
Passivity Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"For politics and for climate change, we have become viewers, bystanders, kind of armchair critics."
"To do nothing is often the best course of action, but history was not made by those who did nothing."
"We fell asleep at the wheel and let the universities dictate where the culture was going."
"If you do nothing, nothing will ever change."
"The world is full of hollow, mindless activities designed to keep you and your kids busy scrolling through an infinite stream of content."
"Be afraid of sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing."
"Do you do anything in this world or do you just sit there and let Jesus Take the Wheel?"
"As long as we continue to do nothing, this situation will continue to fester."
"The narrative they want to set is that all of this is outside of our control."
"The only way the devil has been able to bring these strongholds across this nation is because we have sat back and idly trusted in a misunderstanding of the sovereignty of God."
"The reward for a good base is that you could be very hands-off and just sit and watch."
"The wisest thing anyone's ever told me... to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
"They have been way too quiet, and Kierstama needs to stop sitting on the fence."
"There's power in being passive, nature will run its course."
"You have to understand that NOT making a decision is in fact, a decision to not decide."
"It's like having a remote control and not using it, just hoping the TV would change channels."
"Words may hurt, but inaction leads to nothing."
"Through non-action and aligning with the Dao, one can become a fully realized person."
"Being passive is actually a very good reaction in an awful lot of potentially dangerous situations."
"If you want an easy life, you just let it happen."
"Your passivity early will turn you into someone who can only be passive later. You lose your agency, you lose the potential to be an active and engaged individual in the world."
"Overfed Christians produce nothing, they're on life support."
"As far as a passive business goes in Grand Theft Auto online the nightclub is pretty much as passive as it gets."
"The correct response is not tolerance, it's not politeness, it's not to be passive or nonchalant."
"It's amazing how passive we are, isn't it? Possibly one of the most passive, easily manipulated and controlled herd animals on the planet today."
"Sometimes doing nothing is the right thing to do."
"I think the answer is to just make some sort of beacon power... and then you just leave it unlit."
"You're too damn passive when it comes to relationships."
"Not taking action as an ally is to perpetuate the problem."
"Your person is not doing anything; this is someone that's playing it safe."
"You don't actually have to do anything, you can just plan, research, and dream."
"No action is needed by most people to obtain this round of economic impact payments."
"They keep us asleep, they keep us selfish, they keep us sedated."
"Lean in, let me take over from the universe, you don't have to do anything here."
"Even if you're not completely focused on it, and taking notes and studying, it'll still be entering your brain, and you will learn something from it."
"You've got to find a way to break out of that passivity, the so-called obedience docile attitude of having someone always needing to tell you what to do."
"Just standing and avoiding nothingness, not interacting in any way."
"You want to be as passive as possible to save your career."
"So many people float down the river of life without ever even putting their paddles in the water."
"Stay comfortable, stay a spectator, stay quiet, stay calm, have no passion, be dead, don't set anybody free."
"Evil men will burn down their nation so they can rule over the ashes, and weak men will watch their nation burn so they can sit among the ashes."
"A passive mind can create a copy of somebody else's creativity."
"It's funny because we talk about how people don't want to stand up."
"Stay safe everyone, stay healthy, and of course stay passive. See you next time."
"People are sitting back, waiting to be saved."
"Life can just pass us by and we can just roll along with it."
"I was sitting back and watching all this happen... nobody is letting this go."
"They just went along with something, the sheep."
"Do you want it to be toxic, or do you want it to be more passive?"
"One of the most selfish things you could do is to merely consume what others create in a state of passivity."
"Be angry and sin not. Don't ever let it settle, don't ever become dormant, don't ever become passive."
"I personally always like to think of investing as a passive endeavor."
"Greens will usually take the back seat and avoid taking action."
"It just acted like he was just sitting back watching it happen."
"People get off on telling you there's just so many passive things that they can tell you you shouldn't do when in the name of it being literally not true."
"Lazy people are dangerous because they're willing to let others suffer rather than lift a finger."
"Living life passively is the worst."
"Listen, sometimes when things happen to you in life and then there's times where you make things happen to you in life."
"Lack of clarity produces passivity."
