
Political Influence Quotes

There are 1734 quotes

"Who controls interest rates, who controls monetary policy in Europe, controls the politics of Europe."
"He really tapped into a group that felt unheard and unseen."
"The whistleblower... opened up the discussion to people like senators who were very supportive of providing weapons to the Ukrainians."
"Twitter is more valuable than $54.20 per share; it's the political influence you wield when you silence those who disagree with you."
"Everyone understands the truth when you change who votes, you change who wins."
"We are here because our great American republic is admired in dark money, huge gouts of anonymized money by covert political influence."
"Thank you to the politicians... for putting pressure on companies to look after us, the customers."
"What the ESG movement demands is that actually we take those questions out of the political process and settle them through the use of capital force in boardrooms across America."
"The kennedy's wealth and political power are legendary: three U.S. senators, two U.S. ambassadors, and of course President John F. Kennedy."
"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex."
"Don't let the political agenda and the manipulators screw with you."
"The degree of cash and political capture by the city of London by the big banks and the big law firms is so enormous that the politicians have effectively become their spokespersons."
"The degree of capture, political capture, by the city of London, by the big banks and the big law firms is so enormous that the politicians have effectively become their spokespersons."
"The power of social media... it's huge in making stars like Trump and making stars like you but stars like AOC."
"The fact that somebody in Canada is spreading the ideas of Liberty and of the individual and limited government all of those things is incredibly inspiring to me."
"It is the greatest moral failure that we have politicians...in the pocket of the gun lobby that are doing their bidding and watching our children die every single day."
"Extremist politicians are more interested in bringing divisive culture wars into our kids' classrooms than they are in proposing solutions to actually help students and parents."
"Social media has the ultimate power to influence political opinion."
"Americans need to know who Leonard Leo is... responsible for the right of women to choose being taken away for the first time in a half century."
"We are going through a cultural revolution right now, and the political power will follow that."
"Anyone who is taking his or her cues from President Trump at this point is dangerously out of contact with reality."
"The black contingent of men, women, and children have a significant vote in this country."
"She made the political weather; she made history, and let this be her epitaph: that she made our country great again."
"The internet is setting discourse now, not maybe absolutely like it's been where years past that inflection point where online discourse is what's setting the tone for what our future political landscape is looking like."
"AOC... made it something legitimately considered by a large portion of the American electorate."
"If you think money doesn't shape our politics, then think about the fact that you've heard of Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Steyer because they outspend everybody else by enormous amounts."
"I love Nina Turner. I think she should run. Absolutely. I told her to run. I told Tulsi to run before she ran, and she ran. So maybe, maybe I have that power. Maybe she'll run."
"As war rages in both Europe and the Middle East, Donald Trump is encouraging Russia to attack our NATO allies."
"The reason why presidential candidates are coming here is because you control the future of the country. It's a beautiful thing."
"Experts are no longer neutral but tools and accomplices in misleading the public under CCP rule."
"The fact that someone can just buy a bunch of Facebook ads and discourage people from voting in elections, that should be very concerning to people who care about the health of their democracy."
"They use that money to buy politicians to buy legislation that favors them."
"I'm not a fan of those ideas, to be completely honest, but it does show that Democrats have had a direct line to Twitter to remove information."
"Politics can change a culture and save it from itself."
"The truth matters, and the truth is, America, that this judicial nominee has made her views so clear, and this President is trying to put her in a position of power to make decisions about your lives."
"Bringing Mega politics into Canada isn't something that's actually happening. What is happening is Canadians and people around the world are saying, 'I think you're ruining Canada and something needs to be done.'"
"Bernie really wanted to bring that level of class consciousness and the idea that unions can help you in these workplaces to politics."
"The most powerful person in the country... it says that the country is not full of conspiracy theorists; it's that the moderates don't have a voice."
"The primary reason why we're talking about a $15 an hour minimum wage now is because Bernie was in the primary and lost. He pushed Hillary on it. I think he pushed a lot of other people on it too. I really firmly believe that, which is awesome. That's great."
"Content creators especially those who do political content or political adjacent content have an incredibly high degree of responsibility over the outcomes of their behavior."
"To some, he is the smooth-talking defender of freedom, who used his wise demeanor to destroy communism itself, and bring America into a golden age, with golden arches."
"The dangerous power of Donald Trump and the threat that this cult poses to the rest of the country."
"The media are a herd of puppies and Trump's the master with the red rubber ball."
"The intersection of law and politics is a battleground where the soul of America is at stake."
