
Groundedness Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"The more grounded you are, the more mental clarity you have, the more capacity to be more attuned to yourself."
"The people I have around me, my manager, my trainer, my dad, the people I'm with pretty much in everyday life... They're always there to give me a little kick when I need it and keep me grounded."
"I'm not a clout chaser. I stay true to myself, my family, my friends, and that's what keeps me grounded."
"People saying I'm down to earth is one of my favorite compliments."
"It's a time of trust and allowing yourselves to be open to possibilities, yet remaining grounded."
"You have to be grounded in what you're doing in order for it to work."
"This person is very confident, very grounded, they know what they want."
"It was very overwhelming at the same time I think my experience and maturity helped me kind of remain very grounded."
"I feel incredibly grateful, really light, and super grounded too."
"I think because I have a family I am grounded, right? I'm motivated and again, and I don't question that for a second."
"They're very grounded, balanced, and sturdy."
"You cannot be stuck in trying to be perfect but there are things that many of you can do right now if you change up your focus to make sure that you are more grounded to allow this to build."
"He was very grounded and very like protection."
"Staying grounded... was the biggest thing I learned."
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."
"Overall you will need to be grounded in your actions."
"Tracy is definitely the black sheep of the family but she's really the one that's the most grounded definitely."
"You are very grounded, stable, and family-oriented."
"Couldn't be more humble. Couldn't be more well grounded."
"They're somebody who works really hard and is very grounded."
"Politics is the bigger danger, and so I kind of feel more of a need to bring those people down to earth."
"This person is very grounded, someone who has learned their way to feel their way through life based on emotions and their gut feelings."
"You're very nurturing and grounded in regards to family and family situations."
"You're really humble, really down to earth, and people love that about you."
"They're very humble, very grounded, very nurtured, and very in tune with nature."
"We are massively earthed, we are grounded, we enjoy the dance."
"It's something about your comfortability right now, you're coming off as very grounded, balanced."
"I feel like the person that you're going to be with in terms of the next chapter is going to be really grounded."
"You're very, very grounded right now."
"I knew exactly what I tried to do... I just wanted to put my foot firmly on the ground."
"You love people and you appreciate their talent, but then when you get to know people and see that they're also grounded, you appreciate them even more."
"I feel a lot more grounded and I feel a lot more in tune with my body."
"You do not let yourself get carried away in these fantasies."
"Even if you guys are like really popular or really successful, you're very down to earth."
"They love how nurturing and grounded you are."
"Needs are things you can be grounded in."
"On the ground, stay on the ground."
"You have a grounded healing energy."
"You're very nurturing, very grounded, down to the Earth, present within the world."
"It's so different than how I think about my own life but then I see how much it's you know how much you've healed and and sort of how grounded you are it's like something I admire."
"You're not gullible; you're not easy. You're very grounded, is what they love about you."
"I think one of the qualities in the Widow that I love and am interested in is that she's grounded in something very real, which is, you know, this kind of... I think she has experienced a lot of trauma."
"Stay grounded, clear-headed, and face the truth of the situation."
"Keep yourself grounded, take action, and don't get stuck in a fairy tale."
"Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground."
"Expansion and improvement in finances with a grounded approach."
"I feel like with the Queen of Pentacles energy here you are somebody who really wanted something solid and grounded you know with this commitment with this person."
"He's not a grounded person, yeah, no, in any way shape or form exactly."
"They're grounded and enjoy solitude, finding peace in nature."
"The best thing about it, however, is when something is so far outside the Realms of reality being presented in a way that is incredibly grounded."
"People s*** me out, but I don't know. I've just always been quite humble, grounded."
"Staying grounded doesn't mean you don't adapt to change."
"Oh I love it it's so absurd like it's it's spoof but it's like still grounded you know."
"You're very present in your body. You're so present in your body it looks like you're almost growing from the ground up."
"They view you as somebody who is reliable, trustworthy, and grounded."
"This person views you as this gorgeous Queen of Pentacles, you have your life together, you're also very gorgeous and you're really grounded."
"European country gives me the kind of grounded kind of feeling when it comes to the culture, you know, like not loud but having like something material in insight, you know."
"He sees you as a grounded dreamer."
"Keep your eyes on the stars but remember to keep your feet on the ground."
"You are very grounded, they'll love your stability."
"The way that I see this is you guys creating a safe space for yourself, creating a home for yourself here. You have the ability to create a home, a space of groundedness."
"You inhabit everything that you do I think so beautifully you bring so much truth and so much groundedness and so much Humanity I think you brought her so much Humanity."
"You're very dependable, you're very grounded, you're very dependable."
