
Eternal Perspective Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"What a perfect picture for us to recenter our heart on what really matters: it's eternity."
"Work for this world as if you would live forever but work for the next world as if you would die tomorrow."
"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
"Seeing life from an eternal vantage point provides clarity, comfort, courage, and hope."
"In the temple, our identities are not our worldly titles but our eternal identity as sons of a loving Heavenly Father."
"Your Eternal rewards are based on what you do with the time you have."
"I have learned that my light and momentary troubles are achieving for me an eternal glory."
"Keep an eternal perspective... for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
"I want to give you the secret of how to have a life down here that will matter up there."
"We pray that we would be those who look to Jesus, who lived for that eternal glory, that we would then be light to the world."
"We look to the things that are unseen not to the things that are seen for the things that are seen or temporary in the things that are unseen or Eternal."
"A Godly person understands that this life is just a temporary journey and that our ultimate destination is eternal life with the Lord."
"God doesn't move according to our deadlines... He's eternal."
"The kingdom wins, the kingdom is already won, and anybody that aligns with the kingdom is gonna win in every season of their life."
"Your life is just a season, and there is eternal glory awaiting."
"As conquerors, we're called to have an eternal perspective, to see beyond the here and now to the glorious future that God has prepared for those who love Him."
"It is worthy to inherit salvation eternal life. It's beyond any other thing you can ever compare with."
"Don't waste any more time with things that are temporal but focus on things that are eternal."
"I want to live from the perspective of eternity."
"Loosen your grip on everything earthly, but grasp eternal things with a death-like grip."
"What we see now won't last forever but what we don't see will last forever so if I truly love you and I truly care about you I have to share the truth with you."
"Is that not worth the loss of money? Think on eternity, sir, think on that."
"Do not look at the things that are seen but the things that are not seen, for the things that are seen are temporary, but the unseen is eternal."
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"We want to see people saved we want to see eternal matters change for them."
"The moment we open our eyes to eternity, in death, we'll suddenly see the entire picture makes sense."
"Remember, no matter the trials, salvation and a path to Heaven are always within reach through Jesus Christ."
"One day Jesus the chief Shepherd is gonna call the roll."
"We are in eternity right now every moment of time, and so we need to learn to operate as eternal beings in the here and now." - CS
"Jesus, you're the center of it all, from beginning to the end."
"Whatever price we pay here will enable us to spend all eternity with almighty god."
"You can be on this Earth one minute and in eternity the next."
"Beautiful things here below ultimately are anticipations of the beauty we'll see forever in heaven."
"I am saying it because I'm not just pro-life, I'm pro-eternal life."
"Are you living the kind of life that you will be pleased to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and give an account of?"
"We don't know how long this day will be because we will be eternity, so if God chooses, He could go through the life of all the billions of people that have ever lived and go through each of their life at its present speed."
"Everything we do today matters on an eternal level."
"The first level of deliverance is salvation, redeeming your soul and positioning you for eternity with God."
"The most important decision in your life is to accept Jesus as your savior, the timing in this world is tiny, the rest is forever."
"When we have eternal life as our inheritance to look forward to, it makes whatever we're going through so much easier to get through."
"The Bible teaches that what I do during this little red part determines how I'm going to exist forever."
"Without the conviction of the coming of Christ, life loses a great deal of its meaning... there's a place for us in his eternal Kingdom."
"Focus on your relationship with Jesus; ultimately, that is the only thing that will matter for all eternity."
"Every decision has a consequence to it, and the reality is our daily decisions are building and influencing where each of us will spend eternity."
"Our hope is not wishful thinking, our hope is alive, our hope is real, our hope is eternal."
"Come to the altar all of you who want to give up on this life and enter into a life of eternity."
"Nothing else is gonna matter in a thousand years."
"One second without God is an unimaginable torture it's an eternity."
"Give glory to God and enjoy the beauty that he has given us to remind all of us of what lies ahead in eternity."
"The suffering of this life can be a mere blip compared to an eternal life with God."
"Times are gonna get rough, but I'm here to remind you that Jesus is alive and conquered, and then you have eternal life."
"You wanna please man who ain't got no eternity for you, or you wanna be pleasing unto your maker who holds your eternity in his hand?"
"This is faithful and true... this is a reality... you can bet your eternal life on it."
