
Law Enforcement Quotes

There are 5785 quotes

"If something is illegal, it's illegal. You can't violate the law and then put in a clause that says it's okay."
"You correctly identified a homicidal maniac and managed to take away her toy. Good job, thank you. It's all in the day's work."
"The actions of the officers at the scene... there is no doubt their heroic actions saved lives."
"We're not here to just retell a story for entertainment purposes; we're here to tell what happened and hopefully learn something from it, and pick it apart and put the puzzle together in the way that a law enforcement agency would do it."
"They've seized enough fentanyl to kill upwards of a billion people."
"Play the game; if you feel an officer violated your rights, take it up in court."
"When law enforcement officers break the law, they should be held accountable."
"This is a homicide investigation, and all we would ask you to do is to be truthful with us."
"This investigation...our job is to get justice for you, especially for your daughter."
"By sending the National Guard, Indiana aims to provide much-needed support to Texas law enforcement agencies."
"When police break the law, it can be challenging to hold them accountable."
"Even when cops are caught breaking the law, the justice system often seems reluctant to punish them."
"LAPD recovers seven million dollars worth of stolen Nike sneakers in a warehouse."
"Being black in America should not be a death sentence."
"This is a society-wide problem; we can't just rely on law enforcement to fix for us."
"It's important to point out how frequently our law enforcement officers are the ones running towards the threat."
"This is a message to all racist police officers in every department in Mississippi and throughout the United States of America that beware, that justice will be coming your way."
"Heavy police presence in high crime areas tends to prevent crime."
"It's our main mission at Safari Land to save lives and protect officers from harm."
"Incentivizing law enforcement is both destructive and dangerous."
"Law enforcement has to be both measured and precise in how it enforces the laws designed to stop it."
"Communities both small and large have been irreparably harmed by the idea that cops are offered perks or promotions with the expectation that they write more tickets or make more arrests."
"There should never be incentives to arrest people for specific crimes."
"Merely being young is a crime in the police state of Hong Kong."
"The real heroes are the law enforcement officers."
"America is free, America is good, America has a law enforcement body that overwhelmingly is ensuring that you can live a free and prosperous life."
"By integrity of the judicial system, I'm pretty sure he means just like the fact that we have laws, those laws matter, and those laws will be enforced somewhat equally across the United States and not arbitrarily."
"Informants and snitches, as practiced by law enforcement in America today, systematically produce wrongful convictions and operate completely in secret without sufficient government oversight."
"Policing is necessary, but it depends on how you police."
"If my daughter is raped, I need an officer that is willing to be my child's voice and hold the rapist accountable."
"Sheriff Ed Bates described this plan as 'pretty ingenious.'"
"A plot to smuggle 55 million methamphetamine tablets and more than 1.5 tons of crystal meth disguised in beer crates was thwarted by police in Laos, resulting in the largest single drug seizure in Asia."
"Forensic evidence, phone data, and surveillance footage from their reconnaissance missions led to the arrest and conviction of five men."
"Thanks to the efforts of the staff who managed to capture a photo of the car and its license plate, the police successfully apprehended the suspects."
"They're not going to go ahead and execute a search warrant unless they're 100% certain that they're going to probably get some evidence out of that."
"Everybody in this whole neighborhood should have been locked down, and their houses should be searched."
"Scream to the high heavens about the FBI. I don't care. We're doing everything we can, okay? Because it's not going to change us."
"This is how it happened and why all hobo cops are bastards."
"That is part of the job of law enforcement because all those guys are part of the community they serve."
"Educate, that's part of the job of law enforcement."
"They don't want anybody to get hurt; they don't want that suspect to get hurt, they don't want the public to get hurt, and heaven forbid a law enforcement officer gets hurt as well."
"The need to go into the Panther Party came as I watched and observed the interaction of people, the interaction of party, and what the police was doing at the time."
"In cases involving missing children, time is of the essence."
"Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics. They are autocracies."
"By investigating smaller crimes, you might unveil someone that's doing an extremely large amount of smaller crimes."
"We got swatted, and as Luke was discussing post-pandemic civil unrest, a police officer walks in."
"One arrest can sow chaos throughout an entire family and the community."
"Every time law enforcement has made their presence known, he ratchets up the aggression, the speed, and the dangerous driving."
"If terrorists are killing Americans, what kind of business stance do you have as an American company to not help the FBI solve that case?"
"You just get the feeling this guy is not going to come out with his hands up."
"That couldn't end much better or much safer because the potential for collateral damage over the course of the last couple of hours was high, to say the least."
