
Expenses Quotes

There are 824 quotes

"Your taxes is one of the most important expenses you're going to have."
"With great power comes great electricity bill."
"People spend 16% of their earnings on housing, 14% on transportation, and 12% on taxes. Almost half of their income is literally going back out the door."
"It can be ridiculously difficult to get a decently fast car without being stamped with an insurance quote that tears your wallet to shreds."
"Everyone a lot of people have a huge number of expenses going down."
"I think colleges, if you look at what they're spending money on, they've really inflated the number of administrators they have."
"The problem with imagination is, someone's got to foot the bills."
"I'm not the only one who's noticed everything is getting expensive. We are in the biggest economic crisis since 2008."
"Lawsuits are expensive, stressful, and not an easy thing to do."
"The holidays are fast approaching and everyone knows it's the most expensive time of the year."
"For the vast majority of people... the single biggest expense in their life is government."
"Every hobby is going to empty your pockets, doesn't matter what it is."
"Galaxy's Edge: A place where you can spend nothing or splurge on lightsabers and droids."
"It costs a lot of money to create content believe it or not."
"Liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket."
"Cars are not cheap... some are so pricey that they'll literally drain your bank account of all of its funds."
"Child care was ahead of even things like housing and college as the biggest expense for Californians surveyed."
"Name a family expense that increases with each child."
"You gotta buy more clothes, come on, clothes, right? That's an expense."
"Being an adult is so annoyingly expensive but also amazing and freeing and lovely."
"The F-35 Lightning remains the overall most expensive weapons program in the history of mankind."
"This is the locker I paid $810 bucks for, plus the fees, so it's about $900 bucks."
"But here's the thing, the spouse that is on board is going to always control and be reasonable about any expenses."
"The only thing that changes is basically rent and transportation."
"If there's one thing he would have done differently it would be that he'd have more people playing Fallout 76 24/7 and getting a lot of feedback and correcting all the issues before saying pay us."
"The food on board is all included except for if you dine at restaurants with a supplement."
"Maintaining and modernizing military forces is and always has been an expensive business."
"Disney Genie Plus: Is it a game-changer or just another expense? Find out now!"
"At least fifteen hundred dollars - it's a lot of money."
"You're gonna have to spend quite a bit of money on advertising... Straight up."
"Health insurance and healthcare: essential expenses for digital nomads."
"I think in the month that I've known you, I've spent like four thousand dollars on you."
"If you're a 40 taxpayer you're looking at around about 100 pounds per month in company car tax if you go for a mid-spec car which most people will."
"Your rent is the most you'll ever pay each month, and your mortgage is the least you'll ever pay."
"Social media has made birthday celebrations an unnecessary expensive event. I feel like the other side is looking at the expense that it takes in order to reach this and then measuring if it's truly filling our desires."
"$300 a month in New York the cost of living is higher so the company realizes that and they give us extra paid so that we can return mostly expenses."
"As a Tesla owner for almost 3 years now, there are some hidden expenses I wish I had known sooner."
"RV parks are by far one of the most expensive budgeting items you're going to have to plan for when getting out on the road."
"Owning a car is pretty expensive, not only do you have to buy the car itself but everything to maintain it."
"It's the little things in life, little luxuries that you don't miss until you realize I gotta pay $2.99 for dish soap, $12.99 for a pack of toilet paper. Living do be expensive though."
"The profit and loss report shows all the sales expenses, all broken down based on the accounts that are in your chart of accounts."
"I don't get stuck paying for Sky High car repairs."
"The most expensive thing is turnover."
"What costs us the most money is a water leak."
"if like me you're on a very expensive contract where text messages are all included you don't need to worry about that"
"The frame repair can run and this is super broad but at a minimum three thousand dollars."
"At the high end of things if it's front, middle, and rear that needs to be fixed, you're talking close to eight thousand dollars to get the frame done."
"You find what you think is a good deal, and then they tack on 500 dollars to clean it. You basically become an employee of the person who owns the Airbnb."
"The gross income is around $93,000, and net income after all expenses is around $37,000."
"The fifth must-have cost and expense for your new organization is the whole reason you'd be doing fundraising in the first place, and that is to run your programs."
"I had no idea how expensive it would be. From contractors to fixing things to adding furniture, it could add up very, very easily."
