
Relationship Strength Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"You guys are gonna go through changes together and instead of letting those changes sort of cause problems in the relationship, you're gonna allow that to progress."
"If you are in the right relationship, it actually bonds you. You realize that this is something that is bigger than you."
"It doesn't matter what you're actually fighting about because, at the end of the day, you know that you were coming out of that fight still together."
"Our marriage got so much stronger because of it."
"Having this woman that I loved immensely tell me that my disability and everything that came with it was not a burden to her, that she was having fun even in the midst of like disability-related difficulties, it opened something inside of me."
"After a scare like that, you find a new form of love for one another."
"Through thick and thin, you definitely felt love."
"It made our relationship stronger. We're able to talk about stuff that we weren't able to talk about before."
"Our relationship is way stronger than it was before. I'm a lot more grateful and appreciative to have her in my life."
"Well you know what this is really about is how strong our friendship is and I think we passed"
"Your person really feels that you have come together as this powerful support system."
"My wife is amazing, she's awesome. She stood by me while I didn't have a job when she was my girlfriend."
"My wife never gave up on me... she never left me."
"Your relationship will be so strong and your character will be so strong."
"What a statement though. One about the strength of a relationship and being there."
"Our relationship stays strong and important."
"Real love acknowledges imperfections and chooses to see the best in someone."
"Through thick and thin, you both choose each other with your free will."
"All that matters is the love they feel for each other and that will never go away."
"Your relationship becoming impenetrable... the bond that you share is already so amazing."
"Nothing could push away true love. What God put together, no man could part."
"We wanted that independence, that strength within, so that when we come back together, when we unite, we're infinitely stronger than what our bond was before."
"Being strong on this person or this connection, you're doing a damn good job."
"We can't get enough... nothing's gonna break us apart."
"If we can make it through this, then I know she's the one."
"Their bond is unbreakable, and the sacrifices they make for each other are astounding."
"If our relationship can be ended by you just because I don't want to participate in a messed up conversation dynamic, then the relationship never existed."
"It really shows you the importance of Brotherhood and how those relationships can overcome basically anything."
"There's such a deep love connection here but you might differ in a lot of aspects, yet you're still able to come together and love each other."
"Vulnerability is the glue that holds a relationship together."
"Their bond was one of the reasons for the extraordinary fate."
"Couples that fight together and suffer together, if they're meant to be together, it just makes them stronger."
"They want to put in the work and commitment, even through rough times."
"Every relationship is strengthened through regular communication. Communication is a platform that provides access to each person's life."
"Vulnerability can be the biggest strength and asset that you bring to a relationship."
"You are strong, and that's part of what your person loves about you."
"They don't want this to come to an end, they're recognizing the strength of this connection between the two of you."
"Having Issa has made us both way stronger... who I am now as someone who I'm really happy with."
"Our bond is extremely strong. We are each other's safe place and we would take a bullet for the other without a second thought."
"I will tell you going through that experience made our relationship probably the strongest it's ever been."
"It was still great because we had each other."
"If we get through this, we've gotten through the hardest thing in the world."
"I feel connected, I feel closer to you than ever."
"If you can talk about your hopes, your fears, your anxieties, all that jazz, you're going to be alright."
"That connection is a hell of a lot stronger than anything you'll ever build by hurting someone."
"Baby, you are the recipe when I'm stuck in the toughest situations."
"You know a man loves you when you try to push him away and he ain't movin'."
"One of the greatest strengths about this connection is you and this person really do marry each other."
"Our issues were never like you know what I mean this just kind of brought us closer."
"Saying how you feel or what you need is never gonna ruin a genuine connection."
"If you're able to overcome a hurdle as a group or in a partnership right it often brings you closer together."
"Even after many years, it seems this bond can never be broken."
"It's really easy when things are good to have a really healthy strong relationship but it doesn't really test how strong relationship it is because when everything's going right life is so easy."
"When it is that you are in a relationship with somebody, that relationship is that much stronger when you know that you are there by choice."
"This is a strong and long-lasting relationship, he's your rock, girl."
"Someone might start a rumor. You feel an unbreakable bond between you and Yukari."
"Forces may try to pull us apart, but nothing can faze me if you're in my heart."
"It's a testament to the enduring nature of your love."
"Couples need to engage in various types of intimacy, not just sex, to strengthen their relationship."
"They feel this immense love for you... cherish your connection."
"Strengthening the bonds... unconditional love, courage, inner strength, influence, compassion, and inner stillness."
"If he is into you, you've now strengthened the relationship or the potential of it. You've now allowed him to feel desired and validated."
"They're willing to keep fighting for the connection."
