
Upliftment Quotes

There are 1655 quotes

"Bringing us up, bringing everyone together, and lifting everyone up."
"It's uplifting. I guess that's the word. It's all about uplifting and vibrancy and health and being your best self. I think that's what life's all about."
"We need more people... lifting each other up."
"If we can help people with the basics, they can rise up."
"Have you laughed today? Find your joy, lift your soul."
"If you're having a bad day or you're just kind of feeling down, it's really a nice song. It's uplifting."
"Your greatest contribution to humanity is your own self-realization as you uplift yourself, you have to lift everyone else around you."
"Your word in Job 5 verse 11 says, 'He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.'"
"When we are empowered, we have the power to educate and assist and uplift others."
"When you get it, reach back, pull someone else up. Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living; aspire to make a difference."
"Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, and in due season, he's gonna lift you up."
"It's possible to uplift everyone and yes, we can address equality."
"Never tear nobody down without extending a hand to lift him up."
"This is about being surrounded by your soul family, being surrounded by people who make you feel good, that uplift you."
"It's important to support and uplift our communities right now. What better way than with Postmates helping you order that food."
"Love lifted me, when nothing else could help."
"I will tell you everything I know, like I'll just give it out as fast as I [can] because I want to live in a world where other people can rise up."
"God knows how to lift you up when people try to push you down."
"I'm very proud of the energy that we share and how we choose to raise each other up."
"Achievement is not just about reaching the top; it's about the journey, the growth, and the people you uplift along the way."
"I hope y'all get me, man, y'all know that I do work like the fire, I'm here to lift y'all higher."
"It is one of the highest responsibilities of our government to see them, to see their dignity and to lift them up."
"The beauty of the scene was strangely uplifting."
"We're here to uplift the community, not compete against you."
"I came out of this quite satisfied and feeling rather uplifted."
"I believe that it is our duty to uplift others and bring out the best in them."
"We're all humans, no matter our occupations or titles, and if we can connect through our pain and uplift one another, that's what it's all about."
"You guys are natural healers, here to help people uplift and raise their vibes."
"If you help me reach those that matter to me, I will raise up those that matter to you."
"If you consider yourself a progressive or leftist, the whole ideology is to want to uplift people."
"The only way that Jesus is lifted is when you are lifted too."
"They feel emotionally supported and uplifted when they're with you."
"Let's be proud of uplifting those around us and let's not be so proud about a number."
"You will never see us use our platform to hurt or bring anybody else down, only to uplift others because what is the freaking point?"
"We shall be bettered, empowered, lifted, illuminated, and gain understanding from having been with you, in Jesus' name."
"We have the potential to uplift every man, woman, and child on this planet."
"When you learn some game, you share that game with somebody else and help them elevate."
"They're lifting you up and they're like we got you."
"You're actively helping bring up people around you."
"Let's acknowledge and uplift the fact that we need to celebrate."
"The greatest exercise you will ever do is to lift somebody else up."
"Everybody was helping each other, raising each other up."
"Flow from gratitude, celebrate and lift up the people around us."
"Christianity isn't a religion... originates from God."
"Lifting each other up is going to benefit all of us."
"Elevating one group of people does not mean the same as putting another group of people down."
"Thank you for lifting me up. Thank you so much for this really beautiful intentional powerful exceptional conversation."
"Your love keeps lifting me higher and higher."
"Rise Up, Lift the culture and bring back the human dignity that we need in our country."
"I recognize what I've been given and it is my job to uplift the voices of others." - Dwyane Wade
"Islam came not only to teach people nobility but actually came to uplift them."
"Let God lift you up, and that is the pathway to relational health."
"Thank you, love you both, and thank you for brightening up our otherwise dreary January days."
"We have a responsibility to the uplift of our descendants."
"Real patriotism means bringing people together, lifting people up, and improving each other's lives."
"You want to be the one to get everybody out the hood and make a better life."
"We need our brothers and sisters to keep us lifted up."
"We have seen people that were depressed and oppressed and the word that God gave them at that moment brought them out."
"It's a powerful positive energy that makes us feel supported and uplifted."
"They feel like you are these light workers that are here to help uplift the planet."
"This is a moment where truth is going to be uplifted. There is no way for truth to be uplifted without uplifting this movement..."
"When you want to be uplifted by love, it's hard to think of a better song."
"Charisma can really lift you up, can really lift other people up."
"Something's coming unexpectedly to lift our spirits because we're feeling like we're being abandoned."
"Elevate everybody around you because then we'll all rise together."
"Uplift yourself as you uplift others, your guides champion you."
"The help that will give you rest is coming to you, the help that will bring your lifting is coming to you."