"So after I've paid my rent, what does that leave me for water, electric, gas, food? You just can't live on it, can you?"
"To me weddings aren't as important like the wedding event itself I do understand like spending some money especially if you have a special dream and this is a really important day you know like someone like Monica it's an understandable expense."
"They literally do watch the same couple of channels; they don't need to be paying $250 to be able to watch some TV and have a phone to answer."
"Is it going to cost some money? Sure, everything's going to cost money, right?"
"Getting a film onto the big screen is difficult and it costs a pretty penny."
"We were spending three thousand nine hundred eighty-five dollars a month, we got to cut it by two thousand dollars."
"Seeing as I spent no less than that on the compost itself and then the same amount on the wood for the raised beds and the tools and the seeds, I didn't earn any money."
"People feel like full-size trucks have gotten too expensive."
"Marmalade's very expensive in darkest Peru."
"You almost never get a happy ending, plus your parents are going to be looking at the bill."
"How much did living small, dreaming big spend on this Airstream?"
"The price of cars has gone through the roof in recent years."
"There are so many hidden costs when it comes to having a baby."
"Most people are wasting money on cars."
"The secret is out... Las Vegas is not cheap... just kidding!"
"I thought I would spend around a grand in expenses and investing in things and upfront costs to launch my shop and I went over that."
"We're here during the cherry blossom season, so many places are either sold out or just super expensive."
"The last time I tallied everything up I think I'm sitting around 25 000. My budget was 40."
"I won't have an electric bill I won't have a water bill I won't have any of that so I might as well pour all that money into the gas tank."
"So how do you prevent it? You put a cap on your expenses. You say in the contract, 'You can't spend more than, you know, say 5% of the revenue that you're generating unless you get sign-off from me.'"
"What are your living expenses going to be?"
"By the time the average person has paid their rent or mortgage, or car finance, they barely have anything left."
"Expenses aren't going to be the same exact thing every single year."
"...the costs are skyrocketing in the UK, everything is getting more expensive."
"So then I started this whole long process of how do I go to LA and stay in LA because it's really um you can only get a esta visitor Visa at first so I can be here for 90 days but I had no idea how expensive it was in LA."
"Life is still really expensive; it's getting ridiculous. I know people who work three jobs. Life has become intolerable for the Working Man."
"There's nothing in Bass Pro that's less than $25. The drinks are like $12, everything in line."
"Every time we stop at Cape Ann, it costs us money."
"Never buy textbooks from your school's bookstore... they always mark up the price as an insane amount."
"In Koh Samui for a month... we spent $1175 dollars... ironically enough, it was the exact same price as Chiang Mai."
"Our week in Phuket... staying in a really nice hotel... $568 dollars... we're really happy with that."
"The problem with looking around Micro Center is we always end up leaving with more than we went there sponsored to get costing us money."
"€3 for the breakfast, €5 for the Lampo, €6 for the fresh pasta, and then another €6 for the Sicilian treats."
"A lot of owners have no costs beyond routine maintenance and consumable items."
"They've covered the flights, the hotel, the park tickets and the dining plan."
"It's not expensive whatsoever but I am married being married does lower your insurance rates."
"The repair bills on this will be extremely expensive because it is extremely complicated unnecessarily, I might add."
"Well, guys, it was a little bit of an expensive day at the AU but I think we got some really good deals on stuff."
"That's our whole thing is I think movies have got to figure out how to be made for Less you know because like the more expensive they are the more generic they have to become because they have to appeal to everyone."
"A CEO doesn't have expenses, they have investments."
"She spends nearly $400 a month on accessories like diapers, baby powder, and bottles."
"Volkswagen reckons that a typical ID3 user will save about 730 pounds a year in operating expenses over what they're paid to run a comparable combustion engine model."
"These things they sneak up on you you sign up to get something free or whatever or they like just trial this thing out and next thing you know you're getting charged 30 bucks a month."
"These shadow boxes can be so expensive. They can be anywhere from twenty dollars if you use a coupon all the way up to thirty to fifty dollars. I mean, they're just so expensive."
"Uncle Knick Knack's winter wardrobe. Uncle Knick Knack's summer wardrobes. Okay, big mood. Uncle Knick-Knack fall. Make yourself comfortable, man, while I get the money for the monthly expenses. What do they expense monthly?"
"I did the math the other day and found out that I'm paying over $1,000 a month for gas."