"Your hearts will always lead you back to each other."
"This connection is so deep and strong, it's like nothing can come in between."
"This connection had some challenges, but it actually will make you guys end up being stronger."
"The priority here is friendship first. If there is true love of friendship and love of that person, there's nothing you can't work out or work through if you want to."
"Strong bond, strong Foundation here, so I really like it."
"Love in its truest form is the Cornerstone upon which the pillars of a strong and enduring relationship are built."
"Standards, conflict, and reconciliation strengthen relationships."
"When you love her without condition, everything that's broken in her will be mended."
"He was my strength. He was a calm and quiet spirit."
"If a [ __ ] really for you they'd hang in there."
"That's what friends do, don't they? They give each other second chances."
"I'll do absolutely anything because I've got your back."
"Wow, he was defeated by the strength of my love."
"Our relationship has never been stronger than it is right now."
"Their pledge to take care of each other in sickness and in health wasn't just an ordinary vow."
"You're the strongest of the two, willing to sacrifice to this union."
"Her journey is a remarkable testament to the power of love across cultural divides."
"It's just love. It's always been love. It's always going to be love. You can't break us up, alright? Break up brothers, you can't break up. You can't break America's heart."
"Their feelings for each other was a shining Beacon throughout it all."
"There's something about hearing myself say my love, we got this."
"No marriage is perfect but you can see that y'all withstand the test of time."
"With Sun's unwavering support, nagasumi resolves to endure any hardship that comes their way."
"Their bonds are what helped them pull through."
"Our differences are why we're great together."
"A healthy marriage consists of two of the greatest forgivers."
"My wife has always believed in me even more than I believe in myself."
"They feel with you by their side that they can conquer their fears."
"The caregiving in our relationship makes it so much stronger... It immediately ends the fight."
"You and your person against the world, pure Point Blank."
"Romantic partners are supposed to serve each other and help each other and do good for each other and to love the other more than themselves."
"Setting goals for what a successful session means."
"That doesn't diminish the love that I have for my wife."
"You're much stronger as a couple when you're strong individually."
"When you've got a relationship that works, you can take on anything. You can take online bullying, you can take social media, you can take all this crass behavior in the news and say, 'I'm good.'"
"You feel safe enough to surrender to each other... a solid union."
"In our relationship, I'm a hundred and he's a hundred. Together we make a thousand."
"You held on to me when I was trying to let go."
"Both of you raise each other up and are a pillar of strength towards each other."
"They're hoping for strength in the connection to withstand whatever's happened."
"They're wishing, hoping, praying for that reunion, for there to be strength in this connection."
"Hopefully, you and your wife can use the extra time that the hired help affords to strengthen your already strong relationship."
"To the Missus who has to reassure you and is there in the nighttime when you're freaking out like, 'I don't know if this is gonna work.' That's the time real men are like, 'I don't know, baby. I don't know if I'm gonna get through this.'"
"Love does not destroy, it sustains and strengthens all who feel it."
"Relationships could be strengthened... to be really resilient."
"Their enduring commitment and unwavering support for each other have been a testament to the notion that racial differences hold no sway over the bonds that unite people in love."
"Your person is building up some type of strength when it comes to this connection."
"It's about both of you letting go of the fears here."
"Emotional intimacy acts as a barrier for Affairs."
"The love between you guys has no boundaries."
"They feel this powerful magnetism towards you."
"I feel like we've been through so much in our relationship and like we've been through like hard stuff you know like a lot of like stuff that has happened that every time that like we get like knocked down like we always get up stronger."
"You're willing to fight for each other and make this work."
"Don't give up in love. Your person loves you. They love you, your person truly, truly loves you."
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder."
"Power in a relationship is recognizing the strengths of what your person carries and how that strength builds you in your area of weakness."
"This is a very spiritual couple, a very powerful couple."
"The love for one another will outshine the challenges."
"Moving 15 hours with your significant other two children and a cat really uh it shows you what you how strong and you're the foundation of your relationship is"
"Couples that play together stay together."
"It's not that the relationship doesn't go through murky waters, but as the murky waters get dealt with in a healthy way, you come out the other end stronger."
"Normalizing conversation around finances is what makes a relationship strong."
"You'll have a stronger, better relationship."
"Strong couples know how to be with each other in silence."
"I'm more compatible than I was. I was married for 20 years after all and, uh, like I said, I didn't know what love was until I met Joy and it's, uh, it's just one thing, every day it gets stronger."
"Sam and I are more in love than ever, and marriage counseling has made us stronger than ever."
"Celebrate his victories and soothe his defeats as he goes after his life's purpose."
"Trust is the glue in relationships."
