
Recession Quotes

There are 682 quotes

"Now we have to face the reality that this inflation is becoming stagnation and soon enough it will become a recession."
"All of these economies have stock markets at all-time highs, they all have extremely low unemployment, and they are all officially in recession."
"If the banks start losing money and have to cut their lending, and a credit crisis unfolds, that's the recipe for a big, big recession."
"More businesses are started in recessions and downturns in the economy than any other time."
"If you can withstand the next year and a half... there's no better time than a recession or depression to build a business."
"Every big company that we love right now got founded in the last recession."
"We could really be in for one of the worst recessions we've seen in decades."
"Do you know how many startups that are now these amazing companies happened because of recessions? Where people lost their jobs, and they were brilliant but they were, you know, like this, they were comfortable or whatever, they lost their job so they're like, alright, I'm gonna start a company. I'm already fired, let me just take this big risk."
"You see more millionaires come out of recessions than any other time because that is when you can come in, if you have cash and you are financially educated, you can buy assets for pennies on the dollar and then just ride the market up."
"From every recession, people come out millionaires. The best time to invest in the future is when the market is going through something."
"Higher inflation, potentially new recession, basically we're entering an era of stagflation."
"A recession is when the real GDP is actually falling, but a recessionary gap is when the actual GDP is below the potential GDP, indicating we're not at full employment."
"This is a crisis like no other. Never in the history of the IMF have we witnessed the world economy coming to a standstill. We are now in recession. It is way worse than the global financial crisis." - Kristalina Georgieva
"Market crashes and recessions are where more millionaires are born than any other time because that's when investments go on sale."
"Recessions create more millionaires than any other time because when you have a recession, a market crash, people get scared and then they sell their assets... and that then creates a buying opportunity."
"Instead, both official determinations of recessions and economists' assessment of economic activity are based on a holistic look at the data, including the labor market, consumer and business spending, industry production, incomes."
"Shallow recession calls are totally delusional. The U.S. is facing a deep recession as interest rates rise and the economy is burdened by high debt loads."
"Recessions are like economic hurricanes. They come through, blow everything around...and all of a sudden, you come out after the storm, and you're like, 'This place looks a lot cleaner than it looked just a few days ago.'"
"I see an economy that's running out of money. We're getting ready to, I hate to use the word, but it's going to be a full-blown recession, not like a little one where it's just a bump."
"Recession is not for people who are coming up to worry about. If anything, you should be pumped up about a recession if you are broke right now."
"In reality, millions are already living as though they are in a recession."
"The pandemic caused a severe recession with an unprecedented drop in GDP during the first national lockdown in 2020."
"The greatest trade is knowing that every single recession since 1962, the Fed cut rates twice after it."
"We are in the early stages of what is probably going to be a two-year recession."
"Nomadland is a drama about 'a woman in her 60s who, after losing everything in the great recession, embarks on a journey through the American west, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad.'"
"The greatest efficiency and innovation in recessions, not in booms."
"Every recession, people die, commit suicide... the more money you accumulate, please go to safer vehicles that are available to you."
"Once you are in a recession or financial crisis, you have to ask yourself in a more qualitative way rather than a quantitative one what is going to be the shape of the economic recovery."
"The recovery from the pandemic recession has been faster than any of the past recessions."
"Economic conditions do not have to get to a point where it pushes the US economy into deep recession."
"Recessions are really when people make their fortunes."
"Your best case for what we were seeing moving forward was a greater recession, meaning a recession worse than the Great Recession, and the worst case was a greater depression, meaning a depression that could be worse than even the Great Depression."
"A recession is if your neighbor loses a job; a depression is if you lose your job."
"The economy always comes back stronger after a recession."
"If you look at data spanning almost 70 years worth, you'll notice that when we reach a plateau or a peak of interest rates, that's when we've almost always gone into a recession."
"Every single big recession over the last 50 years has managed to bring down inflation too."
"You feel like you're in a recession when things are getting more expensive when you're worried about your job when you're concerned about the future of the economy."
"A recession is the transition of an economy from one that's booming with high consumer spending to one that's contracting."
"If everybody starts saving, the amount of money in the economy shrinks and we have a recession."
"Just because bond spreads are low doesn't mean we can't have a recession. It also doesn't mean that earnings can't come down markedly; it just probably means that we won't have a Lehman event or some type of major default cycle within the markets."
