
Wealth Mindset Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"You have to be wealthy in your mind before you can actually be wealthy and be visibly wealthy."
"The feeling of wealth produces wealth. Keep this in mind at all times."
"In order for you to have a million dollars in your pocket, you first gotta have a million dollars in your mind."
"The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they handle fear."
"You are wealthy in your mind before you're wealthy in your bank account."
"I am a wealth creator, abundance is my birthright."
"There's no scarcity of money in this country; the question is now how can you attract some of it into your pocket."
"What's gonna get you rich is the beliefs that you hold about money and the belief that you have within yourself to be able to create the opportunities to bring more money in."
"Poor people spend time to save money, rich people spend money to save time."
"Poor people have shiny object syndrome... Rich people have a one-pointed laser-sharp focus."
"Wealth is really a mindset. Being rich and being poor is just all up here."
"You have to be rich in your head before you become rich in the world."
"Less is more when developing a wealthy mindset."
"Rich people view money as a renewable resource."
"Imagining you are wealthy will convince your brain, which will convince your body."
"The rich think differently... Wealth is a result of how you think."
"Your wealth is coming from your mindset, how you show up in the world, what you think about this world."
"Giving money always comes back to you tenfold affirming that you have enough money to give is a part of this process."
"I am connected to an endless stream of financial abundance."
"I refuse to have my tribe my family my community living paycheck to paycheck I refuse for y'all to be fake rich and don't have wealth but before we can actually have true wealth we got to have wealth in our mind first."
"A husband, on the other hand, has the mindset of wealth, he has the mindset of legacy."
"Stop thinking that you are poor because someone else is rich and start thinking about how you can add value to the world."
"I begin now today to open myself to ever increasing prosperity."
"Being wealthy is more about being free... having the financial freedom... being able to live your life financially free without having to worry about the payments."
"Rich people have a long-term mindset, poor people have a what's happening today mindset."
"When the rich go shopping, they go to the stock market."
"You attract what you are. If I want to attract money, then I have to already believe that I am wealthy, that I am rich."
"When you think what a rich owner thinks and when you do what a rich owner does, you will produce similar results."
"How you look at going to work changes, how you look at cars and homes changes because you know you can literally print money to pay for that car, pay for that home."
"Work on believing that you deserve to be wealthy."
"Welcome to the Trillionaire Mindset. Who the hell are we? It's not about helping you get rich quick."
"The rich person has patience, is looking for value and opportunities."
"I treated myself as though I was rich already, you know, the money out there, man, act like I was already rich."
"If you want to get away from poverty, if you wish to demonstrate abundance, prosperity, you must form the habit of mentally living in abundance, live in the ideal of what you want."
"In order to be a multi-millionaire you have to think like a multi-millionaire."
"The poor say 'I can't afford it,' the rich mindset is asking the question 'how do I afford it?'"
"I'm magneto with the magnet, yeah, I am the money, the money wants to spend time with me, not [__]."
"Rich people don't make decisions because they're rich, they're rich because they make decisions that way."
"The ability to not just think like a millionaire but to actually be a millionaire."
"Poor people blame others for their misfortunes. Rich people take responsibility."
"Making your money work for you. That's what wealthy people do."
"Don't be scared to manifest abundance; money is just energy."
"The people who make the most money they think about money as a game."
"You really need to believe that this is possible for you and I think you really need to believe that you deserve wealth."
"For me, I started out just like a lot of people... I just wanted to get rich quick."
"If you convince your subconscious mind that wealth is yours and that it is always circulating in your life, you will always and inevitably have it."
"It's not that rich people are evil, it's that when you are money motivated it's like a very different mindset that you're in that you can't factor in the rest of the world."
"The first step toward becoming wealthy is to start acting like a wealthy person."
"I am rising with ease financially. Nothing negative must come out of your mouth at all."
"You have to believe that you can become wealthy."
"Money isn't pursued, it's attracted."
"Rich people talk about things, poor people talk about bills, and wealthy people talk about how much they gave away."
"Shame on every single one of us if we think that it's pretentious to allow somebody else to do a lower-level task for ourselves. That is how we stay poor."
"Poor people think in weeks and months, rich people think in years and decades. That's how you get rich by thinking long term."
"You are not a poor person struggling to become rich; you are rich already."
"Stop thinking that you can't be a part of this, stop thinking that you can't be wealthy."
"Do something that the real cash would do."
"At the core of a wealth mindset is the belief that you are inherently worthy and deserving of abundance."
"People don't understand, your money got to determine your mentality. If you're rich, that's exactly how your mentality got to be. As you grow in finances, you got to grow in intelligence."
"You need to be able to see yourself as someone that has money, that has investments, that has overflow."
"Wealth is mindset before it hits your bank account."
"Passive income isn't just cliche, it's really a thought process."
"Wealth is just a mindset; it's a dollar amount. Everybody's freedom looks different."
"Millionaires think in terms of decades. They know this stuff don't happen overnight."
"The true financial freedom isn't on some number; it's when you can get to the point where you stop making choices that are based on money."
"I'm not trying to be rich; I'm preparing to be rich."
"Thinking like a wealthy person but like a generous wealthy person really changes your perspective."
"By thinking and acting as if you already are wealthy, you begin to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desired financial reality."
"Financial abundance is my divine birthright."
"I have that million-dollar mindset where I want to have that money and that wealth."
"It's all a game, and this is what wealthy people understand."
"Money is not going to come to you if you hate it."
"The fundamental difference between the rich and the poor is how you think and how you structure your life around the long and short term."
"Both approaches to investing can work very well, and not everyone has the same mindset when it comes to building wealth and how they view their investments."
"Poor people spend time to save money, and rich people spend money to save time."
"The main difference between the rich and the poor is the rich have learned to ask better value questions than the poor."
"If you become money, you'll never have to worry about getting money a day in your life."
"Maybe you read 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' so when you grow up you can be a rich dad."
"The rich that I want is the person who is organized and controls his money."
"Super-rich is a state of needing nothing."
"Welcome to Level Up Finance, where we talk about money, mindset on the road to get millions."
"Wealth cannot be equated with some fixed quantity; if one is wealthy in their mind or in their spirit, they may require very few material possessions to be perfectly satisfied with life."