
Civil Unrest Quotes

There are 305 quotes

"Half of America today believes a civil war is very likely. This wasn't even on the radar screen 10 years ago."
"We defended the Capitol from native-born citizens, and that says a lot."
"If farmers don't win this battle, then soon... you will create a civil war in Europe."
"We got swatted, and as Luke was discussing post-pandemic civil unrest, a police officer walks in."
"Perhaps we really are in some kind of civil war, or at least a precursor to it."
"The world is facing an unprecedented rise in civil unrest."
"Major American cities burned for weeks, for months on end. Police cars were firebombed, police officers were murdered, stores were looted, people were assaulted."
"Riots are the language of the unheard. When MLK was saying this and you need to address the underlying condition, he wasn't condoning the rioting, he was just understanding it."
"Violence and vandalism have absolutely no place in our country, and no place in our movement."
"Civilization unraveling, unrestrained violence and destruction."
"We should not see protest that takes the form of violence, that takes the form of vandalism."
"Restoring Law and Order is Paramount as our cities descend into chaos."
"But revolt is contagious right now across the state of California and many other states citizens are fed up and tired with the lockdown."
"The craziness extends across the aisle. I saw an entire democratic party look the other way or cheer while cities burn during the summer."
"Rioting is bad, looting is bad, setting fires is not protesting."
"Unrest is the voice of those that have not been heard."
"The problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice."
"Why have things gotten to this point? If we believe this to be a legitimate people's uprising, then it would make sense to listen to what the people themselves are saying."
"I want to see the National Guard on the street when people are trying to firebomb a building. I want them stopped."
"If you're going to start calling every riot with a political intonation illegal insurrection and sedition, then there's going to be a lot of people on the left that are going to get arrested."
"The last time we made serious change around these issues, the whole country was on fire for a decade."
"There's a very fine line between a protest and a riot."
"Trump says look at these riots, that will be Biden's America, and he is 100% correct, agreed."
"What choice do they have? They're mad as hell, and guess what? They should be."
"I'm not here to support the looting, but I understand where people are coming from, people are mad, people are hurting right now."
"If they try to let this cop off with anything less than murder, it's going to be riots."
"They did not censor people when they were using those platforms for the rioting that occurred over the summer, so their excuse doesn't hold water."
"Protesters across the country demanded that lockdowns be lifted."
"The protests led by the families of citizens recruited into the army brought Putin the all-out popular Uprising he feared."
"Looting and rioting are disgusting and not justified by protests against police brutality."
"If violence erupts in this country, everyone's lost."
"The big story of the day is the looting and burning in Minnesota, and that follows hard on what is another video of an awful incident involving the police."
"We have to be about law and order, otherwise you're going to see your cities burn."
"Rioters chanting 'every city, every town, burn this precinct to the ground.'"
"This isn't a metaphor this isn't a slow Civil War this is a congressman calling for the real thing."
"Okay, now we got some tear gas coming out, we got tear gas."
"Even in a place where there has been a history of issues, the point is... the Kenosha riots were in response to what was perceived to be the unjustified shooting of Jacob Blake."
"They think that shutting down the internet will actually stop civil unrest, but if anything, that might actually backfire."
"State officials are warning of Civil War-like conditions and the possibility of complete collapse."
"We're seeing over in France, 20 generals have written an open letter to Macron saying that due to leftist dogma, France is on the verge of civil war."
"Riots should be peaceful; I have to remember that."
"Civil War won't be the reason for a civil war, but it will be a catalyst, this spark that ignites it."
"The U.S is closer to Civil War than any of us would like to believe."
"Silent majority polls show American voters support use of military National Guard in riots."
"Portland protesters launch mortars at federal buildings, smash windows, and burn American flags."
"Who says protests need to be peaceful? Literally the First Amendment."
"We are a country of law and order, and this is lawlessness when you're seeing all these riots."
"There's no excuse for what happened to George Floyd, and justice will be served. But there's also no excuse for the rioting and looting that followed."
"When peacefulness intensifies, apparently that's when you set fire to a courthouse, damage a police station, and assault police officers. But it's mostly peaceful, guys."
"Thousands of demonstrators hit the streets condemning Iranian authorities for shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane."
"We're seeing all this rhetoric, we're seeing YouTube videos, article after article talking about a coming civil war."