"What's the more probable scenario? Well, okay, if the U.S. enters a recession... it's going to be very well anticipated."
"The best business to build in a recession is one that is going to change people's lives for the better."
"If we actually do hit a recession and we don't see real wage growth, we're going to face a credit crisis."
"The reality is we're entering a recessionary cycle globally speaking, and as the economy stagnates, that does raise questions as to where exactly you want to put your money."
"We are going into, or may already be in, a global recession now. That's rare."
"Sanctions are driving Russia into its longest recession in years, forecasting a fall of 9.2% in GDP and for inflation to rise to 22% in 2022."
"The reality is, we were already heading for a recession. The market was already looking very choppy in terms of my optimism on the market at the time."
"The next step beyond all of the supply chain issues could be a pretty bad recession."
"All the celebration that we've avoided a recession I think is way premature."
"Regardless of what anybody may have told you, we will see a recession at some point in the future."
"Personally I'm preparing for a recession. If you're not preparing for a recession with what's happening right now in the markets you are crazy."
"When the U.S. goes back into recession... I think there's gonna be a lot of opportunities to profit."
"Recessions are a part of our economic cycle period. They have happened in the past and they will continue to happen."
"We were in a recession in 2020, but most people never really felt the real pain of a recession."
"It's also important to remember that recessions are a very normal part of the economic cycle."
"Best ways to fight a recession: cut spending, increase government spending, cut taxes."
"The most hawkish Central Bank since 1913, and they're doing that action into one of the steepest recessions we've ever had."
"So we're already in a recession in the US we're already in a deep recession in the Eurozone."
"My scenario didn't include a heavy recession... If we get an A recession or unemployment doubles... we're looking at a different scenario and it could get pretty brutal if that plays out."
"We're basically replaying 2007 right now... the chances of going into a recession sometime soon are very, very high."
"I don't want to go into a recession. Everything gets bad in a recession."
"It's a 14-year boom so a six quarter recession seems like yeah that may that might actually bounce out."
"The simple truth is that the United States has now had two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. The United States is in a recession."
"I Define a bust as something bigger than a recession, not the length of a depression is probably pretty much encapsulated in a 12 to 18 month time period."
"A U.S. recession is likely coming this year."
"We know that inflation has been a thing and there's maybe a recession coming soon."
"Having a low unemployment rate does not mean we're not gonna have a recession."
"Reagan accepted that the cost of bringing inflation down was a serious recession."
"My view is that the contrarian bet is that this recession is going to be as worse, if not worse than the 2008 financial crisis."
"We can get rid of recessions life can be better for all of us."
"First globally synchronized recession in history."
"The consumer makes up 72% of our economy, so if we're heading into a recession, we need to look at the consumer."
"The world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession."
"Prepare for a recession in the next six to 12 months."
"Deflation creates a recessionary environment."
"Recessions are incredibly hard to predict... a confluence of shocks will plunge the already troubled US economy into another historical recession."
"You've heard a lot of economists come out and say we're not heading to recession, we're heading to a depression. And I'm one of them."
"The Fed, by not looking at the money supply, the money supply has not grown. We're going to have one whopper of a recession as a result."
"Once this recession hits which we haven't dealt with before in crypto... that is going to end all the bullish action for bitcoin."
"Investing during a recession is one of the most profitable times to invest."
"I'm a secular stagnation guy... it means that you're kind of always close to one [depression] and that if anything goes wrong you don't have a very good way to respond."
"The recession was because of COVID, but still."
"The recession that we're entering into is going to dwarf what happened in 2008."
"Recessions actually usually start after the FED pauses because the FED usually waits too long."
"Life is really [expletive] can be very challenging and confusing and overwhelming."
"One of these days the economy will slow down, and I believe we will have a recession. I don't believe the Fed is going to hold it off forever."
"Every single recession that happens, the poor become poorer."
"Texas Roadhouse is one of my core positions, I'm not worried about a recession."
"I think we are going into a terrible recession... I wouldn't be surprised if this was even worse than the Great Depression."
"Automatic stabilizers play a critical role in mitigating the negative impact of the recession."
"The fact that we've got higher debt levels today and we're potentially going into a global recession in 2023 means that we're now at risk of something disastrous happening."
