
Diversification Quotes

There are 1647 quotes

"At the optimization stage, you're also going to focus on diversification."
"Diversification is a smart financial strategy."
"The cool thing about YouTube is that it gives people the opportunity to branch out and start these other business ventures like chocolate bars, coffee beans, pizza restaurants, hard seltzers."
"Diversification is important for the same reason that you would want your entertainment to come from more than just one video game."
"Diversification does not eliminate risk entirely, but experts can help you manage and reduce, providing a more resilient foundation for your financial well-being."
"Diversification is actually insurance against ignorance."
"All humans have strengths and weaknesses; all investment strategies have strengths and weakness, and you got to diversify."
"Technology investments, if there's a winner, diversification is a losing strategy."
"This is not the time to be aggressive; now is the time to just dollar cost average, be well diversified, buy your favorite stocks when they get cheap."
"Diversification... is a strategy that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio."
"Investing in an index fund is like owning a bit of all the top companies."
"Invest your money into things like mutual funds, stocks, cryptocurrencies."
"Create as many sources of income as possible but most importantly make them as efficient as possible."
"Elon's another guy, never diversified. PayPal was his only investment. When he sold PayPal, he only has three investments today, and no homes and no cash."
"I'm saying you should have some of your money in precious metals so as to diversify."
"Diversify your portfolio, skewed toward hard assets, because that's the environment that includes real estate, gold, art, and Bitcoin, if you like."
"Diversification always a smart financial strategy."
"Maybe it's not cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. Maybe it's investing in India, maybe it's starting your own business."
"Film things that you enjoy doing... You have to branch out, and you've got to create different types of content."
"I like to be more diversified and I like to be a well-rounded investor in some great value stocks, some dividend stocks, some turnaround plays, some high growth companies."
"Happy trading, you guys, make sure to diversify your investments."
"This might be a good time for you to diversify into gold."
"My savings plan is diversified, and yours should be as well."
"You might want to take at least a little bit of your money and diversify into gold, silver, some sort of precious metal, why? Because it hedges against inflation and uncertainty."
"When you don't put all your eggs in one basket, what you're benefiting from are these cross products that can either be small or negative, and will ultimately reduce the fluctuations of your portfolio."
"It's okay to diversify, but don't try to put all your chips into one bet super early when it's still in the Pioneer Stage."
"It's okay to miss out on some of the pumps or diversify; don't try to put all your chips into one bet super early when it's still in the Pioneer Stage."
"Diversification of asset classes, diversification of countries, diversification of currencies, because I think the one thing we know is that we don't know a lot."
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket; be patient, do what you love, and work harder than anyone else."
"Understanding the risk of false diversification, understanding what are the true strikers, what are the true goalkeepers and defenders."
"My strategy is pretty simple and that is whether for me it's taking 10 projects that I really like across that network and starting to allocate an equal amount of funds into each of those 10 and letting those projects run, knowing that one, two, three, five of those projects might go to zero might not do well."
"Diversification is a wonderful way to learn about the world."
"Diversification is important, but so is liquidity."
"I'm not saying liquidate all your stock when the market's down. I'm saying that you should at least be diversified."
"Diversification into other asset classes, including crypto, could help stabilize markets in the future."
"I think that every place is risky, which is why I like the notion of diversification."
"It’s better to be early than it is to be late, and I think also it’s a time for diversification."
"Diversification is one way to do that. It's to basically spread your risk across a number of securities, and portfolios can do that."
"The global supply chain disruptions caused by COVID have prompted overseas toy companies to place greater emphasis on diversifying their supply chain layouts."
"My strategy is to do the same thing I do with stocks: get diversification."
"Diversification just means not putting all your eggs in one basket."
"The right answer for investing is...have a diversified portfolio, blindly invest in a set of index funds...and only invest the amount of money that you can leave in for 20 years."
"An index fund is basically just like a big basket that holds a whole bunch of stocks inside of it... you get the diversification of owning five hundred different companies for one really low cost."
"With REITs, you're really well diversified. It's not like you only own one property with one tenant. With the REITs, you can potentially own hundreds or even thousands or tens of thousands of pieces of real estate and just own a fraction of all of them."