"The rule of law is undermined by the toxic combination of political fundraising with legal fees paid by political action committees, reckless and factually untrue statements by lawyers at rallies and in the media, and efforts to advance a political narrative through lawsuits without a factual basis or any cognizable legal theory."
"As long as the Chinese empire enjoyed military, political, and cultural dominance in East Asia, Confucianism was held in high regard."
"Are you really choosing the best film of the year anymore or what you think the best film of the year is? Are you just playing a political game?"
"Doesn't seem controversial to say that if a business is making money off of misery, even if you regard that business as necessary, you still shouldn't want it to be influencing politicians or holding much power, right?"
"Your vote is powerful, your vote can change the country."
"Even the negging in the deep blue areas, we're like 'oh you know your vote doesn't count.' It does count."
"The battles that we see in the streets matter, the courts matter, the halls of state legislatures and Congress matters as well."
"South Carolina is going to be an incredibly powerful and important voice."
"I've never seen a time when the political coverage... has as much impact on what they believe."
"If a technology company promotes a candidate for office against another, the value of that promotion must be recorded as a political campaign contribution."
"There is a foreign government meddling in US affairs, but it's not China, it's Israel."
"The media were more focused on protecting Joe Biden's electoral chances than reporting the news to you. It is simply that easy."
"Taylor Swift, one of the most politically influential personalities in the world."
"Jeff Fort was once seen as a real political force in Chicago all the way up to President Nixon's White House."
"She's going to be a very strong liberal voice for a very long time."
"Please do not, like the president did in Georgia this week, surrender to the angriest voices on social media in the mistaken belief that they reflect the majority of America."
"These are journalists who are very much in danger, remember. President Trump hasn't changed their lives. President Trump has single-handedly put their lives in danger."
"Men may hate us, but we don't ask for their love; only for their fear."
"I actually finally had the most gratifying DM I ever got. I got a DM from a libertarian saying, 'I'm a libertarian but your show convinced me we do need the government to do some things.'"
"Fires are burning, president fans flames instead of fighting them."
"The reason the black church keeps talking about 'don't get in politics' is because it's the most political institution of your community."
"Capturing political structures isn't necessary for cultural reform; manifest the power of the gospel in every corner."
"What motivates the enemy like Osama bin Laden and his allies is what we do in the Islamic world."
"The cheat sheet raises the question of just who is calling the shots, who is exercising Presidential Power. Somebody is telling and what to say, and we're expected to just lap it up for another 18 months. That's not right."
"This Balfour Declaration is actually meant to tip the scales of Christians here in America."
"Decisions about public health measures have been influenced by disinformation and political ideology."
"The best thing that ever happened to Vladimir Putin was Joe Biden becoming president."
"They're programming the culture. The day is coming when the politicians realize that these social media platforms are picking the next president."
"Putting people like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in position to shape policy."
"Government is going to become the center of the economy for the foreseeable future, and politics, I believe, is going to lead."
"Every single time there's an error in a climate change study, it tends to benefit people who say the climate change is a catastrophe."
"Tim Poole is probably at this point in time one of if not the most active and influential political figures on the Internet."
"Twitter Executives did ban Trump, even though key staffers said Trump had not incited violence."
"The media's narrative is obviously driven by politics more than it is driven by data."
"It's not just the Republican Party, it's the Koch brothers, it's ALEC."
"Hamilton's Federalist essays help to convince many skeptical politicians to support the Constitution."
"Trump cannot become irrelevant unless you make Trump irrelevant. You cannot nullify Trump and Trump's rhetoric unless you have political parties and political leaders that behave with absolute integrity and authenticity."
"Donald Trump isn't president anymore, he might not even run for president again, so why are we still talking about him and why is he still defining contemporary politics?"
"His legacy continues to influence us nuclear policy and energy discussions."
"Trump without Twitter is somewhere near 50% in the approval ratings. Trump with Twitter is at 38% in the approval rating."
"Who's actually behind all of this? It's really Joe Biden."
"Donald Trump is responsible for that. It is because of him."
"It turns out that this sort of stuff is going to drive a Trump vote. It will and it should drive a Trump vote because if you're going to react to the complete takeover of the intellectual underpinnings of the country by this anti-racist garbage..."
"We have to reclaim that authority... Take their money away."
"When you surrender to or you are infected by a particular set of political programming, you lose your capacity to choose."
"The libertarian ideology has been pulling mainstream politics to the right."
"There are very few people having the kind of cultural and political impact that he's having."
"He shifted the Overton window. We are now debating all the topics on Donald Trump’s turf."
"I think Donald Trump is probably the most transformational political figure in the last let's say six or seven decades of American political life maybe you can compare it to Ronald Reagan in terms of the transformational effect and to uh FDR."
