
Magical Experience Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"The love that you feel for your child when you see them... was just the most magical experience."
"This has just been like the most magical stay already."
"That moment is what Disney Magic is all about."
"Peter Pan's Flight, a hard five. A must-do, quintessential, magical, nostalgic. What is more Disney than flying to Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinkerbell?"
"It's been magical, quite possibly the most magical so far."
"Making a movie is a team sport and why it feels magical because so many beautiful brains worked on it for so many darn hours."
"You might be going back, but it's the magic that counts."
"There's just something really magical about this cast."
"Cinema is an art form deeply rooted in the experience of the impossible and the realization of the magical."
"It felt like such a magical Final Fantasy moment."
"There's magic, love, and luck found at the beach for you guys."
"Nothing compares to being on stage... It's magic."
"It was just so surreal and so just honestly magical. It was amazing like it was everything more I had hoped for it to be."
"It really was magical, the power of Star Wars."
"There's a way in which you make the process sounds so thrilling, it just sounds endlessly kind of magical."
"That second half of Cats blew my mind as one of the greatest things I've ever seen on Broadway. It's magical. It's beautiful."
"There was some magic that happens when all of the components are right, the voltages, you know, and everything kind of works together."
"It felt magical and it felt like it was coming at the perfect time, especially stepping into the finale."
"Driving at night feels like something magical."
"The experience was magical for everyone who had never lived something like that."
"The ability to automate so many things in Minecraft is like magic."
"But when performed by these two and accompanied by a beautiful violinist, it's just magic created before our eyes."
"We believe that ours is the future that is bright because there is nothing as magical as seeing dazzling images on a huge silver screen."
"Magic in the air is what I felt this morning when I woke up."
"It's magical, and when I first purchased this, there were no shades."
"What a fantastic way to end our year... seeing something so magical."
"Walking through leaves and lush green plants feels like you're in a fairy tale."
"Thank you so much for sharing the magic with us today."
"When it's working like you see right now, it's pretty magical."
"I love the drinks where it starts with the cotton candy and then it disappears and turns into a magical cocktail."
"Until next time, y'all... it's been magical."
"We're gonna have a very magical day, and take you along with us."
"I still can't believe I actually managed to find one... just a magical magical bag."
"Experience free pixie dusting at select Disney gift shops."
"I wish I could express just how magical it is."
"That meeting of the minds that I had with Gene on this record was, um, magical. Really magical."
"There's just something magical about those islands."
"Yellowstone National Park was a magical experience."
"It's kind of magical how it works, it works very very well actually."
"This is a special one, a truly magical experience to have in Fallout 4."
"You will have a magical moment. Your wishes will be fulfilled."
"Magic Kingdom can turn grown adults into little kids in an instant."
"I cannot get over how magical these plushies are. They are just so cuddly and cute, and they even talk to you whenever you need a friend. You're my new friend!"
"The show truly captures that original magic."
"They see the opportunity here for like something like proper magical passion."
"I wish I could read it for the first time again. It's just magical."
"Take my hand. I said something magical, not someone magical."
"I came back and said, 'Hey, whatever happens, happens, play with the free play, we're going to enjoy ourselves, we're going to have fun.' And at the end, it ended up being the most magical run."
"It's the best! It's like magic! Look at this!"
"Every time I go to an event, I ask myself, 'Is the magic here?' And it is."
"It’s kind of like the greatest magic show in video games."
"The tailoring, the construction, it's magical."
"Magic was at work when you were causing a crystal to light up. You were right to think that was magic."
"The Mickey Fountain was particularly special."
"Oh my heavens, I think that's it. I think that's the Disney Magic right there."
"Disney World is the safest place in the state, also the most magical."
"Falling in love is a really interesting phenomenon. Almost everybody experiences magic."
"Disney Wish, it's gonna be magical unforgettable dream come true."
"Everyone realized they're a part of something magical that we had never seen before in a game."
"Magic Kingdom at night is literally the best thing ever."
"It feels like this magical moment in interacting with 3D objects."
"Disneyland opened its gates to the public and along with elaborate theming, it had an expansive, magical, parking lot." - Narrator
"They feel this magical joyous amazing energy within your connection."
