
Financial Goals Quotes

There are 1456 quotes

"We're not here to make small money, we here because we want to change our lives, we want to change our wives, we want to, everyone has a big dream and a big vision of what the money they're going to do in crypto."
"Know your 'why' because reaching financial milestones without purpose can feel empty."
"I believe in the salon, there's no reason it shouldn't make 200 million a year. No reason."
"With my efforts, I'll build my financial dream and become My Future Self."
"My goal is really just to make enough money to take care of myself, my loved ones, and save for the future."
"You could definitely retire with like a million bucks, man."
"Brad took home 74 million after taxes and set a goal to grow his wealth to 1 billion within the next 15 years."
"In the next 5 years, this home... it should be paying me per month more than any other salary I've ever made in my entire life."
"Most people don't want to be millionaires and billionaires... most people just want a house, economic security, being able to look after their family."
"The most surefire way to raise your standards is to surround yourself with people with very high financial standards."
"I think if you aren't financially where you want to be, that should be what you're working on."
"You're going to understand the detailed process for finding, analyzing, and buying small multi-family properties to help you achieve your financial goals."
"If I could just make $300 a day in the stock market, then I could leave this job behind and actually go travel, which is what I really wanted to do in life."
"The first goal: Make money. The second goal: Keep the money. The third goal: Multiply money."
"Being a millionaire is the wrong goal... I don't pay my bills because my net worth is a million. I do so on income."
"Let's talk about a roadmap to one million dollars."
"My goal...is I want to send out at least $30 million a month to investors."
"You get out of debt not just to get out of debt, but to have an extraordinary, generous life."
"Don't be shy about seeking wealth. The honest truth is that many people will never achieve a serious amount of wealth because, first, they don't seek it."
"Closing out your budget, analyzing your spending, looking at where your money is going, and asking yourself if your spending is aligning with your financial goals."
"One of the things that really made me feel not successful with my money is when there was a goal I wanted to be working on and I felt like I couldn't."
"Many Americans living paycheck to paycheck are failing to meet some of their modest financial goals."
"Determine what you are saving for... put the carrot in front of you to help you stay motivated."
"Let's see if we can break through our previous high."
"I want to buy a house... mostly it's security."
"If you strive to achieve these nine financial goals before you hit your 30s, you'll be light years ahead of your friends, your family, and co-workers."
"I am on a budget and I do have a financial goal, but I also am a believer in treating yourself."
"I wasn't born to be broke. I knew that 1 million percent."
"I'm trying to touch a billion before I turn 40, that's my goal."
"Even if we can get some form of money making, I'd be ecstatic."
"I think when it comes to this money thing, a lot of times... people tell themselves a story that they feel becoming rich is... unattainable and therefore they tell themselves, 'I don't want it anyway.'"
"Investing isn't about being better than other people; it's about reaching your financial goals."
"My goal... is that tomorrow you don't make the mistake that I made today, and that tomorrow you make so much money off of knowing what you're doing, of knowing how to not repeat the mistakes that I've made, that you make my thirty-nine hundred twenty-six dollars look like dogshit."
"The long-term goal of this dividend portfolio is to one day be able to live off dividend income."
"Set and agree financial goals and targets and have a plan for what you're saving for."
"The main benefit of investing: You will be a millionaire by the time you retire."
"Add a zero to your financial goal and aim higher."
"The goal of this video was to help you understand why you need to start creating a leverage income if you want to get to $10,000 a month as quickly as possible."
"A successful trading strategy is a guide that ensures you will stay on track on your journey to your desired destination."
"The true baddie is always in pursuit of the next business venture AKA the bag."
"You need to be putting money in it so my goal is to just fund this thing as aggressively as I can and to watch the power of compounding work."
"Just remember there are many paths to get to the same end result that we all want which is basically just to end up with more money than what we started with"
"We all want that homerun trade that can earn us a significant amount of money."
"Scale up to ten thousand dollars per month within the next three to four months."
"Get money invested... That should be everybody's goal: build wealth."
