
Rarity Quotes

There are 11672 quotes

"400 trillion to one was one way for me to get people to be like, 'Do you understand there's nothing any of us in this room will accomplish that is even in the galaxy of that?' We have a chance to do something."
"This was a game that was so hard to nab a cartridge of...for it to finally get anything was pretty awesome."
"It's February the 29th, what a rare occasion. Let's celebrate with something nice."
"Well G explains that light magic is incredibly rare and few people can use it. Light repels evil, so its power is unparalleled against demons."
"Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"
"What an incredible play, we don't see those that often at all."
"The way that humans experience whiskey, because they know that it is very special, that is very rare, that is very old, they will enjoy it more."
"Great finals though, game nine, you'll rarely see that in any competition."
"Very few people today got real old-fashioned stick by you, authentic love."
"Red diamonds, rare and precious, hold a captivating allure, with a price of one million dollars per carat."
"The Blue Diamond is the world's most expensive and rarest gemstone, priced at 3.93 million dollars."
"Being a successful entrepreneur is stunningly rare."
"Success in entrepreneurship is just incredibly unlikely. It is rare."
"Diversity becomes rare, very rare, like a mermaid riding a unicorn being chased by Bigfoot behind a Taco Bell."
"How often do you really see this sword in use? Not including free-to-plays who literally have no other sword, how many veteran TF2 players do you see wielding this weapon?"
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
"Seeing such a big smile on your face is a rare gift; it makes me feel like I can maybe relax a little too."
"Rene Descartes said that perfect numbers, like perfect men, are very rare."
"He smiled understandingly—much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life."
"More people have been to outer space than summit K2."
"Good societies are very rare, and America has been a good society."
"Alzheimer's should be a rare disease. It should essentially decrease to a very low level with the current generation."
"I was originally going to stop at five tiers, but I felt one more tier needed to be created specifically for the most unknown horror manga of all time."
"Narcissistic personality disorder is a diagnosis, but it's pretty rare because these folks don't show up to be diagnosed anyhow."
"If you're gonna sweat, you might shine, and if you're a shiny Pokemon, you're a rarity."
"It makes us realize how incredibly unlikely it was for life, especially intelligent life, to emerge here on Earth."
"Opportunities like this don't come around often."
"To me, a great sense of humor is incredibly sexy. I think it's rare."
"He is one of the very few villagers in the game that does not have an associated amiibo card, making the opportunity to meet him and invite him to move into the player's town quite rare."
"It's rare to find people you can really bond with like that."
"He has changed. He wants to make a difference. People like that, in my opinion, are just few and far between."
"These moments are very rare, they don't happen often... You belong here, baby, you are here."
"What people crave and what's much rarer is intimacy."
"Kobe was as rare as a flawless five-carat diamond."
"When we specifically pulled a Blastoise and an Alakazam, we got what we or somebody in the chat called a 'God pack'."
"It's very unlikely for any given planet to develop life at all, let alone technologically advanced life."
"Flex players who can do both roles really well are very, very rare and few and far between."
"Technologically advanced civilizations are very rare, perhaps only two or three per galaxy."
"We understand that our relationship is very rare."
"With great power comes exceedingly great rarity. In fact, up until this point in the entire history of Minecraft, there has never actually existed a true Force Op exploit."
"Quality men are much more rare than a quality woman."
"The Titanic monkey is like one of the rarest pets in the game right now because it's rainbow; only several of these exist."
"Jedi are powerful, Jedi are rare, and everyone wants to be one."
"One in 100,000 people are born with synesthesia, and I am one of them."
"Hopefully, that is a first edition ghost rare Stardust Dragon straight from the pack."
"I can't help but feeling real special that I'm standing next to probably the rarest Mustang on Earth."
"I mastered consistency, and most people will never do that. They don't have the ability to be consistent."
"The truth of the matter is, the more you're out there, the longer you do it, the more those one in a million chances, those one experiences come up."
"It's grading and rarity that determine the value of a coin."
"You can find passion and good sex from a ton of people, but friendship and really getting along mentally is the most important thing because that's rare."
