
Political Engagement Quotes

There are 806 quotes

"For politics and for climate change, we have become viewers, bystanders, kind of armchair critics."
"What we're doing when we make online political content is networking for political consciousness."
"This is an election year within the United States...this is the high time for the Pakistani Community to...create platforms that bring them together and make the American system realize that we matter."
"I'm not saying you don't have to worry about who wins the election. I'm saying you have to worry about every day before it and every day after it."
"This is going to be, and I really believe this, the most important election in the history of our country. Don't let them take it away from you."
"These elections are close, all these races are very close, they're all margin of error races, and the conversations you have between now and Election Day really will matter."
"If you don't vote, it is like having a nice classic car and then not changing the oil, wheels, or brakes when you need to. It is fundamental, the bedrock of everything you do on top of it."
"Depth means more eyes on the issues. Depth means engaging with the politics. Depth means exploring our own desires and beliefs vigilantly."
"We're not here to save the Democratic Party, we're here to save the United States of America."
"We thank President Biden and the White House for giving this important opportunity to speak about the important causes."
"Democracy is finally here because people fought and fought and fought in election after election after election, even after everything went wrong over and over again."
"Change takes time but it can happen if we engage in the political process over and over again, we fight hard, we move the ball forward."
"Americans need to stop sitting home on Election Day. We know what we want; we keep saying it in the polls, but unfortunately, only see the extremes showing up and voting."
"The goal of revolutionaries should not be to say voting doesn't matter, it's to vote and then continue the fight for change."
"If people are so alienated from these systems of power, they don't know how the sausage is made and sometimes it's worth lifting the hood and being like, the sausage making is terribly dysfunctional and messy."
"You've got to be positive, got to be on the front foot, people want to go out there and vote for something."
"It's so great to be here with you all. Apparently, we've set a record for the season in terms of number of people at a political event in this library."
"You can't escape politics no matter what, even if you say that you're 'oh I don't engage in politics.' Yes, you do. Everybody does."
"If your mama don't vote, if your grandma don't vote, you are probably less likely to recognize the importance of voting."
"I think it kind of created this shock in the system where suddenly a lot of other people said, wait a second, maybe I can do this too."
"It is time for us to stand up and to vote our self-interest. We vote along party lines, especially as African Americans."
"In addition to that, there are now more decisions, more types of politics that you can get involved with, more detailed focus groups with people, and also entirely new situations."
"We have to commit ourselves to speaking the truth and to demanding that of our elected officials."
"The American voter was complacent to just sit back, watch it all happen, and vote. Well, now people have woken up because this country is dealing with serious issues."
"Until Barack ran in 2008, I never voted in my life for anything, except maybe a video on like, video music or something."
"The task at hand for the Nigerian people is to begin to organize, to politically articulate our own hopes and aspirations."
"I didn't feel like I had the connections or the money, but I felt like this window really opened in 2016."
"I'm running for city council... to make a difference in the area that I'm from."
"I'd like to put up my hand and ask both sides to start focusing on policy so we can make a choice on policy."
"Politics matters, and if you're a young viewer, what I would say to you is get interested in politics."
"The most surprising thing was the love...some of the enthusiasm and hope and optimism that I saw in people who came to my events."
"It's important to get to Washington, important to talk to these leaders, important to give your ideas."
"Memes have undoubtedly changed the way ordinary people understand the world forever."
"Don't get frustrated and cynical about our democracy."
"If you put the same energy and imagination that you put into Facebook into the political process, I guarantee you there's nothing we can't solve."
"The political engagement of so many people around civil rights and civil liberties today is deeply hopeful."
"Political engagement after swearing in a president is about confronting leadership with the text of their own promises."
"The president views this issue broadly as one where we need to continue to use every lever at our disposal, whether that is actions taken by the Department of Justice that the Attorney General has already announced...or it is efforts that we have underway led by our Vice President to engage with civil rights groups, state legislators, and the American people to push back on anti-voter laws at the state level."
"Politics has become a kind of hobby, it's more than a hobby."
"We need to get involved politically, not just with our wallets." - Michael Knowles
"My ideal outcome: Biden wins, but the left does not go to sleep."
"This is really the most important election because it's kind of our last chance."