"It felt like a war zone where the population is uprising."
"Preparation is being made by the state via local police agencies and authorities to crush dissent."
"If it is acceptable for rioters to commit acts of violence against community members, then Portland is lost."
"Conduct like theirs is just asking for another January 6th."
"The optimism bias, there's also the way things have always been biased. People hear about the potential for civil war and they think, 'No, it'll never happen.'"
"It's rioting for all seasons out here in the blue cities... But let's be real about this... The only people who are looking to rob stores and loot things, those are not Donald Trump voters."
"Big supporter of BLM, but not sympathetic to looting and violence."
"Despite the odds, there were some Central Africans in Bangui trying to stop their city from tearing itself apart."
"Let's take a deep dive into the psychology of riots."
"And I mean, here we are almost a year into this pandemic and the most response that we've seen from our government in this year about the pandemic has been in response to demonstrators upset about the murder of George Floyd."
"These people are already many of them committed to the concept of overthrowing American democracy and inciting civil war."
"The president wanted to send a powerful message that we will not be overcome by looting, rioting, or burning. This is not what defines America."
"I think what we're looking at is a fictional South American country in the midst of a military coup or civil war, some kind of change of power."
"There's no place for looting, arson, or vandalism."
"It seems to me that no matter the outcome with the police, looting the local Walmart is not the solution."
"We need to choose law and order over rioting and disorder."
"Government uprisings are now a daily occurrence in our world. People in just about every nation are protesting, rioting, and demanding their governments do a better job taking care of the people."
"The devastating losses suffered by the Russian army."
"How could any of these liberals or leftists argue we are not in a civil war if they believe that Proud Boys were engaged in a seditious conspiracy at the direction of Donald Trump?"
"We do not want Civil War we do not want that kind of horror no question about that."
"They changed the laws because they don't tell you in the 1960s there were over a thousand riots and uprisings."
"How long until it's not a resignation but a Battle of Athens?"
"There's a lot of talk about Civil War and uprisings."
"Basically, we're in a position where the United States is about to erupt into a civil war."
"Democrats were told that the capitol police and national guard were preparing for potentially tens of thousands of armed protesters coming to Washington."
"So overall we have a politician who was as gutsy and powerful as Huey Long and who almost brought a civil war to Australia."
"A politically driven civil unrest, foreign intervention, and civilians turning on civilians sadly are the biggest threats we now currently face in America."
"Regardless of who's right or wrong, both sides are pointing at each other saying 'arrest that person.' That's how you know we're getting dangerously close to a legitimate civil war."
"Protests erupted, protesters chanting 'no to War' as police carried out arrests."
"An insurrection, the attempt to topple an election, is an attack on the first right of government."
"There has been this light, and especially with the protests and with the horrible tragic murders of so many people, it's brought this attention that you can't deny anymore."
"It wasn't burnt down because people were mad at the police, it was burned down because the police were mad at the people."
"After a 3-month trial, the predominantly white jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens and sparking the violent infamous 1992 Los Angeles Riots."
"Seattle Police Department is unleashing flashbangs, Mace, tear gas."
"We're preparing for potential protests in the wake of the indictment."
"We're free enough for you to burn a city down."
"It would mean riding in the streets by like pretty much throughout the entire country because people's retirement accounts would all be gone."
"We should not be tearing up our own communities."
"We cannot let the business of the city be derailed by these kinds of protests."
"This is a special place. This is a sacred place. But this sacred place was desecrated by a mob today on our watch. This temple to democracy was defiled by thugs."
"This wasn't an insurrection or an isolated movement, this was a civil war."
"Welcome to the second Civil War, 2014 - now."
"They're shooting the protesters with real guns, real guns that only are used in wars."
"Violence, destruction, and chaos... was unacceptable, undemocratic, and un-American."
"You might as well just burn your city down in one day and play the fiddle like Nero if you're going to allow that."
"The democrats want to see portland burn between now and election day as a way of defeating trump even if they kill a few people along the way."
"What is the left doing? Well, setting fire to small businesses."
"Civil disobedience riots, the Rodney King stuff, absolutely was Insurrection."
"Are we now at the point where we believe that people throwing mile 12 cocktails at Federal buildings last year in 2020, they're mostly peaceful protesters but parents protesting radicalism in their kids' Schools, they're the domestic terrorists?"