"A man who held on to his beliefs and acted upon them with conviction, a rarity in this day and age."
"Finally found this experimental radiation drug, only one of its kind left and only one hit. Oh man, it was so worth it."
"For if salvation were ready to hand and could be found without great effort, how could it come about that almost everyone neglects it? But excellence is as difficult as it is rare."
"Romanee-Conti 1945: 'If you want to drink the world's most special bottle of wine, this is it.'"
"Life dropped an epic husband, the rarest of its loot table, and I was lucky enough to win the need roll."
"This is super rare, guys. This is one of the rarest things in the game."
"Rare as fuck. Like you gotta sell a lung to get that shit."
"The cloth is woven in a three to one herringbone twill, rare and quite special."
"Despite the horror of airplane disasters, they're still extremely rare, especially given how often passenger planes take off and land."
"This vehicle is a collector's dream. It is in mint condition and it's incredibly rare."
"If you lose one of these, you were in real trouble. These birds are worth a fortune."
"If you know anything about Hoenn, there is one Pokémon that's notoriously known for being insanely difficult to get: Feebas."
"This car is crazy rare and also, as you can probably imagine, it's crazy expensive."
"What is a Jaglion? Yeah, that's correct. This is a jaguar lion...an extremely rare species."
"Many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness, but who can find a faithful and trustworthy man?"
"Consistency is one of the rarest traits of a human being."
"Original thought is rare and precious. The act of original thinking is difficult, highly valuable, and rare."
"The ability to critically think is becoming more and more scarce."
"Where else would you find a one-of-one Maybach Exelero alongside a race-winning 1960s Ford GT40 plus the original prototype of the Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR?"
"Every single species that has ever lived to fossilize? We're lucky to have fossils at all."
"The green flash is a natural phenomenon that appears at sunset and sunrise and is extremely brief."
"There's no disputing the fact that this is really a rare and special place. I mean, you don't see water in the desert right outside Death Valley, let alone water that looks like this."
"If I had a nickel for every time a typhoon destroyed the Mongol fleet, I'd have two nickels, which is not a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice."
"The secret rare Blastoise from Plasma Storm, this is one of the top pulls you can get from this set."
"This was actually one of the more expensive ones, one of the most expensive ones. Not the most expensive one, though. That's the Gold Star Mew."
"My one and only blue Axolotl, this guy is so much rarer than diamonds."
"The 1936 Bentley four and a half liter Vanden Plas Tourer is not just any ordinary vehicle; it's an actual work of art on wheels."
"A real, long-term loving relationship which eventually turns into a family, that's becoming increasingly rare."
"Mythical Pokemon...rarity wise that's exactly what mythicals are."
"Bugatti, I've never seen one of these and yeah, it's got the boss number plate."
"Opening a masterpiece was akin to hitting a seventh edition foil rare."
"A Black Swan is something unusual that has a great impact."
"Once upon a time in Shaolin is unlike any other album ever sold."
"You can't really find true live rock that easily these days."
"Why would anybody spend two million dollars to get their hands on a one of a kind wu-tang album?"
"Character building for a villain is pretty rare, but here it's done wonderfully."
"There's not a lot of businesses out there that you can see that growth."
"Even skilled hunters who spend years in the forest only encounter one of these animals maybe once or twice in a lifetime."
"It's a find of a lifetime. You see people find these incredible things and they hit the news and you don't believe it'll ever happen to you."
"One of the rarest masks in this collection is the pearl gold Kanohi Kraahkan."
"Facts and logic are precious rarities in this crazy world."
"Always go for a red item no matter what, it's not like they had to work for it, but yeah, cabbage don't die."
"Less than one tenth of 1% of the people on the planet have ever seen what I'm showing you right now."
"Certainly the miraculous is something that doesn’t normally occur."
"Appreciate good people, they're hard to come by."
"Many people have been lone survivors of catastrophe, but there's no person on record that has survived two nuclear bombs."
"Games like these are increasingly rare in the AAA space."
"Just being present is so rare and so unusual that this was almost a religious experience for people."
"This is something very, very few game companies ever accomplish."
"What's even more impressive is that the arrow was falling downward from the sky when it perfectly pierced the line."
