
Investment Strategies Quotes

There are 666 quotes

"The closest way for you to get actual exposure to the American economy is to invest in the broader stock market as a whole."
"Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a framework used by investors to evaluate a company's performance and sustainability based on its environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance practices."
"All humans have strengths and weaknesses; all investment strategies have strengths and weakness, and you got to diversify."
"Wealthy people become wealthy because they built a real estate portfolio, they built a multi-million dollar business, they bought stocks that appreciated over time."
"I've never met one who doesn't have a large holding of physical gold."
"Remember, there is not one future share price of a company, but rather a range of possible outcomes."
"Real estate could operate very well as an inflationary hedge."
"Risk can be hedged through long, short, and absolute return investing."
"Multi-family real estate is the most leveraged asset that the average American can actually buy."
"Something spooked Warren Buffett out of holding airline stocks in the US."
"If they listen to me, they're gonna drop half their gold. I've been saying 10 percent of gold since 1983, and now I say five percent of gold, five percent Bitcoin."
"For a lot of people, selling stock is kind of a mystery game for them. It's almost like they're rolling the dice whether they should continue to hold, sell, buy more, buy something else."
"The first rule that he has is he'll sell the shares if he can expect a higher return by trading into another asset."
"Investing, holding, dollar-cost averaging, and following the 50-25-25 rule will help you achieve financial freedom."
"Preferred stock is wonderful because it basically gives you a rate of return, sort of a dividend payment, it gives you the first rights in the event of a liquidation event... you get the best of all worlds."
"If you really never want to have to worry about money again, you need three different types of investments: an investment that's going to pay you with income, an investment that's going to give you growth of your wealth, and an investment that's going to protect your money."
"The consistency of investing matters more than the platform."
"Would you in all your days have 70 of your portfolio be a call or put option? I'll tell you, I wouldn't. I wouldn't personally."
"Understanding options chains and how to read them is crucial for options trading success."
"If you're new to the space and you really want to make generational wealth here's the reminder: you must buy mid to low Cap altcoins."
"Money held in bank accounts is a terrible investment idea."
"And all around the investment world today, people are chasing return."
"Why would you want to invest so much if you're going to pay the same as if you were still just making it back home or in another country?"
"Yield farming is a good way to earn some money on crypto that you plan on holding anyway."
"The slow and steady way to invest seems to work the best."
"NFTs are one of the funniest easiest ways to make money but also one of the biggest most deadly traps in all of crypto."
"People just get obsessed with this cash on cash return idea."
"Just remember there are many paths to get to the same end result that we all want which is basically just to end up with more money than what we started with"
"We're all in this together. So great point, guys. Just because Uncle Bruce is bullish on GameStop more so than AMC, that doesn't change the fact that we could be bullish on AMC as well."
"We all want that homerun trade that can earn us a significant amount of money."
"Selling puts is the secret way that Warren Buffett actually became rich with his Geico company."
"Trading weekly options is a high-risk high-reward activity."
"Rule number one to investing is don't lose money. Rule number two is see rule number one."
"Remember, amateur investors say 'Is this a good deal?' Professional investors say 'How do I make it a good deal?'"
"This is exactly the type of analysis that you're going to need to do if you're a potential buyer, investor, or seller trying to make the right decision."
"Profit taking could also include just taking a small amount out."
"Can you handle the risk associated with the trade starting with small size it helps set a foundation for risk management because you simply cannot afford to make big mistakes."
"Leverage is the use of borrowed funds from your brokerage in order to have a bigger position size than you would be capable of having with just your cash balance in your account."
"Crypto is actually just charting of human emotions."
"Yield farming is the process of token holders maximizing rewards across various d5 platforms... think about it like this: dividend investing on steroids."
"Narratives drive money flowing into markets."
"Equities are an avenue to preserve wealth; they are less risky than cash and government bonds."
"Diversify risk, don't let yourself lose your hard-earned money."
"Both diversification and active management are important."
"It's about increasing your money, your coins, your holdings, and then putting it to work and earning more money with that."
"Deflation means the prices of things go down and the value of your money ends up going up... the complete opposite of what happens with inflation."
"Diversification preserves wealth, but concentration builds wealth."
"I have made more money when I have been lonely. I have made more money in sectors that people are either bored of or hate or are afraid of because I've been able to buy absolute values."