"There's a lot at stake in politics and like we actually give ourselves that chance if we're canvassing."
"They're your neighbors who need to be convinced."
"Make it heard, don't be afraid to have a conversation with these young voters and support these organizations that support the youth because ultimately as Whitney said you know the children are our future."
"It was amazing to see actual US senators... care... they want to see this one day become something that changes the world."
"This is not a good way to engage with politics, this is like junk food politics."
"It's involvement. If we're not involved we're going to really."
"We've got to get politically active to ensure that they are doing that job, and when they don't, we've got to vote them out and say goodbye."
"If you're going to engage in politics, you have to be an optimist."
"Trying to save your democracy is a noble ambition."
"Politics is not the end and purpose of our being."
"I love listening to the show the next morning when I'm casing my mail route or delivering my route I started paying more attention to politics just last year and y'all were the first I noticed and I found my people with y'all here."
"Universal, transparent, and generous policies bring people into politics on the grounds of solidarity, not factional competition."
"Vote with your wallet as well as at the polls."
"Young people are voting at the highest rates in American history in the past three elections."
"Special shout-out to women, Gen Z, young voters, grassroots organizations, and independent voters."
"This is not being a sore loser; this is an awareness of how the process is supposed to happen."
"Only 45 percent or so of Democrats are excited to get out and vote."
"I welcome debates with liberals because it's made me much sharper in my views."
"The issues with regards to politics are beyond just voting."
"If your voice didn't matter, they wouldn't be working so hard to stop you from being heard."
"People are whack, please get yourself registered to vote if you're not already and let's all show up at the polls."
"Every single Trump voter is politically active, they're no longer complacent, and that's why they're voting for Trump."
"Gen Z is the most politically active generation in the history of our country."
"You have to be able to hold government to account."
"There is reason to keep voting and keep organizing."
"Stop fretting, stop ringing your hands, and get behind your ticket, because on the other side your alternative is Donald Trump or Rhonda Santos."
"I'm not in the liking contest, I'm not trying to get hugged on, who's going to bring some tangibles to black people."
"For me, it's not even political ambition that brings me into this."
"Democracy is far more than that. It's about listening to views and taking account of their views."
"Hope can be found in recognizing the power in our own voices as voters that we really do get to choose who holds these high offices of power."
"Voting matters. If you don't vote, don't complain."
"Every single phone call or door knocking shift or text bank you did made a difference... polling is wrong but activism works."
"You can't just sit this one out, politics affects you whether you acknowledge it or not."
"If there is a political group that is pointing out a problem and addressing a solution."
"The political process is incredibly important and it can't be ignored."
"Get strike ready by 2024 because we don't even know what the hell or who the hell we're voting for so that's where we're at."
"So if you don't do anything else please vote."
"We've got to get everybody out to vote. What we need to do is get everybody out to vote."
"I was the kid in Middle School who was constantly having political conversations when nobody gave a damn about politics."
"Make sure you're ready to use them in our elections this year. Register to vote in less than two minutes at vote.org/nvrd."
"There is no apathetic middle anymore; you will not be allowed to be apathetic."
"Humor to kind of uh escape and same with you know um even politics if you can make someone who disagrees with you laugh that breaks the ice."
"If you want to see low taxes, low regulations, lots of jobs... if you want the border secure, if you want the Constitution and the Bill of Rights protected, show up in public."
"Our democracy will go down a death spiral if every two or four years we are only involved in a scramble for power."
"Protect Democracy's election task force issued reports and held media briefings with high-profile experts across the political spectrum, resulting in widespread coverage of potential election issues and fact-checking of Trump's false claims."
"People that weren't really political people they're coming in and you know the deal."
"Nothing fills my heart with so much joy like seeing so many people invested in politics."
"No tangibles, no vote. We're not playing no games, ladies and gentlemen."
"The only way they can defend it is by coming out and voting."
"Every vote counts, so like it or not, this is the future."
"Get involved in local politics, donate to abortion funds, and vote."
"This is the Democracy issue of Our Generation."
"The most important thing in politics is not a 30-second spot. It's somebody bringing a doorbell, registering you to vote, giving you additional information later, and coming back and getting you to vote."
"I think even for your generation I think you're seeing now more engagement... maybe it took Trump to engage both the working class and in this young generation..."
