
Setbacks Quotes

There are 403 quotes

"Mistakes, setbacks are natural parts of learning. It's what happens when you take on challenges."
"What do you want your life to be? Do you want to be a person who gives up or has setbacks?"
"Our progress as a species and as individuals comes from our setbacks."
"There are going to be some setbacks, but that doesn't mean you can't come back."
"It's time in Joe's story for him to actually learn that sometimes even he has to fall back and regroup."
"It's always like we go two steps forward and one step back."
"It's not the end of the world, it's a learning experience."
"Having some kinds of setbacks is okay, you grow and live and your character does other things and adapts from it."
"Even though we might see progress, there's also been setbacks in recent years relating to animal testing too."
"Gasps Quo met his first setback on the cracked plains of the big wasteland."
"Every time you faced a setback, the truth is you were truly facing a setup, a setup for you to become better, a setup for you to become more."
"We've suffered some setbacks, but not all is lost."
"Progress gone, nothing's working, I'm worthless — you need to just think, 'Alright buddy, you fell off the wagon abyss. That's a natural part of life. Everyone goes through it.'"
"It always feels like two steps forward and one step back."
"We all have setbacks and you gotta get back on the horse."
"It's kind of sad to see one step forward, two steps back with this particular entry to the franchise."
"Don't ever trip when it looks like you're losing."
"I knew my time was coming... I'll still make it." - Persistence despite setbacks
"It is a great setback for the world and humanity."
"A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are thankful for the setbacks."
"When you have success, sometimes you're so confident, and you believe in yourself, and then all of a sudden you're Mike Tyson facing Buster Douglass, and oh my gosh, I just got knocked out."
"Sometimes it's good to have setbacks... It really makes you appreciate the little wins in life."
"I got nothing to hide from obviously mistakes happen losses happen Saturday night was definitely not ideal for myself."
"Setbacks or problems are always expected and never permanent."
"We want success, love, and happiness. What happens when things don't go as planned?"
"It feels like two steps forward and one step backward because the actual gameplay of 19 so far has made changes in important parts."
"Resilience is what keeps you going when you face setbacks."
"The goal is to live life. Life is precious man, and I think a lot of times when you young and you're going through those setbacks, it's like a slingshot, you know what I mean?"
"Louisa missing the number one was the final nail in the coffin."
"Every single failure it experiences is really just a learning opportunity, it never really seems to be hurt by any of its setbacks."
"I pull the tower, which is a dramatic happening event, baby. There's a halt in progress, really bad ideas, and influence reverse, embarrassment, you know, public humiliation, issues with direction, issues with destiny, issues with everything."
"Be grateful for the rejections and the setbacks because they're guiding you towards something better."
"Postponing this is only going to further set you back."
"Chances are whoever your heroes are, they've had a lot of setbacks too."
"Sometimes progress means actually moving backwards 10 steps before moving forward one."
"The potential for the big step backwards where all kinds of things that worked before are now going to manifest new problems that people with experience with the system haven't seen before."
"Sometimes we experience setbacks, but giving up is out of the question."
"It don't matter anytime you see anybody making some forward progress nine times out of ten they gonna go back a little bit before they go up forward a lot a bit."
"Sometimes it's one step, a couple steps forward and a step backwards."
"Many successful companies have had to take L's along the way."
"It seems to be one step forward, a ton of steps backwards..."
"It's not how big the L you took, it's how you bounce back from that."
"Now, when we see a transit like this between Saturn and Uranus, we can often see heightened levels of challenges or setbacks that can feel restrictive..."
"I apologize I didn't get the video up last weekend I had a bit of an issue with my project management notebook where I actually had to totally start it all over again."
"This is very much a part of the process, like setbacks, they happen."
"If you kill your momentum, it's hard to get it back."
"Every time something like this happens definitely makes me uh excited to do something like no prep here in the future but yeah definitely definitely a bummer to go out like that."
"Sometimes you gotta go backwards in life to reset."
"You can't take one step forward and then take 10 steps back on the policy."