"You were so loyal, you were so grounded that at times it could be hard for you to walk away from things even if they're no longer serving you."
"I'm down to earth, I'm a man of the people."
"A tree has roots in the soil yet reaches to the sky. It tells us that in order to aspire, we need to be grounded, and that no matter how high we go, it is."
"You want to fly high in business or in life, you've got to keep your feet on the ground and stay rooted to see what matters the most."
"The ground, solid ground. No disrespect to the Swiss, but I prefer living la vida terra firma."
"It's really important to be really grounded as much as you can be."
"Just always keeping your feet on the ground and not ever thinking you're better than anybody else because you're not."
"Keep your heads in the clouds and your feet planted firmly on the ground."
"This feels like a very mature energy, a very grounded adult energy."
"Being present and being grounded, that's what's important."
"It's important that we don't rush, that we just take the time to help us feel nice and grounded."
"I definitely want to work on making close friends who are not in the industry, who are more grounded."
"It just feels planted to the ground, it feels secure, it feels stable."
"Don't forget to stay curious and stay grounded, and I'll see you in the next video. Bye."
"You can still have nice things but you gotta stay grounded."
"You come across as very grounded to people."
"He is really grounded in reality."
"You should keep your feet firmly on the ground and check reality on a daily basis."
"Take a humble yet grounded approach to your life right now."
"I have not related to any character ever as much as I related to Tress honestly... she is like just so grounded and so practical."
"He lived with his feet firmly planted on the earth but with his thoughts the thoughts of heaven."
"How big is your spiritual chord and how grounded are you?"
"If you're flying too high, keep your feet on the ground."
"You embody earth energy, very grounded but spiritual."
"You're a spiritual type but also really down to earth."
"I've never been that type of person, you know. I've always tried to keep my feet grounded on the ground."
"Rooted in reality at the end of the day."
"...how much more grounded I can become and how that will really help me with my anxiety."
"Dika's story and issues are the most grounded amongst the main cast."
"This is the energy of self, being grounded, wanting to settle, wanting to provide, wanting to do their thing."
"Always stays on the ground, always."
"Of all those things, he's just such a humble, down-to-earth, grounded guy. And so to have him and also the great Ron Cephas Jones on set, just having both of their energies with us, you can't beat that."
"You're so grounded. You are very selective of who comes around you."
"I really like a down-to-earth, level-headed person."
"You're grounded, stable, and protected."
"You're gonna feel so loved by them, you're gonna feel so taken care by them, you're gonna feel so nurtured by them, so grounded because of them."
"You seem very down to earth and very grounded, so it's very refreshing to see that."
"When you do have success, stay grounded."
"We want to make sure that it's comfortable, it's balanced, we're still grounded."
"You have to try to stay as grounded in the truth as you possibly can."
"Stay humble, work hard, and stay with your feet on the ground."
"Staying grounded, staying grateful to do what you love, and understanding that you have great support around you is what I need to focus on for me to be my best."
"We're very grounded and we're very humble."
"I learned how important it is to keep your hooves on the ground and be there for your friends."
"Stay our grounded, it's 2:00 almost, so we're still good before major traffic."
"I love that feeling of being very grounded in a place and experiencing how life takes place around a Piazza."
"We were able to build it and hold our message and stay grounded."
"You have a soul contract to not only come down to earth but to be down to earth."
"You look like a sweetheart but you look down to earth."
"He's a humble man, and she's down to earth too."
"Stay grounded, stay balanced, stay open-minded, and stay adaptable."
"Willie seems to be a really down-to-earth person and uh but also real smart, like he understands what's going on right around him."
"Like a mountain, you are grounded, you are steady, you are present."
"It's just a blessing to be able to have two kids that are grounded like that."
"I like being on the ground and I like to be in control."
"Right now I am on cloud nine; I'm floating, but my feet are on the ground. It's just wonderful to be here."
"Very powerful negotiation... stay true to yourself and keep your feet firmly on the ground."
"I just wanna fly away but I can't seem to keep my feet up off the ground."
"You're very grounded but very spiritual within oneself."
"I love you, you're really grounded."
"We want heaven in our eyes and dirt on our feet."
"It's very important to stay level, grounded."
"Earth represented being grounded, Roots, it means connected to your resources or resourcefulness."
"They see you as very grounded, very connected to nature, very practical, very stable."
"You're very tied to the earth, very in tune with natural rhythms."
"I'm looking for an attractive, well-rounded young lady who, while she might have her head in the clouds, definitely keeps her feet on the ground."
"Groundedness requires actual groundedness in the ground."
"I love you guys and love the fact you're still so grounded and have common sense."
