Trump than the Republican Party."
"Nothing stands in our way. Come with us and discover the future."
"Their voters are just not as willing to say they're going to vote."
"Vote Republican and then laugh because people are going to do that."
"For that group of voters who are Republican-leaning, who love Trump's policies, who think he hasn't done that bad of a job, who just think he can be an ***, maybe they think he was normal enough last night that maybe I'll pull the lever."
"I don't believe in voter shaming because I think it's counterproductive."
"Donald Trump wants you to believe... but the truth is that Donald Trump has lost and continues to lose many supporters."
"Georgia has become more and more purple... hundreds of thousands of crossover voters for whom party is not everything."
"When Kamala loses to Trump, it won't be the fault of her or the consultant class or anyone else in charge. It will all be those battled voters who just can't seem to vote the way they're supposed to." - Unknown speaker
"What really is driving all this is that the Republican voters want Trumpism."
"Voters don't always make the best decision when it comes down to the issue of electability."
"Black voters respond to that. And so I just think that it's offensive in some ways for the analysis that's out there to just be suggesting that we're just operating off of herd mentality."
"I mean there's a real lesson to learn there because there's been this point that people have been like 'How stupid, you know, how stupid you have to be to vote Republican and believe in this.'"
"Successful people vote for Republicans poor people vote for Democrats Republicans want you to do better if if not just because they're altruistic and good people because they want your votes."
"If you don't do anything to help the people who are desperate for change... they're going to vote for change again."
"The media suppressed it and people in a certain community still voted for Joe Biden."
"Republican voters again after four years of absolute devastation under Donald Trump overwhelmingly supported him in the ballot box so it's so unclear what though they want."
"This is why I love elections, man. I love actually seeing how people vote."
"The political parties are missing that swing voters are generally more open to immigration."
"Even if violent behaviors were identical to Trump's, you'd vote for him."
"Public doesn't change their vote because of anything complicated."
"Until enough voters really get that on a visceral level, populists are our swing voters."
"Democrats run their candidates run behind their policy positions but Republicans are running ahead of their policy positions in popularity."
"These suburban voters who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 said enough of this craziness."
"Voters more often than not will not take back a repeat candidate."
"Because Adams was strongest in the primary among voters who failed to turn out for Hillary and would do so again in a similar condition."
"They spread animosity but people did not vote as if they believed the message."
"Nearly all American voters live in communities where they are less likely to encounter people with opposing politics than we'd expect."
"It's very risky what we said here over and over and over again which is that actually you have this pool of generally untapped not necessarily loyal partisan voters who will go to whomever they perceive as working best towards their economic interests."
"Our voters stayed at home; they're not switching parties, they do want to vote Conservative."