
Pride In Work Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Money is a byproduct of the value that you provide. The value that you provide should be something you're proud of, something that you care about."
"Creating something beautiful that you're proud of working towards."
"I'm confident that I'm going to be really proud of what I've made."
"What we do is a noble thing, and I ask you, it's a rough road ahead, but I ask you to not forget it and to be proud."
"The final product is really something I'm proud of."
"A rider who doesn't have enough pride in his trade to decorate his outfit with a little silver never rides a good horse."
"The value of this company is insane, and I'm honestly proud to be able to work with this company's products."
"It's always the dopest whatever the [ __ ] we make, you know it's like it's like a play on it just always the dopest."
"Making something you're proud of is literally all that matters."
"Show off your work. If you're not proud enough of what you're making that you won't show it to the people who love you, it is disrespectful."
"I'm so proud prouder than I have ever been genuinely and I just love it I love the show and I'm really enjoying it."
"We've made a career of trying other things and really pride ourselves on getting something right."
"Another video that I am also proud of... is when I did the sponsored video with Universal for the movie 'Nobody.' I'm very proud of that."
"We're here to ensure everybody has a very fair, livable wage and can go home to their families and look in the eyes and be proud of where they work."
"From my point of view, there's only one way to try and make a successful game, and that's to make the game that you want to play, a game that everyone involved is proud of."
"The joy of creating: the pride of doing the job well."
"I'm still really proud of it as a film and I'm really proud of my work in it, and I'd stand by it if I was offered the part again tomorrow, I'd do it in a heartbeat."
"Always create something that you're proud of, always create something that you're passionate about, and you won't feel that. Hopefully, you won't feel so let down."
"If you take away anybody's opportunity to work you take away their pride."
"These parts are relatively Overkill but so are lots of the things that I build."
"I'm happy I'm proud of what I made as long as the stats are good."
"You can get good enough that you are going to be writing books that you are proud of, that could stand up against any."
"I'm so proud of the music and I feel like I've made something that has matched the artistic ambition I have."
"Every one of these guys is proud to be a part of this project."
"We're not trying to grow a million different types of things, we're trying to grow something that we're really proud of and something that really inspires us."
"We outdid ourselves, Ben, this is a good one."
"Have some pride in what you do, nothing's wrong with that at all."
"I was really proud of the movie and I don't mind telling you that."
"Build yourself something nice that you can at least stave off some measure be proud of."
"I really want to make original, interesting content that I'm proud of."
"Treat it as if you were selling it to a customer because you'll have a lot more pride for it afterwards."
"Do yourself a favor, make sure you get yourself a little square, okay? Do really good quality work you'll be proud of."
"It's just been a like a perfect storm of just the confidence realization and just being proud of what we've been working on."
"I'm super excited and proud of what's being shown today."
"At the end of the day you get to look at what you did and say I built that."
"Look how well I frothed the oat milk! There's like a little foam cap on top."
"Anyone can ripoff a product... however, with all your capital, why not take pride in what you do?"
"Overall, I'm very proud of Ultra Bowders. Like yo, it's a finished game."
"Mick remained defiantly proud of his solo efforts."
"It's all about legacy and building a library that we're proud of."
"That's what the Blue Max shop produced, that right there."
"It's really about this sense of pride that you're gonna have in a job well done."
"I'm very proud of this. I worked hard on it."
"I can definitely foresee... at some point we're going to have a stamp of pride that this was made by humans."
"I'm really really proud of just this project and just this I would have to say it's a masterpiece."
"Good gravel roads happen when workers take pride in their work because they care about their neighbors."
"This is my first build by the way. It's my first time actually putting an engine together so I take a lot of pride in that."
"A job well done has always been the end result of a craftsman proud of his trade."
"Everything smells fresh and new. He's washed every single seat cover, look at them carpets they're immaculate."
"You know, when we first got it out, you know, I would come in here and I would, you know, clean up and go outside in the front, sweep up, you know, make sure everything looked nice."
"The kind of pride in work well done, and the complicated work well done, because it takes thought and intelligence to do it."
"The pride and self-fulfillment that comes from a job well done, from simply taking your skills and putting them to use."
"The devil is in the details; if you spend this kind of time on the backside where nobody's even gonna see it, imagine how good your front's gonna look."
"I'm really proud of the videos I've done, and I've managed to upload exactly every other day."
"I do admire that. I find it so admirable when you can do a job like that and you can't even see the joint."
"I would rather be a channel that maybe posts a little bit less frequently, but when I do post, it's something that I am really proud of and that I put all of my hard work into."
"It's your work at the end of the day, and being proud of your work."
"Complexity is not our pride but great and efficient design is."
"This is what software craftsmanship is."
"The pride and the work that comes out of that shop is incredible."
"I wanted to create something that I would be proud of, and I know you guys would also use."
"We don't copy; I take pride in saying that we don't rip off other people's designs."
"We don't get cracks in our builds."
"This is just, this is outstanding, this guy's, this is probably the coolest build I've ever got to do, hands down."
"They really made us proud within TFL because the stations are beautiful, they're sleek and well-designed."
"They did a phenomenal job on the wrap on this, seriously."
"I want to make more things that I'm proud of."
"We're all working together to create a really good image and an image that we're all proud of."
"Really cool, I like this guy a lot, very proud of this custom."
"I'm just really most proud of my whip that I worked on this week."