
Spirit Quotes

There are 3907 quotes

"Punishment will never fix anything, and what it is doing is breaking spirits."
"It's not about your bloodline; it's about your spirit. Do you embrace the American Spirit?"
"I love my body, I love my face, I love my spirit."
"This food has spirit, life to it. It'll change this place just like Mama used to make."
"The bond we have, the team spirit and the team feeling we have is unbelievable."
"The spirit that will always carry us to better days."
"Without a ball, it's just a court. Without your spirit, it's only a game."
"This sort of spirit that Endeavor is channeling is the truest sort of Shonen spirit."
"Generosity isn't about how much you have; it is the spirit that it comes from."
"We're relying on that Australian spirit of looking after each other as we get through the difficult months that are ahead."
"The real heroes here are the students...they showed incredible resilience and spirit."
"The spirit of freedom cannot be wiped out in mankind."
"When the ego weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found."
"They feel like you have a really colorful spirit and you stand out."
"We may not be Power Rangers anymore, and our Wild Zords may be gone, but their spirits still live within us."
"What more would you love other than a good personality, a good spirit, and good intentions?"
"I like to think that there is something after death. I wouldn't want to reside as a spirit. I think that'd be kind of depressing."
"A connection is when our spirit recognizes our match."
"We have a new spirit, each person is now, but our body is an earth suit of all our ancestors together."
"No weapon shall prosper against your determined spirit."
"Focus on connection... look at connection as your spirit recognizing its match."
"I can risk my life if needs be. Fighting isn't about technique but about instinct and heart. One tough guy will stand, another tough guy will fall."
"Much like Alma herself, its spirit will continue to live on no matter what happens to it."
"Spirit of both man and canine, a relationship that is older than written history itself."
"They can silence your voice but never let them silence your spirit."
"We don't have much here, but what we do have is fighting spirit."
"The spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."
"Fire represents spirit, just a ferocious, uninhibited, strong, powerful, life-altering energy of spirit."
"A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?"
"You may try to kill us, but you will never kill our New York spirit."
"His spirit and fight to keep going never once did he say, 'I don't want to try.'"
"And I remember you, you make me stronger. Remember you, you left my spirit."
"The spirit and technical skills are both critical for a team's success."
"We may be separated by miles, but we are deeply connected in mind, purpose, and spirit."
"Your spirit is so amazing and captivating, and no matter what people might say, your heart is pure."
"I felt a weight was lifted off my heart just being in the presence of people who embody the spirit of Minnesota."
"We must give our best spirit to all our tasks, even the ones we do not like."
"The real issue that I wanted to bring up is, is that pioneer spirit still within our hearts?"
"I love seeing the good spirited people that are there."
"The name Freedom celebrates a fundamental human right and unencumbered human spirit."
"Christmas spirit is not something on paper, it's something you feel."
"There’s nothing this larger-than-life spirit can’t do!"
"There's no weapon in our arsenal in the world that can match the free spirit of peoples fighting for their homelands."
"We have to redefine what Christmas spirit truly is."
"You're not just job creators, you empower the human spirit."
"You cannot kill my spirit, and my spirit will lodge in your body and haunt you until the day you die."
"He is the amalgamation of the indomitable human spirit."
"Age is nothing but a number; it's all in your spirit." - Rick Wilson
"He was himself at the end... Such a great spirit."
"It's not just about the win, it's about the fight."
"The spirit of the people of Hong Kong, I think about it as the spirit of free China."
"Strolling here, you feel a positive spirit - both rugged and pragmatic, celebrating life."
"You delight in the love of life and bring a spirit of fun to all that you do."
"The only way to defeat us is if they take our spirit."
"Democracy is not only procedural but also a living spirit."
"The strength of the human spirit is our ultimate power."
"He had an indomitable spirit." - Jennifer Grant
"Marlo's the commander now! Oh my God, the leader spirit!"
"The game ultimately captured the spirit of guardians of the galaxy."
"It is that American spirit, that American promise, that pushes us forward even when the path is uncertain."
"This rebellious spirit is being kindled or inflamed. It's being fueled By what is known today as the climate change crisis."
"Your spirit remains when you go out like a soldier."
"No Christmas is where I go all out, it's my favorite holiday of the year and nothing can stop my Christmas spirit."
"A stirring ode to rebirth and the enduring spirit."
"Follow your own spirit, then you're going to win."
"They feel you have a playful and joyful spirit, letting your inner child shine."
"It is a testament to humanity's unyielding Spirit of exploration."
