
European Union Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"The European Union either survives as a whole or it collapses as a whole."
"The European Union is this attempt which sort of belief that grows out of trade negotiations that says these European nations which have been fighting each other for many centuries maybe need to come together."
"We need to become independent of Russian energy."
"The safest way is to produce our own energy in the European Union because that's the energy of freedom."
"Relations with the European Union are very much part of the Foreign Secretary's brief."
"The European Union has decided to give another 55 billion euros to Ukraine."
"Our proposal will redirect substantial windfall revenues from frozen Russian State assets for the benefit of Ukraine and its people."
"The European Union has midwifed more nations into becoming upright democracies and free enterprise systems than has any other mechanism in the history of the world."
"With courage and conviction, I believe we can deliver a more flexible, adaptable and open European Union."
"Healing those wounds of our history is the central story of the European Union."
"We must never take for granted the first purpose of the European Union to secure peace."
"One of the main reasons that Switzerland has consistently refused to join the EU is that it doesn’t make a whole lot of economic sense."
"Change is needed, not just for the UK. I don't just want us to leave the European Union; I want Europe to leave it as well."
"We may be facing a really dystopian future in the European Union regarding freedom of expression."
"The European Union is one of the largest but also one of the strangest economic entities to have ever existed."
"The EU has its problems, sure, but it's also been a great stabilizing force within Europe and around the world."
"We want as Europeans to diversify away from Russia towards suppliers that we trust, that are friends and that are reliable."
"The European Union will stand firm and united in its response to this attack on its energy infrastructure."
"The European Union is the beast out of the sea, the beast which St. John saw."
"The European Union's banknotes which already had the mark of the beast'/Empire, will now include an image of Europa herself, the woman who sits on the Beast."
"People have stopped enforced overwhelmingly two men in the EU...because tonight not only have they being ignored their views have been dismissed with utter contempt."
"The EU wasn't perfect, but it could have been reformed by negotiation."
"Let's move forward, let's make the best of it, let's make it a success, let's not try and rejoin."
"Apply for your EU blue card and stay back to work in the country that is really amazing."
"Article 13 is the European version of the DMCA for slow learners."
"Let's get out and let's use our musician as a sovereign nation to carry on blunting some of the excesses of the European Union."
"I did anticipate 25 years fighting and leave the European Union to leave the European Union treaties to sign a new one."
"Now a majority of the population want to to reverse brex to rejoin Europe."
"This is why the European Union is such a problem."
"We are leaving the European Union, but we are not leaving Europe."
"The peoples of England Ireland Scotland unity of Europe and the union of Christianity itself that might even reunite Protestant and Catholic."
"The European Union gets around 40 percent of its gas from Russia but as the war in Ukraine rages on the blocks that it aims to slash two-thirds of its purchases by the end of the year to help cover this shortfall."
"Huge big surprise also the European Union is thinking about introducing a right to repair legislation."
"Germany is the lynchpin of the European Union, an economic powerhouse that’s also home to one of the world’s top creative capitals."
"A new European Union rulebook advises to avoid the word man and say humankind instead of mankind."
"I think the British public genuinely think that we should be sovereign and the European Union. If you're outside of it, it might not be something you're familiar with."
"The European Union wants to project power to Africa to Asia, they want to be a kind of competing empire alongside the United States."
"We are very happy that there is even one European country that decided to take your independence back and to take back control."
"My greatest fear is that the Eurozone will not survive. Because if it doesn't, the centrifugal forces that will be unleashed will be demonic, and they will destroy the European Union."
"We have a disconnect: the narrative in process is that we have greater integration but on the ground in the foundations of the European Union economy we have centrifugal forces that are pulling us apart."
"Once you create a common currency, you need to create a common democracy."
"The European Union will remain a very important trading partner of the United Kingdom."
"The European Union has gone from a more or less balanced current account to a very large surplus."
"Escaping Ukraine: almost 400,000 people have now fled the conflict so far as the EU opens its borders."
"A stable competitive European Union can reconcile economic success and social responsibility in a lasting way."
"When the Brits decided to leave, they made it clear that it wasn't leaving of the world or of Europe, it was just leaving the EU system."
