
Precaution Quotes

There are 2455 quotes

"It's never a bad thing to have a safety net."
"Whenever you're dealing with safety, it should never ever be rushed."
"I'm going to try and stay out of trouble because I don't want to lose my Instagram. It's actually a really great platform."
"The logic is, if nothing happens, what have you lost? But if something does happen, it's way too late."
"We should lock our door before we say, 'By the way, this neighborhood is dangerous.'"
"I have to be very careful; I'm definitely wearing a helmet next time."
"We cannot let our guard down now or assure that victory is inevitable. We can't assume that. We must remain vigilant, act fast and aggressively, and look out for one another."
"Measure twice, cut once; get a full retirement plan analysis done."
"Before you start messing with your computer, you create a clone of it. Then, if you screw up the clone, you go back and you reclone the original."
"I think we should have some kind of Regulation with AI now."
"Everyone should wear a mask just in case they have it, and I guess I shouldn't exclude myself from that rule."
"Honestly, this is, uh, like I think everyone should wear a mask just in case they have it, and I guess I shouldn't exclude myself from that rule."
"Get out of the danger zone if you can possibly get out of the danger zone."
"Show me the data. That's all I'm more than happy to take whatever precautions you recommend, so long as the precautions are steeped in data and backed by data."
"Anything can happen anywhere, but guess what? We all take precautions everywhere we go."
"He also called Emergency Services as a precaution, and they responded quickly."
"We must be sure that the measures we take do not risk a second spike that would overwhelm the NHS."
"We should have done this to begin with and have no dinosaurs because dinosaurs shouldn't be pets."
"We don't expect people to break into our houses, but we still lock our doors and windows because, hey, it might happen. We at least want to make it a little bit harder for those who might do it."
"Stay at home. If you leave the house, you're exposing yourself to danger. If you leave the house, you're exposing others to danger."
"Being cautious and shutting things down is the smart thing to do."
"The evidentiary burden that's being required for proof of harm is changing. Do you really want to have to prove that there's a significant increased risk of brain cancer before taking steps to reduce exposures?"
"Maximizing the chances of good strong AI occurring over bad strong AI, we need to take more precaution."
"It's always good to have a trip sitter or at the very least have someone on standby."
"Even if you're vaccinated I am vaccinated I still wear a mask because there hasn't been conclusive studies yet on the transferability of the pandemic or COVID for from those who have been vaccinated."
"A key part of problem solving is making sure the problem doesn't get worse."
"If there is a one percent chance that they are correct, we have to take dramatic action."
"Get in the habit of constantly saving your work."
"If we do nothing now or do too little now knowing what we now know about this new strain, things will get worse and be much worse than they need to be."
"Make sure you do a bit of homework before you leap in."
"I just hope we never have to go through it again and I hope this nation gets the message and those other states get the message so we save lives in this country."
"If you feel you've ever been hacked and you're on an iPhone, start bringing up that lockdown mode."
"We literally have been doing everything that we can to be as safe as possible... we thought we were doing everything right and we still got it."
"Voss quickly grabbed her, unsure how to explain his concern to his child, then he thought of a method picking up a stone from the ground and tossing it forward a simple test that made the ambush within the valley all too apparent."
"I strongly recommend some sort of inspection before the order ships."
"Be sure that you don't share this token with anyone and be sure you take precaution whenever you are securing your bot token."
"If you can work from home and cut out social contacts, that seems intrinsically wise and ethical."
"Put on your Roman sandals, there's a lot of rats and pigeons out there."
"Do not forget to save your game. You never know when something unexpected may happen."
"When kids are involved, you have got to do better, you've got to take every precaution."
"Lock yourself somewhere. Bedrooms are usually the first rooms burglars check."
"Lock all the doors and windows. There should never be a way in."
"So don't ever put yourself in this situation, because learn from me, don't do the expensive carwash."
"Better to be safe than sorry. We'll find a way."
"It's like a seat belt, just put it on yours."
"Never been hurt and I've never been hurt because I practice what I preach."
"Think about that if you find yourself hopefully you never do but if you find yourself in a dangerous situation."
"I'm just not gonna risk it. I'm not going to stop wearing PPE when I go outside until there's a vaccine."
"Begin with an abundance of caution, which is what we failed to do."
"Hopefully next time, you're able to keep your silver in a safer place."
"It is the one person who survived that crash was the only person who was wearing a seat belt."
"Safety is paramount, never take it for granted."
"It's really scary how universal that advice is, but that's what I would do."
"I'd so much rather have people be safe than sorry."
"You are safer by taking precautions than [by not] taking ... precautions."
"The first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence."
"I'd rather err on the side of empowering people to defend themselves as fast as possible."
"I'm just making sure that I'm always protected at any point."
"Pay attention to your surroundings... someone might be watching you from a distance and waiting for the right time."
"Special precautions have been made today to prevent me from killing myself."
"We've got to take the precautions we need to protect ourselves, but also to protect other people."
"Masks are a fantastic thing to add to your tool set."
"No matter how well you are trained with a gun, you never know what can feel wrong. So safety is very important."
"It's better to be safe than sorry, considering the potential harm caused."