"To capture both at the same time, it must be raining with enough sunlight for a rainbow to form and a lightning strike still sizzling, making this one, seriously, one in a million coincidence."
"At least with this number you actually tried to find one with some rare property instead of just being impressed by some totally random number."
"Nobody ever does these except for elite clue scrolls."
"Wow, we just hit the most expensive card in the set."
"Confidence is the most probably the least obtained item."
"A total solar eclipse is one of nature's most spectacular and rare sights."
"In a world that's full of duplicates you shouldn't shy away from being a double because who knows it might just make you one in five million or more."
"Hopefully, the people you love most don't go missing every day."
"Guys, these are impossible difficulty! 99.999999 percent of people missed this one!"
"People need to know they can occur; they need to know they're rare."
"The Pendulum of Doom in World of Warcraft is extremely rare, with a ludicrously low drop rate."
"What if intelligent life is so rare that we never contacted?"
"Silver is extremely rare for the first time in human history."
"We will never see a parabolic bull run like this in any asset ever in our lives."
"It's exceedingly rare to see Ryan laugh like this, so fans cherished every second of it."
"Red hair is the rarest color so they're exotic."
"Drac’s Night Out, a holy grail of the NES, was saved by the neighbor of the person who created it."
"That EA MMA platinum trophy which I earned on October 1st, 2011, is still the rarest trophy in my collection of nearly 7,000."
"Freedom of speech is extremely rare in human history."
"Jupiter will align with the North Node, exceedingly rare as well."
"Life in the universe, intelligent life in the universe, is rare."
"Feels like you bring a lot of heart to science and uh that's rare."
"Find yourself a teacher, but again, really good teachers, the kind that motivate and push you, are hard to find."
"Once you go beyond senior at that point, like a very small percentage of people get there, and there's no expectation."
"The origins of life on earth are obscure. But the idea has been floated that it may be so rare of an occurrence that some process must spread it across the universe."
"I wish every car looked like this... this is actually beautiful."
"Still, the E32 is a cool car to check out, and there aren't many of these left in nice shape."
"A Huia bird in the hand is worth two Huia birds in the bush." - Bussy Queen
"Sometimes, once in a blue goddamn moon, I guess someone like this moon flower just might be worth the effort."
"When you find that special chemistry that's really, really hard to find, that you don't find everywhere, you have something absolutely amazing."
"We broke the curse with not only a hollow Pikachu, but we just pulled in an error card."
"It's not only rare that a show decides to go out on a high note and on its own terms like this."
"The solstice is inherently a more local phenomenon than the fact that from Earth, Jupiter and Saturn are about to appear to be as close as they have in hundreds of years."
"This is going to be remembered as something that only happens once every 100 years."
"The chances of seeing a submariner with a red bezel are probably higher than seeing a GMT Coke, really."
"We found a beacon hidden away in a giant dome across the map. Turns out, this beacon was a rarer item than we could have ever imagined."
"You can practice law for 25 years and never have an experience like this."
"It's got Rarity, it's got popularity, everyone knows Mario, and it's got significance to collectors."
"So this incredibly rare and important piece of Sonic the Hedgehog in video game history doesn't become lost in time forever."
"Courage is a rare quality. That's why you are a hero when you are found to have it."
"What he is doing is greasing the pipeline; he is preparing people's minds to distrust the things around them."
"Master Lee has not been filmed in public for years."
"There's a level of character and Artistry in his work that's exceptionally rare in political satire."
"The previous 20 years have been...saying what we were going to do and not doing it."
"Malik Ducard described inappropriate videos as 'extreme needle in the haystack.'"
"The reason I love this coin so much is the fact that it is so rare that virtually no one has it in their Morgan donor collection."
"I wanted at a poker game, believe it or not. This is like one of the Holy Grails of American coins."
"It's very rare... It's definitely a lot lower than the statistics of the United States, so."
"He is special in ways that are very, very difficult to overstate, one of the very, very rarest ones."
"Most criticism is valid. I very rarely see a player have one bad game and everyone's going 'get out of my club, you're a load of [__].' I very rarely see that."
