
Closeness Quotes

There are 2499 quotes

"You're going to have an increased need for closeness in your relationships and you're not going to have a lot of patience for frivolous relationships."
"Allah is nearer to him than his own jugular vein."
"Friends? That word somehow doesn't seem adequate. Besides, we've been friends for a long time, you and I. By now, we're so much more than that, at least in my mind."
"You are not my friend, you are my brother, my friend."
"The deepest need of the physical human is closeness and connection."
"We really have a friendship because we know each other inside and out."
"Man should be your best friend. Y'all gotta be best friends."
"Parents can also suggest ways to get closer to their children, help, advice, and words of wisdom and encouragement."
"Getting closer is way more important than gear."
"We may be social distancing, but we are becoming closer than ever before."
"This is the first time you see her at peace, and that's when she's literally the closest to Jesus."
"Soulmate or true couple, everyone calls it differently, but the meaning is the same: It is the closest person in your life, closer than parents, closer than friends."
"I feel like you're gonna be very close with your child."
"The world is much smaller than we think, we're much more closely connected than we ever thought possible."
"They want the courage to be able to be nearer to you."
"You can only be betrayed by people who are close."
"For those of you who don't know, Maya and I spent a lot of time together and have become very close."
"That was really close, yeah that's about as close as you can get without hitting it."
"Thank you all for watching, have yourselves a fantastic night and take care."
"There's something beautiful about having someone who you're really close to."
"The people we love that are the closest to us are the ones we should be able to trust the most."
"The hedgehog's dilemma: the struggle to be close to people is the struggle between the compulsion of needing to reach out and the need to protect yourself from harm."
"The first thing you saw once your eyes were clear was Barca go leaning towards you."
"You've never been closer than you are right now."
"That was as close as you can get, an outstanding, unbelievable."
"The more you and this person walk away from fears or negativity in your life, the more you guys will probably come closer friends."
"That's more like it, that was [__] close man."
"Marriage has been like the best and sweetest thing ever. Me and Kyle are like so close, closer than we've ever been."
"Meditation on God's word is a way for us to draw closer to Him."
"The family message of the importance of family. Keep your family close to you."
"Rubbing shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow human beings close enough to smell what they had for breakfast."
"You really fit very closely into each other's lives."
"We're in 2024... not a big gap between the New Democrats and the Liberals."
"You came closer than anyone, like you had a special thing about you."
"Intercession will handle a person, a thing's closeness to God."
"The person who is closest to your heart, you will just know."
"You were so close, Aaron. Close, you can't possibly know that. Like, you're unbelievably close, every time."
"My parents were two halves of a circle closed tight around a world in which their love for each other was the only sustenance they needed."
"They want to manifest intimacy and closeness."
"They're very thankful for this opportunity to get closer to you, to get to know you."
"You can't be closer to the Holy Spirit than being in his word."
"I mean it's still really close there's still a thousand two hundred against a thousand and ninety."
"I think there has never been a Drag Race competition this close."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart I appreciate you guys all right guys I love you and I will see you guys tomorrow we'll see what happens we'll see what it does all right here we go."
"All we know about the mountain gorilla has come to us thanks to this ability we have to get close to them."
"You're closer to meeting 'the one' than you think. Stay optimistic."
"I love everything about you and um i've never felt closer to someone else."
"God is just that close. Prayer is a conversation with God."
"They were basically like sisters... they did absolutely everything together."
"Charles and Sebastian become such close friends, you just want them to be together."
"The boys remain closer to their father than their uncle."
"You are close to me like family, you are that spouse that should have been, that is supposed to be mine."
"Awkward right now, at least, but I just feel so close as a friend with you."
"I didn't want to get close to anyone, but you were so persistent."
"Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein so realize that Allah is near Allah is not just there he's near but we're gonna be chic and sometimes"
"Every adversity gives us an opportunity to get closer to each other."
"You and this person have a real warmth, a real closeness on a soul level."
"It's really tough to determine that second place winner though as both candidates are fairly even."
"You have an opportunity here to grow closer to God."
"Sometimes closeness comes through separation."
"Just wanted to be next to your face, you just want to be as close as I could and in your ear and like forehead to forehead and just be there with you."