"Probably hold off on then till we arrive, they will be a mistake to deal with but I'll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them."
"You can never eliminate risk but you can reduce it."
"So that’s probably the safest roadmap to coexisting with AI, you are careful making them to begin with and when you make something that’s going to parallel or exceed the human, you try to treat it like one."
"All I could think about was what would have happened if I hadn't first listened to my mom before listening to my body when I started feeling like something was wrong."
"It's better that we overreacted than under reacted."
"I think that we should be approaching a 'Do no harm' principle."
"Always consult with your pharmacist or physician before making any changes."
"It would be a good idea to filter drinking water anyway, right? I don't assume that we're going to have many issues with it."
"Cars break all the time, things are wrong with a car that you can't always tell. So get the car inspected every single time."
"That's actually pretty, I better pick those up before I like DC."
"Ultimately I think you're gonna be fine but like I think it's always better to be safe than sorry."
"If I'm on my deathbed, I'll probably do a little prayer. Just better safe than sorry."
"Exaggerate the safety aspects. Treat every gun like there's a laser beam coming out of the muzzle."
"It's never a bad idea to make sure that you have some cash sitting on the sidelines ready for that next deal."
"You've got to be careful, guys. There are gals that will absolutely, from the get-go, the second you start dating, even at a young age, because they foresee what's coming down the road."
"Lowering your lifestyle in order to make sure that you're not affected if something that was to ever happen don't look so bad no more do it."
"Every time you knock on someone's door you need to play it like it could go south in a hurry."
"It was after hearing the noises that Hank suggested everybody take their rifles with them to the woods."
"Don't feel like you're inconveniencing someone for 30 seconds when it could be a life-altering thing."
"Depending on where you're storing your food, you want to do everything in your power to make that food or store that food in something that is rodent-proof."
"We're doing it to inform, to educate, and to empower you guys."
"Be prepared, be aware, be careful, and be safe out there because we love you too much to lose anyone."
"It's all about awareness. If you see the messed up stuff that could happen, then maybe you might go, 'No, let's not do that.'"
"If there is no downside and a chance of some upside, why would you possibly urge people to be cautious?"
"Make sure that you're not giving anyone access to harm you."
"For now, I hope that you can just heed the warnings, take it seriously, don't panic, stay tuned for future updates."
"Isn't it better to be aware and Afraid than to be ignorant, better to see the threat coming than to be stabbed in the back?"
"The risk of allowing the president to continue to use the services during this period are too much."
"At the very least, you've got to have some kind of safe."
"Health and safety always come first. Take a break, both of you."
"Remember, occasionally it's not a bad idea to buy yourself some safety."
"Decontaminate all surfaces you got to get used to that."
"Most of us have been given the booster doses so precautionary doses have been taken by most of us now."
"I definitely started to play on my mind, okay this is something I really need to look after because I don't want to end up like my dad."
"The most important safety is your brain." - Highlighting the importance of caution and awareness.
"Men aren't monsters as a whole, but women can't be sure which men are monsters until they're dead on the bathroom floor."
"It's kind of like an insurance policy for the last seven days."
"It's a sad story and hopefully that doesn't happen to any of us or the people we care about."
"If something like this ever happens to you, make sure to check your laws."
"Be very careful who you open your doors to... Always take extra precaution."
"Always buy a test kit. Better be safe than sorry."
"This variant is cause for concern, not a cause for panic."
"You don’t test out your biggest weapons on the US. You try them out on a smaller target first, to see if they work."
"Join the family and add a little bit of safety to your internet career, internet life, internet presence."
"If you drop it in the dark it's gone, so I want the ability to be able to retain that light."
"Safety before research, never put yourself in a situation where you're by yourself, regardless of what it is."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Even if we hear something that we don't consider significant now, it may affect society profoundly down the line."
"We still have some rotation there, nothing strong yet."
"Thank God take that as your warning get your money off there."
"Follow the numbers and you follow the math you will watch that infection rate."
"Safety first, always. I have another challenge."
"I'm sleeping with all my lights on tonight and I hope that it doesn't come back."
"This would probably be a very good early warning signal, kind of like a red flag or yellow flag, whatever the colors."
"Should I tie my camel or should I trust in Allah? You need to tie your camel."
"The Chinese government is taking extreme precautions to prevent backflow."
"It's going to be night soon. We are not supposed to stay here after nightfall."
"Save your game, folks. If you're getting a lot of these stares right now, this is a PSA. Save your game. You'll regret it if you don't."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and masks could work, we just need more studies."
"The advice wasn't just 'don't eat from this tree.' The advice was 'don't go near it.'"
"Safety first: the rule's the rule for a reason."
"Allah's commandment wasn't just 'don't eat from this tree,' it was 'don't go near it.'"
"To avoid any trouble during the practice, Abigail suggests the princess dance with her father."
"Put the FreePBX firewall on, even if it's in a LAN protected by another firewall."
"Take security seriously: from two-factor authentication to cold storage wallets."
"Enjoy the show, but maybe just wear, like, a helmet... for yourself."
