
Future Predictions Quotes

There are 756 quotes

"Digital intelligence will exceed biological intelligence by a substantial margin. It's obvious."
"The question is when will we start [going to the stars]? I think a manned Mars mission could happen within 15 years."
"I'm convinced that machines can and will think in our lifetime."
"All the major breakthroughs in AI in the next twenty years will be doable on a single GPU."
"The world was desktop first and then moved to mobile first. Imagine the point where you're able to consume the whole internet by listening."
"That's global prosperity like we've never seen before. Right? Because energy is fundamental to everything else. If you've got free energy, everyone's filthy rich."
"The destiny of civilization will pass... almost unremarkable and unnoticed to an authoritarian no to unnoticed."
"Exponential advances in computer technologies are racing to a nexus point in 2045 when artificial intelligence is predicted to surpass human intellect."
"I think it's safe to say that the next twenty years are going to be completely unlike the past twenty years."
"I think I know where the puck is going to be, and there's something happening right now in media that's opening up this moment of tremendous timing."
"Exercise caution when predicting the future because the probability of predictions decreases as you go further into the future."
"We're going to look back and say that human-driven cars were weapons of mass destruction."
"It is estimated most billionaires in Africa will come from the agricultural sector by 2050."
"It is very hard for me to imagine, I would expect Microsoft and Apple and Alphabet to be strong 50 years from now, really strong, still strong."
"It's hard for me to look at that crystal ball and not see Shopify as being one of the most important companies in the world."
"You cannot judge the future of a stock just by looking at its past."
"I'm quite bullish on Apple. I do think in the next ten years, we will get those AR glasses and I do think we will get a car in some form."
"It's predicted that within two years, there will be 2 million unfilled security jobs in cybersecurity."
"We really believe ultimately this all goes to 3D real-time simulation. It's so many benefits, the feeling we're in the same space, our ability to eye track, our ability for things to sound real."
"Ark's base case expectation for Tesla stock... is pointing to well over $20,000 per share for Tesla stock at the end of this decade."
"By 2030, nearly all demand for cars really has now gone to electric."
"AI and biotech could undermine the idea of individual freedom, making free markets and liberal democracy obsolete."
"One of the predictions from future climate modeling is an increase in both drought frequency and severity."
"2020 is probably going to be a great year for you because of all those configurations converging on your side."
"The past is a very useful guide to the future because you can see why people are making the judgments they are making."
"If you're in the camp that believes the world is about to end, we're gonna know it well in advance."
"In the future, fewer women, given the choice, will have children."
"Runes much like Tarot kind of tell you what will happen if the situation doesn't change."
"Your future husband is going to be strong, protective, outspoken, just, fair. They're going to be a leader and they're going to be valiant."
"Nobody really knows how the world will look like in 2050 or 2100... I see it more as mapping different possibilities, in the hope that we will avoid the worst outcomes."
"It's financially insane to buy anything other than a Tesla. They will be like owning a horse in 3 years."
"The first person to live to be 150 has already been born."
"This billionaire says he believes there's a 30% chance in the next 10 years we'll have a civil war-like conflict in the U.S."
"If the first half of the 20th century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of the social engineers, and the 21st century, I suppose, will be the era of world controllers." - Aldous Huxley
"You're going to end up traveling more. You may not believe that now, but I get your future, like next three to five years, there's more traveling in your future."
"There's a lot of like money coming your way."
"As we get a better understanding of the nature of reality, I believe that what today has no scientific explanation at all is going to be accepted as a scientific norm in the future."
"The fool is the precursor to the savior... because the fool will tell the truth."
"I think in 2020 between 2020 and 2022 we will have a clear-cut idea of who is taking that baton from Drake, Kendrick, and J. Cole as far as a newer guy."
"We're going to see more change in the next 10 years than we've seen in the last 50 years."
"You can't predict the future, but you can learn from the past."
"If you’re alive, hearing this now, then in my opinion you’ve a better than 50/50 chance of having your name remembered and recorded until long after this bright star we live around burns out."
"We should have one billion crypto users in 2024."
"You have to understand the past to understand the future... historical perspectives on the future of digital money."
"What does that mean? What does that portend for the future of a stable society if you have two parties of the elites and no mass popular expression?"