"There are definitely benefits for humanity to get away from being only on earth with literally all our eggs in this one basket."
"Diversification is a good strategy... the problem is people don't understand what diversification means."
"Smart Americans diversify. They at least want some of your whole."
"We cannot be overly dependent on any one country, any one shipping lane, any one product, any one natural resource."
"The Holy Grail of investing is 10 or 15 good uncorrelated return streams."
"Diversification is an opportunity for us to lower the amount of risk of specific risks specific to any singular company."
"Only invest in a few NFT projects at a time."
"If you invest into a tech ETF and Amazon went bankrupt then yeah the ETF would be hurt a little bit but there are hundreds of other companies to balance out one bankrupt company."
"If you're not trying to diversify, what are you doing?"
"It's important to not just diversify assets but to diversify risk."
"Diversification is that you're safer and you make more money in the long term by having different kinds of things rather than all your money in one thing."
"Both diversification and active management are important."
"You could practically buy a small portion of every single stock in existence."
"One of the things that I learned from the pandemic when it comes to having a business is to diversify my revenue streams."
"I do see huge growth here and it is a stock I wanted to diversify that's not 100% crypto-related."
"We've diversified. If one doesn't work, the others will work."
"We want to shoot for the stars but plan for the worst and diversify."
"Diversify, diversify, diversify... lower your risk without lowering your expected returns."
"Invest broadly; even if carbon capture is initially unviable, it could be part of a broader plan."
"Diversification is making Macau's economy go much further than gambling."
"I think gold and silver are pretty good ways to hold your purchasing power, at least as part of a diversified portfolio."
"It's always smart to hold a diverse portfolio of stocks."
"I highly recommend not putting all of your money into one or two stocks."
"Diversifying your portfolio with alternative assets is more important than ever."
"You should probably diversify your holdings and you should always make sure you have enough cash on hand to hold you through any times where things go down in value."
"Money is getting easier to put to work more and more: cryptocurrency, stocks, NFTs, goddamn blockchains."
"Diversifying your wealth is always a good idea."
"I think GE can make a faster improvement and comeback compared to the other plane manufacturers. Plus, it is a very well-diversified company."
"One of the best ways to lower your risk of investments is to diversify them."
"Diversification is key in having a broader outlook on the market an investing sense is going to be very very useful."
"The only thing that you could do is diversify."
"The future is not just financial or non-financial; it's mixed financial."
"Be less involved in stocks, be more involved in bonds and own a little bit of gold."
"Diversification: don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"Eight to twelve uncorrelated investments can reduce your risk by 80% and increase your upside."
"Own a piece of multiple teams - not correlated to the stock market, and profitable even in inflationary times."
"Energy security is built on energy diversification."
"Having more solutions, more energy sources makes our country and the world more resilient."
"The US should look at all of the above while making sure its resources are well developed."
"There can be no lasting energy security without diversifying energy Supply."
"Kodak could never move beyond the idea of selling film and providing photography services prior CEO Colby Chandler tried diversifying investing in floppy disks batteries artificial snow and pharmaceuticals."
"The cost and risk to not diversify is far worse than the upside you might get from having a few big winners."
"Diversification is the key to long-term investing results."
"Investing consistently in a well-diversified portfolio."
"Sophisticated investors like Kathy carefully diversify their portfolios into multiple asset classes to help optimize their returns while hopefully lowering their overall risk."
"Survive, diversify revenue streams, and thrive."
"Get your portfolio diversified with the real money."
"I would just keep doing it because I personally, for now, there's nowhere else to diversify."
"In this case that would include bitcoin ethereum binance tether solana cardano xrp polka dot usdc and dogecoin"
"China has promoted the shift towards a more Diversified international monetary system."
"Building a second website is key to project 24. Diversification is crucial for long-term success."
"I've been diversifying investments considerably and I've been focused very much on the crypto world and real-world assets."
"If your portfolio is entirely electric vehicle companies and cryptocurrencies, you might want to reevaluate your risk tolerance."
"They've diversified their channel mix... which is huge for the company's margins over time."
