
Wealth Management Quotes

There are 1108 quotes

"Do you know how rich people get rich and how wealthy people stay wealthy? It's pretty simple: they spend less money than they have."
"The thing that differentiates a wealthy person from a broke person is not just what job you have or how much money you make... it's what you do with the money that you earn."
"Eighty percent of your success and wealth is going to be your psychology and only twenty percent is going to be the mechanics."
"You're going to master your wealth vehicle. You've got to master it."
"Investing is important. If you don't learn it, you're going to find it very hard to get or maintain wealth."
"The fastest way to become a millionaire in the stock market is by starting off a billionaire."
"If you're swingin' cash you don't know what to do with it, well, that is a good problem to have."
"Any fool can make a fortune; it takes a man of brains to hold on to it."
"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it."
"Most rich people do not idly count their wealth sitting under palm trees; they continue to reinvest it in new projects."
"Money is my servant, and I am the master of my wealth."
"We want our kids to have enough money to do anything they want in life, but not enough so they don't have to do anything at all."
"You can be rich if you will utilize and maximize every dollar that comes into your possession."
"It's all about teaching them how to keep the money. It's not time to buy boats and cars and planes. It's this mental shift."
"The ethical requirement isn't to be guilty about having money but to think, 'How can I use this money in the most responsible manner possible?'"
"Don't lose money. That's rule number one. Rule number two: Don't forget rule number one."
"You darn well better have one because this is now 2023 and what's really happening underneath the surface actually puts all of your wealth at risk."
"When you value your family's happiness over yourself, that's the true key to generational wealth."
"Our perceptions of money are sometimes more crucial than our ability to generate it."
"What would you do with a million dollars? For me, it's about putting those resources to use, benefiting humanity in some way."
"I know we're all going to make life-changing money in this bull market, but not everyone's going to keep their money."
"It's not about wealth maximization; it's about keeping wealth."
"It's not about the journey of just creating wealth, it's about keeping that wealth too."
"Money doesn't care about any of that stuff; it just needs you to respect and get on the path to creating financial independence."
"No one gets rich and successful and stays rich and successful without developing the right skills to begin with."
"Wealthy people, the one percent, what they do is they make money and then they save it and invest it first, and then they only spend what's left after saving and investing."
"I've never met one who doesn't have a large holding of physical gold."
"If you don't already have that structure and discipline before you get that money, you definitely ain't gonna have it when they give you more."
"Wealth is having enough money to meet more than just your basic needs to the point that if you never worked again, you'd probably be just fine."
"A man that earns money fast loses it just as fast. A man that grows wealth slowly learns how vital and important it is."
"The wealthiest people in the world go all in on one income stream and then diversify to maintain their wealth."
"Wealthy people learn how to stop trading time for money. They start letting the money work for them and they learn how to give an immense amount of value to people."
"Wealthy people do three things with their money: They stop trading time for money, they start making their money work for them, and they start giving value to people."
"Everybody makes money mistakes, no matter how much or how little money you've got."
"It's not just about having a large amount of money; it's about having control over your wealth and deciding when and how to utilize it effectively."
"Marriage was not created for honorable reasons; it was created to build wealth, keep wealth in certain families."
"Saving makes you poor. Money is a tool, it's not a trophy."
"Wealthy people don't have one source of income; they have more than one."
"A good consistent long-term plan tends to make you the most money as long as you're careful about it."
"Habits wealthy people do that broke people don't do: they have a daily routine."
"I want to leave them not just with money but also with the wealth and knowledge to sustain it."
"Developing skills that can be used to make more money is crucial, but so is learning how to save and manage money effectively."
"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."
"The secret strategy used by the richest people in the world to build lifelong wealth and generational wealth is pretty simple but it's very, very powerful."
"This investment plan would have left an investor with a fortune of about 13 million dollars by 2021."
"Rich people stay rich because they act poor, and poor people stay poor because they act rich."
"The first goal: Make money. The second goal: Keep the money. The third goal: Multiply money."