"Quantum computing is going to be used to accelerate the kinds of things that are really hard for classical machines."
"Concept stores are the future of brick-and-mortar stores."
"The creation the rise of a new massive class: the useless class."
"The next several years in my opinion, we actually are already feeling it in different ways."
"I think web 2.0 eventually will die uh, web 3 is the future and and the metaverse is essentially the future of the web in general."
"I hope everybody can keep their head because I think the next 12 to 18 months are going to be the most explosive in our history since the Great Depression."
"The levels of building of concern usually means that in the coming 12 months, let's say, things are likely to change dramatically."
"One day, it’ll be like 'wow 4KTVs, like, they’ll just read about those in the history books,' you know?"
"We are headed for a national divorce very quickly, and it's gonna be messy."
"Hopefully the apocalypse, the great resignation was in preparation for the great acceleration and then the great collapse and the great extinction."
"Bitcoin is the thing that is going to end these things like the central bankers, the Federal Reserve, all these things. I think it's a matter of time."
"We do continue to see an increased number in cases again as we said we would as time passes."
"Predicting the future is something that humans have been trying to do for about as long as history goes back."
"Nobody knows the future. It's honestly a matter of when."
"Having games streamed to any screen is the future of the industry."
"It's the new new world and I suspect much more to come especially as monoclonal antibodies are going to get cheaper."
"Where do I think all this is going? I think that we are on the threshold of a supernatural change in human evolution."
"In just five years, the electric car will be the greener option of those two scenarios."
"They're openly talking about having people eat bugs, living in pods, promoting the metaverse... It's all out there in their own documents."
"The children born today will not know a world in which banks exist."
"You got a big love thing coming. You're falling in love in your future, sooner than you think."
"Mathematics can help us make certain predictions about the future."
"The future of graphics technology is being architected before our eyes."
"Political bias will ultimately result in the downfall of many of these big platforms."
"Reddit is going to eventually become like Facebook."
"Neuralink could make iPhones and all other wearables obsolete."
"I see a future where we no longer need to own the expensive hardware ourselves."
"I think it's fascinating that we have hypothesized exactly what AI is going to do and it's going to do it."
"A pre-pandemic study done by Georgetown University estimated that 35 percent of all job openings would require a bachelor's degree by 2020."
"MMA fighters in the future will be making 50 million dollars to fight, 100 million dollars a fight."
"Over a billion years, one can imagine producing 10^18 cubesats, filling up the Milky Way galaxy."
"There's a very good chance you could live to be as much as 1,000 years old."
"My mind is absolutely blown... everything AMD confirmed from here to about the end of 2024."
"What Trump said may have been a little vainglorious, but that is the future."
"I'm a like to follow trends... You can predict the future by the trend."
"Kids have fabulous ideas. If you want to know what the future is, don't talk to the 35 to 55-year-olds."
"There is a one world religion that is coming that is preaching a doctrine of acceptance and tolerance of all, just as long as you are not accepting and are intolerant to the doctrine of the one true God."
"I think a lot of people are gonna work from home. I believe tech for work from home Tech is probably the next big boom."
"I'm convinced that in the future, the only jobs that are really secure will be stand-up comedians and construction workers."
"In between now and the end of the year, your personal life is just going to change."
"Anyone should have an opportunity within a few days of a launch to get a new collection."
"We are entering a future where too much currency is going to be increasingly competing for too few real things."
"I guess I'm wondering what y'all think is going to happen in the next year, right?"
"Blue Origin is a sleeping giant, trust me when I say they're going to do some very big things."
"Extraterrestrial contact will change the world forever."
"I'm not predicting a collapse or civil war. I think a peaceful divorce would be great."
"Tom Brady is going to be president one day. It's just going to happen."
"There might be a half-dozen medicines, I'm talking three decades from now, widely used that target different mechanisms."
"We think that in maybe three or four billion years, our two galaxies may merge together."
"In the end you will own nothing and you will be happy."
"Dogecoin is the future cryptocurrency of earth don't forget it."
"These virtual worlds are the future... similar to things we were seeing in the early 90s with the internet."
"Change is happening, it's inevitable... robots, AI, it's all coming."
"The world is divided into pessimists and optimists... Abundance predicts a world where we will end poverty in 20 years."
