
Monetary Policy Quotes

There are 854 quotes

"Who controls interest rates, who controls monetary policy in Europe, controls the politics of Europe."
"The strongest money in the world is Bitcoin because Bitcoin is absolutely capped at 21 million; it is global money."
"We think the stance of monetary policy remains appropriate. Our guidance on the federal funds rate and on asset purchases is providing strong support for the economy."
"We at the Fed will do everything we can to support the economy for as long as it takes to complete the recovery."
"Our asset purchases have been a critical tool; they helped preserve financial stability and market functioning early in the pandemic."
"The US is $34 trillion in the hole, stressful, and yet we keep printing money."
"Printing money can cause inflation because it gives people more spending power."
"The Bank of Japan could for instance have bought real estate and converted it into public parks, and there is an opportunity here to solve three problems in one stroke."
"Monetary policy must take a broad and forward-looking view, keeping pace with an ever-evolving economy."
"We need to get inflation back down to two percent over time again, there are factors that we don't control, but those factors do tend to wash out over time."
"Inflation can make a really big difference in people's lives, and monetary policy is worth studying and understanding."
"The concern is that if you do this too much and you do it without anything backing up the pieces of paper you now print and give to your debtors, then there'll be a problem."
"If you print money, it's gonna find its way into inflation."
"We at the Fed will do everything we can to support the recovery and employment and achieve our price stability goal."
"Central Bank as a predatory Institution and it's preying on people's ignorance of money."
"Monetary policy will continue to deliver powerful support to the economy until the recovery is complete."
"The overall recovery in economic activity since last spring is due importantly to unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy actions."
"The economy no longer needs sustained high levels of monetary policy support."
"The creation of an enormous amount of debt and the monetization of that debt is a significant economic force."
"We have a sovereign debt problem and...the solution of the government will be to monetize it."
"The job of monetary policy is to promote maximum employment and price stability as the economy works through this challenging period."
"Governments are trying to print more money, change the rules of free markets, and centralize markets essentially to pretend that system still works."
"We understand the hardship that high inflation is causing and we are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal."
"It would be very premature to declare victory or to think that we've really got this. We need to see our goal of bringing inflation down to two percent achieved."
"The Fed has the power to create more money when the financial system starts to break down."
"The Fed's monetary policy actions have been guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"The Federal Reserve Bank is working to fight inflation. They have said time and time again that the number one goal is to fight inflation and bring it down."
"Raising interest rates also hurts the economy, so it's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place."
"This was the inevitable consequence of just printing endless money."
"We are going to have high inflation coming out of this."
"People often...are too simplistic, they say 'well if inflation's too high then raise rates, if inflation's too low then cut rates' whereas really you have to go deeper."
"We remain committed to bringing inflation back down to our two percent goal and to keep longer-term inflation expectations well anchored."
"Our decision was to move ahead with a 25 basis point hike and to change our guidance."
"The recent liquidity provision... is not intended to directly alter the stance of monetary policy."
"Bitcoin is the most credible monetary policy in human history, now competing the least trustworthy monetary policies in human history."
"The Fed's monetary policy actions are guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"The Fed's liabilities are not medium of exchange, they're not a store of value, they're not money."
"The creation of a lot of debt and the printing of money to pay for that debt represents a financial component that is challenging."
"Inflation, as Milton Friedman once said, is anywhere and everywhere a monetary phenomenon."
"Every time they print money, they are taking the purchasing power of your dollar away."
"We're just literally now at the beginning of the quantitative tightening cycle."
"We're committed to bringing inflation back down to our 2% goal and to keeping longer-term inflation expectations well anchored."
"The United States of America has printed 40% of all the money in the history of our country in the past 10 months."
"The goal of this policy, which we call monetary policy 3, is simple: it's to get money directly into the hands of spenders to avoid an economic depression."
"The three things that I've seen happen over and over again and have profound implications are the long-term debt cycle and the effectiveness of monetary policy, the gaps (political, economic, and wealth gaps) and what they follow through in the way of redistributions of wealth, and then the external gaps in terms of the economic wars."
"We're now a credit-based economy. In other words, we print fake money and spread it throughout the world."
"We're entering a new chapter for monetary policy, a divergence from almost 15 years of policy experimentation in an age really defined by stubbornly low inflation."
"One of the biggest misconceptions around is you can actually print your way out of a problem."
"Monetary policy drives liquidity into the financial system, but fiscal policy drives liquidity into the hands of people."