"Because when you draw close to God, he always draws close to you."
"It's hard to see all of the buildings as a whole when you're really close to them."
"Experiments bring you closer to family... experimenting."
"Your relationship with your parents, your relationship with your children, it's the closest human relationship that you can have. Maybe the marriage relationship is closer."
"Please hold your family and friends close and always be there for them."
"The closest we've probably ever gotten to discovering."
"We used to be as close as twins to the extent that most people around us actually thought that we were sisters."
"We're close, actually. We're closer than we've ever been."
"Keep them close and learn what he experiences."
"The times when I was closest to God...was when I was struggling with something."
"God doesn't remove himself from us. He's not a far away God. He's an up close, personal Savior, Redeemer."
"They're trying to move closer to you, planning behind the scenes."
"Connecting with this feeling brings it closer."
"I feel like you all are kind of like two peas in a pod."
"Facetime makes everything a lot easier because you don't feel as far or disconnected."
"She's my baby sis, so you can take the room across from my room."
"After all this time, I'm so close. We're close."
"Siblings can be tight, but Lainey and I were inseparable."
"This is honestly the closest I've ever been."
"Fingernail biting time, this is the first time ever I've said that I think we're actually getting really close."
"God is drawing you closer to Him. He's calling out to you right now."
"Close to my father, he's my best friend, can tell him anything."
"They just want to hold you... they feel closer to you than they felt to anybody else in their life."
"I think this is going to be a very very close call."
"We're literally the closest best friends in the existence of history."
"It's not about deliverance, it's about people coming closer to Jesus Christ."
"Your person really wants to reach out to you and get closer to you."
"You're not technically touching me but you're pretty darn close bro."
"Friendship, there we go. That's what could bring us closer together."
"With willing heart and obedient hands, you will draw closer to the heart of God."
"Women already have enough daddy issues we already got that okay yeah so a little bit closer it can be a gap."
"Praise is what I do when I want to get close to you. I lift my hands in praise."
"I think the two of you are, your connection is ultimately going to be closer at the end of whatever this is."
"We were so close to making greatness happen."
"The deal is so close you can almost touch it."
"Leo, come here, I'm bringing you everywhere I go."
"They feel so much intimacy with you, true intimacy."
"You know when people are like best friends, you know, like you only have laughs like that with the people you're closest with."
"Us bonding and confiding with each other only made us kind of closer."
"Being with my family 24/7 has really made us closer."
"Keep your enemies close, but your friends closer."
"Nothing could bring you closer together than this."
"This is absolutely insane, one percent between them."
"A landslide can't be fixed, right? It's got to be close enough for a margin. There's got to be a margin."
"The closer we get to Him, the more we have fullness of joy."
"Until next time, Ben and I'll see you in the next life, brother."
"Keep your friend close and your enemies even closer."
"The whole purpose of seduction is to get closer and closer to a woman until eventually you end up inside of her."
"Because you stayed faithful, you were going to become intimately acquainted with the place you only once knew from a distance."
"If you're a work of art, I'm standing too close."
"Do you desire closeness or do you need your space? My answer is always yes."
"You and somebody that you're already with could really just be coming together closer than ever before."
"Do you know what kind of meat I like the most? The meat close to your heart."
"You're getting closer and closer to finding your soulmate."
"Thank you so much for watching, I love you lots."
"God sends the storm to draw us closer to Him."
"This person loves spending time with you and they want to be close with you as much as they can."
"You're on the other side of my every breath."
"We're allowed to be human, and that God is close to that."
"I'm always close with God. There's never a time when I wasn't close."
"I think me and my mom are closer than we ever have been before."
"Make sure you're good with the people that are close to you."
"Draw close to me, and I draw close to you."
"That was a great game right down to the wire."
"No set is perfect, but at least to me, this comes incredibly close."
"Jude had an extremely close relationship with Jesus Christ based on the Bible he may even have been related to Jesus."
"God is more passionate about being close with you than you are with him."
"Intimacy, both emotional and physical, is an unspoken feeling of safe closeness."
"We're close, probably days or weeks, we just don't know how close but definitely very, very close."