"We need exciting candidates who can boldly sell these issues."
"What we do online is not real politics. Real politics is convincing people who are not politically engaged. That is the magic of politics, that is the secret."
"Demand more out of our elected officials. Make arguments. Start to say, 'Hey, we want not excuses and we want action.'"
"What we really need in society is to have a much more intense political conversation among all people."
"I'm only in this seat you know I won re-election because black people showed up at the ballot box and said we don't want to go back that we believe in restorative justice."
"Focus on local elections, school boards, attorneys."
"I supported Occupy Wall Street, Extinction Rebellion."
"We must engage in moral fusion, organize for moral analysis, moral action, moral articulation, and lift our voices at the ballot box."
"Together, we can un-rig the system and create a true, genuine democracy."
"It comes down to voting. Back to our white progressive friends that are upset, maybe you should turn out some votes other than your own."
"Politicking is where people should start to do that research around which candidates will absolutely stand for widespread change."
"It's unequivocally important that we vote in the year 2020."
"Palate politics is not just about listening."
"Their voices matter and if they turn out and show who they are we can win this election."
"The modern left does not seem willing or wanting to in any way engage with trying to understand the perspective of those whom the left has now left behind since the 1980s."
"There's nothing irresponsible about demanding something for your vote, that's all."
"I love the idea of as many people getting involved in progressive talk as possible."
"You need to convince people that by not voting they are voting but they are voting in the wrong direction."
"It's been brilliant to see young people become politically engaged and mobilized."
"Why don't you stand for election?" - "You're an educated man, Jacob."
"This is one of the most important elections in our lifetime."
"Every single vote" underscores the crucial role of engaging politically.
"You couldn't ask for this kind of publicity in the inverse right if when you get David Hogg coming out and agreeing with you that's all that's all you need."
"When you talk to them about the person that represents them... well that's different."
"If you're a conservative, here's your reminder: get out and vote, and do it right now."
"Passion for politics, love, and friendship intertwined."
"The only way to make sure that we have the best chance of winning that election is to go out and vote."
"I love that Taylor's first comment on politics was that everyone should register to vote and just to research her candidates."
"It's very emotionally draining when you care about your country and you care about politics."
"The penalty good people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves."
"If the candidate can't bring nothing tangible to my community what's the point?"
"These shallow symbolic gestures are not a substitute for meaningful engagement with black voters."
"Engaging black voter engagement does not and cannot take the place of a black agenda and black policy."
"A lot of the time people don't really know what is in their best interest."
"If the president of the United States is tweeting to an actor at 2 in the morning something tells me that we need somebody that has something else to do."
"I hope that like some of you kind of carry these experiences forward with you to like view real-life politics through a different lens."
"Both parties do very little to engage voters."
"If your vote didn't matter why they trying to take it?"
"Making democracy work means holding on to our principles, having clarity about our principles, and then having the confidence to get in the arena and have a serious debate."
"This is an important time to get reinvested in politics."
"Join the Labour Party, change it, make sure that it represents the values that you wanted to see represented."
"The only way you're going to get political buy-in in the long run for this is if you can show you can live better."
"We have the power to reach a whole lot of people so this week for example our subscribers sent out are shared 180 million voter engagement messages."
"When Republicans or outsiders like Donald Trump come in, there is this rise up of people protecting their city, protecting the state that they have built up."
"The Rebel Alliance is fighting to restore a political branch that actually gives a damn about its people."
"Do your part. Write to your senator, to your member of congress."
"We can make progress but we also have to think about all of the other groups that have been toiling and working for years but never had the investment to come to scale or to sustain their efforts in between elections."
"We don't care about politics because it's some hobby we're involved in we do it because we care about human and other animal well-being."
"Black voters are enraged and outraged in a way that the only time I've seen this is when David Duke was running for governor of Louisiana back in 1991."
"Everybody is talking about this democracy I'm amazed at the number of people who really feel that none of us is going to matter if we lose the country..."
"We want tangibles for our vote. We're not playing games with these folks."
"I have not met any Democrats that are complacent and no one should look at the polls and feel like everything's fine."
"Your vote has value. If people are fighting tooth and nail against your interests to take your vote away, what's not clicking with people?"