"It's like you're watching actual magic happen that's the kind of feeling you get like holy crap like wow it's unbelievable."
"It's not just a movie, there's something about Star Wars magic that transfers over through childhood."
"It was the most magical experience. I had no idea it was going to be like that."
"Your life at this time is becoming increasingly magical."
"Life just feels so magical, you feel so connected to the infinite."
"The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - such a magical and whimsical game."
"Disney Springs: where every corner holds a piece of magic."
"Until next time friends, I'm Molly and it's been magical."
"It's a magical experience. I had a blast with y'all."
"To my surprise, she responded. She had an understanding of what I was trying to communicate to her. It just felt like magic."
"Embrace the magic around you, embrace your transformation."
"What a magical night at a Kirkley Stadium Huddersfield to Barcelona one we can't remind to get the victory."
"When you're on stage on property where guests can see you, you are the magic."
"It felt like one of the moments where I felt like it was never coming. Today you could just feel something and you actually felt the magic again."
"The Grateful Dead had this magic all the members."
"We watched the fireworks from the room, and the light show was so, so special."
"It was the most magical experience."
"Such a magical experience. The light show at night, large indoor atrium, has tons of trees and paths to follow, excellent dining choices."
"It was magical, my mom thought I was not doing it."
"If you want to impress someone, this is the way to do it at Sunset, it's just a magical time."
"Where every room is a portal to adventure: Disney's Contemporary Resort."
"I just had the most magical experience of my entire life. I'll probably be thinking about this for years."
"I friggin' love lasers. There's just something kind of magical to me about the fact that you're using just light to engrave or cut something. It's just incredible."
"The magic really happens when you get big power connected to these things."
"It was like truly magical to wake up that way."
"'Go for a swim' had magical powers."
"It feels magical every time, a hundred times it feels magical every time."
"I think it's the right magical combination."
"Magic all around, now introducing the new arrivals available in all ranges and sizes."
"Over a century ago, I discovered magic. I discovered a medical marvel. Magic."
"Magic isn't complexity producing complexity; magic is simplicity producing complexity."
"It's amazing, something very unique, and it feels like you're in a magical place."
"The whole thing went up in a day; it was almost magical."
"We did something magical; it was organic."
"Magic is exploding all around us; we are being rewarded for our walk."
"It really felt special, really felt kind of magical."
"Well done, my dears, you've conquered fears and seen my magic home revealed."
"It's a wonderful, magic experience."
"Disney is my happy place; it's just such honestly the music, the smells, the atmosphere, the rides, the characters, everything that it stands for, that it means the stories."
"Darling, you were brilliant, you were like the prince of the ballroom holding your very own princess. It was magical, simply magical in fact."
"This has literally been the most magical day of my life."
"What a magical start, two rides on Slinky Dog Dash."
"Every time Deja Vu hits me, it's just as magical as it was the first time."
"It's just like so magical, it is an emotional vibe for sure."
"Thank you all for joining me, and I hope you all have a magical day."
"To her, it was so magical. I would never want this to stop."
"There's a whole beauty and magic about them."
"It makes me feel like I'm in a magical forest in Japan."
"It was something magical every kilometer of the full 100K."
"Getting your hair done is magical."
"A shape is a shape, but when you see a shape become something else, then it turns into magic."
"It's just making me feel very like I'm a student at a school that's filled with magic."
"I'm Disney tired, we've had such a magical day."
"This story was the most magical experience I had ever experienced working for Disney."
"I hope you have a magical day and I'll see you real soon."
"It was such a magical moment to look up and just see it all flying around."
"What an ending to another magical day in Mongolia."
"We all know that magical moment where you're like in awe or you're in shock or it's like a really beautiful moment in time."
"Magical encounter AKA enchanting."
"I'm having a magical time already."
"This is magical, isn't it? Is magical the right word? I don't care, I'm going with magical."
"There's a magical period that has now been resurrected and you can tap into the magic."
"Mushroom coffee has half the caffeine of regular coffee but is twice as magical."
