
Proactive Change Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"Optimism, for me, is not a passive expectation that things are going to get better. For me, it's a conviction and a belief that we can make things better."
"If you notice that you're not as healthy as you once were, then wake up and do something about it."
"You can make the world there for everyone, expect honesty from yourself and each other, demand and create truly equal opportunity, not eventually but now and tomorrow."
"Let's get it right this time and let's fix it moving forward."
"To me self-reliance is ultimately self-empowerment and self-empowerment isn't waiting around for things to change from the top down but it's about taking actionable steps today into things you actually have control over."
"Get out of that sucker and get into a better one."
"Chains do not break because of choruses, chains break because of choices."
"It's time to focus on things that might actually impact us."
"Be the person that creates the change you always say."
"We can make a choice now because we know the causes... I absolutely believe if we fight back we can win."
"This is your chance to make at least something right."
"I think the decisive factor here is whether we pull our socks up and cure ourselves of some of the weaknesses that we know evidence."
"Real courage is staring your regrets in the eye and doing something about them."
"It is taking the power... and reinvesting in ourselves."
"If you take it to the next level and you actually seek out treatment or you seek to change, that's amazing."
"Sagittarius, take off the mask, follow your heart, make it happen."
"I think the time has come that we do in history to find the biblical characters."
"If we are prepared to imagine a different future, we can bring about that future."
"Pinocchio really becomes an active hero once he makes the choice to change and escape."
"We can grasp it, we can imagine it, and we can dream it. We can make it real."
"I really think that I could help Gen Z wake up before it's too late."
"Our prayer raises a sound that begins to instruct creation to respond in a certain way."
"The train is leaving the station, and if you discover you're on the wrong one, get off."
"Just focus on what you can do... what can you do to change the situation."
"We can reverse chronic diseases and climate change."
"Staring your regrets in the eye and doing something about them."
"If you don't like that legal situation, I fully encourage you to take some proactive steps to change it."
"Make the changes now out of choice rather than when the herd makes the same choices out of necessity."
"We are the Muellers we've been waiting for, we are the Jack Smiths we've been waiting for."
"The best time to change was yesterday, but the second best time is now."
"Maybe it's time we took charge and shaped the social construct of virginity for the better."
"We must start by making small changes now, preferably."
"This is a wake-up call. You're not closed today, but this will be the result if we don't start now."
"We need to start making the motion to form the future we want it to be."
"You can either accept conditions as they exist or take the responsibility to change them."
"The best way to disrupt is to disrupt yourself before someone else does."
"We have the ability in our hands to make a better tomorrow for our children."
"You are your own roadblock... if there's things that you're not happy with in your life, you should definitely just be proactive in trying to change it."
"We must break from the not-so-obvious establishment and we must vigorously do it, we must expose them."
"The church must not simply bandage the victims under the wheel but you have to jam a spoke in the wheel itself."
"It's better for us to make the necessary adjustment now instead of being forced to make these changes later in life."
"We need a vision, we need action, we need to do things which make changes."
"How many more lives are we going to allow to be taken while we're content to make progress rather than actually solving the problem?"
"But running away isn't enough, we can't just run away from the bad, we also need to run towards the good."
"Mind-reading: this power could actually be pretty useful; you could find out if a girl likes you, find out someone's pin number, and if you used it in conjunction with the police you could actually help them find and stop dangerous criminals."
"Until enough of us are willing to say that and enough of us are willing to say, 'Boy, it's getting hot in this pot right now,' we better do something before we all boil."
"Do something about it. You want to be the victim or do you want to be the person that says you know what I'm the change that I want to see?"
"So instead of us waiting on the politicians to change why don't we just decide as a people that we're not just going to want people to give us reparations but we gonna take what's ours."
"We have to start a process where we care and what we think we can make a difference."
"Change your life and prevent the damage before it happens."
"We won't be so attached to those things, and we will be able to stand up and say, 'Okay, I'm going to do something about it now.'"
"It's a lot better to initiate change while you can than it is to try to react and adjust to it."
"If you're unhappy about something in your life, take steps to start changing it right now."
"Time to do away with all that because it's almost 2022 and we want to do a little ass kicking."
"Make changes now, don't wait for the new year."
"I could stay there and complain all day or I could make a difference."
"Get off the Bad concrete, Get on the Good concrete."
"This is our Georgia. We don't wait for change, we are the change."
"Hopelessly broken... just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy... instead of solving the country's problems." - The danger of cynicism and the importance of actively engaging to effect change.
"Creating new beginnings through our actions."
"It's time to starve the post-modernists at their source and educate students to avoid their courses."