"Donald Trump speaks in a way that holds people's interests."
"The Triumph of the Will... one of the most effective pieces of political propaganda ever made."
"Oil fuels our transport, rules our economies, influences political society, and shapes our lives."
"Donald Trump being there brings people hope."
"Donald Trump was not elected because people had a ton of respect for America's institutions."
"The will of the people could fundamentally restructure society."
"I think President Trump inspired this group of ordinary people to get off the sidelines and go fight for freedoms and for future generations."
"When it comes to Beijing's malign influence and interference in American politics and policy, we will continue to expose it."
"I'm so glad that the vice president of the United States gave that statement because of the work of Randall Robinson."
"The greatest opportunity for African-Americans was under a Democratic president."
"We've got some big elections and some important States... these elections are going to lay the groundwork for those."
"Politics is downstream Englisher, he understood culture."
"It's fundamentally anti-democratic to vote somebody in who's ultimately going to be a puppet for whoever is the puppet master."
"Elite capture: it's one of the key ways the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party gets a liberal democracy to do its bidding."
"The fear-mongering about liberal teachers infiltrating public schools perpetuates a system that keeps more and more children in the dark."
"We really, I think, should be concerned when these companies that represent themselves as neutral platforms are actually exercising editorial control and pushing particular political viewpoints."
"The libertarian party has definitely helped to push the Overton window on federal issues... We were the first party to come out in support of [gay marriage]."
"The tempting of America... the great temptation for judges is to get on the bench and impose your political views and call it jurisprudence."
"Let's just list them though that that thing the CDC stuff um he also said that the Trump Administration when they were in the White House was in contact with Twitter mods getting stuff taken down."
"Capitalism created a new class of wealthy traders and merchants, who competed for political influence with those from hereditary status groups such as the nobility."
"Human morality is based upon having sound money, sound interactions with one another, and money is the thing that we all need. And the minute you start to make money something is political and not sound, um, that leads to corruption and problems."
"Elizabeth Warren is an existential threat to big tech."
"The U.S. media covered protests in Cuba far more negatively than in Colombia, conforming to Biden's foreign policy agenda."
"The corporate media does nothing to help the Cuban dissidents within Cuba."
"They've leveraged their political connections to gain dominion over vast natural resources."
"If people wanted to help, they should tweet at the governor and Attorney General of Arkansas."
"Political power is not derived from the barrel of a gun."
"If you don't vote, you can't change the policymakers who then change your laws."
"People will choose Practical living over political ideology when it comes to paying the bills."
"The real problem being wealth persuading labor to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power."
"Vladimir Putin's last hope is seeing Donald Trump in office again."
"Judge, he's an elected politician and he is allowing the prosecution of an American citizen who exercised his rights under Arizona law."
"We're not benefiting from it, but what I'm saying is he's showing that all these ideas about what a president can't do, he's shown in a way that no president before him has shown in the time that I've been alive."
"The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head."
"George Soros is an evil, evil Palpatine-like character."
"We need to address the outsized influence of gun manufacturers in our public policy debates."
"That's a sad statement when we find out that the corporations are more powerful than the presidency of the United States, that's a problem."
"Nobody wants to talk about this stuff least of all a lot of these politicians who are in some way owned by China. I do believe personally, I don't know if I'm in trouble for saying this, I believe that Biden is in some way compromised by China."
"No more respect needs to be placed on the billionaires of this world or the political establishment."
"The antidote to a government controlled by a powerful few is a government by the organized, energized, inclusive many."
"Obama has an opportunity to really lead on this."
"Political power is built by numbers, that's it. Support and public popularity are the bedrock of all populist movements."
"The story of China's interference in Australia has not been told."
"There's evidence that covert Chinese Communist Party interference is continuing."
"The reason the New York Times dedicated this much space to it is because this is part of a hard push by the left in advance of the 2020 election to silence right-wing views."
"If you believe that Google and YouTube and Facebook aren't going to elevate left-wing sources above right-wing sources you're out of your mind."
"This is the president of the United States with the man with the nuclear football meters away, and he's undermining democracy in the most profound way."
"Her effect on the terms of political debate has been profound."
"Corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics."
"Abortion is one of the most, if not the most mobilizing factors in the 2022 election."
"Scientific facts are dependent on politics, funnily enough they're not."
"The movement comes as several voter groups are giving Republicans a boost." - Ben Shapiro
"I just, I'm incredibly angry about the way that this entire situation has been treated by the media and the way that it's been downplayed for partisan purposes."
"Corporations, politicians, they all have made it harder for us to have families, have kids, and I think we're now seeing that destruction come out in society."