"I think this chargers team has a ton of potential... injuries have held them back."
"The setback is a tool used to sharpen you, it teaches you how to persist when things aren't going the way we expect them to."
"Every setback, every heartbreak, every pain, everything that you experience that creates a wound within, there is always a gift inside that wound."
"Everything I've been working towards gone in like five days."
"Change starts with simple actions and deadly setbacks sometimes precede transformational change."
"Sometimes setbacks are just part of the journey. It's an opportunity to focus on other things."
"It's gonna take longer than you think. Expect setbacks so that you're not surprised when they happen and you can overcome them."
"For every step forward, there's two steps back in my eyes."
"It's a temporary setback, but it is a setback nonetheless."
"No one can conquer it for 25 minutes - that totally set me back now."
"Are slip-ups falling off the wagon failures, or is that part of the process?"
"We seem to be taking two or three steps forward... and then obviously having a couple of setbacks."
"What's The Deep going to do now... his hopes of rejoining The Seven are dashed?"
"Don't be disappointed by setbacks, keep moving forward."
"There will be stumbles, but I will always be honest with you about both the progress we're making and what setbacks we meet."
"Every time I take a few steps forward, I end up having to take a few steps back."
"A few steps backward may keep you moving forward."
"Sometimes you gotta go two steps back to go one step forward."
"We have put autism and vaccine research ten years behind."
"That one step backward helps people go four steps forward."
"Once you begin to drop in that way, it's hard to get that back."
"Stomach problems can knock you out of the game quickly."
"Bisping truly deserved it after all the setbacks he faced."
"Progression is never linear; there will be ups, there will be downs, but there will be ups again after them."
"I didn't move backwards, I didn't run in circles, I did get a little lost and I'm allowed to."
"Life is two steps forward and one step back. Successful people focus on the two steps forward and then protect themselves on the downside."
"One step forwards, two steps back."
"Progress isn't linear. There are ups, there are downs, there are plateaus."
"It's like just when you think you're winning, some you lose some."
"Not every step back is truly a step back."
"It's whether we can pull it back, that's the question."
"It's ridiculous, this company has really been snakebitten with injuries."
"Just because you fall on your ass doesn't mean you have to stay there."
"Sometimes you got to take a couple of steps backward to take a couple of steps forward."
"We've all faced disappointments, letdowns..."
"Losses never really seemed to slow him down."
"On this spiritual journey, setbacks mean you're on the right path."
"If you're getting into building your dream home or building any home really, just understand there are going to be multiple setbacks."
"I strongly believe in mistakes. I believe in setbacks. I believe in failure to an extent because you cannot learn and you can't push forward unless you have that."
"We've had one engine issue in the Atlantic, and that was in the first few weeks of owning the boat. In the Pacific so far, we've had three."
"Sometimes, unexpected setbacks lead to exciting journeys."
"Something always goes wrong, but you know, it's okay because at the end of the day, we're gonna figure this out."
"Every time you fall, get up stronger. Don't let setbacks define your journey."
"Bojack's Journey this season can best be summed up as one step forward, two steps back."
"Sometimes everything seems to go wrong or fall apart all at once. Have you noticed this? You know, a while back I had a day like that."
"You might have some ups and downs, you might fall off the wagon. Just get back on, it's no big deal."
"High performance is also about overcoming setbacks. It's one of those inputs."
"Progress in life is not like this constantly up upward slope, I feel like it's like three steps forward two steps back."
"And despite the wonky setbacks, I think the overall aesthetic of this case is fantastic."
"Use each setback as a learning lesson from which you can grow and improve."
"The path to glory is often paved with setbacks, but it's the unwavering resolve that leads to triumph."
"Setbacks are inevitable. They're going to happen. Just be ready for them and be ready to move on from them. Ready for the bounce back because it's going to happen. Failure is part of success."
"The entire endeavor throughout the show has always been one step forward, two steps back."
"But all that's left us with is a car that currently doesn't run."
"With every setback comes an opportunity."
