
Mind Power Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"The way you use your mind really does change your brain and body in an instant."
"From this day forward, you now know the power of your own mind."
"Your mind is your most powerful tool. If you have that motivational, very powerful, and realistic vision in your mind, whether it's for career or personal attributes, it will change the way you behave."
"The power of the mind either to heal or to harm is profound."
"Man can release more result-getting power in one hour of concentrated use of his mind than in 24 hours of physical work."
"Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to achieve success, happiness, and fulfillment in your life."
"The miracle of your mind holds the key to unlocking your full potential."
"You can regulate and change the biochemistry of your body and learn how to deal with physical pain by activating your own opioids using the power of your mind."
"If you want it bad enough, it's going to come. My mind is powerful."
"I feel more confident. I feel like, like how powerful the mind is and perspective is."
"The mind is so powerful, the mind can take me through space and time. I can basically travel, I can time travel, leaving the body in one place and sending the Mind somewhere else."
"We have a mind within us that can inspire, create, and bring forth the most wonderful thoughts."
"As always, you create your own reality, and you do so with your mind."
"Your subconscious mind is so much more powerful than your conscious mind."
"The mind is so powerful, it's so unique, it could do many things, and you are the one that is responsible for the thoughts that enter your mind."
"I really do believe that there's a superpower in my mind that allows me to manifest what I want."
"I became fascinated with the power of the mind."
"If the human mind is powerful enough to make yourself sick, it's also powerful enough to heal you."
"Heal your body by thought alone, create something in your life by thought alone."
"Your mind is a very powerful thing too. I realized that you could convince yourself of anything."
"Yuri Geller says he'll use mind power to stop nuclear war."
"Remember, your mind is a remarkable tool and your emotions are the fuel that can propel your dreams into reality."
"The mind is insanely powerful and there aren't as many people that can break it down as clearly and instructionally step-by-step."
"Miracles in your physical world depend on how you, as a spiritual being, choose to use your invisible mind."
"It's not just about visualizing and wishing, it starts in the mind. Everything that has ever come to be started in someone's mind."
"I think the human mind has abilities that we've barely touched on."
"The importance of belief... is just one aspect of the bigger question of the power of the mind."
"If you knew how powerful your minds really were, you wouldn't have a thought or say something you didn't want to be true."
"Through the power of your mind, you can be, do, or have anything; by consciously using your mind in the correct way, you can ask the quantum field for virtually anything, and it can't say no."
"No matter what you may believe about voodoo, there is no doubt that the mind can be one of medicine's most powerful tools."
"My mind is my tool to use in any way I wish."
"There's no limit to what the psychic mind can do."
"The mind is limitless, streaming with possibilities."
"Faith, the mover of mountains, the worker of miracles, is the conscious mind acting on the subconscious mind."
"Your subconscious mind is the creative mind."
"The power of your subconscious mind makes everything happen."
"The power of your thoughts become the things that shape the reality of your life."
"It really does make you like really think about what is actually possible, how powerful our mind really is." - Dr. Joe Dispenza
"It's amazing what your mind is capable of and I learn every single day so much more about what my thoughts and how I think basically controls everything in my life."
"What if I told you that you could improve your health and slow aging with just the power of your mind?"
"The mind has more power than you could imagine."
"Your brain doesn't know the difference between the imagination and reality... it actually begins to build the circuitry and the neuro networks in your mind."
"The power of your intention, the power of your mind, it's powerful."
"Everything is generated in the mind; man creates his own destiny, the conditions of his life, his misfortunes, his joys, everything is his own work."
"Maybe they cultivated powers of the human mind that we dismiss and regard as completely unimportant."
"The power of the mind is demonstrated by how quickly the changing of a thought impacts the entire physiology of the body."
"The power of your mind can make you believe that you're really strong."
"Mind Over Matter here, everyone. Your thoughts have power; our mind is a powerful force. You create the change that you want in your life."
"What you manifest in your mind will come true most times."
"Isn't it amazing how powerful our minds are?"
"Our minds are so powerful; we have the ability to... make things better."
"The idea behind it is that your mind and your thoughts could have an impact on the environment around you."
"It's the mind power that can determine what your body should do and should not do."
"The mind has power to change reality."
"Remote viewing is the practice of visualizing and gathering information about a location or other target from a separate location using only the power of the mind."
"The mind is powerful beyond belief."
"If the mind is that powerful that you can make yourself sick, it's also powerful enough to heal you."
"It's like the epitome of the power of the human mind."
"This is all done through the power of the mind."