"Passive characters might come across as boring or generic."
"Even a passive agreeable character can become distinct if written within the right framework."
"One lesson of both Japan and the 1930s as well as other experiences is that passivity is not a good answer."
"I do see this person eventually communicating with you but they're going to be very passive about it."
"Your love should be active, not passive."
"Doing nothing is the best course of action."
"He's not in the cave, he's not researching anything, he's not trying to live a Bruce Wayne life, just sitting in the dark waiting for anything to happen, bored out of his gourd."
"It's like watching a movie. You can't change what the actors are doing, you just watch them."
"Passive immunity means you didn't have to do anything to get that form of immunity, it was given to you."
"Despite being generally passive and weak most of the time, Jerry has the ability to channel the inner strength to face his fears."
"The best play sometimes you can do is not making a play."
"To rest on that argument, to do nothing when people say or do hateful and hurtful things, to make no changes, to refuse to evolve, is a form of passivity that means no progress is ever made."
"Television is used as a kind of pacifier for babies and people, it makes you passive, no doubt about that."
"Passiveness is just as violent as the active people in the games."
"Passive people comply but never fully commit."
"Spiritual passivity comes on those who don't know who they are."
"Man, just let it ride, bro. You ain't gotta do nothing, man."
"Things that bother us, trouble us, disgust us, but we're passive, not active."
"Evil doesn't stop itself and neither do passive men."
"Too much submission takes away from the qualities of a man. Being too passive takes away from it."
"He was content to allow himself to be propelled by events rather than seek to influence them."
"Choose to be passive. Say nothing. Do not respond in the same way."
"There's no such thing as truly passive income with zero efforts."
"Passivity is not an option, and you've got to be decisive if you want to be a leader."
"Most people just allow their lives to be driven for them. They don't actually drive themselves."
"You see sometimes we don't receive everything that God has for us because we get passive."
"He's so mad naturally passive about everything, about everything. And like, you could go, 'Oh,' and then he doesn't react, and she goes, 'He wants me so bad!' every time. He's not even doing anything."
"Complacency and passivity are anti-growth."
"They're basically just sitting there."
"Tiana throughout the entire film is passively unwilling to step on anyone to get what she wants."
"American jews were silent ineffective divided timid self-absorbed weak afraid to afraid to provoke even more anti-semitism."
"The best action in some situations is non-action."
"It's not doing Christ did it, but also I want to say something about passivity."
"Fluoride makes a person passive and docile."
"...they're all content. They're just gonna sit there and they're gonna keep riding."
"If it's meant to be, it's meant to be, man. That's it. You just gotta present yourself there and just let it happen."
"Keats suggests that wisdom lies in awake passivity, in being open to receiving beauty rather than searching out knowledge."
"You're talking about somebody who's completely satisfied with doing whatever comes in their face or in front of them."
"If you don't do anything at all, you can't make mistakes."
"Receptivity isn't the same as passivity."
"Every deer that walks by hits it."
"Some people find it easier to just give up and lay there and just let things happen the way they happen."
"Your happiness comes within, even when you're someone that's meant to be a little bit more passive in this lifetime."
"Doing nothing is almost always going to be the move."
"Their passiveness keeps things from moving forward."
"Passive investors have no opinion about value."
"None of them are standing out on the steps, none of them are doing a damn thing."
"I was just along for the ride, bro."
"The fostering of political passivity... is caused by the economic insecurity, the precariousness of the position."
"An awful lot of our whole system of thought control, by that I mean education, television, family life, all sorts of things, is sort of geared to supporting that kind of passivity."
"Not doing is of course just to go with the flow not making oneself self-engaged in self-proximity."
"Nobody's driving the car, it just goes kind of. Fades off."
"Just let things happen, let them happen."
"Men who are passive are always part of the problem because they allow evil to win."
"Acknowledging the problem is the first step to overcoming passivity."
"Passive Rooks in Rook end games are almost always death."
"I think you should let life do you."
"A sorry Christian if he acts only on the defensive."
"In such a difficult time, this is a very passive form of resistance."
"The most dangerous person in the world is the passive guy."
"Inaction is an action. A lack of choice is a choice."