"It was almost as though they were proclaiming that while Hood may be dying, her spirit will live on and she will have her vengeance."
"The spirit fire of the American people always reigns true."
"An epic drama celebrating the indomitable spirit of humanity."
"Remember her as the free spirit you see in her fun YouTube video."
"Spirit is like enjoy bae enjoy it for all it got juice all those happy energies oh yeah."
"The spirit of man and woman is growing to such power."
"We need to get into that competitive spirit; peaceful competition is achievable."
"You are not, you cannot be contained, your spirit cannot be held down."
"It's not the steel that wins, it's the spirit."
"No surrender, no retreat, and no failure... for they fight for every single soul born on Krieg."
"You are a living testament to the power of faith, determination, and the indomitable human spirit."
"Creativity ... is an integral, organic property of human nature ... It is a necessary accessory of the human spirit."
"Your spirit gets squashed, your spirit is your joy, your spirit is your dream, your spirit is your desire, your spirit is your life force."
"They keep the spirit while making it work in live action."
"This isn't good versus evil, right versus wrong, this is team spirit, pure and simple."
"Story is one of Triumph resilience and an indomitable Spirit."
"Keep blessing people because your spirit especially as a group really translates to so many people."
"His spirit is alive and well out here in Los Angeles."
"There's a great unity, great spirit, great esprit de corps."
"We always focus on the positive, the positive spirit, the positive American tradition."
"The spirit of the living creature was in the wheels."
"Be of light heart, good nature, good spirit."
"We have to have more energy, we have to have more spirit, we have to have more sacrifice."
"The spirit of Texas is alive and well. It is a larger than life spirit that says no, we are going to hold on to liberty."
"Their perseverance in pursuing their interests and ambitions demonstrates their indomitable spirit."
"It captures the human side of the rebellious spirit."
"What's the point of the holidays if you can't be nice to people, you know?"
"Absinthe's bad reputation has more to do with its association with artists and bohemian misfits than any actual psychoactive properties."
"Spirit is the most important thing. It really is. You can be so talented if you haven't got the spirit."
"They have an amazing spirit, they're sacrificial."
"Regardless of what your body may be experiencing, your spirit seems to be fully intact and bright shining so bright."
"Everyone trapped inside kept their spirits up and made the best of their situation."
"You know what the point of it is for them to break your spirit until you're nothing. So to refuse to do that is like a type of revenge."
"Hornet refuses to yield, her spirit burns bright, defying the odds."
"It's raggedy, it's disrespectful, it's mean-spirited, it's an unclean Spirit, quite frankly."
"They faced overwhelming odds with indomitable spirit and never faltered."
"This is what the fighter's fest is all about."
"The coyote is nature's wandering wild spirit."
"You are virtue as I see your essence despite your adversities, hold fast to the belief in your generous Spirit brimming with profound sentiments."
"You are an unbreakable force, an unbreakable spirit."
"Never underestimate the underdog: even small creatures have mighty spirits."
"There's this can-do spirit of all the young people there."
"Heart and Tradition: BC's Spirit in Boston's Heartbeat."
"His spirit never dies, he's not going anywhere, his shell is no longer here but his spirit and everything he has been to all of us is never going to die."
"You are someone who is exceptionally radiant, you have a very positive spirit."
"Let our fiery spirit clash in a blaze of glory!"
"Long Way's strong spirit wouldn't let him be defeated."
"It's not necessarily the size of the guy... it's basically the spirit and competitiveness in his heart."
"That's what separates a champion from a mediocre fighter."
"You can kill the body, but you can never kill the spirit."
"Nothing's going to break my Christmas spirit."
"I believe that what Harlan Ellison has written here is a fantastic triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity."
"True victory lies not in domination but in compassion, understanding, and the strength of spirit."
"No matter the obstacles we face, the human spirit has the power to overcome and thrive."
"These people are not celebrating your success; they're celebrating you because of your spirit, because of your greatness."
"It was also a testament to the fighting spirit of those on the ground as the Soviets clung by their very fingernails to the city and threw the Germans back."
"These videos are fun; it's fun to see the wild nature of this state and what kind of things people get up to."
"I want to have a quiet Spirit that's not easily angered."
"A horse personality is fully awakened, fully alive, and cannot be defeated."
"The spirit of the Southwest comes alive."
"It's not about the points, it's about the celebration."
"You have a genuine sort of spirit of curiosity."
"I think this case is a tragedy but also a triumph of human spirit."