"I didn't want to just be like a Facebook ads monkey anymore. If I can just stack up enough money to start a software company, I think that's where I'll make the real money."
"Make sure your efforts are about wealth, not about being rich."
"If you can make a hundred thousand dollars, y'all, you can make a million dollars. I promise you it is not that far."
"My goal every year isn't to make maximum return for the client... it's to make the client happy."
"It's not about making a million dollars right."
"I want to get the money to do really whatever I want to do with my city."
"The idea is to reach $1 to $1.5 per token by Q1 of next year."
"Started small and hoping to make only a few extra dollars that would help him make ends meet as his baby was on the way. Austin never expected that his achievements would succumb to what they have now."
"Not every achievement is worth it. Get that bread, exactly."
"Bitcoin needs to hit about $550,000 each to equal the market cap of gold."
"You said to me, 'I want to [expletive] retire my parents, I want to move out, you need [expletive] money.'"
"Let's get in there and see if we can make some money."
"In high hopes I'm still gonna make this fifty thousand dollar quarter."
"If your goal really is to make more money, then you have to think beyond just working harder."
"Investing ten dollars a day is something that almost anybody could do on autopilot."
"I decided when I was younger that I wanted to be able to say I have money in the bank."
"I don't play that game. If you tell me right now you got 200 million, I'm gonna applaud you and I'm gonna figure out how you did it and I'm gonna try to go get 300."
"Everyone is trying to get paid, everyone is trying to make bank."
"Your 20s are a pretty exciting time... set yourself up for financial freedom or just a future full of Lambos."
"I want to show you my top three pullback trading strategies in hopes that it'll help you get a little closer to your goal of becoming a consistently profitable trader."
"I never thought that I would ever be able to make enough money to get to the point where I can say 'holy holy crap I have enough money to actually pay off my student loans.'" - Kyle Holzhauer
"Your goal in the next five years should be to dramatically increase your income so that real estate investments are quite accessible."
"Dogecoin can't be stopped, we're fueled up and heading to the moon."
"I hope it keeps going, I'm really looking for seven eight nine, maybe even ten dollars."
"My goal is basically to replace all the lost revenue."
"I've been told from a young age, chase the bag."
"Building Wealth isn't just about aiming for a specific dollar amount."
"The campaign was a roaring success raising a hundred and fifty percent of its $100,000 goal."
"The way I look at it is you might only need to help a thousand people and you can make a million dollars."
"We have six weeks here to change our family's futures."
"I think we could easily like minimum I think we're going to do a 6x."
"If it's not at least a million dollars we failed."
"Let's call a spade a spade, that is what it is. We're trying to make a couple of dollars in a time where a couple dollars is hard to come by."
"You really can have whatever it is that you want, you can make any amount of money that you want to make."
"There's too many people in the cryptocurrency community to think this is just some market to get rich quick."
"So if you just make money your goal, you're missing the point."
"We're not going to overdo it. The only thing that's different from us is that it's going to be me and him, or we will get the people that you like and we're going to get them to give you million dollars worth of game."
"I want to set you up to win because I believe in the year 2022 not only are y'all gonna be paying off debt but some of y'all gonna be hitting seven figures some of y'all can become so wealthy it's gonna be crazy."
"The more money we make right now, though, as a group, the quicker we get us that, the quicker work to just a financially stable place."
"I'm gonna get all this money, take care of my kids, [__] backshot a couple moves, you know what's going on."
"Manifesting dreams: buying a home, stocks, entrepreneurship."
"You are working towards financial abundance, more luxury."
"They bought Star Wars not because they're Star Wars fans per se, but because they want to make money."
"The goal is for all of us to be wealthy though, you know, so it's like it has to be affordable."
"Your goal should be to get your passive income to be equal to your earned income."
"We're all working toward our financial goals and our own version of Financial Freedom."
"We're not just trying to learn how to trade, we're trying to make some money, you feel me?"
"We're serious about building generational wealth."
"I remember thinking $100 million, that's going to take forever to get. And now we've got it."