"To survive and prosper, the Atlantic Alliance needs a European pillar that is politically independent."
"We could see European Union that verifiably grows into a military and a security power."
"The leaders of Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovenia are traveling to Kiev to express the European Union's unequivocal support for Ukraine."
"My 20 odd years of professional experience working on the EU has left me very clearly, very firmly of the opinion that it's in the national interest to remain."
"The European Union is set to train 15,000 new Ukrainian soldiers."
"Ultimately, no matter who you elect in Europe, the last decisions are made in Brussels. That's the, you know, the sovereignty transfer, you know?"
"If we simply pull up the drawbridge, we would destroy jobs for everybody in this country." - Nick Clegg
"The European Union brought economic prosperity and peace."
"We're also announcing new sanctions of more than 400 individuals and entities aligned with the European Union."
"The UK benefits from being part of the European scientific community."
"Churchill argued for the creation of the early European Union."
"I think in the EU we're going to start to see a lot more support in the coming years."
"We have to rebuild trust, of course, but I think one of the most important dimensions would be the Indo-Pacific itself because the European Union is also interested. France is interested. We have our interest, strategic interests there."
"The EU internet copyright bill was rejected - hooray!"
"The EU we know today is a vibrant community, but its origins can be traced back to events that dominated the 20th century, to the legacy of World War two."
"The European Union has its origins in a peace initiative that started after World War Two, but look at the Europe of today, and you will see that it has become so much more."
"The EU warns of risk in the rise of US tech giants."
"The Shale revolution in Texas and the United States helped the European Union...slash its imports of Russian oil and gas."
"The European Union no longer protects the people within it; it protects the banks."
"This century, we need a strong European Union that deepens the security and prosperity of this continent."
"You can't just have the deal without Europe."
"Ran roughshod over the EU and here they do it again."
"Niger's mere hint at suspending the tsgp has sent ripples through the European Union."
"Spain could replace Russia in becoming EU's main natural gas hub."
"If the negotiation fails... I would step down because nothing in the 144 commitments can be implemented in the prison of the EU."
"I believe we have made a dramatic momentous error in leaving the European Union."
"Europe, which is already financially a juggernaut, will get over that, oh we could be in the EU."
"At least 13,000 migrants are at Turkey's border with Greece after Turkey declared its border open to those hoping to reach the European Union."
"They've also been told that they will be invited into the European Union."
"Ukraine can only go up once it becomes a member of NATO and a member of the EU there's lots of growth opportunities."
"He's his bogey coach. I mean, if trick-or-treaters have turned up to Pep's house wearing a Michael Myers mask, he probably would have laughed."
"The majority of young people...value our relationship with the European Union."
"I don't feel war in Europe if we're not part of the EU."
"The EU does better and they have much better regulations. They actually require that a product be tested before it's put in the market."
"We believe it's something that works for Northern Ireland while letting us leave the European Union."
"The European Union is in good shape with alternative gas supplies."
"When the Euro collapses, when Europe collapses, we're going to have about eight weeks until the dollar crashes."
"All of these far-right anti-immigrant anti-Europe parties that are poised to destroy the European Union from within."
"The terms on which we rejoined would be very different from the terms we rejected."
"One of the biggest problems is that people aren't involved with the EU."
"Perhaps we're starting to see a glimmer that the European core is starting to understand the trap they've walked themselves into."
"I think one of the things that has been really successful with the European Union is this idea of multiculturalism and positive identity politics."
"The Brexit party has one clear policy that they're all united on, and now united on from the left and right: we must leave the European Union on WTO terms."
"Even if the ultimate goal is joining, not having a critique of the European Union deprives domestic politics of an essential debate."
"If the EU did not exist, racists would have to invent it."
"If you live in Spain or Portugal or indeed Greece, then the EU is what saves you from a return, possibly to dictatorship."
"If you're in Eastern Europe, it's what saves you possibly from a return to communist rule or dominance by Russia."
"There are lots of historical understandings of what the EU is or should be which go very deep."
"Scotland might actually be a good fit for the EU." - The Economist
"Macron wants to put Paris in the driver's seat in Brussels... very key role in the Ukrainian crisis."