"I think the future outlook on crypto and bitcoin is gonna get built into eight billion mobile devices and to everybody's mobile phone."
"I think five years time you're gonna see it showing up on here i love i truly do love in and out uh and it's gonna be just speed tearing up the list in in due time."
"If this is what we're dealing with, it's going to be the preeminent nation on this planet for the foreseeable future."
"The classic style of RTS is going to have some sort of resurgence in the future."
"I think we're going to see more of this kind of censorship."
"In 20 years or so the black man will have the whip hand over the white man."
"Prepare yourself for the changing global order." - Geopolitics in Conflict
"I still see ETH in its ETH 2.0 form as being the leader for that particular spot."
"In my lifetime, I'm going to walk into a bar and get served by an AI robot. Of course, I think it'll take less than 5 years. Okay, you heard it here first. Cheers!"
"It's going to be a very rough year for Silicon Valley and only time would tell whether they're ever going to be the Giants they once were."
"If the last 20 years was amazing, the next 20 will seem nothing short of science fiction."
"If we do not become multiplanetary, annihilation of all life on Earth is a certainty."
"Advanced artificial intelligence will revolutionize our world, with laptops potentially having greater intelligence than humans."
"I think the end result of intelligent life is probably a much more of an artificial kind of existence."
"The cost per mile of Transport as a service is gonna drop to 10 times cheaper than individually owned cars."
"What does the data tell us about what our future world might look like?"
"The economy will research, and bartering will become common."
"It's hard to say what's gonna happen here throughout this year."
"Only time will tell when we're trying to analyze moves by the world's powers and predict how those moves will play out."
"I have no doubt that there will be people living on other planets obviously within a hundred years."
"Universal basic income is going to be huge in the future because the de-skilling of America has happened."
"If the west is dependent on countries like Russia for their oil in the future."
"The future of smartphones: zero bezels and zero compromises."
"I'm not going to sit here and say there is an incredible argument that it's getting increasingly like a tossup of what the future looks like both long and short term under these different kinds of administrations."
"Eventually we will get a Land Before Time 15 and those ago little dinosaurs will be rendered in hideous CGI."
"A future where people will own nothing, and I just I'm not sure if they're gonna like it."
"We're at a point very close to what Terence McKenna called 'the end of time.'"
"Whatever is happening on campuses right now is what is going to play out through the rest of society in about 30 years."
"AI will be the biggest revolution in human history."
"I think we're going to have a no passwords future because it just gets rid of a lot of problems."
"I think one day having your own token will be like having your own website. You can't do business without it."
"I think the art of short indie games is desperately needed."
"It means the future of consumer prices is lower."
"That's a prediction we can't fact-check. That's a prediction we can't fact-check."
"Access to energy... might actually be the de facto currency of the future."
"The future of batteries is gonna be weird and crazy."
"The next five to seven years are going to be the most extraordinary time in the history of the planet, literally."
"I think principles are important because they give us a guide to see how a person will act in the future."
"It will be a time of great peace, a time of great prosperity."
"Global sales of electric vehicles will surpass 175 Million by 2030."
"There's something about this reading where you're getting an offer from someone that will complete the rest of your story."
"Nobody can predict the future. There's no such thing as a model that predicts the future."
"The most important conclusion is that we all have the same information about the present and the same ignorant about the future."
"If we do nothing, you will see 187 million people being flooded by the end of the century."
"I predict a child born today will probably drive in a gasoline-powered car about as often as you would drive in a car with a stick shift now." - Elon
"The big war will start in France and all Europe will be attacked. It will be long and terrifying for everyone, and then finally there'll be peace, but only few will enjoy it."
"What do you think is going to be the fate of the Tesla semi a revolutionary turning point in vehicle design or just a historic disappointment?"
"If you're one of those early adopters who got into crypto in 2021, it's gonna be crazy in 2030."
"I think VR is gonna have those massive impacts on people's lives."
"One will die and one will live... capitalism or technocracy?"
"You will be out of a connection or done with the connection by summer, and you'll have somebody brand new in your life. That's what I feel."
"If we go out six months towards the early next year... we'll probably have a few blockbuster crypto blockchain-based games." - Hauck Lee
"I think long term this technology is going to become so pervasive that it's going to be a part of everything we do."