"It's all about the mind over matter, the imagination. It's so powerful."
"You'll discover how to tap into the true power of your mind, power that can make your life better than ever."
"When you learn to harness the incredible power of your mind, you can achieve anything you set your heart and soul to."
"You are the ruler of a kingdom and whatever you think and feel becomes the law of your kingdom, the law within your body."
"There is a power in the human mind, if developed and focused, that can move stars and planets."
"The power of the mind is limitless."
"After all it isn't Vader's mechanical hands that do any of the force manipulation it's all from the power of his mind."
"The entire world is a projection of our mind. If we hold an image in our mind without any resistance, then that image will be projected into the world."
"I started an engine with my mind, that was [ __ ] awesome."
"If the mind can create a blister, can it not uncreate a tumor?"
"Manifesting is the ability to use the power of your mind to change and create the reality you experience."
"The power of the mind is awesome and never more so than when the body is beyond physical cure."
"Concentration is barbell training for your brain because you build mind power."
"Your faith should be in the creative laws of your mind and in your understanding that there is an infinite intelligence."
"When you come to a definite, clear-cut decision in your conscious mind, your subconscious will definitely respond."
"Tarot functions on the power of the mind and the mind is extraordinarily powerful."
"The mind does not differentiate between that which is imagined and that which is experienced."
"The mind is so very powerful, to test the power of the mind they took a football team into a special room."
"The mind is so powerful that companies will pay 2.4 million dollars for 30 seconds during a Super Bowl football game."
"And to some extent, you can control what you experience because our minds are very very powerful."
"There is no separation. The mind comes first. The mind is more powerful. The mind creates the physical."
"Why repetition works, why saturating your mind works, why persisting works, why it is important to bring your manifestations into your reality."
"Our minds are capable of so much more than we think."
"The mind can make substance and peoples planets of its own."
"Your mind is in control of everything."
"Daydreaming is a powerful attribute of the human mind."
"The mind is the most powerful part of our being and the hardest to control."
"The magic box is a form of mind over matter."
"The power of the mind is brilliant, brother. That's spirituality."
"Your mind is very powerful. It's very strange if we knew the secrets, and then maybe it's better that we don't know those secrets."
"It's mind over matter. Burns aren't real, buddy. 100% pure adrenaline."
"Our conscious mind is the master of our subconscious mind; the subconscious mind is like a garden while the conscious mind is the gardener."
"The mind isn't sick; it's just the body that is sick. When the mind is accessed and becomes powerful, it can do huge things for your own body and heal it."
"Many people talk about the mind, but very few people know what it truly is and just how powerful this mind can be."
"If you realized how powerful your mind was, you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true."
"Everything in reality is symbolic; we are creating reality through the power of our minds."
"It's mind over matter; if you have no mind, it really doesn't matter."
"The mind always has a very impactful way of making you do things that you just wouldn't believe that you can do."
"The doors of the mind can be opened into corridors of unlimited possibilities."
"Your mind is incredibly powerful."
"The mind is capable of manipulating the brain and creating the person we want to be."
"We are not soulless zombies enslaved to the physical workings of the brain; the mind is an active, real force to be reckoned with."
"Your mind is a field of potential in which there are all sorts of residual energies that are left over from your life."
"Our mind is such a powerful thing, we don't realize that literally the things you think, you really can trigger other things to happen."
"It literally showed how strong our minds are and what it can do."
"If we learn to harness the power of these tiny antennas in our brain, who knows what kind of psychic superpowers we might unlock."
"You're the living example of mind over matter."
"If your mind makes it real, it then physically manifests in you."
"It's crazy how powerful your mind is and how easy it is to limit yourself."
"For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich."
"A well-developed mind is actually a wish-fulfilling tree, whatever you want it will produce."
"Raj Yoga is actually the way of attaining the highest in human life just by the powers of your mind."
"The mind has the sustaining and controlling power over breath and vital forces and is therefore ulterior to both of them."
"As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment."
"The mind is a powerful thing, all you have to do is believe in yourself and commit."
"You're able to use your mind to be able to bring things into your physical world."
"The power of your mind is manipulating what energy points are going to cater to you and what your intention is."
"The man who understands the law can accomplish wonders by means of the development of the powers of the mind."
"The subjective mind is the builder of the body."
"Our thoughts have actual control over elements of our brain chemistry."
"The mind is a powerful thing, and it can really persuade you to do stupid stuff and it can really entrap you into your own prison."
"Because anywhere our minds can go, we can follow too."