"The indelible image of this week is the idea that the capital could be overrun by vandals."
"The only thing they understand now is a city burning, they're acting like they shocked with these cops, they just learning."
"This is not our value anymore. The moment this government gets away with this, any further election in Lagos state is war."
"Black lives matter by stirring people up and causing riots in the streets, protests that turn into riots, people in front of restaurants that get harassed and assaulted."
"Dr. Martin Luther King said that riot is the language of the unheard. People riot because they feel it is their only way to express the rage that they feel."
"Kenosha, Wisconsin does not deserve the arson, the burning, the looting, and the terrorism."
"Rioting is not justified even if there's a bad shooting."
"The majority of the riots were in London in that three-day period... by the end of the riots, there'd been over 3,000 arrests."
"Our Capitol building was attacked and invaded. The mob was summoned to Washington by President Trump."
"The president bears responsibility for Wednesday's attack on Congress by mob rioters."
"People on that side love to discredit the Black Lives Matter movement for creating civil unrest."
"The rioters used crowbars to dig out the pavers at Lafayette Park and use them as projectiles."
"Civil unrest is almost inevitable at this particular point in time."
"We're either going to learn from data, facts, knowledge, wisdom... or I think we'll probably have some kind of civil war."
"The Rodney King Beating was the final straw here."
"We need to stop the risk of civil war and deeply fragmented societies."
"After the lockdowns and the passports and the trucker protests and all this stuff."
"There is an insurrection taking place now. Anarchy. The governors must send in the National Guard."
"One is protesting. And the other is looting. You have two very different situations."
"Tonight thousands of Sri Lankans reaching a breaking point, protesters storming the presidential palace, swimming in the pool, working out."
"Angry mobs suddenly formed on so many different colleges all on the same night."
"If they don't find him guilty, it's a wrap on so many cities."
"We're watching the clock be turned back to 1859 to the eve of the civil war."
"The existence of rioting demonstrates simultaneously a need to address social problems and also enough of a civic spirit to feel very strongly about those problems."
"That is an election day by day active sedition."
"Whenever there's civil unrest, whenever there's a larger conflict, whether internal or external, it usually is fostered because of economic instability and chaos."
"99% of that was peaceful protest and has to be respected."
"He's hoping that there are enough people who will commit violent acts against the government."
"One of the closest historical parallels to what happened on January 6 is a motley assortment of groups, some of which hate each other, others are kind of unaligned, but they're all sort of working together in this effort to overthrow a democracy."
"What if you know big civil resistance Civil War Civil War Civil War whatever I don't it does it just doesn't really mean anything."
"Protesting doesn't work, riots are the direct effect."
"The limitation of riots is that they cannot win... riots are not revolutionary but reactionary because they invite defeat." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"We are already in a civil war, doesn't matter what you want to happen, it's happening."
"It's bipartisan, both sides think we are headed towards another civil war."
"This was the largest demonstration against the military government in Myanmar since the Saffron Revolution."
"What did white folk do before it was even that serious? They showed up to capitals with ak-47s, ak-15s and whatnot military-grade weapons talking about bondage and slavery."
"When you see that the federal government will not enforce the law...it stands to reason we are dangerously close towards some kind of civil war."
"If you think that rioting and destroying somebody's property and stealing from them is gonna fix anything, you're a [__] idiot."
"They want to stop us. They want to use force and violence against us. It's relevant to everything that's been happening in this country for some time."
"China is showing more civil instability even as its economy continues to decline due to its zero covet policies."
"A chilling Civil War trailer sees America ripping itself apart."
"Putin, who had been prepared owing to anti-war protests organized within Russia's borders, promptly dispatched Russian Security Forces to the region."
"It's very important to use sufficient forces to establish law and order in a city when you have riots."
"There is no more time to procrastinate; otherwise, tomorrow the civil war will put an end to this growing chaos."
"Democrat officials will dial 9-1-1 so social workers can come and put out the fires by politely asking arsonists if they can think of a more constructive way to express their search for equality and justice."
"If everybody was like how Twitter is, there would be civil war."
"The crowd was shouting 'Stop the vote,' they made their way into the Capitol building. There were no overt threats of violence made at that time."