"This bike is very, very grounded, very supple, very comfortable to ride."
"Every app needs to set up some sort of evaluation scaffold, and the retrieval for evaluation could be particularly valuable there with groundedness being extremely important."
"Flyer than the handle, higher than the bald eagle, but I still remain grounded like the surface right beneath you."
"...if you're incredibly open your heart's open your belly soft you're relaxed and feeling grounded then you'll pick up a lot more from someone."
"I like to think that I'm down to earth."
"He's a really humble, smart, down-to-earth guy."
"We're not worried about how high you're getting, I just want it to be grounded."
"I want us to do this from a place of groundedness, and I want to bring peace to the situation."
"He wants us to walk with our heads in the clouds with him, but our feet firmly planted on the ground."
"I'm very grounded and spiritual and God-fearing."
"It's got this mix of extreme campiness and wholesomeness that echoes that of some of the MCU movies while maintaining that sense of groundedness."
"You wind up in the Empress energy, beautiful, in touch with yourself, someone who can enjoy the simple pleasures and somebody who's grounded in love."
"I'm down to earth, it's like I'm frozen, but the world still turns."
"People feel abundant around this person; they're very grounded and practical."
"At the end of the day, I still live in the same apartment, I still have the same friends, I still have the same family."
"He is down to earth; I've never seen the guy have an ego trip."
"Keep your feet planted on the ground."
"They seem famous but they're completely down-to-earth."
"My feet are on the ground, I'm just a normal person."
"I always end up feeling super grounded and appreciative of my life and just like the little things in love."
"I think being grounded is one of the most important parts to be successful."
"She's just so refreshing to be around and so like grounded and down-to-earth."
"I'm real, I'm down to earth, and I'm loyal as hell."
"Is it also possible to be born immensely advantaged and still be a decent, grounded person who is grateful for what they have?"
"I am very loyal, very down to earth, very affectionate, and I'm also successful."
"Remember to stay grounded... difficult times happen, challenges will happen."
"I'd rather be friends with Maddie because I feel like Maddie's a lot more down-to-earth."
"Keep your feet on the ground, it's very good advice."
"You're very grounded and balanced, you can balance out masculine and feminine energy."
"The further I go, the more places I see and the more people I meet, the more grounded I am."
"Worms are in fact very skilled poets on the whole, interesting as they are both very grounded in a literal sense but they also don't do a whole lot so they have a lot of time to simply think about life."
"I believe in trying to stay grounded and keeping it real because just like that, it could change."
"Stay humble and stay down to earth."
"You've always come across as someone so grounded and humble."
"It's very rare to find in one person the big vision thinkers and the people that are grounded."
"Stay grounded and keep in touch with family and friends and people that care about you."
"I had my feet on solid ground for years."
"Just remember where you came from, stay grounded."
"I feel so grounded and like the smell of the air."
"He wants to be a flower among many, he wants to stay grounded."
"It's about humble and kindness and it's about staying grounded no matter how far along in life you are."
"You're all grounded and practical and glowing and happy."
"You have to just balance it, stay grounded."
"You know what they did, you're very wise, you're very grounded, extremely intuitive."
"Charlie is rooted, he's grounded, he's a deep foundation kind of guy."
"I'm looking for a man who is compassionate and gentle, someone who's grounded and down to earth."
"Honoring the different phases of life brings a lot of perspective and groundedness."
"Isn't that nice? It's good to be this grounded and humble."
"Let your head and mind reach to the stars, keep your feet grounded on Earth."
"I'm just trying to keep as level a head as possible and finally keep my feet on the ground."
"They're steady, they're grounded, they're cool, they're chill."
"I think we're always going to try to stay grounded."
"Come on down on the ground, my favorite place to be."
"I always try to train how I want to play and remaining pretty grounded."
"You deserve someone who's stable, grounded, consistent."
"It's so important to have that sort of sense of peace and groundedness."
"I've never felt this grounded in my whole life."
"The more grounded you are, the more logical you are about the situation, the better the situation will be for you."
"You're very grounded, and you're perseverant, and all of that together means that you have your blessing."
"Both of you guys are either earth signs or you guys are incredibly grounded."
"Keep two feet on the ground and keep your eyes to the skies."
"It's not ridiculous, it still feels really grounded."
"You're a very grounded energy they're attracted to."
"You're an active listener, you're very down to earth."
"These people are very grounded, but they've got a flighty type of grounded."
"There's something here to be said about being grounded and remaining stable."
"You feel very grounded, very zen, very good."
"You're grounded, you're practical, you're reliable."
"Stability, the physical world, nature, practicality, solid foundations, be patient, being rooted and grounded."