"We want to make a hundred thousand in net income but we don't really know how much we need to sell to reach that number."
"I want to buy three new apartment buildings throughout the year that's awesome I really want, I think that's like what I'm most excited about I love investing in property."
"You don't have a million dollars because your dreams aren't as big as a million dollars."
"The most people are not millionaires is because they don't have a vision that requires a million dollars."
"I only want money so I can make better videos so I can grow my channel."
"Budgeting is just a plan. It doesn't mean you have to quit spending altogether, it just means you're prioritizing some financial goals over others."
"Congratulations, we are now ready to make money."
"I'm just trying to get my money... to take care of my son... period."
"Let's get a horror movie past that big old billion mark."
"If there are more things in your investments than your personal, you're still not where you want to be financially."
"By 65, you want to make sure you have at least a few million to live the rest of your life off of."
"Once you have the pitch, it's time to chase that cash."
"Every year I make it a goal of mine if not one thing you know at least multiple things but I make sure that I'm always like trying to do things and don't have money just sitting around not working."
"That's like two and a half years so yeah, so two and a half years though and we knocked out the crazy student loans."
"Even if it's two and a half years of pure sacrifice with that number, that's a good thing. That should be celebrated."
"My goal is to dollar cost average in a hundred thousand dollars in 2023."
"I want to make as much money as I can. If you said it, you might not mean it. But if I say it, you can take it to the bank."
"If you want to be in the top ten percent isn't it amazing how this all works together 1 million ninety-five thousand dollars."
"What a waste of a life. And you were not put here to just make $220 or $480 or $720."
"Now when you make money, you're making money with the goal of buying assets."
"If you become the person that can make 10K a month... it's impossible for you to not make 10 grand a month."
"Let's talk about my two certified altcoins to make you a millionaire."
"Passive income, I guess is what that is. Yeah, I would want to be that. That is a goal, yes. Just to get to passive income."
"Wanting financial freedom in an authentic way."
"At some point you have to evolve... unless you're just going to make so much money and disappear."
"All I care about is hitting huge goals financially, helping people along the way, and having a great time doing it."
"The dips are being bought. We need to break the $30,500 level and then it's free sailing up until about $45,000."
"Everyone's life is chasing the Benjamins, a few for our viewers, a Benjamin is Benjamin Franklin."
"He got one thing left to do: win this ring and become that millionaire."
"It's not about the money that I was chasing I need something to drive me in life."
"The only thing better than the 10x return is a 100x return."
"I think I can turn the 5 million into 50 million."
"You can do it and you'll become wealthy if that's what you choose to make happen."
"You can literally turn your annual income into a monthly income."
"Let's live on nothing. Like live on 60. Let's go make another 100."
"I'm almost to a million, that's right for the second time."
"It's to bring this home for many reasons rent family you name it we go out and hustle my friends because no we don't do this pro bono we don't go and volunteer we go out there to make money."
"Our goal in owning anything that has a loan attached to it... is an equity position that becomes a positive part of our net worth calculation."
"It's easier to become a millionaire than to make a million dollars a year."
"I think it's important to highlight we're both taking big steps this year, specifically, that we already see it, the seven figures is done."
"Your portfolio should be designed with a specific strategy to accomplish specific goals"
"The goal is to make a hundred thousand dollars a year."
"The second strategy you can use to finding 10K per day products."
"Your end goal is actually not money... it's the margin... the freedom... so you have memories."
"I've always wanted money so I can make better videos so I can grow my channel."
"I have absolutely nothing to lose. I've already won. I got 100k, why can't I have 200k?" - MMG
"I'm going to build a billion dollar company."
"We're not stopping until we get to a million dollars."
"Investment objectives is something that we must have."
"The real path to the American dream is to be able to own a home."
"I just want to destroy all my debt as fast as possible."
"This is the exact method that we're using to create our six figure and seven figure drop shipping shopify store designs."
"Literally, it hits 20K and then she raises it."
"Your business is too small bro, you got to figure out to get you should be completely focused on raising two hundred million dollars."