"This will be the first time... will have cities on fire."
"Rare scenes of open discontent. Video showing protesters in Shenzhen fed up with China's zero-COVID rules chanting 'end the lockdown'."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"People before Highways Day was a manifestation of bubbling frustration."
"When federal law enforcement is not upholding the law and only upholding it against their political opponents, you're in a civil war, baby."
"We are likely in a period of civil strife right now."
"Outside the neighborhood wandering citizens were demanding the authorities to deal with the infected inside."
"When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction."
"This is not the country falling apart; these are people coming out on the street and saying we don't like what's going on."
"I don't agree with the riots, but I understand how they came to be."
"It suggests something seriously wrong with our civil society in our government when groups like this emerge that are almost like the pirate bay except willingness to use violence."
"We should not be rioting we should not be looting we should not be tearing up our own communities."
"Riot is not protest, looting is not protest."
"Canadians are going to judge these by the federal government on the Emergencies Act on two grounds. One, it is a means to an end and is it an effective means to an end in terms of bringing this protest movement to a close."
"Putin cut the deal he did to prevent a civil war from breaking out on Russian soil."
"Deliberate economic destruction while allowing domestic terrorism to continue on a nightly basis in some great American cities tells us at the very least what they're capable of."
"Mob violence goes against everything I believe in."
"Things are actually getting better even with the unrest."
"The systemic racism narrative is all about getting people to rebel against the system and apparently justify doing so in violent ways."
"Inflation is theft. Inflation causes these riots all over the world happening right now."
"Domestic terrorists have taken over Seattle run by Radical Left Democrats, of course. Law and order." - Trump
"1921 would see the largest peasant revolt in the entire civil war."
"A country with hundreds of millions of angry citizens is highly unstable, posing the biggest geopolitical risk in the world."
"Communities have taken to the streets to protest police brutality."
"We were in the middle of a pandemic, civil unrest, all of this stuff happening."
"I think we're dangerously close to civil war in this country."
"Planned and sustained violence is very possible and probable in our near future; these could be the worst riots we've seen in history."
"We're seeing riots as we speak, riots going on in Minnesota and many other cities, and you see people fighting with cops, hitting cops, jumping on police cars."
"We've gotten away with some [ __ ] so I can totally see this group of white people. No, it's our country, it's my Capitol, I can storm and break everything and harm people in there and be fine."
"The odds of America slipping into a civil war type scenario over the next 10 years is around 30 percent."
"I support people's right to protest and I support people's rights to riot."
"Trump should not invoke the Insurrection Act. That would be a declaration of civil war."
"More than 200,000 people have taken to the streets in Minsk," illustrating the scale of protests despite the risks.
"Europe is set to fracture and have a civil war of sorts."
"It's not perfect yet but I think we're seeing that pushback and people are just fed up." - Greg Swenson on public discontent.
"Myanmar has fallen into a state of Civil War."
"Stay safe, it's going to get guerilla around here."
"These riots were the largest eruptions of civic violence in the history of our country."
"Leadership matters, and the absence of leadership matters even more. This unrest right now is directly because of an absence of leadership."
"The idea that the riot happened because people were frustrated over the inability to express themselves in a country that has a First Amendment."
"I think we're dangerously close to a civil war."
"It's become a perfect storm of chaos in this country that could potentially lead to a real civil war."
"Society is just two, three meals from anarchy."
"When you remove people's rights to protest peacefully, you're guaranteeing that they are going to protest violently."
"The revolution is continuing, and as long as the means of evolution have not been fulfilled, you'll always find people on the street."
"Protesting Russian citizens managed to make it all the way to the Russian State Duma."
"There's no excuse for what happened to George Floyd, but there's also no excuse for rioting and looting and the violence that ensued here in Pittsburgh and around the country."
"More than 175,000 people across France protested against the country's vaccine pass."
"When the culture of this country drifts into balkanization or civil war, it will happen because the law doesn't matter, the military doesn't matter, politicians don't matter. What matters is the confidence of the American people."
"The Civil War in the United States appears to be increasing in likelihood."
"If these European governments neither acquiesce to the needs of their people nor are replaced, I fear there will be violence."
"America’s become a powder keg I think, and it’s just waiting for a match."
"People are taking up arms to defend their families and their homes."