"It's important for parents for anyone really to understand if I now do know better that you take action."
"Nothing was gonna change unless we went all the way down there, put the light on it, looked at it, and said, 'Whoa, let's fix this.'"
"We need to try to combat what's going on currently within culture."
"They want to offer a new beginning and create a tangible relationship."
"Accept change... embrace change and be the change if you don't want change to happen to you."
"We shouldn't have to have an apocalyptic event and have to rebuild when we could shift the paradigm and create that better world now."
"If you want to see a change, you should be taking steps."
"You saw danger and then you changed it... That's what every kid deserves."
"We can choose to start praying and start communicating with each other and start doing something about this."
"Let's work together on infrastructure out from under the rapidly approaching cloud of socialism. Let's make this happen a different way."
"It's time to act on making that world a reality."
"It's time to take action and start implementing those particular things."
"It's entirely within our hands. We actually have the opportunity to derail this entire business practice."
"It's time for a health revolution and we can all start by making better food choices today."
"We can catch up... if we speed it up... suddenly those timelines change dramatically."
"Unlike those poor souls in the distant future, we can do something about it."
"When you have anger you have to channel that energy into something that makes a difference."
"Can you locate where there might be stagnancy in your field of resonance and then take necessary action to cut it loose, to set it free?"
"Be the change that you want to see in people."
"We can do more damage by getting in on the inside than we ever can by trying to come against them."
"The starting point is you gotta be angry enough to take steps to make a change."
"Jared is not going to accept this future; instead, he has decided to carve his own better future."
"The way to improve the world is to work, is to create, it is to build."
"Either do something with it, make a change or shut up, because seriously you cannot be complaining when you get exactly what you asked for."
"It's amazing what happens when something has to happen versus a should."
"Don't fix it if it isn't broken, but I want to break through that glass ceiling."
"Don't be the victim, focus on changing your situation."
"To me, an ape is a person who's attempting to fix that because it impacts everyone."
"Someone's gotta do something. It might as well be me."
"The wisest thing you can do is make a decision from this point on."
"Nobody is standing still... they're moving forward... if we don't get our heads around... we're cruising for another summer of 2020." - Glenn Loury
"We need to rebuild, and that is exactly what we're doing right now."
"You have the power to make the changes you need to make. Transform your life and your situation if you see fit to do so."
"Change the things that you can change right now and move forward from there."
"If we want change, we have to make it happen."
"Change the energy around any aspect of self-doubt that you hold within you that might be stopping you from moving beyond thinking about something and actually taking it forwards."
"I believe that we have to create the change that we want."
"It's you and I that have the power to change the way we create our future."
"Be the change you want to see in the world; make a cave!"
"Step out of the great stands of life and into the fields that I have placed you to move forward."
"Props to Starbucks for actually doing something about it."
"Conscious change: to change something, you have to change something."
"Your frustration will never result in stuff getting changed, only the work will."
"Our ability to think critically about the past, make direct changes in the present, and work towards an imagined better future sets us apart from all other life forms on earth."
"Climate breakdown has begun, however, as like scary as that sounds there's something we can do about it which is stop."
"If we don't like what we see, we can either prepare or make some appropriate changes."
"She didn't wait for her circumstances to change, she went out and changed them."
"Accept the call to action, flow with change, and trust it'll all be okay."
"Nothing will change unless you get your hands dirty."
"Force that growth, force ripen this situation."
"Wake up and strengthen the things that remain."
"Easier to avoid hitting zero than to come back from it."
"Now is the time to take action in your life."
"Success is coming your way, sustainable long-term success. You're making new moves and no longer ignoring the issues."
"And lastly if you want to do something about it I'm going to point you towards this book."
"I see you taking action, I am seeing forward movement."
"Let's open the way to a hope-filled future with our very own hands."
"Let's start the revolution, let's stop talking about it."
"Always keep in mind: don't wait for the new year to change, change now."
"Avoid the tower moment; make a course correction."
"We are in a position to listen, be accountable, and act on the needs of people of color. That's it."
"Let's be a generation that wants to engage and agree with each other and fix all the problems earlier generations had."
"I'm really looking at my interaction with nature in a way that I can actually be positive for the environment, not sustainable but beneficial."
"Folks, be careful what you ask for, because we're doing it now."
"Energy activism, where you yourself are creating more of that which you wish to see in the world."
"I know what I need to do, I gotta be smarter and I'm gonna do it."
"There is positive change here when you take action, when you are in your power, when you don't back down from a situation."
"Make the first move and see if the change happens, and if it doesn't, move on."
"If you want changes to happen, we gotta make it happen for ourselves."