"The treasure goblins here are much more rare and they drop you stuff that's a little bit more valuable so I thought that that felt a lot better."
"The talent is a rare jewel and should be treated like that."
"A lightning in a bottle like Wendy Williams doesn't come through very often."
"This also added ancient debris and netherrite armor, which is the rarest, most expensive item in the game."
"But it's not easy finding someone who's anointed, called by God, has vision, is health stable, and is going to help us build this phenomenal life together. That is literally a needle in a haystack."
"There aren't many issues that will get 60% or 70% of Americans voicing their support."
"If we do pull a first edition blue eyes out of this, that card just sold on ebay for a hundred thousand dollars."
"There's not many that do and we don't take this for granted."
"Gold is one of the rarest elements on earth."
"Common sense is so rare in America today, it's like having a superpower."
"Here we have it right here, okay, I've never seen that before of all cars too, it is the Bugatti Chiron."
"It's a hundred percent possible. It's just the fact is very few people are doing this at all and I mean an extremely small percentage."
"Gold is among the rarest of all the elements, but it makes up only three parts per billion of the Earth's crust."
"Dragon has been flying for 12 years Dragon made his debut at the orbiting lab in 2012 as the first private spacecraft in history to visit the International Space Station since then it's made 32 trips to and from the orbiting lab."
"I just got four mothers, oh my God, that was so unlikely to happen because I already had so many to join us out of the pool."
"Is this game offered in casinos? It'll be very tough to find this game straight up."
"It's a shame we might never get another game as good as these."
"And then the crown jewel of the whole collection which i think is worth by far the most out of all of these sneakers possibly around 2,500 depending on who you ask and that is the KAWS Air Jordan 4s."
"Friendships are kind of like relationships, they don't just come about very often, like really true special ones."
"Only about 10 to 20% of people report a near-death experience which is an experience of their Consciousness functioning apart from their physical body and observing the material world or observing and participating in a transmaterial domain."
"The precious sap of the dragon's blood tree has been highly sought after for various purposes, known for its healing properties in treating a wide range of ailments."
"They only brought 60 [Ducati Lamborghini Diavel 1260 bikes] in the U.S... 600 made worldwide. Congrats!"
"The pull rates on the hollows in this set like most wizards of coast sets are gonna be one in three packs."
"This keeps happening, this miracle out of this miracle pack artwork, yo D Hollow Card crushing it with the one pack magic."
"The Geissele seemed like it was the best at actually suppressing gases for me in this setup."
"The most difficult card to acquire in a PSA 10."
"Sustainable weight loss is incredibly difficult and rare."
"I've never caught a wild Tyranitar. Okay, everyone's saying like, 'Oh, this is gonna be the new Dragonite. This is gonna be the new Tyranitar.' That's hard..."
"It's called common sense. It ain't very common anymore, but it works great."
"Generational opportunities were found in that. These opportunities don't come around very often."
"Something that is a super rarity nowadays are companies who stand behind their products with great customer service."
"Freedom is a hard sell, the friends of freedom have always been rare."
"It's a V10 naturally aspirated, it's a rare monster, it's a Dying Breed."
"He was a true prodigy that you see once in a generation."
"It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it."
"I've had a good day today, oh boy, I'm having a rare day."
"That's something you would not see in a million years."
"Finding any prehistoric bones, let alone skulls in this condition, is extremely rare."
"They really do not make games like this anymore."
"Tier seven: games that either only have a few thousand plays at most or don't exist anymore."
"99 of projects are trash. But in reality, there will be that one percent that deliver astronomical value."
"Rulings like this are super rare but when they happen we should be happy about it."
"This is a once in a hundred year type event."
"It is so rare that anybody has a complete and other almost like a religious transformation."
"There's love in the world... it's such a rare feeling."
"What's just happened to you doesn't happen. It never happens."
"I feel like that's very mature especially for someone who's like 'I'm her best friend,' like that's kind of rare."
"Stumbled across a Tudor Mansion no one had ever heard of is very rare indeed."
"That's a long time for a bird to be missing in action and then suddenly be found once again."
"They just don't make games like this anymore."