
Wealth Redistribution Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"If I was a billionaire, I wouldn't need a billion dollars. I would be pumping it into everywhere I can."
"The only answer to this moment is to reduce the wealth and power of the people on top."
"If we took half the wealth of the richest and made it available to the bottom half, it would transform their lives."
"Imagine if 2.5% of that wealth that's in San Diego... we could build houses for all the homeless."
"Eventually, AI is going to destroy so many jobs that there is no other solution but taxing the winners and redistributing."
"Eventually, if there is permanent technological unemployment...we have to tax the winners and redistribute."
"It's going to be the largest distribution or redistribution of wealth in all history."
"A massive wealth redistribution... is the real moral hazard we're stuck in today."
"We probably need to find ways to redistribute some of the wealth away from the insanely wealthy people."
"The simple accumulation of experience and, frankly, of wealth, through the hard work of people not just in China, in many countries around the world, is redistributing wealth and, to some extent, power around the planet."
"The world is richer today... It just has to be redeployed in a way where it maximizes the efficiency and the equality of opportunity."
"Is this what the redistribution of power and wealth looks like?"
"The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous."
"We will put the wealth of this country back where it should have always been, in the hands of the people who created it."
"We need to redistribute wealth, cancel climate debt, implement a universal basic income, massively invest in loss and damage funds, degrow the economy in high-income countries, increase universal public services, reduce working time, dematerialize, and re-prioritize what it means to live a human life."
"For once, it seemed that the working class people were transferring wealth from the one percent to them as opposed to the other way around."
"Stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and now we're seeing it again digitally."
"If you truly believed this, then you would be for wealth redistribution."
"We need to redistribute wealth and prioritize healthcare for all."
"This is a wealth transfer of 12% of the economy in just two months. Twelve percent of the annual GDP has been redistributed from the average person to the financial sector."
"Subsidies, you just take money from someone and you give it to another person in the hopes that second person is going to use the money better."
"When a country becomes rich enough, there's a simple tendency for a lot of people to say, 'Okay, you know what, we're all rich enough, let's start redistributing the wealth, right?'" - Ben Shapiro
"Marxism is there and when we have a Marxist Progressive Party they have two primary goals: the redistribution of wealth and the transfer of power. That is your wealth and your power."
"It's a redistribution of wealth from people on the bottom who have to compete with poor immigrants to people at the very top who own the companies."
"The alternative to sound money is the state steals from people, and on paper redistribution okay I can get down with."
"Raising taxes on the wealthy could deliver something meaningful that millions of Americans would rather feel quickly: happiness."
"This is the most powerful method to redistribute wealth... it redistributes wealth from lenders to borrowers."
"The rich have stolen everything. Don't you think it's time to steal it all back?"
"The rich suddenly get poorer and the poorer get richer, and it's the situation that's gained so much traction."
"Inflation is a wealth redistribution scheme... you're taking from everybody else and giving it to yourself. There's something really wrong about that, right?"
"We are witnessing a transfer of wealth from Wall Street to Main Street."
"If we don't reverse that flow of wealth... living standards will decline aggressively."
"The best way to redistribute wealth is to simply educate people on financial literacy and investing skills."
"There's no amount of money that solves homelessness truly, there's no amount of money that solves inequality truly and also is it right to actually just take from whoever you want to take."
"So, it's just the amazing thing of like these uh, these hedge funds sitting there doing all this manipulation is like, 'May their billions become your billions,' like they're just taking their billions..."
"We're going to stand up against an elite that looks after their own by redistributing wealth and power and curing the injustices that were exposed and exacerbated by the national emergency."
"We're going to take the money back from the elites."
"Bitcoin is the guillotine of our time; it's going to decapitalize in a peaceful way hundreds of thousands of these wretched scum that have stolen trillions from us, and now we're going to get it back."
"Who doesn't want to steal from these rich dicks and give back to the poor?"
"We should redistribute the wealth of the massive corporations and give it to everyone."
"We take all the cash and then we take all of the equities that have been dumped by all these investors and we buy them on behalf of the people."
"The great wealth transfer that's about to manifest is a fulfillment of Proverbs 13:22."
"The wealth of the wicked stored up for the just."
"That's called need, that's called redistribution of wealth."
"Every dollar that you move from the top 10% to the bottom half... is gonna close the overall wealth gap."
"We need to redistribute some of the wealth at the very top... and put money back into education and Social Services." - Dave Farina
"Universal basic income is a redistribution of power in a world of billionaires."
"Looting is redistribution of wealth from corporations to individuals."
"I'm not so sure if you can even get to wealth redistribution... until you tackle aggressively and forcefully the agenda of white supremacy."
"This is the greatest wealth transfer happening right now right before our eyes."
"Just tell us what you want. So tax the rich okay fine take all their money do it."