"I try to be informative, to be provocative, and to uplift."
"You're having a rough day and need a little bit of a pick-me-up, all you need to do is turn on SpongeBob SquarePants and take a cue from the show's main character." - Narrator
"Let's uplift people instead of tearing people down."
"The opportunity lies in supporting and raising your level of vibration."
"I am here to uplift those I love, adversaries may arise, but fear not, for no harm will befall you."
"You're here to uplift people, uplift humanity, uplift life."
"Create positive energy around you, try and make others feel better, try and uplift others even when you're not feeling it yourself."
"We rise by lifting others. It's basically me not only bringing myself to America, but also bringing everything else: African food, African fashion."
"You don't have to think so lonely or sad or whatever, it's just all the other guys are always lifting up."
"The world really can change... if we lift the bottom of society... it makes the whole world a better place."
"This is a place where we're here to uplift, support, and love black people."
"Choose love not fear. Just a reminder to keep your consciousness uplifted."
"Forget that 144,000 persons... it means humanity as you are lifted up."
"Together we can lift up every forgotten community."
"There's something about this connection that is lifting you both up into a higher perception."
"Thank God for comedy. Comedy will always give us a lift."
"Society only works if we collectively participate and lift each other up."
"Having knowledge is the key thing, having a wise storm will lift you up."
"It's not about punching down, it's about helping others up."
"Embrace their differences, embrace their lifestyles, and wholly lift each other up."
"Meeting, conversing, savoring the moment, feeling uplifted, and friendship."
"I just want to upload videos to help raise people's vibrations, give positive affirmations."
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."
"Your intuition is definitely helping you guide, helping you out of a situation and lifting you up."
"Love is supposed to help you, love is supposed to build you up; love does not suppose to sit up here and make you feel bad about yourself."
"Thank you for being who you are, thank you for carrying the light, thank you for rising above."
"Marcus Garby said Each one teach one Marcus Garby said when you climb the ladder each time you go up a step you reach back and you pull someone else up we forgotten that principle."
"There's something shifting now that is lifting us up, that is showing us what we've moved through."
"When you encourage someone and you witness their spirits come up, your spirits can't help but come up too."
"Success is using the talent that God has given you to elevate other people."
"When we lift each other up, we all rise."
"This is a time of lifting you up... going into bigger spaces like bigger brighter places."
"This era post-war gave the working class a massive step up out of poverty."
"Simplicity and purity will lift your spirit."
"Your lifting has come; your rising has come."
"Ocean Jasper is the happiness stone... it lifts your spirits if you're feeling down."
"Conversations feeling uplifted in friendship."
"Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, and he's going to lift you up."
"When it's a good match for you, it's going to feel good and uplifting for both of you."
"When Praises go up, people go up too."
"They deserve to be cherished and uplifted and treated with respect."
"We got to elevate, we gotta pick each other up baby."
"I use this platform every day to uplift and show people that we could love regardless."
"We're all here for a common purpose; we're here to uplift the black race, we're here to build, we're here to bring black excellence."
"I'm so glad I went because honestly, I needed a little bit of a smile and a boost today."
"I want to spread some positivity today."
"It's like people are kind of like accepting you with open arms, this role you're stepping into to kind of like encourage, uplift other people as well."
"It's super positive and always makes people feel better."
"Cast yourselves down before the Lord, and He will lift you up."
"They're going to lift you up and kind of save you from that critic within you."
"No matter how depressed they are, they go when they see Pagliacci, and then they are happy afterwards."
"It's like a breath of fresh air, it just feels like it's Wind Beneath Your Wings."
"Just like the wind, you pull me up when I was down."
"It can do your soul some good and sort of brighten your day."
"Everyone needs a Bob Ross quote just in case they start feeling sad."
"You are being uplifted, you're being redeemed, you're being delivered, you're being rewarded."
"He goes to length to empower those around him who were looked down upon."
"Make it good, make it positive, make it uplifting, make it constructive."
"Hopefully this video can brighten your day and make you smile even for an instant."
"Now we keep talking about uplifting races or even whole planets but in practice you might simply be uplifting small groups or individuals."
"God is near to the Brokenhearted and if you give me your soul I will lift you up in Haiti so that your light shines more brightly than everyone around you."
"It's as if that angelic connection is going to really elevate your vibration. You will feel that level of joy that we really can experience when we are touched by angels."
"This connection will constantly grow, it will constantly uplift."
"As you go out into the world, make sure you see something that inspires, say something that uplifts, and do something that makes a difference."
"Love isn't supposed to feel like that. Love is supposed to uplift you."
"This is going to lift the ships of everybody."
"The message of upliftment for black people still rings very true and is still very much needed."
