
Collective Intelligence Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"We are joining and steering the collective intelligence of this big ant colony we think of as our human civilization."
"We collectively come up with a picture of reality that might transcend what any of us individually could think up on our own."
"Norms such as free speech, empirical testing, and journalistic ethics make us collectively smarter than any of us individually would be."
"We've literally created the hive mind that is about to become conscious."
"And sometimes it's more clever than all of us combined."
"The power of financial markets is the wisdom of the crowds."
"The wisdom of the crowds... a collection of many people can process information into a conclusion better than any one person could do alone."
"The wisdom of the crowd is a very important notion in collaboration."
"Humans have long known of the WISDOM OF THE CROWDS: the phenomenon by which a collection of many people can process information into a conclusion better than any one person could do alone."
"Diffuse knowledge of how the world works is way larger than the knowledge any one person holds."
"A good team is a group of people that makes better decisions as a whole than would individually make as a sum of the parts."
"If all of us are neurons in a great mind, and all of us transmit and receive information, copyright blocks that function."
"An individual ant is not very bright, but ants in a colony, operating as a collective, do remarkable things."
"Can a crowd be smarter than the individuals in the crowd?"
"There's wisdom in outsourcing to the crowds."
"The masses are, in combination together, smarter than any one person."
"People come to the right decision because the masses are smarter."
"Collective wisdom is better than one person's wisdom every day."
"The aggregate of lots of different silly people actually adds up to something intelligent."
"Now with our collective consciousness of over 2 million of us, watching from all around the world, we form the most powerful and united mass intelligence we've ever been able to access."
"The market is the collective wisdom of everybody."
"Educate yourself, do your due diligence, and get smarter together."
"A hive mind is nature's way of aggregating the diverse perspectives of a population and maximizing their collective wisdom."
"I believe the computational power of all Humanity combined is better than the computational power of a committee or an individual."
"The community has gone from not knowing much about the market to being some weird form of a hive mind."
"No single ant knows what the temperature should be in the colony."
"Put a lot of somewhat decent experts together on a problem, and they will be more accurate than almost any one single amazing expert at it."
"The whole can be vastly smarter than the components that go into it."
"The power to do those things lies in collective intelligence."
"I felt like we were just like one symbiotic being, one unified mind, a hive mind."
"I'm trying to create a better Collective Consciousness that can think more clearly and reach more accurate conclusions."
"The Internet is a bridge towards a group mind, a step towards collective consciousness."
"The collective internet hive mind is collating the kind of intelligence that the CIA once had to just make up."
"No one is as smart as all of us. That's why markets work."
"That's what the collective brain is all about: helping us all to think in new ways."
"Human collective intelligence is where you use artificial intelligence to improve the reasoning of humans."
"Bringing healing and balance along with intelligence will require that we all lend a hand."
"We own up to it because at the end of the day all of us together are smarter than just a few of us."
"It's a real kind of zeitgeist of people arriving at good ideas at the same time across different groups all over."
"Collective intelligence is better than a single person's intelligence."
"Two heads are better than one, and the views of a million scientists have got to be better than the views of half a dozen scientists."
"We are much smarter as a group than we are as individuals."
"Among them all they may share half of a brain."
"The internet is way smarter than anybody realizes."
"The miracle of aggregation: combining informed and uninformed opinions."
"One brain is not as good as all the collective thoughts of humanity."
"Religions have been able to do—they've shown that they are proper distributed cognition, collective intelligence machines that can fundamentally reorient at a civilizational level."
"This leads to a formal account of collective intelligence that rests on shared narratives and goals."
"You know, I’m not sure five years from now, 10 years from now, what that’s going to look like. But I think we’re going to have profound change our collective intelligence, as humanity."
"He recreates his mind on the fly, he uses this constant input to recreate his mind and I call it the hive mind, the swarm mind."
"The group, as an entity, is much much smarter than any individual in that group."
"None of us is as smart as all of us."