"Being a millionaire is the wrong goal... I don't pay my bills because my net worth is a million. I do so on income."
"The two most important people in your life are a good CPA and a good insurance agent."
"You have to have systems in place... even if your children or grandchildren don't want to listen to you, that the wealth will not be wasted."
"Real wealth, real true sustainable wealth, is built in silence. It's quite because it just keeps happening in slow increments over time."
"If you want to know how to become wealthy, you need to know how to manage your money like wealthy people do."
"Buy vehicles that total up to be less than half your annual income if you want to be wealthy."
"Multiple passports and offshore private banking are some of the first things rich people secure for freedom and financial strategy."
"Through the interest he's earning through the life insurance contracts, he's able to loan it back out of the policy without paying a dime a tax and fund his next deal."
"Life insurance is not just for the old or for planning funerals; it's a strategic financial tool with tax advantages and opportunities for wealth accumulation."
"Riches certainly make themselves wings and fly away; don't trust in the wealth, trust in the God who gave you the wealth."
"Saving money is basically the same as making it."
"Respect your account, whether you have $50 to your name or $50 million."
"Wealth is like a leaky bucket beneath the water spout; running water is your income, expense is leakage out."
"Money is a tremendous force. The way you earn money and accumulate it, and spend it determines whether your money will be a force that creates good or does not create good for you and others."
"Give them enough so that they can do anything, but not so much that they can do nothing."
"If you want to be poor, invest in liabilities. If you want to be rich, invest in assets that go up in price and have a residual value."
"You are going to be a multi-millionaire... but I promise you it won't be if you keep borrowing money and buying real estate."
"The worst thing is to be scared with money... You got it and now you're scared to death because you don't want to lose it."
"When you reach a level of affluence where your wealth outlasts you, attention often shifts from making money to preserving and transferring it in the most efficient and impactful way."
"Financial education is not about making more money, it's about having the knowledge to not be average."
"The biggest reason why you must invest is because inflation is the biggest threat to your wealth."
"The biggest mistake a lot of young people make is they'll come out of college with... debt, and then they'll go get an apartment... effectively, you never win the game of accumulation because you now have not solved the problem of depletion and deterioration."
"Billionaires spend the vast majority of their money making more money."
"I should have been watching what the billionaires do. They don't operate like millionaires."
"You need to learn the rules of the game most people are losing in the game of money because they don't understand how the game of money works."
"I'm actually hoping to redefine giving and redefine how wealth is used."
"You don't get rich by investing. You get rich by doing whatever you're doing. And investing is about preserving what you made elsewhere and growing it."
"I saw these people with a bunch of money... and it would be at zero in their account, living paycheck to paycheck."
"By 2030, women will control roughly two-thirds of the entire nation's wealth."
"If you do happen to inherit the average million-dollar inheritance, just treat it as though you've only inherited the interest off of that inheritance."
"There's not only a way to protect your wealth but a real way to enhance it if you understand the dynamics of what's really going on."
"No matter how much money you make, you can always desire something more expensive."
"The purpose of wealth is to help those in need. That's what it's for."
"Concentrated portfolios make you rich, diversified portfolios keep you rich."
"You can make all the money in the world, but if you don't know what to do with the money, you can still stay broke."
"He didn't want his son to be lazy and think that money was super easy to make... He didn't want his son to be like one of those rich kids that was spoiled."
"The rich don't work for money... I'm not actually working for my money, it's already at work for me."
"The whole idea of you becoming wealthy or financially free means that you don't have to worry about money."
"I could take a million dollars and show you how to never go broke from it."
"How far a million dollars can take you depends on how you use your cash."
"Investing is how you make your money work for you to create wealth."
"It is more important than ever for you to get financially educated and to use your money the right way."
"Most self-made millionaires in the United States describe themselves as frugal."
"The owner of wealth is not made happy by owning it, but by spending it, and not by spending it capriciously, but by knowing how to spend it well."
"Millions of people across the globe are now using websites and social media to search for their doppelgangers."
"Wealthy people have multiple sources of income."
