
Non-reactivity Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The most non-reactive person is the most confident."
"Mindfulness meditation... paying attention to present moment experience without editorializing or reacting to it."
"Structure and non-reactivity will help the relationship. So, you can implement these from any which way."
"Transform your life. When you refuse to take things personally, you avoid many upsets in your life."
"Not taking things personally helps us heal and break agreements that cause suffering."
"We have to learn not to take things personally."
"We can and should choose to forfeit our right to be offended. It's an idea he acknowledges sounds radical, but he says it's modeled on the life and words of Christ." - Brandt Hansen
"They're not getting anything out of you, no reaction."
"Just relax, dude. Don't get offended at something that never happened."
"Queens never take things personally. Queens do not wear their feelings on their shoulders, they're thick-skinned."
"You're having this platform that it's not reactive to anything in the physical."
"To be able to get to non-reactivity is one of the most important aspects of virtually every spiritual tradition."
"Just observe, let everything Flow by, change nothing, react to nothing."
"Non-reactive leave, non-reactive remove your presence. These are your two main weapons, nothing else."
"The pure gold is not one dram less; there is not a single particle of it that can be burnt."
"Why should I take something that I know is not true personal?"
"Notice what's present without reacting to it."
"If the goal is, I want to learn how to be non-reactive with this person, start off with something very specific."
"You're no longer identified with it, you're no longer taking it personal, therefore you don't get reactive to it."
"Mindfulness is able to be with the positive or negative experience without reacting."
"Handle the situation without getting triggered or bitter."
"Being non-defensive is also a sign of confidence."
"The moment I stopped taking things personal is the moment I started to do better."
"Plastic does not dissolve in acid."
"I'm not feeding into it either, but I just thought it was pretty funny."
"Protect your energy and do not give reactions."
"I'm not going to take it personally."
"Every action doesn't deserve a reaction."
"I just stayed nonreactive, I let her get it out of her system."
"I made the right choice. God, I'm not going to react to every single record here."
"Feel what you're feeling without trying to change it, and so you liberate yourself from it and you become non-reactive."
"This open state that's not reactive, not grasping, not resisting, actually is our natural state."
"It's important to stay non-reactive."
"I try to live my day and I give love to everyone and see that and just nothing bother you, cut me off, so be it, maybe whatever, I don't take anything personally."
"Being in a non-reactive poised state can help you in any endeavor."
"This practice of not taking things personally... it benefited the way I learned to emotionally regulate."
"The wrong acts of others no longer arouse wrong and pain in the mind of the disciple; he is glad and calm and wise."
"If you find yourself coming across haters, forgive it, just let it go, it's not important."
"Just make sure you let the negative things that are not constructive roll off your back like water on a duck."
"Become like a gray rock in a river; no reaction, don't answer, no movement, just sit calmly and let the stream of crazy flow past you."
"Gold is virtually indestructible and is the most nonreactive of all metals."
"Helium is an inert, non-toxic, non-condensable gas that is plentiful and relatively inexpensive in nature."
"Mindfulness practice is simply to be with things as they are without reactivity."
"Ceasing to react goes hand in hand with ceasing to judge."
"No response is the greatest response that you can give."
"Nothing really ruffles your feathers... you don't take things personally."
"You don't need to respond, they're getting the answer from your reaction."
"The whole world can gossip about you, and if you don't take it personally, you're immune."
"Not responding is going to keep you in this energy of self-mastery."
"Remain calm and don't contribute to drama; stay centered."
"Work your magic, choose peace, and don't let other people or things trigger you."
"You don't react to negativity anymore."