"Passive spirituality is the aspects of our apprenticeship to Jesus where it feels like God is doing something in us with or without our cooperation."
"When you accept things that you really don't want to accept, that's being passive and it's not being confident."
"The first half of life is more active and the second is more passive."
"The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams."
"Not making a choice is making a choice."
"Index funds are passive investments that follow the index like the S&P 500."
"You would merely be a passive observer of events, nothing more."
"YouTube in itself is pretty passive income once you get a monetized YouTube channel."
"If you look at the world as something that happens to you, then you don't have it."
"This is a cinema of the seer and no longer of the agent."
"The stock market is a mechanism to take wealth from the active to the inactive."
"A wrongful act can be an action but it can also be remaining passive."
"You must be born again, and you have no more part in that than you did in your physical birth."
"The events tend to come to you instead of you going to get them."
"The amygdala, which is generally associated with fear, threat, and so on, kind of gets a little more passive."
"If you don't make a choice, the choice makes you."
"The really good trades are the ones that come to you."
"Of all faults, only one is disgraceful: inaction."
"I practice inaction, and the people look after themselves."
"I'm a strong believer and a strong activist in sharing the message that doing nothing is doing something."
"Ahimsa is a passive state of refraining from doing any action that could directly or indirectly cause any harm or suffering to any person or creature."
"If people were more passive, if they go with the flow, if we embrace love and peace, then prosperity will follow."
"When you hear something, the sound comes to you."
"The worst thing you can do is just be passive and continue on and expect things to be different."
"It is the closest thing I have ever seen to passive income that's truly passive."
"We ain't in charge of nothing in Mexico, we're sideliners or bystanders."
"I watch a fair amount of YouTube... but I almost never comment."
"Action precipitates action, inaction produces more inaction."
"In the face of this revolution, people shut down; they become passive at a time we have to be more vigilant and more attentive as citizens and news consumers than ever before."
"It can be very passive if you set things up in the right way."
"The reason that I like dividends is because they are a true form of passive income."
"Every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance, so that you can remain ever sheltered, ever passive, ever ravenous consumers who can't free themselves."
"It's a lot like A Serious Man, where a guy just goes with the flow, he's just kind of living life, and all these things happen to him more than him actually having any influence over it."
"Passive static stretching is assuming a position while holding a limb or other part of the body with or without the assistance of a partner or device."
"Gravity gradient stabilization is passive; it just works because the physics of the situation say that it's going to work."
"You're sitting on the couch, you're watching TV, and your life's passing you by."
"Dividends is by far the most passive form of income."
"Stillness, a time to be passive and nonreactive."
"Not everything requires an action from you. Sometimes being passive is the right thing to do in any given situation."
"The Queen of Cups is feminine energy, and feminine energy is passive, meaning that we're not trying to force, we're not chasing, we're not trying to control; we're flowing."
"David was known to be non-confrontational, non-violent, and a somewhat passive man."
"You live your life in a coma; you're never awake."
"I'm not going to search; it's going to find me."
"It's not necessary for you to take action to make things happen because universal forces are lining things up."
"That's your life going by, you're not doing anything, it's your life, you gotta own it."
"If the verb is passive, the subject is the object of the action."
"The vast majority of misinformation is just stuff that's passively absorbed, passed on, and shared without much critical thought."
"It's amazing when we realize that Abraham was asleep and passive at the time that God made this Covenant with him."
"The gifts are of course God's operations in us; that is, He actually does certain things in us we have no control over."
"To simply react to circumstances, it sets us up to reflect those circumstances."
"I'm trying to get that passive income."
"I sort of just let college happen to me."
"Xavier is playing a very passive game right now."
"Life happens through us and for us, rather than by us."
"Inaction is a choice unto itself."
"I'll protect you, and you don't need to do anything."
"It's the most powerful of them all because it actually becomes passive."
"They've become essentially passengers in the commute of life."
"They've been a spectator in their own life."
"If something's coming towards you, let it come to you because the Empress energy, she attracts."
"Like you are the magnet, you just sit and you receive."
"Not making a choice is a choice because we're deciding to do nothing."