"Why did they start EU? It's very simple. It's actually two reasons: number one reason was peace."
"The European Union, in my view, is a neo-liberal anti-working class, anti-democratic oligarchy."
"The EU is unreformable... it's a fairly tyrannical institution at times."
"The European Union flag symbolizes unity, solidarity, and harmony among the peoples of Europe."
"The European Union will come out of this debacle stronger."
"History has shown that Europe's government and the EU were more than willing to financially support and promote their semiconductor Industries."
"A vote for the Brexit Party is a clear vote for a WTO Brexit."
"The euro and the EU are sort of a one-way process."
"We voted to leave, and I mean leave. Anything short won't be Brexit."
"The European Green New Deal is Europe's 'man on the moon' moment."
"Do you think that Europe can force Spanish politicians to be more responsible?"
"The European Union hosts a landmark defense industries forum to support Ukraine."
"Scotland will be back in the EU as an independent country."
"Belgium home to the eu's capital and bordered by the Netherlands Luxembourg Germany and France Belgium is a mix of the best parts of those Nations."
"What's important is that in several elections you've had big majority votes for joining Europe which, in Ukrainian minds, means some idea of tolerance, some idea of rule of law, and some idea of fighting corruption."
"Ukraine is the only country where people are marching, suffering, and dying to join the European Union."
"The European Union has been almost perfect from an American perspective. It's just United enough to keep things quiet in Europe, and it's more efficient when we have to do trade arrangements."
"The restoration of a relationship with the European Union would be the starting point for changes which I believe our country desperately needs but will now have to be undertaken by Future Generations."
"Brussels is widely considered the capital of the European Union."
"The European Union came into existence in 1993."
"The European Union is an international organization made up of 27 member states."
"The European Union has its own public holiday, Europe Day, celebrated every year on the 9th of May."
"No chance Brexit, British exit from the European Union, took place officially on the 31st of January 2020 at 11 pm GMT."
"Bulgaria joined the European Union on January 1st 2007 since joining the European Union Bulgaria has seen economic growth increased foreign investment and access to European Union funds for infrastructure development."
"The whole point of the European Union is not to get richer. The whole point is to preserve peace in Europe by tying together the different economies of the European Union and tying together their cultures."
"Ireland is now the only English-speaking country in the EU."
"The european union is at least the infrastructure for the revival of the roman empire."
"European Union citizens have a number of perks, which includes a free travel area."
"European Union gives the smartest people the opportunity to work where they are most useful."
"European Union has achieved is pretty remarkable as it's hard to think of another set of such diverse countries where you would be able to travel so freely."
"Germany is the strongest economy in the EU."
"Britain's destiny is in Europe as part of the community."
"Greater competitiveness, deepening the single market, more decisions taken at lower levels of government."
"Margaret Thatcher favored the creation of a single market but opposed further integration."
"70% of our young people want to stay in Europe and they're being ignored by the 70% of old people who want to leave."
"The European Union has had a huge power boost."
"Brexit means we're coming out of the European Union."
"The European Union is talking about outlawing combustion engines by 2035 for new vehicles."
"Now just like Nigel Farage, they won't be involved in Europe anytime soon."
"The people of the United Kingdom voted last year to leave the European Union."
"The flag of the European Union features a circle of how many stars?"
"David Cameron has put the legitimacy of Britain's continued membership of the European Union in doubt."
"In the European Union we have unimpeded access to the richest trade market the world has ever seen right here on our doorstep and access to that market of 500 million people encourages a wall of investment to come into the United Kingdom."
"There is no democratic deficit in the European Union, just like there is no oxygen deficit on the moon."
"...the European Union has a number of real achievements which I think can't sensibly be denied..."
"The European Union remains essentially a peace project."
"The European Union was founded for a political purpose."
"Warring neighbors need a common home, and membership of the European Union seemed the only way in which age-old conflicts can be overcome."
"The aim of the founders of the European Union was to transcend nationalism."
"I mean it's the heart, it's Semitic, that it's the only Semitic language in the European Union."
"The EU is a peace project. It's about peace and defending the values we stand for."
"Bulgaria is one of the most affordable countries in the European Union with the lowest income on the block."
