
Demographic-change Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"The demographic shift happening in the United States is inevitable, and the laws must be significantly changed to ensure fair representation and protect the rights of all people."
"The idea that whites will not be the majority... it's an exciting transformation of the country."
"We're seeing in Africa on average the average woman is having one less child every 15 years."
"50 years ago, women on average had more than five children each. Today, that number has fallen to two and a half."
"About 61% of American adults were considered middle class in 1971, compared to just 51% in 2019."
"By 2050, there will be about three times as many elderly as children. This is the first time in human history that the elder population has outnumbered the young population."
"The numbers are undeniable, aren't they? It brought a whole new demographic of fans."
"Elon Musk wants us to pay attention to something quieter but really important: the fact that the world's population is not growing as fast as it used to."
"Almost half the world's population is now enjoying a new kind of optimism."
"There may be a big shift leftward when the boomers are no longer voting."
"We'll see an ever higher proportion of the world's children with brown complexions."
"Change is hard but it's gonna happen, the demographics is going to change."
"Georgia used to be solidly Democratic... Suburban voters... becoming more diverse."
"I'm not liking that idea if white people becoming a minority."
"London's population rose from 1.9 million in 1801 to 6.2 million in 1897."
"65% of Americans in 2018 and 2019 identified as Christian, but something different happened later in 2019..."
"You cannot overstate the scale of demographic change underway right now in the United States."
"Growing up in Irvine and Newport Beach, we've seen a huge growth in population."
"What is the biggest change of our time? Well, I think it's this: babies born per woman."
"The left is obsessed with demographic replacement."
"Within 100 years, 90% of the population of the New World was gone."
"Eventually, there will be more of us than there are of them."
"Every other state practically voted more rightward than they did in 2012, but Arizona and Georgia shifted to the left."
"This will not be a white majority country in the 2040s."
"So if you want total control over the entire country you need demographic change everywhere including in the suburbs this is a very obvious insight and Democrats have been on the case for quite a while."
"Earth is going to face a massive population collapse over the next 20 to 30 years."
"America’s population grew from 40 million in 1870 to 76 million in 1900 and 1/3 of that growth was due to immigration."
"They've lost more of the white working class, and maybe that's been a realignment that's been happening over years and years."
"The attitude of denormalizing the nuclear family is now leading to potentially lower birth rates."
"Canada's population is now one of the fastest growing populations in the world driven almost entirely by immigration."
"We are at a truly unique moment in history... a voluntary and involuntary reset of global demographics."
"The spectre of negative population growth is looming over China."
"There's a huge increase in urbanization... by 1940 percent of Americans are living in cities."
"Europe is the oldest continent and they say it may lose half of its population by the end of the century."
"Forced demographic replacement... forced Islamization... Europe is committing suicide."
"Lots of people are taking flight, fleeing to places like Texas and Florida."
"Ethnic change, so-called racial change, can happen in the generational blink of an eye."
"I mean look at the last time that we checked there is there's been a two percent increase in uh, and middle-class people coming in that is that is absolutely brilliant that's really really good."
"It's sad that 10,000 people used to call this island home, now it's just 130."
"I think you're going to see a gigantic exodus from the city."
"Can Europe be the same with different people in it?"
"That's amazing love that it's funny because when we first started the show just the nine club not the experience but we had a very older demographic."
"There's a massive cost to that, and here's the second point to make: you cannot overstate the scale of demographic change underway right now in the United States."
"Any demographic change by force or by wish or by any means, that is going to literally ruin a country."
"The demographic economic paradox suggests that reproductive restraint arises naturally as a consequence of economic progress."
"We the population of Iraq more than doubled in the past 20 years now we have 40 million of the population."
"The consequences are, of course, as Eric pointed out, ethnic change—quite rapid ethnic change."
"The California Gold Rush... drastically altering the state's demographics."
"Replacement in the West is absolutely a fact."
"We are going to face in the mid part of the century, and big particularly the latter part of essentially a demographic implosion the likes of which we haven't seen including the Black Plague."
"Americans are leaving blue states in droves in favor of red states."
"We have way more people moving to the state than leaving."
"A desire to increase attendance at a new Temple where the population was predominantly of those with dark skin all of a sudden gets them to make the change."
"One of the big factors in the problems that universities are facing is the fall in the number of Chinese students."
"As the world's population will start to plummet over the course of the 21st Century, our culture will rapidly have to put a very heavy emphasis on Family Values."
"People are moving from California to Texas."
"I really wanted to change the demographic of Disney Channel."
"We've got too many situations like Ferguson's, where the old minority is now the majority but it doesn't realize it."
"Ecuador's foreign crowd has grown by 30 percent over the past five years."
"This very sudden explosion of people after a long period of depopulation was an absolute in a century of what turned out to be very rapid and very fundamental change."
"The EAF would have a population about a third of a billion people and rapidly growing."
"The Conservative Party has become very much a party of those who are more socially conservative and older."
"The population growth rate of the world has halved in my lifetime from 2 percent to 1 percent."
"The world population quadrupled in the 20th century but it's not even going to double in the 21st."
"The migration of the 1940s altered the racial configuration of Seattle, making blacks for the first time in the city history the largest racial minority."
"The birth rate drops tremendously and what happens in the early '60s to cause that? The pill, the birth control pill."
"Southern devastation was economic and demographic."
"This migration pattern combined with Japan's rapidly aging population has left rural towns with fewer and fewer residents."
"On January 17th, Chinese authorities announced that for the first time since the 1960s the country's population will decrease."
"America is going to look very different in 100 years."
"Global fertility rates have almost halved since 1950, and the world could be facing a baby bust."
"Demographic transition is a country or region's progression from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates."
"The resulting demographic displacement may itself become a major social issue."
"In the 1960s, women were having roughly 2.95 babies; by 2001 that dropped to 1.63 babies in their fertile years."
"Senior citizens are expected to almost double in Italy."
"About two million African Americans leave the South in what's known as the Great Migration."
"Population growth takes place when birth rates are higher than death rates."