"Let this conversation really be a beacon of light and uplift every soul that is here listening in."
"Sport is intended to uplift, genuinely it is uplifted."
"Design is one of those things that can uplift the spirits."
"It's just nice to know that I can provide a little bit of entertainment and lift somebody's spirits."
"You're not hidden from Him. Just continue to be faithful in the quiet place, and God says He'll lift you up in due season. Your season is here."
"I think we both got the same mission of really uplifting Jamaica through that of the diaspora and the people here."
"Finally, a fragrance that doesn't stick to your body but instead gives flight to your spirits."
"Injects that Joy back into your day"
"You are going to see an upliftment, there will be mindfulness, there will be a sense of abundance."
"While buildings may be sturdy and fixed to the ground, like all great art, they can lift our spirits, they can soar and broaden our horizons."
"Design does influence and lift them up until they're in a space that feels better."
"When you about to see each other, wherever you can see each other or talk to each other, they're uplifted."
"I'm always compelled to push that needle to positive and uplifting quirky for sure."
"I want things to make you feel good. I don't want to do rap that makes people feel bad."
"Hallelujah! Let us be lifted above unforgiveness."
"I feel like being around you uplifts my spirit."
"So, we finally were just like, 'This would be a great way to lift people up during a really difficult year.'"
"You have to be wise and beneficial to yourself, beneficial to your family, your people, to the mission of uplifting, inspiring, creating."
"God's word is able to lift us up."
"Life is about collecting lessons and to uplift and inspire the next generation to be the best that they can be."
"It is such a solemn feeling but also like The Wind Beneath Your Wings at the same time."
"This was a rough one. I might have to find like a comedy or something because I need to get lifted up."
"Your spirituality will be rejuvenated."
"Music brings people out of tough situations, healing and uplifting."
"They really know how to get you heavy but lighthearted at the same time."
"High vibrational individuals also inspire and uplift those around them."
"Levity in its essence is more than mere lightness, it is an upward force that counters gravity."
"It's good to be around people around whom you walk away from the interaction feeling a little lighter, a little bigger, a little more loved than when you started it."
"It sort of brought a smile to everybody's face."
"I express profound gratitude to you, Lord, fully aware that you are lifting me from the depths of rock bottom and positioning me at the pinnacle."
"You deserve to be uplifted. You always uplift people, now you deserve it."
"It lifted my spirits to talk to so many people."
"I'm interested in doing projects that uplift the human spirit."
"Morality always builds up and preserves, for that is its nature."
"My words are like a warm hug that lifts your spirits, helping you shed any sadness, confusion, or sickness."
"She's very uplifting and like very positive you know I love that."
"You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down."
"The garden really does pick up my spirits."
"I would educate everyone in the world because it uplifts society."
"It really lifted the spirits of everybody that was involved in the case."
"It's kind of like sunshine to a dark day."
"I want to be the person that lifts spirits."
"My goal on this channel is to share content that uplifts and encourages and challenges and inspires."
"I hope this video was helpful and if it was then uh you know I hope it made your day better for that."
"You deserve to be uplifted, to smile, to laugh, and feel joyful."
"That fish right here, he said he's seen one sunrise in his whole life, so he's gonna see another one up here. We're gonna make his day."
"Love lifts us up where we belong."
"For India, this is a pleasant upliftment."
"The Lord knows how to find you where you are and begin to lift you from the dumps of depression and suppression in which you find yourself."
"...the result of her solitary Labors was the rebirth of Seabiscuit, a little package of dynamite that not only ran fast but lifted a spiritually bankrupt nation from its knees."
"Love lifted me where nothing else could help."
"Still the sight of the baby colt resting beside his mama with his little legs folded under him was enough to lift her spirits."
"You definitely uplift people for sure, 100 percent."
"I actually feel like my mood is more elevated and I feel more inspired."
"The gift of Prophecy does three things: edify, exalt, and comfort."
"The Lord will revive you and raise you up."
"...we are literally healing and uplifting all of human consciousness."
"Sometimes we all need a little laughter."
"May your spirit lift and mount like an eagle, that they may come Encounter With Heaven itself."
"I just hope that pies are making their day better even a little bit."
"Your humor has helped me in those times that I felt the lowest."
"The whole world's currency is power but not indiscriminate power not power that harms power that uplifts you."
"God is bringing you up out of it now."
"Having somebody support you, pick you up when you're down, that's (beep) everything."
"Joy can lift us up. Joy can keep us walking in the places God wants us to walk."
"I just love how I feel when I listen to talks from our prophets and apostles, when I read the scriptures, and when I pray to my Heavenly Father, and when I go to church and learn about the things that um, our church teaches. I just feel so good."