"It's like, well, it's corralled. If we were all politically engaged, we would probably resolve what there is a big problem."
"I am here tonight because I love this country with all my heart."
"I'm only 19 and I feel like I'm watching my future being stolen from me, but I feel obligated to get into politics and fight for what's right."
"Every single vote counts, and the polls have not gotten it wrong."
"And there should be a way for people to speak directly to their elected officials and say, hey, you should support this policy or, hey, you should oppose this policy."
"I think it matters that people are pissed off."
"The more people that use Blue Voter Guide, the higher it's going to drive turnout and the more close elections we're going to be able to win."
"Complacent voters and non-voters have so much more power than they know."
"By not voting, you're essentially giving away your power, throwing up your hands, and allowing your state to continue to not represent you."
"It's never been more essential than it will be in 2024."
"25 million Christians are going to sit this one out."
"If I just fought with every uh contention I had with like the online left I'd never get any work done like against the right you know."
"Politics is about trying to change people's minds, not just finding out where people's minds are and going hander to that."
"This would seem like a very good time to get out in the streets, organize people."
"Be part of the pushback. Don't be part of the surrender caucus."
"You ain't gonna change reality... unless you go out here and get politically active and organized."
"It's more than a show...it's a movement fueled by you people who love our democracy."
"All rappers should say vote you should encourage your audience to register to vote."
"My inclination here is okay Stacey, what do you need? Tell us what to do and we will do it. That is what I think in terms of... the race in Georgia."
"I'd be interested to find out... what the percentage increase of young people is... and how much of that population still has yet to register to vote or cast ballots."
"Don't complain, don't hashtag, don't retreat, don't binge, don't lose yourself in ironic detachment, don't put your head in the sand, don't boo, vote."
"This is the most important electoral moment that I've been involved in, whether it was Mondale or whether it was others who posed. I'm choosing, I'm standing with someone I believe in, someone whose voice is about truth."
"We need to do a better job at speaking truth to power."
"Not everybody's gonna end up being president. But if you decide that your voice makes a difference, if you decide that you can have an impact, then through the ups and downs, you will end up having some pretty extraordinary experiences."
"People got interested in Bernie Sanders people got interested in politics for the first time because there was a guy who was actually talking about their problems in a real way."
"Persepolis engages with politics, religion, gender, and war without ever feeling preachy."
"I'm not saying that I get to do whatever I want individually all the time... but I have the political freedom in this country to persuade my fellow citizens."
"I want you to count on me going where it matters."
"Let me tell you how you win it you have the largest voter turnout in the history of America."
"Democrats aren't doing enough to constantly keep engaged Democrats."
"We want regular people, we want working people."
"Mike Pence repeatedly brought the audience to their feet in standing ovations."
"It's our duty to get behind him and to help him because ultimately he's leading us towards a better future."
"We're not going to stop talking about how we're going to deliver for the American people."
"If someone wants to be Donald Trump... you've got to fight him and go at him and go hard and be relentless."
"It's like watching a soap opera and for me, I would rather turn on question period and see two sides of the house sitting at a table working together to try and fix our problems."
"To keep this momentum going, to continue this incredible progress, to keep on winning, you have to vote Republican in November."
"The way to change culture isn't to stay apolitical, the way to change culture is to take sides."
"With your help, with your voice, and with your vote, we will win, win, win."
"We need passionate populist people who care about principle and so we have a handful of them."
"When it comes to our democracy, it matters in the voting booth."
"It's a great way to contribute money to vote save America and a whole bunch of other things so I encourage everyone to check it out."
"Do you like democracy? Do you like when your government respects the Democratic will of the people me too girly that's why I'm working with courage for America."
"How can Christians get involved? Number one registering and voting."
"We've given them our vote, but what are we getting in return?"
"Run for office, support the people you believe in."
"We are more enthusiastic now, not even close, than we were in 2016. I mean, we are getting crowds and this is pandemic and we're rounding the turn."
"Democracy demands more this is no time to claim mission accomplished we have work to do."
"Yes we want to be a more democratic party but that has to be based on winning huge sections of the population into the democratic processes."
"This is not like a look forward to what it'll be like in 10 years, no they are already a very significant force if they choose to vote."