"The bottom line is, you got suspects that steal, that loot, that rape, that kill, and you just can't say, well because of this, we're not going to pursue."
"It's really just a matter of time at this point, you know, the benefit of time is always on the side of law enforcement in a situation like this."
"They were ready for it; they knew that this was the end, and that officer with a textbook, a textbook pit maneuver at the end of this pursuit."
"LAPD has successfully taken them into custody."
"If you have 130 good cops and 12 cops that are bad, you have 12 bad cops. If you have 130 good cops and 12 bad cops but the 130 won't do anything about the 12 bad cops, you've got 142 bad cops."
"We need to ensure that dangerous people don't remain on the street."
"Just as every officer who pins on the badge deserves to come home at night, so do children."
"Women often report that law enforcement does not always take accusations of sexual assault seriously and sometimes dismiss the accusation outright."
"Tonight you're being charged with resisting arrest, possession of cocaine with intent to sell to trafficking, and heroin, possession of methamphetamines."
"We need more video evidence of what's going on in the farm so we can take it to the police."
"Take it to the police immediately, upload it to YouTube, whatever you gotta do."
"The officer is able to throw something over the two deer, and what he does next is incredible."
"Police use their law often to their advantage, or they sometimes choose to ignore the law entirely."
"Field sobriety tests are voluntary and you have the right to refuse to participate without being prosecuted for refusing."
"For about 33 percent of drivers, the field sobriety tests may suggest that they are drunk even if they are not."
"This encounter demonstrates the importance of officers conducting neutral and unbiased investigations that make conclusions based on the facts uncovered rather than trying to make the facts fit a predetermined judgment."
"No one wants to be pulled over by the police."
"Everyone should be treated the same when it comes to these types of arrests. They should all be given the same courtesies, and most other people are not given these courtesies."
"Police departments have already been using it in what are called 'heat lists' predictive programs designed to use risk assessment in pre-determining whether or not a crime is going to occur and/or who is likely to commit it."
"It's true the cops have seconds to make life-and-death decisions, but you know who else has seconds? The suspect."
"But folks need to wake up to the fact that that is going to have an impact on law enforcement."
"Instead of sending two police officers with deadly weapons to that Wendy's drive-through in Atlanta, we could have sent a wellness counselor and a tow truck."
"Hooray for the tactical pupper, and thankfully no one was harmed in this one."
"Anything about the FBI, I don't know, don't harass me."
"The video has been described by law enforcement and attorneys for Nichols' family as absolutely appalling, alarming, and unconscionable."
"If you're in law enforcement and you know that what you're doing is wrong, you're evil. You are the evil we are desperately fighting against."
"A new evaluation of how American law enforcement can best serve their communities and how we can best address the criminal problems of our time is something we very much need."
"The rule of law that is fundamental to ensuring both freedom and security, and it is our more than 900,000 men and women on the beat every day who uphold the rule of law."
"The Commission will comprehensively assess the most pressing issues confronting law enforcement today and will seek to provide substantive and actionable answers."
"If I have to build more prisons, then I have to build more prisons, but I'm not going to let people who committed felonies, domestic violence, grand larceny, or were involved in stealing cars, raping, and murdering go."
"It's time to clean up rogue cops, it's time to clean up bad prosecutors."
"We wound up sending over 500 agents and officers from FBI, ATF, and the U.S. Marshals to assist with restoring order at the Capitol."
"Their bravery is a high moment in the sordid story of what led to January 6."
"This case... has done a lot to make police around the country ask questions of themselves."
"My thoughts are with those who work in law enforcement and public safety. We hold you in high regard. We also hold you to high standards."
"When a member of your profession is held accountable, it does not diminish you; it shows the whole world that those of you who enforce the law are also willing to live by it."
"And she must have felt like her rights as well as her privacy were violated not to mention she could have been shot by a trigger-happy cop."
"I am satisfied that the security service and the police have saved thousands of lives and they have prevented a mass disaster that would change the world."
"Crime wave sweeping the country coinciding with the push to stop prosecuting criminals."
"The brave men and women in law enforcement deserve better."
"Restore proper respect and admiration for our men and women in law enforcement."
"Calling for attacks against law enforcement families is truly despicable."
"The FBI has some of the most talented law enforcement people in our nation and in the world."
"The FBI doesn't protect America because this is a beautiful country. It protects America because of the values we hold."
"It blows my mind that someone gets swatted multiple times and the police don't do something to try to avoid that."
"The ATF plays an essential role in keeping us safe by enforcing the laws on the books."
"People don't realize what police officers actually do."