"If you buy the expensive umbrella first, you only cry once."
"Money's tight, I mean money's really tight and it's like everything's going up."
"Purchasing the horse is just the first step of your financial commitment to your horse because horses will cost you a lot more on a monthly basis than they will that initial cost."
"Now having a baby and starting a family is really expensive. I now personally understand just how expensive and it can just leave a terrible taste in your mouth almost as bad as baby food."
"You can't make the property taxes go down with a short-term rental, but you have a lot more control over the expenses and the income."
"I just spent nearly a hundred pounds on oyster mushrooms because I got a reason to celebrate."
"Expenses were not something that should make them anxious," Gray reassured, emphasizing they could pay later whenever they were able to do so.
"How much do you need every single month to cover your personal monthly expenses... That's your freedom number."
"By the time I get to my checking account, my tithe and offerings are already gone, my mortgage payments are already gone, my savings into the future is already gone, my investments are already gone."
"It ended up costing us around $6,500 when everything was all said and done."
"You're looking at a tad over eleven hundred dollars just depending on which state you live in."
"Trips that used to cost three thousand six hundred dollars were now costing a hundred and forty four thousand dollars or more."
"In the cloud model you rent Computing resources from the cloud provider you don't have to buy expensive equipment some of which you won't even use to its fullest this shifts your expenses from Capital expenses to operating expenses and that reduces your costs."
"94% of teachers pay out of their own pockets for classroom supplies. They pay an average of five hundred dollars."
"How much you guys go over? Eighteen dollars. Oh, most of those tasks because we got Red Bulls and Doritos and Paydays."
"Financial security is like, 'Hey, my bills are getting paid every month, no problem.'"
"Movies have gotten so expensive to make."
"Is this one of them new 370Z you got here? Uh, it's is the brand new Nissan 370Z."
"I paid 80 grand for the car, which is high but I really wanted it for SEMA."
"If you buy a Maserati and get it cheap and think I'll fix this thing up, no you probably won't."
"They're very, very expensive to repair."
"...if you can't afford the cost of that large amount."
"It didn't cost the taxpayers any money."
"The alleviation of that pain Point begins when you have actually tracked what you have spent every single 30 days."
"And then the next morning they get a bill in their mail and they're like oh I still have rent oh dude 100%."
"I understand that I have to purchase my own dress, shoes, and hairstyle for the wedding."
"How did the bill for one person get to 240 dollars?"
"Just how expensive things are right now."
"What do something like this cost you to maintain monthly?"
"And I can see why this thing costs so much money now."
"You can see it though nowadays, you could pay for it for the rest of your life."
"People can't afford food because they're paying for their iPhones, car payments, getting their nails done, getting their hair done, going out to eat."
"$976 I spend $400 on average for our groceries"
"Expensive movies have just ruined my dating life."
"Who doesn't want another tank in their house? But we all have the problem of... they cost a lot of money, they take a lot of space."
"Men are expected to pay for a lot of things."
"...ordinary women are expected to spend as much money and time as movie stars being beautiful..."
"Step number one when it comes to determining if you're on track to retire is understanding what your expenses will be in retirement."
"Your expenses go beyond just materials. Factor in everything from shop upgrades to show costs."
"Gas was the most expensive thing and we landed at $1102 dollars."
"...even if it's shorter months like February, you're still paying the full amount of rent."
"If you didn't offset it by whatever business you were doing, then it would be expensive."
"$8,000 bucks, I know it's completely insane."
"I swear like life is just so expensive."
"If you're really racing, it's not just the cost of the car, but it's the cost to transport the car someplace, it's your entry fee, it's the cost to transport your crew out there, fuel costs, food costs, lodging costs, time, it all adds up."
"I have a hot and cold relationship with our dealers...I don't have a million pounds a year running costs."
"I've got outgoings that I have to earn."
"Better to spend the money a little bit earlier than to have to spend a lot more money once it Boston ruins a bunch of stuff."
"Jeremy and Melissa provided a breakdown of their initial expenses and saved costs by being self-sustainable."
"That's where we sit now, with double the expenses that we were expecting when we first started looking at buying a house."
"There really is no magic formula. It's about either earning more or reducing your expenses."
"I try to keep my expenses pretty low every month and I try to save most of my money."
"$440. Shut the [ __ ] up. I'm paying $700 a month, why is it so much, dude?"
