
Prospects Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"You've got to always have prospects. This is what gives you that confident arrogance swag."
"In some ways it's going to be way worse, but in other ways it's going to be way better."
"I'm super realistic about it both in terms of the potential for winning which is Tiny at this point right."
"I do see some good lovins happening for you guys after a bit of a dry spell or being single."
"I'm excited to step into the pros soon in the next few years, and I feel like I'll do great."
"The rule for sales success can be contained in six words: Spend more time with better prospects."
"Your prospects do all the work instead of you doing all the work."
"If you didn't have a degree right now, would your prospects be more difficult?"
"Your sales are directly in proportion to the amount of time you spend face to face with qualified prospects."
"It's a good month, opportunities knocking."
"Guess what? You can create a range of video content that will engage your prospects."
"Cultivate a sense of adventure so you will be able to see these new prospects. It's important that you do stay aware."
"A new opportunity is showing up for sure."
"Who are the best goalie prospects in the NHL today?"
"Comprehending the constraints and prospects within modern medicine is akin to possessing a roadmap for a journey."
"Anybody who's at the top when we get there, we'll be ready for the fight. It's a lot of up-and-coming prospects, but I feel like I'd be ready to get it on with anybody."
"Fry's life was shown to be a dead end with little to no prospects while being frozen was the best possible thing for his Ambitions."
"From one of the most hyped prospects in basketball history to one of the most accomplished."
"Pingping's prospects for the record seem good."
"That's still January is just around the corner so all of that is deeply concerning about his long-term prospects."
"The future looks good for the fabricator."
"Don't talk down on prospects in a 1% Club."
"...he'll get a chance to probably sit on the bench for a year or two."
"As a single mom working a dead-end job out in BFE, her prospects aren’t quite the brightest."
"MLB's top prospects are sometimes at their highest level of value before they reach the highest level of play."
"You're going to see all prospects over the weekend of the 15th and 16th throughout Major League Baseball so I guess if you're a veteran guy you're going have to go to the back fields."
"There's some major opportunity here that's coming in."
"Prospects develop at different points. I don't think this takes away from his potential, what he's gonna develop into."
"Prospects are a Dodger staple, regarded all around baseball as one of the top farm systems in the game."
"We've gone through phases where Jaylen Green would go number one, Mobley, Cade, obviously Al, and Josh Giddy. Each of these 2021 draft picks have had their moments in the NBA so far."
"They're clearly top 10 guys, clearly top Sigh prospects of the last 15 years."
"Get ready to have a lot of opportunities, a lot of options."
"They're hoping that he becomes the next great Alabama wide receiver."
"We've got some good opportunities here today."
"But Josh, this coach is an incredible opportunity for someone."
"Jane was nearing three and twenty years of age, and the only prospect for marriage had been Mr. Bingley."
"Prospects are like Dobermans, they can smell the fear."
"A chess player's prospects have never looked so high."
"That's what excites me, I'd much rather see a rebuild that includes top-notch prospects than a rebuild where you keep hearing from the front office, 'Our best prospects are in A-ball.' I think these guys are on the cusp right now, so I'm really excited."
"It's a great chance to understand what makes these prospects tick away from the game."
"I just can't wait, like you got Kyle, you got Gabriel Aras, you got Bo, like you got all these young prospects that I've heard of for the Guardians probably for the last three or four years and they're here. And they're here now."
"I am interested in every child in the North having good prospects and being treated fairly."
"He's head and shoulders, the number two prospect in this draft class."
"Important prospects appreciate being asked important questions."
"Swing for the fences with one of a few prospects who I could really see blossoming into a star."
"And then the checklist that was jam-packed with hot rookies and up-and-coming new prospects, and you had a recipe for fire."
"A higher P/E often taken to mean that the firm has significant prospects for future growth."
"Prospects are looking pretty good."
"This is my series where I sift through the minor league numbers and try to uncover some underrated prospects."
"There are a lot of things to get excited about."
"Hopefully this has been a fun way to learn about new prospects."
"If your checklist matches, if your attachment style matches, if your love language matches, and you have at least five or seven things that you actually like that are in common, you got a pretty good shot."
"Fishing is not for everyone, but a real specimen can be a great prospect for targeting."
"Ryan Dunn is one of the best defensive prospects I've ever evaluated."
"The future promise of any nation depends on the present prospects of their youth."
"It's all about basically leaving your prospects better than when you found them."
"I'm going to pay way more for the one that's increasing with future prospects."
"One of the hottest prospects in the sport."
"It's actually looking rather exciting."
"The 2024 NFL draft is full of talented quarterback prospects."
"I would rather marry a gentleman with no prospects or, as you so eloquently put it, a penniless poet or philosopher."
"Win the attention of our prospects."
"Bitcoin is a savings account; it's a way for you to park your cash in an asset that has more long-term bullish prospects than the US dollar."
"When you understand how to ask great questions, that process sets up an endless chain of people who are your prospects."
"You never know what these prospects, that's why some folks will always say the safest bet if you're going to invest is buying vintage Hall of Famers."
"Given the broad nature of this degree, graduates have vast prospects after completing it."
"They talked to each other about future prospects, and they discovered that on closer observation these were not at all bad."
"I'm just looking forward to what's next."
"It can tell you some of the top prospects in your organization, some guys that you can start to get excited about."
"It's a really beautiful look at an age gap for a woman who really didn't have any good prospects."
"White has a strong attack, but black has a lot of long-term prospects."
"I can assure you, miss, the boy is fitting well, he has good prospects."
"This card is stacked with talent, with prospects that have tons of potential."
"I'm just pretty much sold here on Gunner and Ellie De La Cruz."
"Leads are basically your prospect customers or your potential customers."
"The future holds immense potential and exciting prospects for this rising star."
"Bright new prospects are on the horizon for you."
"He was regarded as one of the top three defensive prospects."
"Good luck, Tristan. That's exciting prospects."
"Five youngsters, five prospects, hopefully one of them breaks through a couple years down the road."
"He's getting some National Hockey League looks now."
"Bijan Robinson is the best running back prospect we've had since Saquon Barkley."
"Hopefully some positive prospects in the near future."
"That shows high-level prospects, thinking his way through this fight."
"You're going to become aware of an opportunity which is going to bring you really bright prospects into your life."
"There is a very, very important opportunity going to come up in terms of bright prospects with unlimited possibilities."
"They made you feel triumphant about the new characters' future prospects."
"It's all about supply and demand. There's a lot more demand for guys that are prospects."
"By the end of this month, you are going to be facing the stage of your life with so many bright prospects and unlimited opportunities."
"It's going to bring you a really mind-blowing sense of security, stability, but at the same time, you are also going to become aware of the mind-blowing prospects coming into your life."
"Good prospects but he also started to ret with some veteran guys and now all of a sudden they're in the playoff race."
"This energy is going to bring hope, faith, a whole new inspiration, and suddenly you're going to be facing these bright prospects."
"You're going to realize bright prospects that are coming to you, that are floating towards you."
"Your ships are coming in; there are opportunities coming through for you."
"This is bringing very bright prospects into your life that are going to be rather life-changing."
"What is our best prospect for long-term success?"
"They're coming with great prospects, great ideas, great visions about the future together."
"It's the long-term prospects that we really care about."