"Despite the challenges and setbacks, his heart was filled with a newfound sense of purpose and compassion."
"They have strong feelings toward you but may be experiencing setbacks."
"That's life. You could be putting money away for a vacation, and then something comes up."
"Seeing setbacks as data points. Understanding that to not know is okay because we collect our answers as we go."
"Personal excellence is also about resilience, it's about how we respond to setbacks and failures, not just our successes."
"The setbacks the current setbacks are set setups."
"Sexuality is not linear... there will be ups and downs... times when we feel like we're moving forwards but then... times when we feel like we've taken several steps back."
"You have to learn about yourself along the way. You have to learn how to deal with drawbacks, setbacks, all these kind of things. So in terms of failure, I look at those as the universal lessons for success. It's foundational."
"Sometimes you just can't prevent setbacks; you make all these big plans and the only thing you can do is roll with the punches."
"It had been more than a decade since he started kid super, and during that time he had more than his fair share of setbacks, but he never doubted himself."
"Jonathan Haggerty: 'I've learned more from them three losses than I have any of the wins. I lost one, came back stronger. I lost another one, got signed to one Championship. Minor setbacks, major comebacks."
"Any setbacks are only temporary, your spiritual life has put you on a different path of learning."
"Grant succeeded through a succession of setbacks."
"When you encounter setbacks, reflect on what you can control going forward."
"All that hard work basically just got pissed away in a couple of seconds by some bad planning, kind of a good analogy for life actually."
"It sucks because I was really hoping to get most of that done by now, but the big thing has been the manifold."
"Every setback refines your character and sharpens your understanding of your mission."
"Four defeats are nothing against hundreds of successes," the young man went on.
"Everything you do is going to constantly be in a state of trying to undo everything you're trying to do. Everything's going to take longer because something's going to go wrong. It's going to cost more because something's going to go wrong."
"Black Thursday was a very low point for us and for me personally, and fortunately, it wasn't long after that that we had a very important success."
"One of the great marks of maturity is how quickly you can return to purpose after a setback."
"...Richard Petty definitely had a problem with the tire so that will be expensive it'll cost him very likely a lap. That did Richard Petty a lap right there as Bobby and Bobby Isaac both passing... So now we have only two cars in the same lap..."
"God is saying in the dream there's going to be some delays, there's going to be some setbacks."
"It isn't a straight line upward. The development of a person's faith is up and then we stumble at times. And up, and then we falter at times. And up, and then we fail to trust Him at times."
"See, this is why we can't have nice things. It's just another example, classroom apps never seem to go smoothly."
"You're going to see setbacks, you're going to see failures, but the way you respond to it is really what will set you apart."
"You forget about all of the things that have knocked your confidence down."
"It's not where you fall, it's how high you get up."
"We've had nightmares, we've had boat problems, we've had catfish running through my lines with the boat when I was coming back."
"Your setbacks are actually the slingshot effect."
"Injuries made them rely on underperforming players."
"From second and one to punting three and out."
"We think this is another bump in the road."
"At Princeton we had an English colony and I at a certain moment was denied tenure at Princeton I was thrown out and so that was the best thing that ever happened to me because I had to go and do what I eventually did."
"Perseverance. Your success lies in how long you have good days despite setbacks."
"Every time I try to make a positive thing happen in my life, something breaks."
"2023 was the worst year of both my career and life in general. It's not much to say about it in terms of positives. I didn't have one race where I felt happy, and it's very few training sessions where I felt like this is going the right direction."
"There's success on the other side of your setback."
"That's just what it looks like to progress in life two steps forward one step back."
"No change happens all in a straight line and perfectly like that... You can take five steps forward and take four steps back but you still took a step forward."
"Life has a way of smacking you down when you get a little too confident, right?"
"You must have had a couple of stinkers."
"Things have gone wrong, mistakes have been made."
"You make progress in drops but you lose it in buckets."
"Some days nothing goes as planned."
"Nothing has gone to plan this year. Nothing at all."