"Take the intimacy up a notch by pulling your partner in closer."
"I’d never felt that kind of closeness or vulnerability from him or, well, anyone else I’d ever met."
"The Creator is as close to you as your jugular vein."
"This person would like nothing more than to have you next to them."
"I love like a tight-knit small team."
"Keep your friends close and your family closer."
"If I was your best friend, I want you around all the time, can I be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine?"
"It's like two pieces in a pod; I feel like you two will be like best friends."
"When the ones you need fly close."
"You have your close circle of friends, you would rather have a few really deep, really close friends."
"He loved to travel and you could see his chat log with his parents; it seemed like he was very close to his family."
"You can wear your family close to your heart at all times."
"The closer we get to God, the closer we get to that joy."
"Tiny living is really about communicating and growing closer as a family."
"I am learning that I feel closer to God when I am kinder to others."
"A friend close by is better than a brother far away."
"A mother is the closest and dearest person to her children, and children are the most important thing in life for a mother."
"We're all super close; we're all a family."
"God doesn't need me to be good for him to be close to me; God is close to me because he is good."
"Real friends ain't an amount of distance apart that could stop a real friend from being your real friend."
"You're not an interruption to me, come closer."
"You are literally getting closer and closer to meeting your person."
"He's closer to you than you are to yourself."
"You are the closest people to your circle, the closest people that you relate to are the people that you're going to be."
"It was a battle, we were close neck and neck all day."
"We are so close, and then you only have one more section that doesn't have nearly as much holding your arms out."
"They have such a tight connection."
"If time or distance can come between us, we were never really truly friends."
"Working through a conflict peacefully brings you out on the other side closer."
"You're no longer isolating, no longer being at a distance from each other."
"They just always want to be inside of you."
"I'm my friendship circle is very tight."
"I'm so close to my mom and dad. It keeps me grounded."
"They will not feel fulfilled unless they move towards you."
"My favorite time, absolute favorite actually, so when we get to cuddle real close, like super close, we just get to lay there not really doing anything, just enjoying the warmth of the other one."
"Love, closeness, affection, sexual chemistry."
"Grow Big Love cuz you got to be close together."
"Some of you this person is wanting to come closer to you, maybe even to try to be your friend."
"Keep your friends close and your tenants even closer."
"Around you, it's just easy because you guys are authentic and raw and real."
"We're really going to be inseparable. I hope you don't get sick of me."
"I talk to my cousin every day; he's my brother, you feel me?"
"You'll spend days in bed with each other."
"There is something very special with William and Harry, that they are extremely close."
"Suffering brings people closest to the possibility of awakening."
"I'm happy that the divorce made us so close and that we had each other."
"Friends can be as close as family."
"I don't know if there's anyone as close as we are."
"Your sidekick is here, is your closest guy. Yeah, right?"
"Why did Yeshua weep because he felt them he felt them and he was identifying with their feeling and that's how close beloved ones he is to you and I."
"Two peas in a pod, best friends but lovers at the same time."
"Wanting to come closer, wanting to tell you how they feel."
"You're my favorite. You're the person I want to call when something good or bad happens. The first thought when I have news to share. You're my person."
"We've become very good friends, mate."
"You guys might feel like you can't trust this person or this situation because this person closes off."
"I love it, it's not the living in the tiny house that's necessarily brought us closer together, I think it's the fact that just he was willing to go along with this."
"Their desire is to be closer to you."
"I appreciate you, I look at you like real family."
"He's very close with his 96-year-old grandmother."
"You're inches away, but look at that tongue. Oh, yeah."
"Maybe you're moving closer together or they're going to be in the same area as you."
"You really are like merged together so tightly like people have no chance of getting in between you."
"I have a sister that I'm pretty close to that I talked to a lot. She was really there for me, and that helped."
"You both use intimacy as an opportunity to be close with your partners."
"I think that's the ultimate form of intimacy"
"We were so close. I've never felt closer to anyone."
"You're more of my sister than my sister."
"Those people seem really close to you, those people seem really loyal and trustworthy for you."
"I just really want us to spend the year being best friends. Is that okay?"
"This person feels very much connected to you. They feel like you are their person."