"If you die with anything more than zero dollars in the bank account then you have done something wrong." - Bill Perkins
"The richest people are those who control their emotions."
"Investing is not a way for you to get rich quick, it's a way to build wealth slowly."
"Poor people spend, the middle class save, and the wealthy invest."
"Bitcoin presents an opportunity for the first time in human history for us to truly own, control, and protect our wealth."
"The two things to become wealthy: one is be okay with money itself, second is be okay with yourself having money."
"Concentrate to get rich, diversify to stay rich."
"Use wealth as a means of doing good, empowering others, and helping the community."
"What do we do with all this money? My wife and I are going to roll it into a foundation."
"It's important that wealth be something we can understand."
"The secret to wealth: Start early, invest consistently, and keep costs low."
"Life is about balance you know like uh it's okay to have money don't feel guilty if you got money and everything else like that it's about your purpose it's about why you do things what is what is that for."
"It's so important to have a percentage of your wealth outside of the financial system."
"I hope I help you make some money and save some of that money that you've already made and I hope you get one step closer to the Financial Freedom that we all desire."
"Don't fly first class until you have $10 million."
"The real wealth is created through managing risk."
"My goal is to actually help people better their financial future, put them on a better track where five years from now they're gonna have more wealth than they do today."
"The higher your net worth the smaller the percentage would go to your house."
"The average millionaire has about six or seven streams of income, man."
"Financial literacy: without it, wealth is just a pipe dream."
"Diversification preserves wealth, but concentration builds wealth."
"Lottery winners' psychological struggle with sudden wealth."
"One of the greatest containers of wealth is owning your real estate."
"Rich people don't often keep cash but rather buy assets that appreciate over time."
"The shortest distance to wealth is always no debt."
"I don't care if I was a billionaire, you have to tell your kid no."
"My fun brokerage account is around 10 million."
"Security is key because you can make all the money in the world in the crypto space, but if you're not securing your assets, there's no point."
"It's impossible to build generational wealth if you're giving half your money away."
"The hard part is keeping the money, not making it."
"The reason I pay no taxes is because I borrow money... I am a billionaire in debt."
"It's never been cheaper to invest with zero dollar trades and fees."
"Real estate is one of the best wealth building tools throughout human history."
"You do not have to be wealthy to need a trust."
"There's more than one way to build true wealth."
"The number one storehold of wealth historically has been gold."
"Poor people live check to check, rich people live year to year, wealthy people live generation to generation."
"No one trade will make you rich enough to never have to trade again. However, one bad trade can wipe out your entire trading account."
"Market crash happens, wealth is made by those who are prepared for it."
"You want to maintain that life-changing wealth and you can't do that every time if you're going to be panic selling every time it dips. You have to train yourself to buy low and sell high like all these other guys that have done so."
"Becoming wealthy or financially free is more about what you do with your money after you get paid than it is about how much money you're actually getting paid."
"True Prosperity is measured not just in wealth accumulated but in wealth shared."
"Do what rich people do as often as you can and don't do what poor people do as often as you can."
"So many billionaires stay as rich as they do by investing between 10 and 30 percent of their net worth in blue chip artwork."
"Take possession of metal. Buy gold and silver. Take possession of it. Look at it as wealth. It's not an investment, it's wealth."
"Gold is not an investment, it's money, it's wealth, it's currency, it's another form of cash."
"When you're sitting on a billion dollars, you better learn how to have some goddamn decorum, fool."
"I'm going to teach you what schools will never teach and give you the complete ultimate guide on how to access one of the world's most powerful tools that the ultra rich and wealthy have mastered for centuries."
"Most people probably have a million dollars if their money management skills were right."
"So what Tim is saying is the billionaires are building doomsday bunkers and becoming dual citizens to, dare I say, evading the tax."
"Diversification preserves wealth, concentration grows it."
"Positive developments regarding business and wealth projects."
"Compound interest is one of the greatest things that ever existed because it helps your money to work for you."
"When you're handing out this amount of money to children, this guy's 23, 24 years old. He's just a little kid. And we've seen from Michael Vick to any number of players... they wish they had put more study time in."