"Judging by the amount of precaution he's taking, judging by the paranoia exhibited, you can conclude that the likelihood is not small."
"Mitigating that risk is like one of the best things you could do for yourself."
"All monkeys are agile, so if you live in an area where they tend to live in Rome, it's best to keep your windows closed."
"He had to lose everything but he couldn't allow history to repeat itself."
"It's highly recommended that you speak to a doctor."
"I'm the seatbelt in your car you probably don't need this impact but wouldn't you rather be wearing the seatbelt."
"Let's make sure it doesn't hurt my grandkids."
"This case is a reminder of the dangers lurking in the world."
"The most serious mistake we can make is to act like there's no danger."
"The first action of everybody involved should be safety."
"Keeping your distance and being precautious is a good idea."
"People talk about locking their bedroom doors now, locking their doors, locking their windows, stuff they never even thought about."
"It's better to be safe than sorry and to be paranoid than dead."
"Never tell people how much you make or what you got cuz it's always some jealous [ __ ] paying somebody $100 to run a spell."
"Stay strapped in case there are crazy people around."
"Play defense, always have the emergency fund."
"If you come in here, if somebody gets a citation for being unsafe, ooh, there's probably a light in here that would be unsafe. Good thing I caught that."
"Why take the risk when we have the knowledge now to avoid that risk?"
"I hope we write the proper policies before we start going too crazy with the technology."
"We have to take every possible precaution. Four out of five people who have the coronavirus don't have symptoms."
"Treat every gun and or grenade launcher as if it is loaded, at least check it."
"Don't get complacent because this second wave it's fittin to be worse than the first if you ask me."
"The best way to do it is first get off the track."
"It could definitely save somebody's life in your house."
"Gotta have mats down man, I can't be sliding in this damn paper."
"Things will get worse before they get better so the other thing I am doing is um amping up the the building of my emergency fund so if I had an emergency room for a year now I want to make sure I have an emergency fund for 24 months in case."
"By this point, it was clear that they needed to call the FBI."
"We know that kids are going to want to get on whatever they want to, so how do we ensure their safety?"
"Backup your footage during your shoot, don't risk losing it."
"Move higher inland, stay away from the water, there's going to be dangerous currents and you have to wait for the all clear."
"I have learned to always trust my gut instinct and to err on the side of caution."
"I'll take the spirit board with me... just in case."
"I did get sim swapped... but they didn't get anything because I had already de-linked my phone number."
"First and foremost, build a good base and keep out of trouble."
"The Indian government has used scaffolding to hide the Taj Mahal when airstrikes are predicted."
"Knowledge is power. Watch open mouth insert foot, you don't want to be doing that."
"Locking items to avoid salvaging them is the way to go."
"We're going to have to be vigilant. I tell you these things so that you know, so that you see them coming."
"Stay in the house... there's safety in the house."
"Better to have too much resin laid down than not enough."
"If you think you could be in danger, you are endangered."
"Be aware of your surroundings, know your exits, and if in doubt, get out."
"YouTube staff just slap a label on it beforehand to make sure you know what you're getting into."
"Always whack a coffin before you bury it, you never know what's going on inside."
"Just because we can, doesn't mean we should."
"Let's grab another first-aid kit, I don't want to be unhealthy."
"It's all about remaining vigilant, not letting our guard down."
"That's going to help clear the way again to keep us nice and safe."
"No method is a hundred percent perfect, so you have to give yourself the best shot at seeing this for what it is."
"The Billy Graham rule I think is a great rule which is like just don't go to any sort of private event engagement even if it's dinner with somebody of the opposite sex because then insinuations can grow."
"For God's sake if you're only safe your family's sake don't let that happen to you."
"Warning dreams alert us of an upcoming tragedy or situation we need to pay attention to."
"You don't want to be the only person on your block without a gun, I guarantee you don't want to do that."
"Let's get rid of the thing that is unstable and could potentially cause horrible human suffering."
"Assume anyone you are talking to online is a scammer and protect yourself accordingly."
"So now it's okay, you buy your bottled water, but before you drink your bottled water, you need to boil."
"You both don't want to have the appearance of a conflict of interest and you also don't want to set up a scenario where if there's a republican president next, then they're going to investigate Biden."
"So my roommate called up someone that she knew that did house exorcisms... make sure you never have mirrors facing your bed."
"Always turn it off. It's always safer that way."
"Remembering his last Robin’s death, however, Batman instead locks up Robin."
"No wrecks or serious injuries, fingers crossed."
"Do not go to an abandoned place alone and without proper equipment because you don't know what or who is there."
"The advice is look, you need to have a long and very truthful and serious conversation with an attorney before you're making any statements on the record to anyone about what happened in that situation."
"So fingers crossed that there is no foul play involved in this one."
"For future reference, bring your ID everywhere you go."
"Just stay away from crowds, stay home, wash your hands frequently."
"Stay away from hospital emergency rooms unless your life is truly threatened."
"We do not need to have an Apollo one type event in order to get us in gear."
"I would advise my friend to please don't do anything stupid right now that's going to make you intoxicated or lack of sleep."
"Just talk to your doctor. But the point I'm trying to make... Just talk to your doctor."