"Risk reward was one of those concepts that I picked up very early."
"That really illustrates the point of compound interest and that we should really be trying to squeeze every percentage point possible out of our investments."
"Don't fault yourself if along the way you make a mistake or you miss a stock."
"Passive investing: a long-term investment strategy."
"The advantage of a total stock market index fund like this is that it's so comprehensive and so diversified throughout the US."
"If you really want to make money from stocks, you gotta be willing to take risks."
"Understanding when a stock has begun to reverse is key to finding the best opportunities as well as knowing when to cut losses."
"Combining both confirmations to find the position where the odds are most in your favor."
"Be diversified, hedge your bets, own some gold because I think we're in that inflationary game right now."
"I mean it's really hard to go wrong if you just look at the top 10 or 20."
"Seven percent on top of seven percent, holy cow! We're already two years into our rule of 72."
"Investing in Lordstown Motors: not a sprint, but a marathon."
"Price changes, but what doesn't change for me is that I'm always bullish. I'm always building. This is just my approach."
"Books on the stock market can offer some of the best insights on investment philosophies."
"It's going right according to plan... We haven't nailed every single price prediction dead to the day but it still got there."
"That's exactly what it is, picking up pennies in front of a steamroller."
"Bull markets make you money, bear markets make you rich."
"The name of the game is patience. The name of the game is hold. The name of the game is diamond hands because that's the only way you make money."
"You don't sell because you want to win and the only way you're guaranteed to win in the game of crypto is to hold."
"Developing a skill on risk management, portfolio management, basic charting, and understanding fundamentals is very important."
"Investing in tried and true is not wrong, but investing only in the past I do believe is wrong."
"Generally the best approach is dollar cost averaging over time."
"Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered almost every single time."
"Have a plan to DCA in and have a plan to DCA out."
"It's never been cheaper to invest with zero dollar trades and fees."
"Value stocks are perceived to be trading below their fundamentals, like finding a hidden gem."
"Investing in pain, that's also why I bought owlette."
"Patience, patience, patience. Hold on, remove emotion away from it. Patience, hodl, and DCA, and you'll be set."
"The trend is your friend. Bet on the winners."
"Do your very best to ignore hype as much as possible when making your investing decisions."
"As an investor, one of the most important things is to be nimble."
"Tesla is now my biggest position. I bought more Tesla stock this week than I have done since 2019."
"Crypto is all about narratives. If you invest in the right narrative at the right time, you can make hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of percent."
"Your home that you live in is an investment, it's an asset."
"The secret is they're not investing in Bitcoin."
"Short sellers and the people who are more bullish... balance each other out."
"The longer that you hold, because now it's a tug of war, yeah, it's a money tug of war between people that have the hedge funds that have billions of dollars."
"You guys say okay, you've got five notable top and bottom indicators saying we're not at the top."
"I'm the type of investor of set it and then forget it. I dabble into ETFs and mutual funds and index funds."
"Trying to find the next Amazon or the next Google probably isn't in their best interest."
"Is it worth me going through a bunch of annual reports to find that one home run stock? Hell yeah."
"Overestimating our abilities leads to poor diversification."
"Gold is the safety valve in your portfolio. Who wants to own gold when you can make 100 percent of the day buying GameStop or AMC Cinemas as a meme stock?"
"Consistent investing practices are key to success."
"Starting small teaches position sizing and money management."
"So many billionaires stay as rich as they do by investing between 10 and 30 percent of their net worth in blue chip artwork."
"Let the nerds worry about it and own the broader indexes."
"Decentralization is key... but that doesn't mean it's eliminated from investing."
"It's not so much timing the market as it is figuring out what the client's financial situation is."
"The days of 'there's no alternative investment' are over."
"Everyone talks about how you should follow the four percent rule... you can retire wealthy."
"There certainly is a case to be made that... perhaps we will only go to the very top part of the lower regression band."
"Multi-timeframe analysis positively affects all stages of a trade."
"If we enter a bear market, I'll be here, tracking it with you. We'll find the best approaches to handling it, to building on it."
"If you wait over time, time in the market is more important than timing the market, okay?"
"If you're not taking out profits along the way, you're setting yourself for a very big fall."
"Remember, cash is king. It doesn't really matter exactly where the bottom is as long as you're patient."
