
Nature Conservation Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"I love my mountains, I love my nature... I want to help preserve it as best as I can."
"The Galapagos Island is the perfect place that represents the possibilities of evolution and ecological coexistence."
"Make like a nice little river path over here... Let's get these trees out of the way... Wait, no, actually leave the trees; it could be a nice scenic river that goes through the trees."
"This was the most important moment. We need to listen to the words of the people on the land. Nature is the earth and it is other beings."
"We should leave nature how we found it and pick up our trash. Okay, bye."
"Leave room for nature, leave room for nature."
"We reminded the world that we are not separate from nature, from water, or from each other."
"Nature still resilient. If we give them a chance, nature can come back. Biodiversity can come back."
"Recognizing all profit is extracted from nature is honestly a huge step, something which is honestly very anti-capitalist on its own merit."
"Our task is to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all of nature and all living creatures."
"We can work with nature rather than against it."
"I imagine a world where the beauty of nature is valued and preserved for future Generations."
"From cleaning up the enchanted forest to tending to the Whomping Willow, there was an outpouring of love for mother nature, a humbling reminder that magic is as much a part of the environment as it is of us."
"We can't have a stable climate if we keep destroying nature."
"The granddaddy of American national parks, Yellowstone is the oldest in the United States."
"Deep and profound respect for their environment."
"A life without wild nature a life without these great iconic species is an impoverished life If we lose all wild species we're going to lose ourselves."
"This way of living won't last forever, and when it's done I would rather there's more of the natural world left rather than less."
"We're passionate about protecting the natural world, willing to prioritize a livable climate over all issues."
"The landscape thrives on balance, and if you don't have predators, that balance is disrupted."
"Your death makes nature preservation possible."
"After a couple like fifty or hundred trees, you know, it's gonna make a significant difference, I think that's pretty good."
"This land is more than our mother earth, it is precious."
"Doing everything for the benefit of nature, the Earth, the animals, the trees, the plants, the snails, the slugs, everything."
"New technology is completely revolutionizing how we study and protect nature."
"A truly magnificent creature that we are lucky to share the planet with."
"Humans are responsible for looking after nature."
"Steve Irwin, hands-down the greatest naturalist that ever lived on our planet, the greatest presenter when it comes to wildlife."
"We did this together, friends. This was our efforts in a little bit of nature, a lot of nature."
"Protecting and conserving nature is one of the most important steps we can take to halt the loss of biodiversity while addressing climate change and advancing Indigenous reconciliation."
"I think there should be more trees."
"Sadly, according to the guide, as much as every part of me wanted to help it, the best course of action was to not interfere with nature and leave it be, as this baby bird would become essential food for predatory animals."
"Anything you can do to get people active and enjoy the outdoors, that is your only hope to protect it."
"Human involvement in nature is usually frowned upon, but Houston wants you to know that tourism can help save it."
"Rewilding gives you something different; we need both traditional nature conservation and rewilding."
"The world's tallest tree is off-limits to visitors."
"...I like to give back to nature and I like to feed the pollinators when there's not much else growing on for them."
"I've always loved the Wild and having the chance to protect it is a privilege."
"Instead of trying to fool mother nature, we need to go to the opposite direction."
"Florida does an incredible job protecting the land and the nature and the animals."
"We're bringing conservation to a new audience."
"Come follow along as I pursue my goals of educating, inspiring, exploring, and conserving wildlife all while having fun seeing the beauty in our natural world."
"To be able to fix a little bit of nature or help and to let that bird go, it's a beautiful feeling, it's a great privilege."
"The scope of our public lands is so vast, and this trip made me realize how important they are and what a treasure they are."
"Nature is not optional, and everybody owns a responsibility to sustaining it, to rebuilding it."
"I launched my own investment vehicle, investing on behalf of nature."
"We're very, very lucky to have the vast majority of the world's chalk streams here in the UK, something totally unique."
"We're building a new Nature Center at Salt Fork; it should be completed in 2024, and Bigfoot's gonna be a central theme in it."
"We share a passion for our national parks and other wild places around the world."
"We are the best stewards of this place."
"We live by the stories that we make and that we tell, and this story is about reuniting nature."
"It's very important to do this to preserve nature as much as possible."
"I've been working as a park ranger all my adult life."
"The only footprints I shall leave are those that will wash away."
"National parks are a perpetual reminder of what the world would look like if it weren't for humans."
"We've got our volunteer program, the River Rangers. We get you out in kayaks, picking up stuff, looking at birds and turtles, and all that good stuff."
"We need to restore the ecosystems and life support services that nature provides."
"I've loved being a ranger for the past 20 years."
"There won't be a third world war, but if you continue polluting nature, it will destroy us."
"It really is about recreating that actual slice of the natural habitat."
"Let's take the starfish back to the sea."
"Maintain your love for nature and protect the marine environment."
"We all need to think about what we should do about energy, we should pay more attention to the nature."
"Encouraging nature connection and conservation through attention, curiosity, art, science, and community."
"I'm a fire lookout for the United States Forest Service."
"Be respectful with nature, clean up after yourself when you're camping or out there in the wild."
"It's just incredible to look across the experience, whether it's on the land or in the water, and you have these animals which are ambassadors and emblems of these places."
"Wild birds and public land, Montana is a special place."
"I think that'd be so cool, to return it to its home."
"We won't have anything to grow if we keep on pulling everything from nature and not putting back."
"We must support and cherish people that are willing and able to invest in our beautiful countryside."
"Civilization is in a state of collapse and in order to prevent it we're trying to place a value on nature."
"A portion of what they make goes back to plant trees to give back to nature."
"We're not going to destroy nature; nature will heal."
"This little guy right here is otherwise 100% healthy and he's going to go back to the wild."
"We have a different culture and our own wonderful language. We are proud of our history and take care of our nature."
"It's incredible to be a part of actual conservation that is actually helping these animals."
"Saving something for the birds reminds me of a great story."
"Stand unshod upon it, for the ground is holy, being even as it came from the Creator. Keep it, guard it, care for it, for it keeps men, guards men, cares for men."
"Hunters are the one segment of society that carry forward a youthful fascination with nature into a higher level of appreciation and respect."
"Look, Henry," called Terence, "we're beginning again. The hillside will look better than ever before, you'll see."
"I think we're all very grateful that we get to be able to spend time doing this."
"I'm happy to see that today we do pay a lot more attention to what's around us."
"Just by existing, they're doing so much for the environment."
"When we destroy nature, we destroy ourselves."