"I believe the Fed has been trying to raise rates higher and faster, causing pain so they have room to bring them back down."
"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. Money will cease to be master and will then become the servant of humanity."
"If you have the power to print money, you'll do it."
"Restoring price stability when inflation is high can require measures that are not popular in the short term as we raise interest rates to slow the economy."
"Loose monetary policy always leads to an economic crisis."
"The Fed creates the bubbles and pops the bubbles."
"The amount of monetary stimulus, which, let's face it, is printing money, that's going to be required just all bodes so well for precious metals in the longer term."
"The amount of money they're creating out of nothing is just incredible, 1.2 trillion in the last ten years."
"Money creation should only be justified if there's also new goods and services being created."
"They stopped the stock market from going down and they implemented easy money policies."
"Monetary policy liquidity drives the stock market; the two are very different."
"We will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2% for some time so that inflation averages 2% over time."
"The fed printed fifty, 5-0 percent of all the money that's existed in the history of our republic in the past 24 months. Insanity."
"A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the digital form of a country's fiat currency, issued and regulated by the nation's monetary authority or Central Bank."
"Should the US government create a central bank digital currency or require physical cash?"
"The roots of our economic ills can be traced to central banking and our present monetary system."
"This asset happens to have a structure and a monetary policy that makes it the best preserver of purchasing power in the world."
"There is no currency in the world that has a better monetary policy to protect your purchasing power."
"I look at three major forces that are happening now... and those three major forces are the creation of a lot of debt and the printing of a lot of money to buy that debt."
"Monetary policy: M2 growth still slowing down."
"When you put money into people's hands, the money doesn't disappear."
"Every major world currency is inflating now to a tremendous degree. In the U.S for example, 31 out of a hundred dollars in circulation now were printed in the last year."
"So as well as a good understanding of economic history especially monetary history and it gives me a great deal of comfort as I think about the governance of the ecosystem."
"The stock market is not the economy... we have a scheme that takes printed money and transfers it ultimately to the wealthiest people in America."
"If we are not involved in experimenting in innovating in terms of digital uh central bank money we risk losing the role of anchor that we have played uh for many many decades."
"The problem is not to increase the quantity of money; the problem is to increase the quantity of those things which can be bought with money."
"The correct answer here is to go to a neutral reserve currency and to end the fed."
"We've got to get back to a neutral reserve currency... it's life or death for all of us."
"Monetary dominance: the Federal Reserve bankrolled fiscal profligacy, purchasing more than half of the new treasury debt issued."
"Fed funds futures begin pricing in earlier tightening."
"Just by stating an inflation target, you build into your models the assumption that inflation will always come down to two percent."
"Abundance of money means scarcity everywhere."
"At the end of this reset, we're going to go to a sound money system not because anybody wants to."
"The consequence of credit expansion we're seeing and the fallout from coronavirus isn't going to be the coronavirus; it's going to be the money that we printed."
"This is a world where we could see I presume we could see massive monetary inflation and deflation in real economy at the same time, is basically what you're saying?"
"The inflation argument is is not all pervasive, but because you've got a massive monetary and ultimately fiscal stimulus, the expectation is that this will be inflationary."
"The most hawkish Central Bank since 1913, and they're doing that action into one of the steepest recessions we've ever had."
"It's the printing of money, the debasement of fiat currencies that is the number one story."
"The only recourse that a nation will have at the end of the day is to use the failed fiat in circulation as the means of distributing gold."
"A little bit of inflation is good for a simple reason."
"Simply saying let's create more money, let's jolt that money into the banking system, that's not a solution to a depression."
"People came around to thinking well we like this idea of hard money."
"The system is now on autopilot to the extent that ease is the only thing that's possible we can never tighten again so we can only have varying degrees of the easy money and yeah it goes until it blows up."
"People have to go back to saving. We have to go back to sound money and higher interest rates."
"I've been saying this since 2008: started printing money, okay? I said, 'Bernanke, at that time, was suggesting, "Oh yeah, no problem."'"
"The biggest takeaway from this whole thing is 75 basis points is off the table don't even consider it because we the FED is not going to consider."
"Jerome Powell wanted to at least tentatively punt the question by saying hey you know what we'll let the minutes decide that"
"The US government printed 40 percent of all US dollars in a single year."
"Why save your money to buy stuff when the cost can go up between now and next year?"
"Embracing the gold standard is going to be one of the first steps in turning everything around."
"We like to bring you these interesting stories with an interesting twist."
"The Fed has destroyed money as a store of value... they've made every single thing you can put your money into more of an investment or speculation."