"Maybe Ron DeSantis's actions emboldened fascists to think that they have more broader popular support than they actually do."
"The winner of the night without even showing up was Donald Trump."
"Energy business allowed Putin to pick and choose who would be rich and who would be powerful in Ukraine."
"Women's sport: In another gift to Murdoch, the Liberal Party gave his company Foxtel 40 million dollars under the guise of promoting women's sport."
"Au pairs: Multiple times Peter Dutton was caught using his ministerial powers as Immigration Minister to grant tourist visas to au pairs."
"70% of people told us they made up their mind before Labor Day."
"Poor and low-wealth people can determine who sits in the Senate and who sits in the White House."
"Women voters and their political power saved the night for the Democrats."
"It is bigger than one man, it is bigger than me, it is bigger than Donald Trump, it's certainly bigger than Ron DeSantis, it's even bigger than the Republican party."
"Far from being a seductive temptress, Bathsheba was helpless before the king's desire but grew into a political powerhouse."
"Our argument was that the lobby by itself could not make the war happen President Bush and Vice President Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld three individuals who are not in the Israel lobby were necessary to make that war happen."
"The lobby's influence, of course, is no secret. AIPAC was ranked the second most powerful lobby in Washington in a 2003 survey of congressmen and their staffs."
"We can't save America as one person in the House of Representatives, but we can save our family."
"There's ultimately money is losing its power in politics."
"Now I'm really done. Like now that I know that if I buy an Anastasia Beverly Hills bronzer that money is possibly going to Republican campaigns to support ideology that I wholeheartedly disagree with, now I'm really done."
"We will vote them out we will use the full force of our community the awesomeness the memes the fun we can actually use it for some good too so let's be doing that in every every single turn that we possibly can."
"I think it has to make power nervous, I think is the end goal."
"We need everyone, every past president, every future president needs to endorse Dogecoin."
"I don't know if Trump can do it about this, it's necessarily interesting, but I want to see an end to the foreign influence in our elections."
"I think they're also people who are much crazier around him and they are much stronger than the moderates around him."
"The main thing to take away from this is that the Biden White House explicitly, objectively, and directly attempted to coerce Twitter into banning materials for posting things that in some cases did not run afoul of TOS."
"Be inflexible, be loud, they can do it together to resist the intrusions of the radical left."
"This president has radicalized so many more people than Isis ever did."
"He walks out a free man, goes back to work for LBJ who now owns him Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels."
"I think that he has a lot of information on some pretty powerful people so we're going to see if things stick we're going to see how much pull did didn't really have." - Cleo
"Our vote is powerful. We proved that in 2020."
"Voting is a powerful prescription, voting is indeed medicine."
"Infantry remain absolutely critical to the efficacy of militaries in the field."
"I think even for your generation I think you're seeing now more engagement... maybe it took Trump to engage both the working class and in this young generation..."
"The population understands this isn't true, but because you've got huge money behind it, it's being pushed as the policy of the United States."
"God's hand is on this nation on the right and the left and he will get his wall built."
"They're literally influencing our elections in the United States."
"The rise of people like Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers reflects how billionaires have gradually taken more direct control over politicians."
"The ACLU is collapsing full-scale into the foolishness of the hard left."
"He is the President of the United States... using the power of the federal government against her."
"BlackRock believes that the politics of inflation narrative is on the cusp of changing."
"You can't control who's in office unless you're a lobbyist or part of a super pac but you can control how you invest."
"The caution against taking prosecutorial action for the purpose of affecting an election... oh my gosh what a joke."
"I'll be damned if I stay silent and let some unelected Silicon Valley billionaire call the shots in this country."
"It's literally a copy and paste of the opposition lobbyist. The opposition lobbyist got to write the bill."
"That can absolutely swing an election, and we know that it has."
"Elizabeth Warren is the top choice of 38% of MoveOn members nationwide, the top choice of voters surveyed in the voting states of California, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and South Carolina."
"The Democratic establishment decided...like a ton of bricks on Bernie Sanders."
"They're beholden to the mob, not realizing they're the biggest players in directing it." - Tim Pool
"Lessons learned from the coronavirus pandemic depend on political will."
"They're using their money to influence policies."
"If Donald Trump did nothing else, he saved this country from that club."
"He is the emperor, he is the kingmaker, the Republican Party is his party."
"Louisiana can do more than its share to set the stage for a great victory for America in 2020."
"Social media platforms and the influence of gen Z users like him have democratized political messaging."
"If your vote didn't matter you wouldn't have so many people trying so hard to stop you from voting."
"No one could really ignite the left like Bernie can right now."