"I literally just had enough, bro. I had like near enough two years of knockbacks."
"Once they've had all this sales and all the glamour, and they're suddenly a celebrity... once they've appeared on Shark Tank, the inventory didn't come out right, they can't use it, okay, the kitchen blew up, you name it, things go wrong in businesses."
"I've been knocked down twice in my career and I've got both times to win the fights."
"It was definitely the L's. We took a lot of L's."
"He is a majestic sword, and this minor setback cannot affect him."
"The fact that these studs came out actually helps us out."
"You're on a come up, people are rejecting you along the way, but guess what, they're supposed to fall off."
"Resilience involves reframing setbacks as stepping stones on the path to personal development."
"Every time it's like you build a tower of wooden blocks, and then you think that the next baby's going to fit in, but the next baby knocks it down, you have to start from scratch every single time."
"Sometimes it doesn't go your way, and you've gotta accept that."
"Sometimes it can even take you completely out of the game."
"Every one of us has experienced having the bottom fall out at least once in our lifetime."
"We're off to a rocky start, oh, are we?"
"Once you've been knocked out live on TV, what else is going to go wrong?"
"Sometimes our wins get broadcasted way more than our L's. But it's like, the losses be there, hell yeah."
"Nothing should ever be a setback because you win some, you learn some, but you never lose any."
"Sometimes a setback or a setup can happen in the same situation."
"Don't let a moment of weakness undo your progress."
"Two steps forward, one step back. Sometimes it's even one step forward, two steps back."
"We've come too far to let it all fall apart now."
"Too many layers or length removed honestly can set us back months to a year."
"The races that stick out the most are the ones that didn't go as planned because those are the ones I learned the most from."
"For every job, something goes wrong."
"You'll often see people sabotaging their goals with some foolish action, something that really sets them back."
"One bolt broken bolt away from a three-day job."
"Murphy's Law strikes again: unexpected challenges and setbacks keeping things interesting in the world of HVAC repair."
"These things, man, I mean they just put the flame out."
"I think it actually stunts relationship growth for the couple as a whole."
"...those psychological defeats are more difficult to overcome than any practical setback."
"This is what we call a one step forwards and a one step back situation."
"...things just don't go as planned. This happens to be one of those weeks."
"Just because you slip up doesn't mean you're out of the club. You know, a lot of people will maybe they'll slip up and they go, 'Well, I guess it's that's it for me.'"
"Use setbacks as opportunities for growth."
"Our relationship with setbacks is highly correlated with the opposition in the food chain. Do we treat setbacks as just that, but with no lesson? What do we learn? What needs to be learned?"
"Some small thing, often not even visible, can destroy a major undertaking."
"It is absolutely inevitable that the investor will face setbacks on their Journey towards Financial Independence towards cash flow."
"What looks like a setback will usually be a setup."
"This plan couldn't fail except that it did."
"It always feels like you're almost taking three steps forward two steps back three steps forward two steps back."
"Setbacks are inevitable, but just as nothing could end man's exploration of Earth, so too will the grand adventure of space continue."
"Set yourself up for success and be kind to yourself if you have any setbacks."
"...there's a lot of Darkness that got me here if that makes sense and there are still days where I feel like I take a step back because healing is just like this non-linear path and it's an ebb and flow."
"The reason why owners have a one, two, three year step back in their company or they go out of business is because of that top one right there."
"Not everything's going to go to your plan. Smooth seas never made skillful sailors."
"Life will take shots and life will start to make us scale back on our hopes and our dreams."
"The goal was to be moved in in October and have the track and the gym done by the end of the year but it doesn't look like we're gonna get there... everything takes a little bit more time and money than expected."
"Sometimes you got to take two steps back to take five steps forward."
"It doesn't mean the end of your content career if you have a bad week or even a bad month."
"Our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam... was he not beset by setbacks?... Did he not feel sorrow? Yes, he did."
"Maybe they've been cheated on, whether they've been cheated bad, maybe they've been focusing on something money-wise and maybe it fell through."