"Have a backup plan. Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"It doesn't have to be an either-or situation. If one is the first mover advantage and then the other one looks like it's got some stronger tech, you can get a little bit of both."
"Don't stay stuck on doing one thing. Expand and catch more eyes."
"The highest yield isn't always the best place, weigh up your options, never put everything in one place and just be diversified."
"The secret to becoming a millionaire is having multiple streams of income."
"Start building up those income streams and not just rely on one because one is too close to zero."
"Even though I love the opportunity in oil stocks right now, you have absolutely got to have stocks in those other sectors."
"Diversification personal duration does work may be a cliche but it actually does help to preserve wealth."
"Real diversification is have your slice of stocks but have some gold have some private equity have some cash maybe more than most people think."
"Bitcoin goes to 150-200k... what's your plan? Diversified it to 20, 30 coins?"
"Always diversify your investments, whether it be through index funds, real estate, bonds, or individual stocks."
"Investing into the stock Market is also a great way to diversify in whole as your portfolio reduces risks."
"Diversification is the best way to hedge against the risks."
"You're not just investing in one company, you're investing in a whole bunch of different companies."
"So, these are the two sides to the story: on one side, Cathie Wood expects ARKK to reach 420.69 [nice] per share and on the other, ARKK's clear lack of diversification can easily spell the end for ARK Invest."
"They've diversified their business model... I love how much growth opportunities the company has over time."
"A portfolio with a lot of things is not necessarily diversified... When the crisis hits, many of your assets that seemingly looked uncorrelated actually behave like the same thing."
"Increase the money supply by 40, you increase all asset values by 40."
"If you do not diversify, you are set for failure."
"Diversification is the number one thing that I could recommend... whether you're streaming or not, go outside, take a class, learn a new hobby, learn a new language, explore, hike, anything."
"Maybe another way to diversify is by increasing our exposure to 5G plays."
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket socially, business-wise, or in your dating life."
"You should never be too reliant on one sector or a few specific investments for your entire portfolio."
"Diversifying your assets is an excellent idea."
"One, you want to keep the fees down, and two, you want to be as diversified as possible."
"No-one knows it all... there's beauty in diversification."
"Every stock in the portfolio plays a role... diversification is key."
"Does it make sense to have all of one's assets in one broker? Spreading it out could be good."
"The world is shifting away from dollar hegemony. Countries want more options, they do not want to live exclusively underneath the United States."
"We really have to diversify our manufacturing base and have some degree of self-sufficiency for some group of essential medicines."
"I think being diversified in... your finances... is the way to go for it."
"It's normal to want to do other [ __ ], there's no look at Wu-Tang, scores movies, the whole nine."
"You have to diversify like you can't put all your eggs in any one basket."
"You really do need to hedge your bets, to be diversified, to employ hedging."
"The point is, I believe that everyone should hold at least, in my opinion, especially if you're trying to diversify your crypto portfolio."
"But the end goal is to start on Amazon leverage Amazon use them take advantage of the opportunity that they're presenting to us but the end goal is to not have all your eggs in one basket it's to diversify and it's to also sell on Shopify."
"[...] she made it her career last by being a guitarist for other big acts including divas las vegas where she played guitar for celine dion and anastasia."
"Barely Breathing was a one-hit wonder song that helped launch a career in music through wildly different avenues than constantly touring and performing live."
"In a combination, the diversified portfolio and the diversified individual tends to always outperform."
"Having things that are as uncorrelated as possible to central bank policy, to me, that makes sense."
"Develop several different streams of income. Don't just focus on one thing."
"China never put all of its eggs in the U.S basket."
"Diversify not just within an asset class but amongst the asset classes."
"I officially cannot do it anymore, I have to do different things too."
"We're well diversified, you know what I'm saying? Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"It's better to diversify across assets that do well in both rising and falling rate environments."
"Have a couple of pots bubbling at once. Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"Space out your investing over time since this week's news will be different than next week's news."
"Having all your eggs in one basket isn't conducive for the long term."
"Never put all your eggs in one basket, Coinbase sometimes goes down."