"If you want to make more money, either increase your income or reduce your expenses."
"Stop paying for all those digital services. Cut them out. You will find you have so much more money to spend adding to your physical collection."
"Living so cheaply, you know, rent, my half rent was like 325 bucks."
"The frictional cost is too high they're charging their 100 basis points or whatever in fees and maybe there's another 25 or 50 base points in trading expenses whatever it is."
"The goal of retirement is to come up with income to meet our expenses. At its essence, that's what retirement planning is."
"I initially budgeted 900 pounds per month for this trip, which would mean that in 74 days, I shoulda woulda could have spent 2,250 pounds, but let's see what I actually ended up spending."
"Groceries are huge. Everyone comes in thinking that they're spending the bare minimum on groceries."
"People are like, 'Oh my gosh, you're always in Africa. How do you do that?' It really costs less than what they're spending on handbags and shoes."
"Boat trips get expensive real quick."
"I've had buyer's remorse more than a few times in my filmmaking career after buying some new gimbal or toy that I knew I didn't really need and couldn't afford."
"Tracking your spending down to the dollar you will likely find areas of wasted spending."
"My rent would go up $500 if I renew."
"You're probably going upwards of $200,000 a month just your monthly nut."
"Your mortgage payments and grocery bills are real expenses, just as real as the money the IRS deducts from your paycheck each month."
"The packing was not as bad as I thought once I just gave into the fact, 'okay, you're gonna spend a lot of money on large bubble, this stuff is not cheap.'"
"Repair costs can range from a few hundred for a plumber to repair a leaky pipe to $10,000 to replace the HVAC system to over $15,000 to get a new roof put on."
"I would love to hear from you as well, were there costs that I missed that you also incur as a result of your mental illness?"
"Absolutely legendary. It almost makes you want to spend the money on a day trip to come back. It'd be over 100 bucks to do that, but coffee's around here somewhere."
"Whether residents buy or rent, expenses related to keeping a roof over one's head are 38% lower than the US average."
"The house needed a lot of day-to-day supplies, so the first few shopping trips were insanely expensive."
"It's like a boat, we just keep throwing money into it."
"No more 2,000 pound British Airways flights to Accra in dirty December."
"They're all going to cost you a fortune to run in fuel."
"Every time you go to fast food, everything becomes eight percent more expensive."
"Thirty percent interest means everything she is spending is 30% more expensive."
"I really just spend like 10 to $20 per month for coffee"
"There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question; everyone's lifestyle is different, so everyone's expenses are going to be different."
"If you want a season ticket at Arsenal, you won't get much change out of 3/4 of a million."
"The first year, I did that was about £320 with a £250 excess. This year, just gone, it went up to £540, and that's because I'd gone over 60,000 miles."
"we're flying out to la on the company dime why"
"Somebody's got to win some money to pay for these 17 mint juleps."
"Monsieur, in order to arrive at that happy state when a man dies, he has something to leave to his children, you really must cut back on your expenses."
"GTRs are expensive when you don't have a proper tuner"
"This town is bad for our wallets, but it's really good."
"...they completely overhaul it, they flow bench it, they do all the trick stuff, huge bill for you right."
"It's all balances out on expense wise. You have a $60,000 rig, you have a $20,000 license, you have a $100 trap."
"Disney Cruises are not cheap, in fact, they're on the expensive end."
"Running costs, expenses, it's always key to any business. If they're not taking care of the pennies, they'll take care of the pounds. As long as what's coming in, is going out, you're going to make a profit."
"Avoid convenience products; they often just cost a lot of money."
"You're not paid anymore but everything else is getting more expensive."
"You have to make a profit. It's not actually hard to make a profit if you watch your expenses."
"...there are so many things that we can do on a regular basis and then just limit the things that cost that much."
"This was the hardest decision I've ever made. This is a lot of money to spend on one thing."
"The housing expense ratio is twenty-nine percent."
"Stella's three and a half year storage bill has already cost her over three thousand pounds."
"I was really surprised at how expensive some of the stuff is."
"Everything was more expensive. Everything went up from Street vendors to food to accommodations to Ubers and taxis."
"I brought with me a thousand US dollars and I don't think I spent anywhere near that."
"The budget was around 200,000 for the boat and around 150 for the entire refit."
"Reduce the size of your biggest expenses to have big extra savings."