"If we do have this Global recession and if it is worse than we're expecting... then it could mean really bad news for corporates and households and countries."
"Every recession is different... it's really hard to read the tea leaves in this market."
"Many employers took their workers for granted during the covid recession seasons."
"President Trump's economic policies nobody's talking about a recession."
"Another stimulus check for the recession is coming."
"Inflation remains a problem and the recession risk is still here."
"Recessions are opportunities to free our families of financial slavery."
"You want to have a conservative LTV for sure in case you do go through a recession."
"That's the big question—is how does the recession impact company earnings?"
"A recession is on the books, but it doesn't mean the markets are going to tank."
"The entrepreneurial spirit thrives during a recession because people have nothing to lose."
"The great thing about recessions is they always happen, and the great thing about them is that they always end."
"Recession indicators are all around... people don't realize how big this recession will be."
"In the real world where things really matter, there is a recession."
"I think we're going to have a recession with inflation much higher than people think."
"Rates, economic improvement not being great, and also a financial markets crash."
"The danger is as you found a recession then you have this rolling thunder of the impact of all the hikes that have been done in the recent past continuing to hit."
"I think fed has already gone overboard then again maybe a recession was always in their plan to destroy the inflation they created through the overly accommodative policies they pursued in 2020 and 2021"
"No economy in the history of the world has ever sustained a constant rate of growth. Recessions, depressions, and complete economic collapse is inevitable in even the most advanced societies."
"Inflation can hit you in many ways, inflation that leads to a recession or depression can force you to have to survive on your preps."
"When we start to see more and more Panic selling in in the markets in the economy is starting to dip into recession my guess is it gets sold across the board."
"Every recession there's new products, new services."
"We're now more worried about a recession than we are about inflation."
"The market's telling us bluntly hey we're now more worried about a recession than we are about inflation."
"The only way we get off that floor is when the market believes hey we finally finally are actually responding to the fact that we might be inducing a recession."
"Everyone's bearish everyone knows the recession is coming but no one's actually selling."
"Ronald Reagan’s job as president was to fight the worst recession since the great depression and to do so, he promised the Reagan Revolution."
"Capitalism drains a country's resources into recession or even total collapse."
"Inflation goes away instantly. No recession. No period of high interest rates."
"It's no secret. Experts are predicting a recession heading our way."
"Jerome Powell was caught in a pranked phone call admitting that that's exactly what's happening, that likely we will not see rate increases this year. We will see rate cuts because we know we are headed for a recession."
"We're entering the deepest recession on record."
"One of the fundamental purposes of this bill is to maintain the employee-employer relationship through the trough of the recession."
"A recession is coming, budgets are tightening, and I'm really worried that diversity is going to be the first thing that goes."
"A market crash can trigger a worldwide economic recession."
"We avoided a recession? It's a soft landing. Jim Cramer was right."
"The steady tightening of monetary conditions in the United States is going to do two things firstly it is inevitably going to create a recession in the United States that is a given now."
"Every single time we're at the beginning of a recession the unemployment rate is very low just like it is today in 2023."
"During a recession or any economic downturn, people are still going to need to eat... in my view, buying a quality defensive stock at a fair price makes for an attractive investment thesis."
"A double dip recession is most likely what we're going to see over the next few years."
"Big moves higher in inflation are followed by one ominous signal: a recession."
"A deep recession is needed to bring down soaring inflation."
"As the globe goes into a Slowdown and possible recession, we could see a lot of individuals struggling."
"If the US recession coincides with a bull run for Bitcoin, $150k per BTC isn't outrageous."
"A recession is the base case. The question becomes, do we get something worse like a banking crisis?"
"Two-thirds of top economists, the United States' largest financial institutions, are predicting a recession in 2023."
"The beauty of all of that if you're a shareholder for McDonald's that even when the recession happens they're not gonna reduce their prices."
"This potentially could be really damaging to the global economy because if we see companies having to stop production putting people out of work, they're not getting paid, that will accelerate the slowdown and will accelerate the recession."
"Almost all economists agree that recessions are a part of the long cycle that economies go through in order to grow organically."
"Housing market could help pull the economy out of recession in 2024."
"A recession is not always catastrophically damaging and it doesn't always leave you with nothing left over by the time we've recovered."
"That's what really matters in determining whether we go into a recession or reinflation or a soft landing."