"I really, really, really think, like, as a whole, we should just stop watching these things. Like, next VMAs, next all of us, let's just not watch it. Let's not give it our energy. Let's just not."
"Give them the input, the changes you want to see very well could happen."
"Stop asking them to give us our rights, we need to challenge them."
"My father said only a fool would sit back and allow his enemy to teach his children. If we want change, we have to be willing to do the work ourselves."
"It's no longer enough for us to just be not racist, we have to be actively anti-racist to actually make a difference."
"Now is the time to take action. Whatever you want to change in your life, whatever your goals, your hopes, your dreams, your wishes are, there is a chance to manifest one to bring positive change to your situation, but you have to act."
"Take action. There's a big transformative message here that you are the magician who can bring positive change to your situation, and now is the time to use your skills, your tools, to fulfill your hopes, dreams, and wishes."
"Sometimes we are responsible for something not because we're to blame but because we're the only ones who can change it."
"This problem isn't going to go away by rhetoric. It's going to go away by action."
"More than ever we need to save the world and we can't expect someone else to do it for us we have to own that and do what we can to make the world a better place."
"Taking a responsible leap of faith will bring you happiness."
"You've come to kind of bring, introduce the future before it's happened."
"Even a cataclysm can be a great opportunity for change and growth, however, the seeds for that growth must be planted now."
"We need to imagine new, better systems and actively work to build them."
"Let's look at it realistically and then lovingly work on the things we can change."
"Empowers us to make changes to improve them."
"Instead of complaining about the world and how it is, why don't we start being the change?"
"Racism is something that people take seriously and actually do the work to resolve."
"You make a move, and when you know better, you do better."
"There's finally action being taken so your person is like taking action to move in this new Direction especially if they've been perhaps sabotaging their love relationships."
"It's all about correcting the mistakes we've made in this world."
"You cannot expect things to change unless you change them."
"We all have an opportunity to build a better world."
"If you don't like the situation you're in, I advocate for you to take action."
"Sea is definitely the problem here but she didn't start the fire it was always burning parents definitely could step in at any moment and change the dynamic and do the right thing."
"Don't extrapolate the past; invent the future you want."
"This person is not like I'm just wishing and hoping my way to a better life, this person has the momentum and the trajectory and they are actually making changes in their life."
"A vacuum is never good. Put off, put on immediately. Don't even let there be a gap. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another."
"It doesn't have to be overwhelming. The things that we're exposed to on a daily basis do impact how our bodies function, and we should at least be aware of this and make changes as we can."
"If you don't like something, then what are you doing to fix it?"
"If I had known what I know now, I would have done it sooner."
"I'm ready to action change and rather than just set out these big goals, I'm actually looking at the little small steps."
"You can't wait around to make whatever change it is you think you need to make."
"What can we do today to deal with certain effects that are coming, and what can we do to break and reverse the long-term trend?"
"Before your people are in the streets, give them reforms, allow them to have a voice."
"I just actively want to become a better person, I don't want to just sit in a funk."
"Eventually, I decided to stop waiting for something to change me. I had to make the change myself."
"You don't have to wait until things are at their very worst before you make a change."
"Implicit bias is malleable... we can unlearn what we have learned and be proactive and intentional about embedding this into our decision-making processes."
"If something makes you insecure and you want to fix it, go for it."
"This can be the best thing that ever happened to you, but you have to choose to make it the best thing that ever happened to you and take drastic, massive action."
"Drive the change you want to see."
"You've got to improve your life while you can right now."
"If you're going to make a positive change, do it now and work the kinks out before the next group of kids come."
"That would reduce the amount of bags in the air and the pollution on Earth."
"Once you understand these factors, we can begin to fight back in two ways, and I think of it as defense and offense."
"Let's start thinking critically and fix this country."
"What can I do? How can I take responsibility for the change in this situation?"
"Don't wait for a tower moment before you make a change."
"I began to do a lot of introspection and I began to think I need to do something. Something good has to come from this tragedy."
"Stop waiting to make changes, take them immediately."
"What can we do now to make things better, not just for you but for everyone?"
"Create the future that you want to exist, manifest it, don't get just angry, use that anger to recognize opportunity."
"I am worried that the American Dream isn't going to exist for our kids in their generation unless we step up and actually do something about it."
"When you acquire new learning and you need to reorganize your life, don't postpone it."
"It's about you making it happen by getting clear on things and not being afraid to disconnect from things that are not serving you in order to make room for the things that will."
"Go towards change, move towards change, make the change that you want to make."
"Don't allow beautiful opportunities that are supposed to be yours to pass you by because you allow something from the past to hold you back instead of setting it right."