"It's the only technology I can really see that in our future will be just something that generations won't understand didn't happen didn't exist."
"AI is going to profoundly change industries like healthcare and transport."
"If we can realize this -- and we do need to realize it -- its impact will be so enormous that it will make the first software revolution pale in comparison."
"The world is about to change all I can do is just do my best to give people a look into the future regarding time."
"Experts warn that humans will soon be worshiping AI as Gods."
"I think this is going to have huge ramifications for the NFT marketplace space in the future."
"When wireless is perfectly applied to the whole earth we shall be able to communicate with one another instantly irrespective of distance."
"Nearly 70 percent of passenger vehicles sold in the U.S could be electric by 2023."
"By mid-century I think we will have machines that are our equal and in fact our superior in most ways."
"I expect to photograph thoughts... every thought of the individual could be read... our minds would then indeed be like open books." - Nikola Tesla
"Quadruple C. That's it. I'm gonna leave it there, baby. I'm leaving it there." - Bold prediction for the future.
"John Campbell stuff reminds me of Aseem malhotra's uh system of belief and uh we'll see we'll see where this goes we'll see who's correct let's see."
"Absolutely insane, and all of this [ __ ] is going to show up on Zillow gone wild in 30 years."
"Drug dealers Anonymous, y'all think it's the future."
"I think it's a little bit different but I think that the future, I let me put it this way, I think in the future online gambling is going to be drastically bigger than it is today."
"Crypto asset prices are increasingly reflective of real utility and demand, and the day will eventually come when crypto is mature to the point we wonder how we ever lived without." - Mark Cuban
"Life in America is going to be radically different for you and me and our children."
"Space will be able to do once China builds an infrastructure in space will be more powerful than the invention of the internal combustion engine, the light bulb, and the airplane combined."
"It won't be too long before the Model Y becomes the best-selling vehicle in the United States, period. You can count on it."
"By 2035 battery electric vehicles will make up about 31.6% of total light vehicle sales worldwide."
"Tesla is going to have Robo taxis within the next few years."
"I don't foresee some popular revolution toppling the regime."
"Just imagine when this technology reaches our smartphones or better yet, our smartwatches. A new level of interactivity with our digital world and each other will be born."
"I believe a lot of things will radically change over the next three to five years."
"Our solar system cannot dodge its date with doom in 5 billion years, but the death of one planetary system can spark the birth of another."
"This video and arc's predictions will age rather well they won't be perfect but I tell you what they're going to be a lot better than most of the so-called expert predictions."
"The rate of AI, how disaggregated it is, will prevent that from happening."
"Bitcoin, I think, is groomed to be the gold standard for the digital world a few decades from now."
"2023, you will be married or in a long-term thing, a union."
"The future of the world look more decentralized and free or even more centralized and controlled."
"Arena is, from as far as I can tell, the future feature of Magic."
"I think next year's gonna be one of the biggest years probably Magic's ever had because of Arena."
"2024 is the year of truth. I genuinely believe that 2024 is the straw that broke the camel's back."
"Humans have been gradually merging with AI for 20 plus years. At some point in a century as a collective intelligence system, we will become more AI than human and we won't notice." - Elon Musk
"Will the 21st century see the dream come true?"
"In the next two to five years... we may see the end of cancer."
"If anything kills over 10 million people and in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious [ __ ] rather than a war."
"In the future, those who control the microchip business will control the world."
"When the war happens, forget about four-manned tanks trudging over muddy fields and battlelines of men freezing to death in winter far from their homes. The next war will be brought to you by unfeeling machines."
"We don't have ten years. We are locked into going over two degrees if you include cooling aerosols and the last 40 years in the next ten years of warming and positive feedback loops that aren't even included in the actual models."
"Expect a major increase in funky prints and patterns in the next few years."
"What happened in the Rhine Valley is going to happen also to Samoa and New Guinea."
"He believes there will come a time when the Lesser species will inevitably destroy themselves."
"In short, something comes along that makes us advance in a decade, what we would have previously thought would have taken centuries."
"By 2023 I think the world is going to be in a really difficult Finance situation."
"People felt like Sherry was their ticket to Heaven."
"No one has a crystal ball. No one can say for certain what will happen a day from now."
"If you want to know the future, look to the past. Study the past."