"The old soul remains young at heart."
"These words are spirit in our life."
"A merry heart does good like medicine; a broken spirit dries up the bones."
"Your spirit is literally unbreakable."
"Where's your soul? Where's your spirit?"
"Those who are joined to the Lord are one spirit with Him."
"You're not separate from spirit; you're not separate from the world."
"As we reflect on these remarkable players, we're reminded of the incredible human spirit they embodied: resilient, passionate, and inspiring."
"Take a deep, slow breath in, tuning into body, mind, and spirit, and feel yourself smiling as you feel that joy bubbling up inside of you."
"Life might have roughed him up but it hadn't killed his spirit."
"Such nice people; it's like this world hasn't damaged them, it hasn't damaged their personalities or their spirits."
"Despite his gruesome state, Miyamoto's unyielding spirit refused to succumb."
"You don't deserve to be attacked, especially your spirit here."
"You can be broke but you cannot be broken."
"Spirit is indestructible and it's immortal; it doesn't die."
"You guys have a fighting spirit, as fighting spirit you are a champion for your cause."
"Discerning your spirit will allow you to shine because your spirit will always lead you where you're supposed to be."
"You're living your passions, allowing your spirit to drive you forward."
"We got heart bigger than our feet."
"Your essence speaks for itself; your spirit speaks for itself."
"Spirit is all about serendipity and magic and synchronicities."
"Rule over your spirit, can you discern your spirit? Because if you rule over your spirit, then you have power."
"The spirit is strong enough to heal its own wounds."
"You're adventurous and people see that about you."
"I ended up talking about... there's a level of, like, a spirit of independence to camping."
"Spirit really did have my back all along."
"The Christmas spirit cannot be measured in terms of money."
"There's going to be a breakthrough, Spirit is breaking these chains that's holding you back."
"Your spirit is ridiculously strong... you didn't come here on this Earth to be a little weakling."
"The heart is the main driving force in the eternal spirit."
"Your spirit is more powerful than anything on this physical plane."
"The applause... was a testament to my resilience and the triumph of the human spirit over adversity."
"Here's to Teddy, may we all be as rich in spirit."
"It's also about the spirit of who we really are."
"It's through that fighting spirit that we can coexist."
"Our universes may be different, but our spirits are the same."
"It's not the size of the opponent, but the size of the fight within."
"Without money, clothes, or friends, yet my spirit did not quail for a moment."
"He's a little confused, but he's definitely got the spirit."
"Spirit will never speak bad to you, spirit will never put you down."
"Despite being labeled a traitor for aiding Avatar Aang and his companions, Iroh's perceptiveness led him on a journey to the spirit world."
"This charismatic little ape could absolutely be imbued with a mystical spirit."
"He stands as the personification of fighting spirit and daring to be great."
"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
"God's address has changed into your spirit, into your heart."
"Creation happened out of spirit's desire for expression and companionship."
"It does speak to a part of our spirit."
"The spirit of Earth has granted human beings creative spirit."
"Attraction is your spirit and your soul being invoked, even against your will."
"Keep on rocking, keep on rolling, and keep that retro spirit alive."
"You can feel the spirit in the air, and that's a really cool thing."
"I just reunited with my spirit, it came back into my body, and I burst up out of the water."
"At least your spirit was going up, not down, huh? Headed the right direction."
"After being completely consumed by Flames, Hercules' Spirit ascended to heaven."
"It's just warrior spirit, it's this heart, it's this courage, the determination."
"The Spirit of God came powerfully upon David from that day on."
"His indomitable spirit and refusal to conform have left an indelible mark on the industry."
"I want people to look at me and be like, 'This girl is so beautiful,' not because she got like the latest clothes, but because her spirit is what stands out."
"I feel younger in my spirit now than I did 10 years ago."
"The union of the movement of the spirit and the spoken word is what produces the miraculous."
"The spirit of Jiu-Jitsu would forever be a part of who he had become."
"You're so generous with your spirit, your love, and the way you treat people."
"The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek."
"Although metal may be stronger than flesh, it is not stronger than spirit."
"The spirit of giving to others is a core part of the 3D printing community."
"You can't extinguish that kind of adventuring spirit."
"The guardian suggests that the duration one can remain in Samadhi within the cave depends on the strength of their Spirit."
"It's a spirit of marriage; it should be there at the start and it should never die."
"Mikasa's spirit is indomitable, and it always has been."
"It takes strength of spirit not to override an inner knowing with social pressures."