"The mind is such a powerful thing when you believe something so deeply."
"Your mind is more powerful than a weapon."
"The single most powerful asset we have is our mind."
"The mind is a powerful thing; if your mind believes that, your body will follow along."
"Use the power of your mind to manifest what you want."
"I believe that the mind has the power to affect groups of atoms and even tamper with the odds of atomic behavior."
"The power of mind by which material objects are influenced, is much more than idle theory."
"Your mind holds the key to unlocking the direction of your life."
"It's crazy how powerful your mind is."
"But perhaps even more powerful is the mind's ability to manifest a glorious vision for your future."
"The mind is the most powerful thing alive."
"So science shows us how to use this powerful mind. How to renew our mind, how to bring thoughts into captivity."
"The mind has this incredible power to see alternative realities than what's really happening around us."
"Can our minds, our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs ever heal us?"
"I believe in how powerful the mind is."
"You have the power to do anything that you want, we all do, and it starts with this, our brain is a very powerful force."
"The Mind controls the body, the Mind controls the world."
"The mind reaches out into the future and can, under certain circumstances, foretell just what is going to happen."
"The mind is so powerful that you cannot just allow mediocrity to just mess it up."
"The mind is very powerful and never loses its creative force. It never sleeps."
"Never underestimate the power of the mind."
"Manifestation is the act of using your mind, your imagination, or otherwise the contents of your subconscious mind to deliberately reshape or create your reality exactly how you want."
"The mind is very powerful, you could do anything you want, there's no limit."
"Our minds are the most powerful thing in the whole of our being."
"If you've ever wanted to change the future through the scientifically proven power of your mind, then do we have the real magic show for you."
"We're really learning here, and you talk about a future time where aliens, if we want to call them that, are able to travel. They won't need propulsion; they will just use the power of their mind."
"The significant importance of the way that the mind has the power to intervene in serious illness and to help us through clarity and positive thought processes to really transform human suffering on many many levels."
"Your truth creates reality, your mind is so powerful."
"If you understand the mind, it does what you tell it."
"Everything in the world is created by the mind, created by consciousness."
"There is nothing impossible to the mind that creates and sustains reality."
"It's amazing what we can manifest and what we can create just using your mind."
"How we create a new future for ourselves, our country, and the world through the power of our mind."
"Your genes have to be activated, they have to be switched on, and they switch on by your incredibly powerful mind."
"The power of your mind, the size of the intervention affects your certainty and how quickly you heal."
"I can bend it with my mind, 'cause there is no spoon."
"The power of your mind is that it fixates on evidence in your reality that supports your belief system."
"Now we're beginning to understand there is a thin line between magic and what we call mind over matter."
"The mind is a very powerful tool; the mind is going to determine where or how successful you actually become in life because the things you think, the way you think, the way you process information actually matters."
"Don't deny the power of thoughts and don't deny the power of the mind."
"The mind is more powerful than anything else and powerful means dangerous if you don't know what you're doing."
"The mind can create a heaven out of hell and a hell out of heaven."
"We create everything within our minds."
"We create our life with our mind."
"If anything, this story shows just how powerful your mind and your thoughts really are."
"The power of the mind is very, very convincing."
"The holiest of holies, our mind, has the ability to bend and shape all material matter."
"You can create your entire reality through your mind. You guys are so much more powerful than you think."
"I am a huge believer in how strong and powerful our mind is."
"The key to this is that we can harness our subconscious mind through repetition."
"The most powerful thing in the world is our minds, ladies and gentlemen."
"Use the power of your mind to reach backwards through quantum technology."
"Our minds are extremely powerful... the placebo effect is extremely powerful."
"Our mind, our thoughts become our reality."
"Your mind can take you places that your body can't."
"There are no limitations to your mind, what it is that you can do, what it is that the Divine can do."
"What does that say about the power of the mind, about the power of what we think we're good enough to receive?"
"You use your mind and your words to manifest things into this 3D reality."
"The power of the mind is so strong that it can even override physical interventions."
"The power of our minds, we underestimate it; we should work perhaps more on our minds on what we think, how we think."
"Visualizing what you desire, what you want, and using your mind as a sacred space to achieve and to succeed."
"It's amazing how powerful our minds are to bend reality and manifest what we want in our lives."
"If you believe in what you're trying to achieve, the power of the mind is incredible."
"Your mind is very, very powerful."
"If you really want something, believe me, there's nothing your mind can't do to bring it into your space."
"If you knew how truly powerful your mind was, you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true."