"The post-pandemic era will usher in a period of massive wealth redistribution."
"The American dream is dead so the best that we can do is take that wealth and spread it around so other people can have lives that are dignified."
"We're seeing the biggest transfer of wealth in history."
"The greatest transfer of wealth in a generation is taking place right in front of you."
"Bernie Sanders doesn't just want to redistribute wealth, he wants to redistribute power."
"A recipe for an epic redistribution of wealth."
"We could tax that oligarch in such a way that it would confiscate that money."
"The only solution is to fundamentally transform the system and the way that wealth is produced and shared by the people who produce it."
"This is going to be the largest wealth transfer in history and foreign central banks are well along I would say they're not even one quarter done maybe not even 10% done dumping the treasuries and buying gold."
"It's a flipping of the tables... the wealth of the sinner who stole our inheritance is stored up for the church."
"We're going to see the start of the greatest wealth transfer in human history."
"This is a slush fund to redistribute money from your pockets to people around the world."
"There's going to be a huge, huge transfer of wealth."
"I love watching billionaires get [ __ ]. I'm okay with this one."
"Let's redistribute the wealth equitably amongst our people."
"God transfers the wealth of the wicked to the righteous."
"Legally and ethically, this wealth undoubtedly belongs to the descendants of slaves who are facing structural and systemic racism."
"I would love for Jeff Bezos to lose a significant portion of his personal wealth that he doesn't need so that we can have a better functioning society."
"There's going to be a supernatural wealth transfer."
"The wealth of the wicked shall be stored up for the righteous."
"All the gains that people think they have will just be shifted into the stackers once the money collapses, once the dollar collapses."
"Redistribute the wealth, universal basic income now."
"Just as the Egyptians had to give to Israel, so will the wealth of the wicked be given to us."
"There's no way to fight plutocracy without making the plutocrats less wealthy and powerful."
"Once you overcome your greed and engage in redistributive wealth, that is what will truly save us all."
"We're going to tax the billionaires and expand Social Security."
"Let's tax the wealth of the rich to take some demand out of the system."
"Wealth never disappears, it just shifts location. And if you're a wrestler, exactly, you see exactly where it's at."
"There's nothing out there that's a better transfer of wealth, a redistribution of wealth to lower income people than crypto."
"Redistribution of wealth and the opportunity for financial freedom."
"This whole World Economic Forum redistributing wealth... is leading to what in my book I've described as the digital caste system."
"The only good billionaire is a billionaire who is no longer a billionaire because they gave away most of their money."
"I have come to learn that after ten years that they cannot have real true social integration, unless you have economic integration, and you cannot have economic integration, unless you go back and redistribute some of the wealth and opportunity into the hands of black folk."
"Throw your money in the stock market and bankrupt the rich."
"If everybody that has money took 2.5 percent of their wealth and redistributed it to the poorest of the people in society there would be no world hunger there would be no Global poverty."
"If your whole world just got pulled away from you, it's not that the money just evaporated, it just got transferred somewhere."
"Disrupt the system and make the rich pay."
"God is going to finance you through an end time transfer where the wealth of the wicked is going to be laid up for the righteous."
"One of the most effective climate policies would probably be to expropriate all the assets of the richest 1 to 10% of the human population."
"The point of redistributive policies is not to punish you or your parents for being wealthy but rather to say that a billionaire won't miss a hundred dollars here or there but someone with nothing could gain a lot of Happiness from that one hundred dollars."
"this is a plan for redistributing wealth responding to climate change closing the inequality gap dealing with racial injustice gender and justice"
"True progress and true action means taking power away from billionaires through heavy taxation and the simultaneous building of movements rooted in truly democratic and collective ideals."
"Like a Machiavellian Robin Hood, she would just steal from the wealthy areas, charge them a fee to stop the pirates from coming back."
"The wealth of the wicked is for the righteous."
"I see the wealth of the wicked being stored up for the just."
"There's enough wealth in the system now, let's redistribute it to the people who need it."
"He wanted to take the money from the rich people and give it to some poor people, and that was not a very popular thing to do."
"It is consumers who make poor people rich and rich people poor."
"We need a massive redistribution of wealth downward."
"Vulnerability can lead us to radical egalitarianism, to socialism, to the radical redistribution of wealth."
"If we could do something to eventually redistribute wealth through some sort of global UBI at scale... that would be more important as AI advanced."
"It's our money, they took it by building rules and walls that benefited them, it's not theirs, it's ours, they're thieves and we have to take it back."
"He was like a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor himself."
"The debate needs to be about, how do we feel about the benefits of redistributing from the rich to the poor versus the cost in terms of the leak in the bucket?"
"We've had a massive transfer of wealth and spending toward the elderly the last 40 or 50 years."