"Detective Fuchsia cuffed Zaldivar. A lot of police officers don't get to say they bagged a serial killer during their career."
"We just want to turn our body camera on, and your body camera's cracked."
"Can police methods be improved? Of course, they can."
"We're not going to be looking for conflict ever. We're always going to try to de-escalate, always trying to avoid violence."
"The charges are a serious and rare accusation against a senior FBI official."
"We need the police, and there's a reason we honor good police, right? Because it is a difficult job, it is dangerous, and we do want them to be there."
"We will bring jail and not bail for repeat violent offenders."
"The two officers stated that they had observed a round shining object... it was flashing bright light and hovered 20 to 30 meters above the ground."
"If the girl with the knife was a white girl, does she get shot five times?"
"If no one's enforcing a law while everyone's breaking it, is it really a law?"
"Don't just look at them as a uniform. There was a couple of human beings that went out there to do the right thing and ended up dead."
"The most robust finding in social science: when you get rid of the cops, people die."
"Chicago street gangs thought they had figured out how to kidnap people for ransom again and again and never get caught, but the one mistake was they underestimated the Federal Bureau of Investigation."
"Well, you tell me, it went to the very heart of justice for Victoria police and the Victorian community."
"Terrence informed me that Paul Dale had been involved in a corrupt relationship with Carl Williams and his crew."
"It should have also prompted a major investigation into the extent of the pair's relationship."
"We do not need new laws. We will work within the existing system and framework."
"No one wants a society in which the only reason that people behave reasonably well is because there's a policeman around every corner."
"The function of law enforcement is the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals, not the manufacturing of crime."
"You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent."
"He's got the FBI, DOJ, all of it...sitting there going yeah, we have intelligence there's going to be 35,000 people there."
"We must remove white supremacists and racists from every single police department in this country."
"Then the police there who... heard students getting massacred and did nothing. There were teachers there who were evacuating and bringing other children to safety."
"We do things in a respectful way. It's our job to take away the guy's liberty, right, for committing the crimes. It's not our job to take away his dignity."
"Using the cops as the great moral arbiter is a very bad thing."
"Bravo to each and every one of these officers who have quit the department and won't be party to the corrupt system anymore."
"Nope, you can't have a curfew. The night belongs to the rioters, to the people burning courthouses, not the people who'd like to be safe in their own homes."
"When we hand law enforcement a criminal action on a silver platter, you realize law enforcement doesn't really care."
"Law enforcement can be very dismissive of these things, even when it is in their jurisdiction and it is something that meets the criminal threshold."
"Atrocities such as these simply reinforce our sense of community, our humanity, and our trust in the rule of law. That is the clear message from us all."
"There's a really cool angle if you take it the way of like the cops going 'We need to think like the robbers'."
"We do have immigration laws, that's correct, it's just they're not being correctly enforced."
"The President and I have been sitting down with law enforcement leaders... to hear about ways that we might assist law enforcement in raising standards."
"We will always support the brave men and women of law enforcement."
"Law enforcement officers are sworn to protect the public, and when someone calls 9-1-1 to report an active bank robbery, they are going to respond to protect lives."
"It is imperative that officers behave professionally and respectfully when faced with challenging situations."
"And then what happens? The whole community suffers worse because now we don't have good teachers, now we have cops that don't want to do it or cops that are jaded and want to get out as soon as possible."
"Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch."
"No person should be above the law. No one should be hounded by the law. No one should be hounded, but no one should be above."
"Wayne Cousins should never have been a police officer."
"You don't go into law enforcement to make money... it's serving something bigger than yourself."
"This is attempted murder, that is what swatting is."
"Every Constable is an independent legal entity. The public's guarantee of impartiality."
"The men and women of law enforcement who defended the U.S Capitol on January 6 are heroes. They are patriots and they are the very best of us."
"Because they are officers, they should be held to a higher standard of accountability, not lower and not the same, a higher one."
"We call it the crisis next door... and we're reversing that, the way we're not punishing the drug traffickers and often we're punishing the addicts too much."
"When the police protect the rights of the people, this country functions properly."
"The most important part of policing in solving crime is connection with the community."
"The FBI along with other law enforcement agencies was determined to leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of truth and justice."
"Vigilantism always goes wrong. You wait for the professionals to show up."
"It's not a privilege that I don't get killed by the cops. That's the bare minimum."
"The primary duty of law enforcement officers responding to a domestic violence call is to protect the victim and enforce the law."
"What I can tell you is that we will be slow, methodical, and that we will make sure that when we make these arrests, that this investigation is for the victims."