"You gotta invest in your spirit because your spirit is forever."
"Trust the dreams for in them is hidden the gates to eternity."
"Time does seem to be relative... yes, time is relative... time flies when you're having fun... if we're working on sociality with God... the more eternal things seem to be..."
"The question is not do you want to go to a special place where you'll no longer hurt, the question is do you want Him."
"When we shift our focus to the Eternal perspective... we realize that we need a savior."
"Anytime we assist another person in moving toward the exaltation and eternal life, we are involved in the Gathering of Israel."
"Maintain a heart of Hope, it keeps us aware of the Eternal promise."
"Eternity will not only be long, it will be good."
"If we could just back up for a second, there are things coming that will last forever."
"As born-again believers in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus, we are not looking for the end but we are looking for the beginning."
"Do not fall into the Trap of being too busy for eternity."
"It's about eternity and if you realize that, that anxiety, I don't mean to put too much weight on it, but I think we haven't put enough."
"Your life is an exam, a test, and the grade will be seen on the day of judgment."
"Focus on the Unseen World, for the things of that world are Eternal."
"For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison."
"When you make decisions, I invite you to take the Long View, an eternal view. Put Jesus Christ first because your eternal life is dependent upon your faith in Him and in His atonement."
"Remember, there is a greater calling to focus on our Eternal relationship with God than our carnal lives."
"Get a grip on eternal things to which you were called. Can't get caught up in anything less."
"Are you willing today to trade the love that you know as an emotion for the love that is eternal?"
"I'd rather be on the side that seems to be losing today but it's going to win, finally, than to be on the side that seems to be winning today but it's going to lose eternally."
"Eternal glory certainly gives me comfort in the middle of the sufferings of life."
"We do not lose heart because this light momentary life is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison."
"We look not at things which are seen But at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are Eternal."
"The invitation to trust Jesus is worth far more than an escape from hell."
"The only thing you'll have to give to the Lord is what you take with you when you go."
"When we live life with an eternal perspective, we have greater peace."
"Dedicate your entire self, everything you are in Time and Eternity, to Our Lady; it's the most freeing experience."
"The present sufferings which are but for a moment are working an exceeding eternal weight of glory."
"We see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today. Our Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever."
"Time only makes sense when considered within an eternal framework."
"Our Heavenly Father is most pleased when we sacrifice something good for something far greater in an eternal perspective."
"Seek after the things that are of eternal consequence."
"We look not at what is seen, but what is unseen. Because what is unseen is eternal."
"Live with eternity in view, that I have a destiny that is beyond anything the world could imagine."
"We have to start thinking forever."
"We've got to endeavor to view everything in the light of eternity."
"While we look not at the things that are seen, but the things that are not seen; for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal."
"I'm going to live my whole life with an eternal perspective."
"Now He is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come."
"While we look not at things which are seen, but at things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
"For momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison."
"For our present troubles are small and won't last very long, yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever."
"Choose to look at the goal... which is eternal life with Jesus."
"Look not at things that are seen but at things that are unseen; for that which is seen is temporary, but that which is unseen is eternal."
"We look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are unseen; for the things which are seen are temporal, the things which are unseen are Eternal."
"Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven."
"From eternity's perspective, Jesus was Victorious."
"We have to make decisions based more on eternity than finances."
"We are very resilient because God has created us for heaven, not for earth."
"We don't look at the temporal but we look at the eternal."
"We would care more about people in their eternal condition rather than the little things that don't matter."
"We are beloved sons and daughters of heavenly parents, that we belong to an eternal family."
"We can be together forever through the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"A work of art is like a portal, which has the power to take us out of time into eternity."
"Our Father in Heaven is an eternal being whose experience, wisdom, and intelligence are infinitely greater than ours."
"Stay in love, that is the only way, live with heaven in mind."
"God's put eternity into the heart of man."
"Live according to the perspective of eternity, having eternal goals and eternal values."
"The Lord's interested in our eternal welfare, not our daily comfort."
"Hope is anchored in eternity and it works back to affect every other part of life."
"Even when your flesh and heart may fail, I remain the Eternal strength of your heart and your portion forever."
"You will not be in heaven two seconds before you cry out, why did I place so much importance on things that were so temporary?"
"Godliness is not a debt but an eternal asset."