"Our whole goal wasn't even really money, it was literally just can we survive until hightail?"
"Your main goal should be stacking your money."
"That's right, on a great trajectory financially."
"It's not about making a million dollars; it's about making a living."
"My gut feeling is now that I want to get out of debt."
"I want to be a billionaire... I want to buy DraftKings."
"My aim is to have at least a million coins in the bag."
"At this rate, we're on track to make millions by the end of the month."
"Collecting big checks: my new goal. Let's go!"
"You're falling in love with making money or that's what your energy's going towards."
"We only need a thousand bucks and we will have a million, so let's rob this train!"
"Make money while you sleep, 24/7. That's the goal of residual income."
"Alright two more sick designs up there on the auction house we $979,000 we need to make about $30,000 hit the $1 million Mark but Isaac is currently selling things consistently and our Blaze is consistently still shooting."
"Earning five thousand dollars per month as a side hustle is an A plus."
"My ultimate goal now is with the money that I've attained with this 200 million line of credit is to produce films, TV soundtracks, music."
"Is it possible to go from $0 to $100,000 in the next 12 months? Yes."
"My goal was within a two year time period to make $150 a day off YouTube which is $4,500 a month. So, I very much surpassed that."
"I want the Lion Share. I want to split no money, man. I mean [ __ ]. I want it all."
"I'mma make it happen, y'all, I'm stacking up the money, when I hear the track, I'm hopping on top of that like a bunny."
"Have the discipline to walk away when your goals are reached."
"Aim for at least $20 at least $20 profit margin gross profit margin gross profit margin."
"Have a certain goal, maybe you want to make an additional thousand dollars a month or a hundred thousand dollars by the time you turn 30."
"What you're doing now is creating external value outside of your job that way you can attract more money."
"So, if passive income is your goal and you just want an easy life..."
"The promise of a side hustle is that you can earn some extra money to treat yourself to a vacation, save for a future goal, or simply make your everyday finances less stressful."
"Once you keep your lifestyle creep in check, the goal post stops moving further and further away."
"Being a millionaire is a fantastic goal now it's really nothing more than a number."
"You're not trying to look rich, you're actually trying to become rich."
"Know your millionaire math: it's more achievable than you think."
"If you made 200 million dollars last year you damn well better make 220 million dollars this year or you're failing."
"Wouldn't that be cool to put that $200 a month away in savings? Someday for your children's college, someday for your retirement, someday to buy your dream house."
"Set the baseline for what you want to get in terms of return and be happy with that. Anything above that is extra."
"You're not going to have a 50 Grand Day by putting a thousand dollars at risk or you're not gonna have a fifty thousand dollar day by starting off with a 500 account."
"It's about making money, not showing off on social media."
"In one year of trying to make a million dollars, I made it to 147,343 dollars."
"The idea of keeping $1,000 set aside by the time you get this debt paid off, and then like George said, working to save up that 3 to 6 months of expenses."
"Let's get this money, let's get this [ __ ] money!"
"What everybody wants in life is financial stability. I mean, that's the most important thing."
"Start making your financial dreams a reality with time."
"We're going to make 10 millionaires, 100 thousandaires."
"Show me the money! I need to feel you, Jerry."
"I need 10 million [__] dollars. That's not hyperbole. That's the literal crux of the film."
"We're looking at the year 2030 to turn 1 million into 100 million."
"You only buy off support in uptrends. You're looking to make money, not for excitement."
"Some people figure trying to figure out what's the way I can make the most money that's not ever going to work out for you if you're not also passionate about it."
"The mistake of spending your whole life increasing your bank account and then you die and you're like, 'Ah, good, I died with like a large bank account. I won.'"
"I was trying to make the house cost exactly a million simoleons."
"I knew numbers in my head. I said, 'I'm gonna be a millionaire.'"
"I am now paying off my house in full easily and effortlessly."
"Longevity is key in this market if you're looking to make a million dollars in 12 months."
"If I buy under 45, I'm putting that money to work with the expectation of a 15% return."
"We're interested in building seven-figure traders."