"The only thing worse than losing a trade is missing out on a big winner that's the only thing in trading that really makes me mad at myself."
"Gold can be a really important insurance policy hedge."
"Inside you will find a full course that teaches everything from the complete basics of forex to profitable and advanced strategies you can use to pull profits out of the market."
"Covered calls are a solid way to collect extra money."
"I've met some of the most innovative American farmers."
"Indexes don't just come about because they're good investments, they come about because it's an opportunity for a management company to gather assets through a new ETF."
"If this happens wealthier investors won't give an f about short-term versus long-term capital gains anymore."
"You have to ask yourself what do I believe in more, do I believe more in momentum or do I believe more in fundamentals?"
"It's almost like the narrative has shifted in a way now full-on bullish narrative that I think even as the negative things can you to stack up I think they're going to be ignored."
"Smart money will wait for the right time for DCA."
"Diversifying your portfolio with alternative assets is more important than ever."
"This is the big boy, the mega backdoor Roth."
"If you're the best in the world but that 55 to 60 percent of time more than pays for all the times that you're wrong."
"It's easier to get a great rate of return when you're working with smaller amounts of money."
"Finding these little wrinkles in the market can provide you with great opportunities to get high returns."
"Don't write off small cap companies as pure speculation without doing additional digging into the actual company."
"You invest in companies you believe in... play defense and get back on offense."
"Opportunity lies in understanding cryptocurrency fundamentals."
"If you can't explain... why you own a stock, you shouldn't own it."
"Just because the stock is three down from 100 doesn't mean you should buy it."
"It's really important to understand what you are getting into when you invest in a company. These are just my opinions, so don't take them as fact, just take them as a source of information and use it to guide your own investment decisions."
"Once it does that drop, once people have the opportunity to buy the top and sell the bottom, great! We get to go make new all-time highs again."
"Do we like DeFi? Do we like altcoins?... Value investing in crypto."
"SPACs are the ones getting absolutely burned but everything else like index funds...are doing totally fine."
"I'd rather have bitcoin than a bond in an inflationary scenario."
"It's never wrong to take profits, even if it's 1%... Trust your plan, not your emotions."
"I'm going to show you guys exactly how to leverage yourself inside of the stock market in a responsible way."
"People always tell you to invest your money but never tell you how to invest your money."
"It's really betting on top of betting right i mean it's it's."
"This is absolutely enormous. It's a small position, two percent of their cash reserves."
"Anytime we see an economic slowdown it creates opportunity in the markets because now it allows you to come in and buy Investments assets whether stocks real estate cryptocurrency businesses whatever it might be at a potentially discounted price."
"Once you understand these Concepts, you'll be able to go out there without me talking about it without any hand-holding, you'll anticipate, you'll know exactly what the Market's likely to do more times than not."
"Smart investors right now are keeping a very, very open mind and understanding that literally any outcome is on the table here."
"There's no right or wrong way to do this. It's just what suits your mission and your goals. If you have reached those targets then you've succeeded. It's as simple as that."
"Part of this is just about trying to understand markets, how they work, look for opportunities and navigate them accordingly."
"There's no shortcut to it, you will go into charts, you will study, you will look at old data, you will back test."
"Now you can build a whole asset portfolio that can continue to pay you."
"The biggest investment mistake that so many people make isn't that they invest their money into a fund with a high expense ratio. It isn't that they invest their money into the wrong assets. It's that they never invest their money."
"The primary reason I invest is to one day reach financial independence."
"One of the best ways to lower your risk of investments is to diversify them."
"Learn, invest, repeat. Start small, grow smart, achieve financial independence."
"So, that's really all it is. That's the first step, finding the right type of stock to trade."
"If you're not buying the dip, you should be hodling."
"There will never be one single investment strategy that's perfect for everyone."
"The best thing you can do as an investor is learn the rhythm of the market so that you can navigate these es and flows and you'll wind up buying high and selling low."
"If you're smart, you want to do a limit order."
"The dips are being bought. We need to break the $30,500 level and then it's free sailing up until about $45,000."
"In order for me to believe a new all-time high could come for Bitcoin, my mandatory requirement is that I would want to see a new all-time high in the stock market."
"You should know about Dems. It's about D-E-M-Z. Dems is the first investment product that attempts to deliver performance and exposure similar to what you'd expect from the S&P 500 without all the Mitch McConnell."