"We've reached that limitation and what limits us is that we lose the printing press if you have hyperinflation you cannot print more money."
"Printing all that money would have dire consequences down the line."
"Legally, the only money is metallic gold, metallic silver, or metallic copper... There is only one sensible thing to do, and that is hedge out of total fiat dependency."
"Inflation is the root cause. You printed all the freaking money."
"Responsibly prudently printing money operates like borrowing against future likely production."
"The Fed got run over by the inflation truck that they didn't see coming."
"The Fed's gonna hike... and we're just going to rinse repeat the cycles."
"Inflation is also going to be higher for longer... well off its peak but we're not going back to one to two percent on a sustainable basis."
"By printing money, you create monetary inflation. All you need is deflation to offset it."
"The federal reserve prints a lot of money the people who get their hands on it first do something called the cantalon effect."
"The only thing that gives the currency its energy or its value is your dependency on it."
"Governments produce money and credit out of thin air basically and they can fill in those holes."
"Inflation is always an everywhere a monetary phenomenon."
"Inflation has fallen well below our symmetric two percent objective."
"Anyone who's buying gold or anyone who's buying Bitcoin knows the monetary system is broken."
"As soon as everyone realizes that that's the big thing the psychology we talked about last time it's when is the recognition that they can't stop printing money."
"I didn't think that the monetary authorities could keep the plates spinning for another five or six years. I thought it would come down much sooner than that. I was wrong."
"Modern monetary policy... we can spend our way out of it."
"It's never a financing problem because if you are the US government you have a printing press, you can always, always pay for everything, interest rates, debt, everything, just print it, have the Fed printed and pay for it super, super easy."
"I think that everything is in a bubble because they print the cash and they keep printing it and they're not willing to dig increase interest rates so they're cooking everything and they're raising all the prices up."
"Monetary policy Independence is essential to our ability to serve the public."
"Meanwhile the economy continues to sort of Teeter on the brink the latest inflation reports came in inflation is indeed slowing which is precisely what you would expect when you jack up the interest rates."
"Eventually nation states are going to recognize the emergence of bitcoin as a global store of value is going to threaten their control over monetary policy."
"A combination of a gold-backed fiat dollar with cryptocurrencies I like."
"The CFA Franc: a colonial currency born of France's need to Foster economic integration among the colonies under its Administration and thus control their resources, economic structures, and political system."
"These countries have their monetary policy controlled by France; they have an absence of monetary sovereignty. France holds a de facto veto on the central banks within the CFA Franc Zone."
"The CFA Franc is a barrier to industrialization and structural transformation."
"A gold standard is always a limit to a political system's power."
"Quantitative easing is precisely counterfeiting."
"The Fed had no choice; thank God that it did what it did."
"Rates are climbing which should bring inflation down."
"Is this Fed now setting us up for a digital dollar? Could they be setting this up to kind of use as a piggyback or a step in between getting to that digital dollar?"
"The central bank very carefully and very prudently is now moving from a stance of prioritizing inflation reduction."
"Quantitative easing, pulling the levers of the economy, supposedly we're going to avoid catastrophe."
"But overall yeah I think MMT modern monetary theory economists they add a much needed voice to the conversation."
"The Fed, by not looking at the money supply, the money supply has not grown. We're going to have one whopper of a recession as a result."
"Inflation is when the money supply is inflated. When more money is created out of thin air, and there's more money in the system, the more money there is to chase around the same amount of goods, makes the prices of the goods go up."
"You're just gonna move to the digital version and so monetary policy doesn't change just a new technology upgrade."
"There's no practical way to leave QE or NERP without causing lots of pain."
"We're gonna go back to a period that was sort of like prior to when Volcker broke the back of inflation."
"Cryptocurrency solves a lot of these problems, instead of just the government printing free money all the time."
"Inflation is a slower form of reset... you're still your currency is still being reset it's just happening slow enough that you're willing to volunteer it."
"The central bank will purchase assets directly from the non-bank sector, circumventing the banks."
"Central bank digital currencies are the ultimate power grab by the central planners to control the monetary system."
"Monetary policy has a lot to do with the growing wealth gap in developed countries."
"Within one to nine months, asset prices go up... commodities tend to go up almost instant once you get a big change in the money supply."
"You have to look behind the curtain of the international monetary system."
"One of these days the economy will slow down, and I believe we will have a recession. I don't believe the Fed is going to hold it off forever."
"Slowing the pace of increases would soon be appropriate."