"I think the big question now is when does inflation finally peak... and then how severe recession do we have to have."
"Bear markets are when most millionaires are created."
"The recession will be brief, and it won't be that deep."
"There is a global recession that's coming in the next quarter."
"Be prepared to add a zero to your net worth when the recession starts."
"Gold does really well in recession and stagflation."
"I struggle to see how Europe avoids a recession."
"Global growth in the economy is projected to slump to 2009 levels or below."
"Last year we had two quarters in a row of negative GDP... so it looks like we're in a recession anyway."
"The recession will become more of a consensus call when employment starts to follow what's already happening in the economy."
"Did Paul Volcker kill inflation? Yes, he did. He did. How did he do it? By generating and regenerating a recession."
"Whenever you see these yield curve inversions, a recession typically follows."
"I gotta say it's probably one of the most recession-proof careers and jobs you can ever have in your entire life."
"It's not a recession for everyone, it's your recession."
"Small businesses account for over half, sometimes 75% of all job growth in recessions."
"A recession is not the end-all be-all... Latin America have all seen similar recessions and all of them despite global financial crises alike have bounced back."
"They're still trying to say they're not in a recession and everything's fine but I think you and I know the truth here."
"Buying the S&P as a whole is often better than buying individual stocks in a recession."
"The best time to build a business is during a recession."
"Recessions are the greatest opportunities to transfer wealth to your family."
"Stifling domestic demand with too late rate hikes could now result in a prolonged recession."
"The markets don't care about the recession, which means they believe it was fully priced in."
"When you are in the midst of the recession, exactly in the middle, if you look at the returns from the stock market, you have two sources: earnings and valuations."
"Getting inflation down is more important than avoiding a recession."
"We're heading into a depression, we're in a recession right now."
"The sun has well and truly set on australia's world record run without a recession and expectations of a rapid recovery are fading there could be some dark hours before the good times roll again."
"The economy remains in this imminent recessionary stage."
"The recession is definitely taking hold in the very early parts of the cycle."
"Eight million Americans lost their homes in the Great Recession... the wealth gap between the richest... and the other 90% is bigger than it's been in a hundred years."
"When the economy enters a recession, you get larger budget deficits as a percentage of GDP."
"Nearly 30,000 people have donated to the digital freedom platform in a time of recession."
"Looking at Rising unemployment as an indicator of a coming recession seems kind of like crossing the street and watching for cars as a bus silently flattens you."
"If people purchase real estate with the expectation that they will not have Equity growth for seven to ten years, they will be in a better situation to handle the recession."
"By the end of 2022, Russia will be in a deep recession, and it's going to be interesting to see how quickly they can come back out of that."
"All the indicators are pointing towards recession."
"As it stands now, it's quite possibly the largest physical reminder of the 2008 recession."
"Since World War II, every time inflation has gone over five percent, there's been a recession."
"It's your painting, you sign it however you would like."
"It's a transition, not a recession. It's necessary and appropriate."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"When interest rates normalize or even, heaven forbid, they increase at all, as it's the longest economic expansion we've ever seen, you know that a recession is just around the corner."
"JP Morgan says the Fed will save the stock market and cut interest rates if a deep recession occurs next year."
"A race to the bottom which could increase the risk of a recession significantly higher."
"Forcing a recession to depreciate assets and get people's assets to lose value."
"In the midst of a recession, one of the things we want to talk about is really, really dialing down on your savings."
"The market thinks that the probability of a recession is greater than what the Fed basically perceives to be right now."
"It's likely to impact on China's output for at least the next 12 to 18 months but it's also bad news for the rest of us because it's going to make the global recession worse."
"Buying the dip in a recession is a wonderful strategy."
"A seven percent contraction in a western developed economy is a catastrophe for your quality of life."
"U.S growth continues to slow signaling more signs of a recession."
"This could be the recipe for not just a recession, but for a depression."
"The recession is always at the margin and if you're not a credit worthy borrower to the highest degree you're going to have trouble accessing credit."
"We're inside of a recession, yet we've never seen the types of valuations like this."
"When you have two quarters of negative numbers, that means we're in a recession."
"The soft landing would be a mild short recession."
"I don't think this recession will be anywhere near what the Great Recession was."
"We're heading into one of the deepest recessions we have ever seen."