"The justice department must enforce the law, protect religious liberty, and our nation's anti-discrimination laws."
"The law's enforcement scheme is 'sort of evil genius' in that it was written specifically with an intent towards avoiding federal oversight."
"90% of what the FBI does right now is politically driven investigations and surveillance."
"No one should live in fear. Murder is wrong, no matter what uniform you wear."
"Men who are commissioned to protect and prosecute the law must do only one honorable thing: that is to settle down to protect and prosecute the law."
"I mean there's nothing that I can say on it other than it is distracting and certainly inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in this state."
"Not every cop in America is a bad cop, but the idea that we need to look at it on a person-by-person basis just doesn't make sense."
"I expect people to follow the law. These executive orders are not a suggestion. They are not optional or not helpful hints."
"You know what’s a solution? More law enforcement. You know what’s a solution? Mandatory drug drying out. You know what’s an actual solution? Involuntary commitment for the mentally ill."
"Law enforcement culture should embrace a guardian rather than a warrior mindset to build trust and legitimacy both within agencies and with the public."
"Every single analysis that is worth its salt looked at the impact of policing on crime... you get less crime when you increase policing."
"If that was you or me...we were watching or even guarding...an officer killing this guy...if you can't control him when he's in handcuffs, you don't belong being a cop."
"Peaceful protest in New York City will be honored by the NYPD."
"I'm a retired New York City police detective with 20 plus years of law enforcement."
"Vicki White, a former Alabama corrections officer who isn't who people thought she was, and Casey White, a murder suspect who is much more evil than anyone could have imagined."
"It's Mother's Day weekend, but that doesn't mean that the investigation goes quiet. The men and women who are assigned to this case are going to be hunting 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year until they find either one or both of these perpetrators."
"I believe that everybody who carries a knife should be dealt with, irrespective of where they come from, with the appropriate sanction of the law because it's too easy to kill someone."
"Gun control literally starts with the police."
"That's horrible that they're using tasers and stuff on it, it's like torturing someone."
"I think about the case in Grand Rapids Michigan where brother gets pulled over traffic violation runs away cop is trying to accost trying to accost him and his way of calming the situation down is to shoot him the back of his head."
"The heroic work of some of our state law enforcement officers. They undoubtedly saved lives with their actions."
"We're defending a tool that has saved so many lives and it's a shame to see the amount of media surrounding a man that was choked to death."
"Over 99% of active police officers will spend their entire career without ever pulling the trigger."
"If we can reduce the amount of force that any officer uses, it was worth having this discussion."
"Defund him for what? As soon as one of our kids come up kidnapped, we want the support of the police."
"Eventually, we're going to unite with the papacy to enforce a national Sunday law."
"The problem with the drugs trade with law enforcement is the corruption is endemic."
"If police raid a place and there's a load of drugs there."
"Will you hold the same standards of law for all people who violated the same types of laws?"
"Police officers need more training, not less."
"Once the criminals know that the cops are not on the streets and not responding to calls then see how it goes."
"Identifying the killer was all police could do to help a grieving family."
"We're closer than we've ever been in recent history to actual martial law."
"The police are the very people we expect to protect us, but what happens when they abuse their power?"
"Well, we just want the police to have another option to take somebody to treatment."
"That police should be given more options at the point of arrest."
"We're going to start with a law enforcement led program that intervenes at the time of arrest."
"It raised a lot of doubts or questions in a lot of people's minds of how many other incidents in the past had been shaped or sanitized by the cops."
"For a lot of people, this trial came to symbolize more than just the actions of one officer."
"The message that the MPD was projecting from the witness stand."
"In both cases, the person tasked with imposing law, order or societal norms is recast as the villain."
"Every single person in that crowd thinks that the January 6 quote insurrectionists ought to have been arrested as they were rounded up and thrown in prison."
"When you encounter the law and its enforcement, does it feel like something that's been shaped with your mutual consent?"
"25 people killed 2,000 officers injured $2 billion doll and insured property damage all because of a false narration."
"We must build a better immigration system that reflects our values as Americans, enforces our laws, safeguards public health, and moves away from cycles of irregular migration."
"The border is not open; going forward, we will continue to look for ways to provide legal avenues in the region for people needing protection while we continue to enforce our laws."
"Why didn't we get this guy? I ended up with a bleeding ulcer over this case. It still haunts me. It always will."
"The greatest threat to American democracy was the militarization of law enforcement against Trump's campaign in 2016." - William Barr
"You have a lot of police officers here, but things could be handled differently."