"Bitcoin is a good as a diversification play."
"Everything is always doing something... the beauty about having multiple income sources."
"Remember the theme: hatchling of space with some other stuff like that Chinese retailer and Netflix and Google and stuff like that."
"YouTube is absolutely a volatile space and I think it's way more important now to make sure that you're not putting all your eggs in one basket"
"Overall, my opinion is that Gen Z's might be having a little bit of fun and I admit these investments could supplement a diversified portfolio."
"The path to a trillion dollars isn't about any one thing."
"Diversify exactly. So I have a very diverse crypto account for my son."
"They can help you diversify your savings, potentially safeguard against inflation."
"Diversify your investments... Plan B stands for plan black."
"You want to make sure that you have your money in different baskets."
"It's very important to know, never ever put all your eggs in one basket."
"I had to find other things to divert my attention from the stress."
"Yo, you gotta diversified but also be realistic about what you're doing."
"We think it's really smart to not have all your eggs in one basket and spread the love around a couple of different endeavors."
"If it's only about the game, well then if the game's not interested and there's nothing left, what you have to be able to do is look outside the game, find something interesting and bring some of that back into the game."
"One way you counter that is with diversification... spread your wealth around a little bit."
"It's best to keep your money in as many different places as possible so no matter what happens long term you'll do well."
"Alts are just on fire right now, on fire. You guys know what I'm talking about. Those of you guys that are diversified, you've been following the 50-25-25 rule, you know that your portfolio is exploding."
"You're much better off going, 'Okay, well I breed some corydoras. I breed some live bears. I breed some shrimp. I make some plants.'"
"Diversity is key. Diversify, own Bitcoin analysts."
"Diversifying the ways I'm making money and how my money's making me money."
"Invest that money and very carefully and diversify it."
"Never depend on one of anything ever. You need for real estate to work, you need a lot of doors."
"Great time to be an investor... investing in the stock market, real estate, and other areas."
"The CCP's launch of missiles into the exclusive economic zones of Taiwan and Japan will threaten regional stability and security."
"Ian's tip of the week: Buy two tech companies and two index funds."
"Be smart. Put some of your assets into precious metals."
"The key to risking the portfolios here are individual stock selection and diversification."
"For the record we had this Divergence forming back here at our Market cycle this was our first bottom this was our second bottom price clearly going down indicator clearly going up that's bullish Divergence."
"Start your online businesses now. I'm about to go into property, do influencing, do YouTube. Just do everything that you want to do."
"Diversify: spread your investments across different types of cryptocurrencies to manage risk."
"Wealth is not built from a property, it's built from a portfolio."
"Diversifying... be the first to do it, be consistent doing it because they will reward that in the algorithm."
"You should never ever ever put your money all into one thing."
"Invest in ETFs for exposure to a group of companies."
"What's cooler than having one source of income? Seven different sources of income."
"You want to own some sort of like tech stuff, you want to own some biotech stuff, you want to own some climate stuff."
"To pay 76 basis points a year for her diversification where then you can cherry pick the best ideas and get concentrated and really learn about them that seems to be a much better strategy than you finding 50 companies doing absolutely."
"Diversify your investments so that you don't run the risk of getting caught with the single worst performing investment."
"I now have the number dwindled down to a solid seven revenue streams."
"Asset diversification is incredibly important."
"Even just a small allocation of 2-5% in Bitcoin or Tesla can change the game."
"Never have all your eggs in one basket. Never more than say 10 in one basket."
"I like that they're diversifying what it means to be an infect deck."
"You can't just depend on the income coming in from doing YouTube videos, from doing sponsorships. You have to have a lot of passive income."
"Texas is no longer just home to oil and gas wildcatters. We're now also home to Tesla and Joe Rogan."
"Tesla has transcended its identity as solely an automotive company."
"If you're not diversifying you're losing a hell of a lot of gains."
"You should not be making your investment decisions based on any one factor."
"Portfolio management is being a complete player, not a one-trick pony."
"Prepare for economic seasons: learn from history, diversify assets, and be ready for market crashes."
"Diversification is like your insurance policy against financial nightmares."