"We are likely to see a Labour Party that is looking for a positive relationship with the European Union."
"It was something called the common market, which meant trade between us was easier."
"If we remain in, we'll have a stronger economy."
"After we've left the European Union, the UK will continue to work closely with our European partners to uphold the international rules-based system and to keep all our people safe."
"The government is in favor of staying in a reformed European Union because we are stronger, we are safer, and we're better off."
"The three million EU citizens are our family, our friends, our neighbors, our carers."
"Germany is the strongest economy in the EU and makes up about 16% of the union's population."
"European Union is our natural habitat, pluralistic, and it's our natural family."
"We are putting the European community to work for ordinary people for cheaper air fares, for more and better services, for consumer choice and product safety."
"The best deal we have is the current deal that we have with the European Union."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that post-Brexit and with a wave of far-right populism sweeping Europe, the fate of the EU may hang on this election."
"Modern day Europeans can thank whoever came up with this system for years of lasting peace and prosperity."
"The more Americans know about the European Union, the more favorable view they have of it."
"Is the European Union a success or failure? I would say a success, a huge success."
"The European Union is not just an association of states; it creates its own legal order that is superior to the national laws and constitutions of its members."
"The first reason of the success of the European Union is the tool; it is economy rather than force or dogmas or religion."
"The European Union has two big fish problems."
"The EU has tried to solve both problems."
"The Member States, the driving force of European construction, affirmed their intention to transform before the end of the present decade the whole complex of their relations into a European Union."
"If we provide assistance to people to help them return home, the migration pressure on the European Union countries will diminish significantly."
"People are calling it Brexit, which is just a cute way of saying Britain's exit from the European Union."
"We are better off, safer, and stronger as part of a European Union."
"They are the basis for a new, strong, constructive partnership with the European Union – a partnership of friends and allies, of interests and values."
"We must stay in the EU, but renegotiation is something I do agree with."
"Under the presidency of Maia Sandu, Moldova has been actively pursuing European Union membership."
"I remember it like with the EU, um, Brexit, yeah, Brexit, I know, you get me."
"The Erasmus Plus program is probably familiar to you if you're from the European Union."
"The European Union in some sense is more important than either [Russia or the U.S.]; its economy is bigger than the American economy, its economy is 8 times bigger than the Russian economy at least."
"Having that EU passport, super nice because you have that flexibility."
"The European Union today, you know, I guess that European Union was formed 1999, nineteen that time when it was basically put together, these countries in Europe looked around and they said, 'Hey, if we stuck together economically, then I think it would benefit us all.'"
"We are citizens of cities, of regions, of nation-states, and of course in Europe, of a larger supranational entity."
"Freedom of movement is a privilege and entitlement that over one and a half million British citizens benefit from across the European Union."
"Malta is part of the European Union since 2004 and switched its currency to the euro in 2008."
"The EU has been a success because it has made war unthinkable in Western Europe."
"We need to continue to uphold the freedom of movement within the European Union."
"Deregulation of the airlines has worked, has been one of the great transformational economic policies of the European Union."
"I'm an advocate for the European Union; I think we should reform the EU from within."
"I think that European Union is deeply flawed, but it's a hell of a lot better than closing your eyes and running into the nearest wall."
"The benefit of European Union membership."
"This period allows the transition and adjustment of this country to enter into the bright new world that we will enter when we leave the European Union."
"We will pursue a bold and ambitious free trade agreement with the European Union."
"We are safer, more secure, and better off in a reformed European Union."
"Britain will be stronger, safer and better off inside a reformed European Union."
"No responsible conservative Prime Minister would be so reckless as to take us out of the European Union without a deal."
"The European Union is meant to be based on representative democracy."
"The European Parliament is the main focus point of democracy within the European Union."
"The federal European system could actually create the peace and prosperity that Europe is looking for."
"The EU has to wake up and sort of recheck what is it where is it going to go after this."
"Just for being in the European Union, you are a citizen of all the European Union countries, basically."
"The European Union gives you options."
"You can walk from Lisbon to Tallinn without identification or the need to answer the question business or pleasure."
"Most of Europe's citizens are able to move about efficiently as a result of the European Union."