
Non-harm Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"We're born to help people, and if we can't help them, let's at least not hurt them."
"If we don't have that necessity and we have that luxury, that privilege, we therefore have an obligation to fulfill our responsibility of not causing harm if we don't have to."
"Be as you are without harm to anyone or anything."
"The meaning of life is to do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt people in the process."
"In my view, compassion is key. It's what my whole framework is based around. We should try to do as little harm to one another as possible and ensure that as many people as possible live comfortable and satisfied lives."
"Fundamentally, who cares what they're doing if it makes them happy and they're not hurting anybody?"
"Whatever makes them feel the way they bring peace into their lives, then yeah, you know what, do it, as long as you're not hurting people."
"I have some very strict moral principles involved as well, and one of them is 'do no harm.'"
"So long as we do not cause harm to others, we should have sovereignty over our own consciousness."
"If you're not hurting anybody else, do your thing."
"I care about people. I don't want to hurt them."
"People should be able to do whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt anybody."
"I make a point of trying not to hurt others in pursuit of my goals."
"Do whatever puts the biggest smile on your face with RC, with your job, do whatever the hell you want in life as long as you're not harming anybody else."
"If it doesn't harm anybody, I don't think it harms anybody."
"The hypocritic oath forbids me to hurt a human being."
"We are bound to do no harm to our fellow creatures."
"Living your best life as long as you're not harming yourself or anybody else there's nothing wrong with you living your best life."
"Everybody can choose what makes them happy as long as they do not harm anybody and they don't do anything about like they don't fight for it."
"It's okay to like whatever you like because we're not hurting anybody."
"Do no harm, just try to keep people as safe as possible."
"Folks just want to be left alone and allowed to live their lives, especially when they're not hurting anybody else."
"As long as you're being financially responsible and not hurting other people, I don't think there is a too far. I think people should be free to live their own lives."
"Doing no harm is very important, and doing only good."
"This deen does not allow for irrationalities and does not allow for harm of any kind to anyone under all circumstances."
"Everyone can do whatever they want as long as you don't harm anyone else."
"We always remember the discipline of not causing harm and the discipline of undertaking actions that help."
"If you find a spider in the house, don't squash it, just let me know and I'll take the poor thing outside."
"We should wish for a meaningful life. If possible, help others; if not, at least refrain from harming others."
"Freedom to do what you want without harming other people."
"The teachings in Buddhism are emphasized not harming other beings."
"Do whatever makes you happy, as long as you don't hurt another person, it does not hurt you, and there is consent."
"You can do whatever you want as long as you don't harm another individual."
"Letting her see that we're not going to do anything to harm her."
"I believe Jesus would encourage any sort of love affair that was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else."
"...society should be free for people to do what they want and live as they like to, as long as they're not hurting anybody else."
"I know you're not going to believe this, but Ali's all right. He wasn't selling anything dangerous; he's not out to hurt anybody."
"As long as the child is not being harmed, that's really what it comes down to."
"Let people do what they want as long as they're not hurting anybody."
"Live your life how you see fit and leave me free to live mine so long as neither of us harms the other in so doing."
"I respect them and what they're doing if they feel like it's the best thing for them and it's not harming anybody."
"Living this life means you have the right to self-express yourself as long as you don't harm other people along the way."
"Liberty consists in the power to do anything that does not injure others."
"You can't step on an ant on the sidewalk... you just recoil from doing that naturally, not out of some belief, but just more out of the sort of the oneness feeling of an appreciation of all life."
"Do whatever the [__] you want as long as it's not hurting other people."
"Your actions so that you would lead to long-term welfare and happiness, my happiness that doesn't harm yourself, my happiness doesn't harm anyone else, happiness is good for everybody."
"To prevent the AI from betraying humans, we created two protocols that they must follow: one, they cannot harm any forms of life; and two, they cannot alter themselves."
"And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
"We don't mean any harm; we are literally just here in this fantastic building to try and find proof of the afterlife or to disprove the afterlife."
"Do what makes you happy, pursue happiness, don't harm others."
"From the depth of your soul, you make sure that you do not have any intention to cause any harm to anyone."
"I've been trying for 3 years to find out if it's possible to live what I think is a civilized life, a life that can't hurt any other life."
"Personal liberty... is the right to pursue life, liberty, and whatever it is that we deem happy without harming or hurting others."
"Our morality is based in not harming oneself nor harming other beings."
"May this pile be a witness, and may the standing stone be a witness, that I will not pass beyond this pile to you, and you will not pass beyond this pile and this standing stone to me, to cause harm."
"An outcome that doesn't hurt anybody is a good outcome."
"You can do it all, as long as you're not hurting nobody."
"Thy palm some moment keeps, but now mine eyes, which I have darted at thee, hurt thee not."
"A day of non-harm if people all committed on that day not to harm any other being, then see how that felt at the end of the day, that would be incredible."
"Safety is about avoiding harming people, so that is naturally the fact that the NF atopic or liability."
"Maximizing individual liberty, even if it means you don't harm anyone else."
"I honestly don't care what anyone's beliefs are as long as they're not harming people."
"If you're not hurting somebody, then you should be able to be free to do whatever you want."
"I try very hard and I have my entire life to never ever ever do anything that would hurt another person."
"Cleanliness, nothing to incinerate anyone and hurt anything and cause any damage."
"There is nothing you cannot do. There is nothing you are not allowed to do as long as you don't hurt others."
"There's only one of you out there, only ever will be. Your world, your life, your definition thereof, make the most of it and just don't hurt others."
"Live your life freely without hurting others."
"The principle of harm is the idea that I should be allowed to do whatever I want, provided I do not harm others."
"It's really important not to harm any animals, especially in their own natural environment."
"Live our lives in whichever ways make us happiest without harming anyone."
"Enjoy your life and make sure you're not harming nobody, make sure you're not harming yourself."
"Remain faithful to their own moral conscience, that's always morally justified as long as you don't cause harm to other people."
"Live accordingly in harmony with a level of consciousness that will harm none."
"Getting stronger without causing any pain or damage to the body or to the psyche."
"Live and let live, I think is fundamentally part of the Sikh principles as long as it's not harming anybody else."
"I don't care what anybody does as long as they're not hurting somebody."
"Everybody should be free to do what they want as long as they're not hurting anyone."
"Don't let anything stop you from doing what you want to do, as long as it harms no one."
"It's very easy to tell when a person loves you; they don't hurt you."
"Most of those people, I'd say, are very good people who intend to be honest and who intend to live in a world without harming, to the extent that it's possible to not harm others."
"If we can live well without causing harm, why wouldn't we?"
"When you move with integrity and you don't intentionally wish any harm on someone else, you win bigger."
"As long as the position, belief, philosophical position that you have doesn't cause harm to others, I'm cool with it."
"Live your life to make yourself happy, as long as you aren't hurting anyone, then full speed ahead."