"It's about pips, it's about percentages, and then there's that many be able to make that percentage compared to other investments."
"Understanding the stock story reduces investment risk."
"You know what I think that's what I'll do today I'm going to add a little bit to pound here uh even though I know it increases my cost basis a little bit I'll I'll add a little bit to pound here."
"A small correction does not make a good time to sell, it makes a good time to buy and load up more."
"Knowing this, what does this mean for Equity investors? Should we be staying away from the markets or is this going to present opportunities for buying in things at the cheap?"
"Picking a stock based on whether they pay a dividend or not isn't a proven method for achieving outperformance."
"Just because you bundle something up, call it diversified, does not necessarily mean that it's a good investment."
"An alternative to trying to time the market is to do a dollar cost average system."
"Time is on your side and you should stick to your long-term investment plan."
"You can also compound your money by investing in companies on the stock market that are reinvesting their profits."
"Maybe I don't love this versus Bitcoin, but this seems like a pretty good risk-adjusted return for my money."
"A little too high for by the dip, personally."
"If you're going to buy calls right now and you're going to buy puts it's a Fool's errand."
"We're long-term investors as opposed to short-term gamblers."
"I'm a better businessman because I'm an investor, and I'm a better investor because I'm a businessman."
"CDs are not wise Investments so today in class I proposed to them a five percent CD for six months and as a class we wanted to know what your recommendation would be to make that investment."
"The perfect example of this, of a long term investor, is actually Warren Buffett."
"There's a lot of opportunity to create alpha that's beyond just bitcoin."
"Mutual funds are managed by investment professionals or a team of professionals under a fund manager, so you can feel confident knowing there's a pro in your corner helping you make the wise decisions with your hard earned money."
"Yes, you can be a millionaire off a dividend portfolio if you're willing to work hard and stay consistent."
"In investing, the best thing to do is nothing... It's best to simply remain dispassionate about all the emotionally charged things."
"Diversification is the holy grail... to achieve return while taking very little risk."
"It's when you give people houses and say Here's all the money you need to get in or guess what you don't have to put any money down okay fine I'll buy a house I'll buy houses all day long with no money down."
"If all stays to plan for this week we should actually experience a bitcoin golden cross very soon."
"Technical analysis will always be the cool kid on the block but value investing with strong fundamental analysis will always allow you to sleep in peace."
"If you want preservation of wealth, put it all in physical. If you want to trade the gold price because you like buying it and selling it, play the ETFs."
"Listen, everyone has different ways of doing and investing in the market. I have my own way. None are guaranteed, none are perfect, but have your voices heard. Do not give up on making sure you get a level playing field. That's my message to you."
"Weak hands is what's going to get you destroyed."
"It's very hard to sell atop and buy the bottom, even though in hindsight it's like, ah, obviously that was the bottom."
"Instead of going for lottery ticket Investments, you can now invest in conventional markets and still achieve a pretty good long-term return."
"When I see my money actually working for me, yes, because what I've learned from wealthier people is that real estate is that form of when your money is truly working for you."
"Is it beneficial just to throw money in an index fund, throw money in a good mutual fund, and just let it rock?"
"Strength during the dip is strength after the dip."
"When the rich go shopping, they go to the stock market."
"You don't have to start with $50,000. Anything crazy. Start with a few hundred and then build your way up."
"Real estate, cryptocurrency... where do you put your money as a hedge against this crazy inflation right now?"
"I'm into assets that are alive and producing income."
"I just believe with all of my heart that if you're getting started, one of the best vehicles can be an ETF, and an ETF that follows the S&P 500 index fund."
"I'm just hodling. It's a good approach as well, everybody."
"All the marbles are in play... we could be looking at a situation where we see massive green candles."
"Everybody in the audience, little tummy check: protect your capital first, grow it second."
"Time in the market is a little bit more important than timing the market."
"When there is blood on the streets and people are panicking and freaking out and people are telling me 'Don't invest,' that was a sign for me that sentiment was so negative it's actually the perfect time to invest."
"Value investors are looking to buy when the price is below the value."
"The key here is to try to keep your money invested within the account for as long as possible so it has time to grow."
"Real estate and private Equity have been popular alternatives for high net worth investors but there's a physical asset that's historically shown resilience during inflationary periods like these."