"The more you put into love, the love will grow and get stronger."
"Expressing how you truly feel, whether you agree with each other or not, is not going to weaken the bond."
"That's what you and I do, keep each other alive."
"Forgiveness... there's a lot of power and maturity in forgiveness."
"Being on the same team, communication, and trust are going to make a relationship strong."
"The relationship becomes basically unshakable because the roots are so deep."
"I feel like arguments really do just strengthen a relationship at the end of the day if you go about it the right way."
"Wrap your arms around me like a borderline, our fortress in the jungle, baby, we're alright."
"Stick together through the storms."
"Being pregnant has definitely strengthened our relationship."
"Love that's been around for over a decade... there are moments that are even stronger and more significant than the initial attraction."
"That's a blessing from God, man, everybody can't have that power of love."
"It's about fighting to understand or fighting to know that we are still going to be together no matter what."
"Their relationship is very solid; they very much love each other."
"I know we are real as can be, you still amaze me."
"If you can still laugh together over these crises that come and the problems, it just relieves it, creates a vent in your relationship."
"You are the reason that we are so strong."
"It's not the fights that destroy a relationship; it's how the fights are handled."
"True love and true relationships are made and tested through the tough times."
"They will be each other's strength."
"We never run out of stuff to talk about, and I love it."
"I think the key to our relationship is that she makes me laugh and I make her laugh."
"Love isn't built in the good times; love is actually built through the tough times."
"You're building the strength, the bonds, even apart."
"Once that happens, relationships become so strong."
"...if you could handle such an intense experience with a person you love, and make it through okay, then the two of you could take on anything."
"In marriage, both parties of the relationship can have disagreements, but as long as they get through that, those disagreements, that's what solidifies the relationship."
"They're going to lift you up in this relationship, lift you up in your heart space."
"There is no encouragement in this article to put up with any abuse, just solid advice on keeping and strengthening a covenant of marriage."
"No matter how much time has passed, no matter how many difficulties we've encountered, I always feel like this is my person."
"When you support her... it's an amazing feeling."
"We are now four years strong after being broken up for six years."
"I'm so happy that we overcame all the trials and tribulation that we've been through in our relationship."
"I think that it's made us stronger and we've definitely come together over it more than it's taken us apart."
"If you are willing to work with her and chop it up with her and y'all bump your heads together to figure it out, that type of [stuff] will bring you all closer together."
"Our relationship has never been stronger, and our three Great Danes are three of the best dogs anyone could ever ask for."
"As long as you love each other, you can get through anything."
"Nothing stops me; nothing is beyond my commitment to loving you."
"Even if we had problems and stuff like this, I feel like our heart connection is like 100 percent."
"You can never really break that type of love."
"This is how strong a relationship is, well even though there's lots of cracks in it, still somehow holding it together."
"Two friends together make a relationship forever."
"Talking through it and dealing with it together has definitely made us closer."
"There's a depth and profundity of love that comes through working through hardship."
"We know we have things to look forward to and look back on that pre-emptive strengthening of our intimate relationship."
"Our love is so powerful it can overcome anything."
"A chord of three strands is not easily broken; that is you, your partner, and the Lord."
"If you make it, then you know you're going to have a really, really good strong relationship."
"One of the biggest strengths in our relationship is a thousand percent trust."
"No matter what's important between us, a wall can't divide us."
"We're together with each other as opposed to against each other."
"How powerful is your trust? No, how powerful is the trustee you're picking."
"It's like neither of us wants to win or be right; we want to put it to bed so that we don't threaten the relationship."
"It helps to have a set of values that you both share."
"People who have the ability to recover after discord and arguments actually have longer, healthier, and long-lasting relationships."
"That really reinforces the relationship, that really cements the relationship."
"Sometimes negative disagreements become a strong positive vibes relation."
"We rock as a couple, that's all period."
"If your spouse is on board, it's probably going to become a superpower."
"We really genuinely do because we love each other at the end of the day."
"The more you empower one another, the more powerful the relationship is."
"Working through those is making our relationship stronger and us as people stronger."
"If you pray together, then you stay together."
"When you can bring your shadow aspect, when you can bring the dark side, when you can feel that the relationship has the strength and the resilience to handle all of you, it's actually an honor to him."
"Placing God at the center of the relationship strengthens and sustains it."
"I feel like you rate the couples based on their connectivity; like you can tell when a couple is gonna last most of the time because of how well they vibe together."
"My relationship with them got stronger."
"Maximum transparency with your partner strengthens the relationship."
"Love can only grow stronger now that Sabrina has brought us together again."
"Through hard times, she supported me, and she's not about money."