"When they put the baby in your arms for the first time, it's just unbelievable; it's just a real magical experience."
"I live in a magical world where I get to have both of them."
"It was like time stood still; we were those guys again, it was magical."
"That was pure magic. It truly, truly was."
"We have invented a new technology called multi-touch. It works like magic."
"Unicorns are much more fun and, of course, more magical than old car taxicabs."
"It was a magical morning that moved me deeply."
"It felt like we were in a fairy tale."
"They live a very, very blessed, magical, heavenly life."
"It's been absolutely magical, I am so glad I came."
"I'm gonna save the rest of those for the morning, it was magical."
"It's the most magical entrance and the most Christmasy welcome I could have ever imagined."
"It feels like exactly what it feels like to get off the Hogwarts Express and head into Hogwarts."
"Feeling of love and romance turns to pure magic when two people share it on Valentine's Day."
"It's magic, really is magic. Look at that."
"Hello and welcome to the most magical place on earth."
"That is straight out of Disneyland, that is incredible."
"It's such a magical experience when you get to grow with your students; they grow as you grow as a teacher."
"That was such a magical experience, and now before we go for dinner, we are doing a little bit of festive shopping here in Covent Garden."
"Oh my goodness, I think this is so magical."
"When seen in the right order, in the right light, and at the right speed, those images seem to come to life to create a magical new world."
"I hope that you are having an absolutely magical and fantastic morning, afternoon, or night."
"Thank you so much for being a part of today's adventure, it was a lot of fun sharing it with you. Until tomorrow, have an absolutely magical day. I'll see you real soon."
"Is the magic back Peter? The magic is back."
"The blending of the children was magical."
"On the printed page and on the stage, magic happened."
"It was a very magical and mystical experience to say the least."
"It's just magic and it's nice to share it with everybody."
"I decided to take a walk by myself in the rain at night in Paris... and it was the most magical experience I've ever had in my life."
"I really wanted it to be magical."
"It was one of these magical nights... I rode the train back with a smile ear to ear."
"It's magic, or you can do this too."
"Take care and I hope you have a magical day."
"I remember what it felt like when I first fell in love... there's just something so magical and special about falling in love."
"I'm loving it. I've done a lot of sail aways and something about being here on the Pacific Ocean is absolutely magical."
"Let's get crafty now to make all this magic happen."
"It's been incredible, it's been magical, it has, it's been gorgeous."
"Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure... a story-driven experience that you will remember forever."
"He felt more magic than he's ever known and after this point Strange says he can see everything because he is everything."
"No matter what day you come, you are guaranteed to get that magical experience that creates magical memories that last a lifetime."
"Get ready to feel that magic now, yeah we feel it all."
"Any Harry Potter fan will love the part near the start where they open up the grand doors and you walk into the great hall."
"If you're doing some EM theory, this is like some of the closest thing to magic you will see in the world."
"Is it a magical ride? Yeah, it's certainly, it's incredible, it's magical, amazing experience, totally different."
"Halloween has this magical ability to really make something a little different, to escape from that moment."
"This is just beyond expectations, I couldn't have imagined how magical and wonderful this day would be."
"Absolutely magical, magical stuff indeed."
"Magic... Italy was unbelievable, that was absolute magic."
"Day and night will mystify, enchant, and entertain you; it is magical."
"Life should be a magical experience and it shouldn't be based on strain, over-exertion, or exhaustion."
"It's really nothing short of magical."
"You ever eat something so good where it stops you and you look at it like it's magic?"
"If you can wait, please wait, because when you find the right person, it's such a magical experience."
"It is absolutely magical not knowing how many lions, how many elephants, how many leopards are on our property at any one time."
"It was magical, completely; it was the most magical plane on earth."
"This place has been pure magic so far."
"Magical realm of light and colour, leave your troubles behind you."
"At the end of the day, guests leave with so many new memories and they just feel like they're a part of something magical."
"There's something about the dry down of this one that was just really magical to me."
"It is an exceptionally beautiful night here at Disneyland."
"How do you describe something so magical?"
"If you have that dialogue with the universe, then this transit can truly be a magical time."
"It has been so, so magical. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!"