"What is it about repo? What is going on there? What are the systemic monetary issues that keep leading to these repeated monetary crises where lender of Last Resort doesn't happen anyway?"
"Printing money hurts the bottom and helps the top. It's the cantillon effect. The rich get richer."
"We'll use our tools to get inflation under control. That's my dominant thought about the future at the Fed."
"The bigger issue for our economy right now is not that there's too much money or that the money doesn't get the hugest return on investment and all of the places that it goes. But that it needs to be there."
"If Brainard is named Fed Reserve Chairperson, the first move by financial markets may be to price in an even more dovish central bank."
"I'm in favor of going back to a gold system... I don't see the reason we couldn't go back to something like that."
"The catalyst is Ethereum's narrative, the London upgrade EIP 559 will change Ethereum's monetary policy."
"Inflation comes from the word inflate, and when you have inflation, you are inflating the monetary supply."
"Monetary policy will continue to support the economy until the recovery is complete."
"There's so much more you can offer than just your physical looks, than the sexual feelings."
"We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods 3, a new world monetary order centered around commodity-based currencies in the East."
"Fiat currencies are rapidly devaluing today due to inflation and expansionary monetary printing."
"The dollar's lost 96% of its purchasing power since the creation of the Federal Reserve."
"The dollar will be weaker thanks to the exploding deficits and the Fed going back towards zero."
"You can't have a loose money and a tight monetary policy simultaneously."
"Bitcoin increases in value because math caps the monetary base at 21 million bitcoin. The new world is eating the old world right now. Touche."
"China has promoted the shift towards a more Diversified international monetary system."
"The Fed is not worried about the cost of borrowing. They're worried about whether or not there's money out there to be able to calm the fears of market participants."
"The byproduct of the Fed trying to eliminate business cycles is a larger division between the haves and the have-nots."
"Bitcoin flips the whole thing on its head and says no we should have a firmly fixed money supply that is a sound power reservoir for the energy that we sacrifice the time and energy we sacrifice to obtain money."
"The fed is having to hike now inflation is underlying the kind of brief pullback in inflation we do have strong structural tailwinds for inflation."
"No currency has ever died from deflation but many have died from inflation, hyperinflation to be precise."
"You have to have honest money to have an honest society."
"If you increase the quantity of money, then each unit by definition will have less value."
"Money cannot be added to the economy indefinitely... the result of this easing of the contraction simply delays the inevitable."
"The economy is booming so you can keep raising and raising and raising."
"Inflation is everywhere and anywhere a monetary phenomenon."
"Central bankers proceeded to inject five trillion dollars into the economy. If you're feeling inflation, that's why."
"You never really know how strong they are until they're in hot water."
"China's diverging monetary policy from the rest of the world is going to have serious implications for where investor capital is likely to be allocated."
"As China moves to ease monetary conditions, positive fundamental and macro developments are starting to emerge."
"Interest rate cuts, this is the most powerful weapon that any central bank has."
"A magnificent explosion in what we would call inflation but it's actually too much money and too little stuff."
"The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is not actually owned by the government."
"I've never seen central banks so backed into a corner as I do now."
"No government, no central bank with the money printer will go bankrupt."
"So, what I'm trying to say is the inflation issue that we're facing is a real concern and what we have to pay attention to is what we do to fight this inflation."
"The key difference with CBDC is the central bank's absolute control over its use."
"When you run on this Fiat money, this dollar system which is not backed by any hard asset, well, the government and the FED have free reins to print more money."
"Eventually, they will not be able to print enough money to match the demand. That makes sense, right? Supply and demand. Eventually, if we had to print seven quadrillion dollars a week to keep up with the demand, it's not possible."
"There's going to be an interest rate... really break the back of this thing."
"It's not so much about the monetary policies but the supply constraints."
"The so-called fed pivot is the most ominous sign."
"The FED is not going to come to the rescue. When the FED pivots, when the FED panics, when the FED cuts rates, it marks the beginning of the end."
"Reducing our balance sheet will commence after the process of raising interest rates has begun."
"We expect it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate at our meeting later this month."
"I think it will be appropriate to raise our target range for the federal funds rate."
"Bitcoin is so amazing because it's so hard and they can't create more of it unlike this debt they can create more of the whole time."
"The failure to answer the fundamental question about how much money there is in existence is an admission that there's way more money in existence than acknowledged."
"The money printer can only go burr interest rates will not go up in any time in the near future that's why gold is actually such a valuable asset at this point in time."