
Non-competitiveness Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Queens are always genuine, never attempting to compete with anybody."
"I've never won a game of anything in my life and I'm okay with that."
"It's not a multiplayer game, you're not affecting anybody else, you're not hurting anybody else. If you want to do it, go for it. I don't care."
"The gifts are not to be a point of competition; we're to be united in the gifts."
"It's not just about winning, but what you're building."
"There's space for everyone to be great without hating all the time."
"That's how life should be: don't compete against this, do you."
"There's such freedom in that zero place where you're not trying to look good and you're not trying to dominate."
"It's enough money for everybody. Ain't no reason for nobody to hate on nobody."
"We don't have to put each other down to have a good time." - Commentator
"The goal isn't to win. It's just to make people aware of a problem and make it funny."
"I'm not in competition with nobody. I want you to be successful."
"Classic is about the journey; it's not a race to the top."
"The thing about skateboarding is it's not about being the best, it's about having fun."
"Their enjoyment of it doesn't take away your enjoyment of it."
"Try not to get discouraged, it really isn't a race."
"You don't need to bring someone else down to uplift yourself."
"I'm not interested in winning anything, I'm interested in learning."
"There is space for everyone to succeed, and everyone wins when no one loses anything."
"You outshine competition without even trying because you're not competing in the first place."
"Whenever you treat anything with grace, you always win, even though it's not a competition."
"We shouldn't be in competition with one another."
"The blessed life is not about competition"
"You're not competing with anybody else."
"Another person's success is not a threat to your success."
"...it's only an exhibition, this is not a competition, please, no wagering."
"It's not competitive; it really is a communion of persons into which we are called."
"Reading should not be a competition to buy as much as you can or read as much as you can."
"We are all unique, we are not in a competition with anyone."
"They do truly love each other; it's not this competitive rivalry."
"I'm generally happy... I don't view this as competition."
"Originality is dead. Just, like, have a good time, have fun, and don't think of it as a competition."
"Life is also not a competition; we are doing entirely different things."
"I don't have a competitive nature."
"We're not in competition, we're doing what's right for us."
"It's not a competition, and it never will be."
"I'm not in competition with anybody."
"Let the spiritual journey not be a competition."
"I care about the community, I don't care about being the best."
"There's room for everybody, right? Like, why does it have to be a competition?"
"The most important thing is not competition but that you be enjoying what you're doing."
"I don't give a [__] about being the best in anything anymore, I love learning new things."
"There's no competition, there's no hierarchy of yoga poses. It's just here to feel and breathe."
"There's no competition in your yoga practice, you just want to find a way to work your body wherever your body is for today."
"Life is not a race or a competition; you have all of your remaining years to get a degree."
"Respect your body, respect the limitations, and try to remember why you're doing it: you're doing it for health, not for competition."
"Play is fun, let's sit down and play at the table, let's just not worry about the outcome."
"I couldn't care less about victory; we're here to save lives. That's what humans stand for."
"Minimalism is not a competition; it's not a game that you win by having fewer possessions than everybody else."
"Life is not a competition, and you are very comfortable with your authentic self."
"We want to grow stronger, not attack each other and be gatekeeping."
"I don't even compete anymore, I just try to maintain."
"I really want everybody to win, and if we get out of this kind of adversarial train of thought, then you realize nobody is really in competition with everybody."
"I'm not competing; I'm not an Olympic athlete; I'm not a professional athlete in any way. I do what I love to live a healthy balanced lifestyle."
"If you say you're my friend, I shouldn't want to compete with you, I shouldn't want to be jealous of you."
"Let's come up, man. I'm talking about with the essays too. Everybody come up, man. Don't do no hating, man. Let's eat."
"Remember there's no shame in modifying the posture; there's no competition, nothing to prove, nowhere to go."
"All is well, no fight, no force, no competition."
"Remember, it's not a competition, straight is more important."
"Remember your yoga practice is not a competition, not with yourself, not with anyone else."
"I don't Garden to be perfect, I don't Garden to be the best, I Garden for all of the reasons that I got into gardening."
"I'm allowing myself not to be in a competition with everything and everyone."
"This is art, not a competition; I wish you success and luck."
"We are all on different timelines, it's never a competition."
"You're not in competition with nobody."
"I don't need to be the best, I'm not even trying to be the best, I don't even care, I just like to do it, I like to try new stuff."
"Being a member of a family is not a competition."
"It's not a competition; it's about joy."
"Leave all thoughts of competition behind, just follow your curiosity."
"Everything doesn't have to be a competition, especially with somebody you love."
"It's about the journey, not about keeping score."
"I'm not here to get ahead of anybody, I don't care about competing with people."
"The beauty of this Yin practice we're doing now is there's no competition, doesn't matter how deep you are, doesn't matter how slow we go, it's all worth it because it's all just bringing us to a healthier place."
"It's all about cooperation, and please don't see it as a race."
"Life is not a race or competition."
"Do things on your own time, and there's no rush, there's not a race."
"It's not a race; there is no competition here."
"Don't focus on competition; focus on your abundance."
"You don't feel the need to compete with anybody else, you don't feel the need to defend yourself."