"Wealth is about physical assets... residential property is not the only form of wealth."
"The difference between a millionaire and a multi-millionaire is the management portion and/or The Branding portion."
"At this point, you have a choice: master your ability to grow wealth or decide what to do with your money."
"It's actually easy to make more money, but it's way more difficult to keep your expenses low."
"Wealthy people do three things: they stop trading time for money, they make their money work for them, and they give as much value to people as they can."
"Money that comes fast is no good, wealth built over time and that's honest wealth."
"What you gotta understand about your income is there's a lot more to becoming wealthy than just making a lot of money... It's what you do with the money you make."
"If you have all that power and wealth and you have the Holy Spirit, then God gets the glory for your good things."
"If there are more things in your investments than your personal, you're still not where you want to be financially."
"Positive energy to an otherwise serious organization... couldn't be more saddened by the passing of such a pure Soul."
"Diversifying your wealth is always a good idea."
"Let your money buy your liabilities, not your income. It's just that fucking simple."
"Two-thirds of the world's billionaires invest between 10 to 30 of their portfolio in physical art."
"This new moon is bringing in this like massive theme of money income finances resources."
"You can be a millionaire and be a minimalist."
"Warren Buffett said, 'Wealth is transferred from the impatient to the patient.' Cheers to you guys."
"I want you to find a way to have a healthy relationship with your money and with your wealth where you can say okay three years ago I was here I started from the bottom now I'm here right."
"Having wealth allows you to execute your vision more effectively."
"In your 40s when your portfolio begins to reach critical mass those small marginal decisions can have a very big impact over the next 10 20 30 even 40 years."
"I think there is a good section of people that in your 40s you do need to transition your mindset to keeping your wealth."
"Now when you make money, you're making money with the goal of buying assets."
"Rockefeller is often remembered as the richest man in history... One thing he always made time for no matter how broke he was was charitable giving."
"Gold and silver are Eternal value and eternal wealth."
"It was great to have so many big names in this tournament as well."
"Start that automatic wealth-building process."
"An asset creates money for you every month. A liability loses money for you every single month."
"Gold and silver is simply a store of wealth. It doesn't give you a monthly income like a house would."
"You can't tax an economy into prosperity, nor can a poor person spend himself into wealth."
"I believe really strongly that you should always have the lion's share of your wealth in an undervalued asset that's in a long-term positive trend."
"Asset protection is probably one of the most vital, important things that you can focus on as you're increasing your wealth and building an estate."
"Money gained fast can be lost even faster but reputation lasts a lifetime."
"Why am I so good at making, keeping, and multiplying money?"
"Just because you have money doesn't mean you need to spend all of it."
"Wealth is surprisingly simple but so far from easy."
"Investing: using your money to make more money."
"My goal is generational wealth from a portfolio which pays my bills now but also tends to appreciate over time."
"We need to understand the truth about our money, understand why this wealth gap exists."
"Stocks aren't your mechanism to get rich quick."
"No matter how much money you make, you still gotta live."
"How you manage one dollar determines if you will ever manage one million."
"The rich don't work for money, the rich work for assets."
"Smart people are going to get ready for this. It doesn't matter what your wealth or income level is. If you're getting ready, you're going to absolutely dominate."
"The reason why people don't get rich is because they let their emotions run wild."
"Upgrade your problems, no matter how rich you get."
"Buffett's over a hundred billion dollar pile of cash is his own form of portfolio protection."
"All I want to say is again thank you. I've been blown away. Incredible. So thank you thank you so much."
"Investing is how you preserve your wealth and increase your purchasing power."
"Keep everything slow and steady, and wealth is definitely increasing for you this year."
"Wealth starts with knowledge." - Louis Farrakhan
"I had made the money, then I was like, 'Now what do I do?'"
"If you're not investing, you're getting robbed"
"People with money are preparing for things to go sideways, and you should probably do the same."
"Ownership and investing and cash flow, oh, the big three when it comes to learning how to invest or building wealth."