"Our global brain is going to get smarter."
"Ant rafts... when they work as a collective, they become frighteningly intelligent."
"The singularity will originate from the collective intelligence of us ants."
"There's this presence of a guiding intelligence that does not belong to any one person but is being generated by the collective intelligence of all the people bound together in this living system of dialogue."
"We gotta connect to the hive mind, that's what they were saying the whole time, it's like a buzzword you know? We gotta connect to the hive mind."
"There is nothing we can do for resilience and anti-fragility better than increasing the collective intelligence of the people."
"Smarter collectively than the people are individually."
"Ants and termites are some kind of collective intelligence, but we too are a kind of collective intelligence."
"That's a win here, please know the wisdom of the crowd."
"The wisdom of crowds is pretty interesting."
"I don't think we would be as successful in what we're doing if we didn't have such an incredible hive mind to tap into."
"These machines are built out of distributed cognition and collective intelligence."
"The machines predict what we collectively would do; they're avatars of our collective intelligence."
"Humanity turning into a sort of collective intelligent organism and reflecting on its own agency."
"Termites may not be intelligent on an individual level, but as a hive, their complex building skills accomplish amazing wonders."
"This collective intelligence rivals even our most advanced technology."
"An audience can be made up of imbeciles, but together they're a genius."
"Despite the fact that most people have no clue about oxes or how much they weigh... there's a sense in which everyone got it right altogether."
"The wisdom of the crowds: if a thousand people look at a problem and they have the right background, they assess it mathematically, the average of all of the guesses is the right answer."
"Use the brains in the room, allow them to find their answer because this is also change management."
"My community is a hive mind of incredibly engaged people."
"The wisdom of crowds is very wise most of the time."
"The wisdom of crowds: if you average them all, you tend to get very close to the right answer."
"That humanity as a whole gets smarter because we can rebuild what each others are doing."
"Through a complex interplay of data analysis, pattern recognition, and user feedback, recommender systems unlock the power of collective intelligence."
"The collective human consciousness is actually really smart; we can actually solve really hard problems."
"We're building this community together, so might as well tap into everyone's brains instead of just mine."
"The group brain is far more powerful than the individual brains."
"The Hive Mind is the collective intelligence and consciousness of every bioform in the multiple Hive Fleets that are spread all over the galaxy and beyond."
"We've all heard the phrase 'two heads are better than one'."
"Intelligence does not happen in single minds but rather it is organized at large scale."
"It exists within algorithms, in group minds, and combinations of humans and machines."
"We use ensemble learning in our real life, where to make a decision we take opinion from different people."
"This level of intelligence is absolutely unreachable for any member of the swarm but with cooperation among the members of swarm, this level of intelligence can be reached."
"We start by learning from a group of humans and we say, 'Great, is there some way we can have this group do more sophisticated stuff than one human could do?'"
"If you have 10 million people trading every day, that is a processing system that brings in the opinions and information of ten million people every day."
"Robot swarms decide what to do together using something called collective artificial intelligence."
"One of the things I love about this community is how you guys, our collective group thought, is able to just share a wealth of information."
"All of us together is going to be way smarter than any one of us here on the channel."
"Ants have limited individual capabilities... however, they are capable of extremely impressive group results."
"The central principle behind the success of the giants born in the 1.0 era who survived the lead the 2.0 era appear to be this: they've embraced the power of the web to harness collective intelligence."
"The wisdom of crowds benefit comes from having multiple evaluators."
"Collective intelligence can be better than that of the individual."
"Twitter is almost a digital hive mind collective consciousness where you can have a global conversation."
"It's amazing how when everybody in the world becomes enamored by something... it's really incredible what the hive mind... can achieve."
"The Supreme Intelligence is an amalgamation of all the best minds that have ever existed in the Kree Empire."
"The mastermind principle is the medium through which one may procure the full benefits of the experience, the training, the education, and the specialized knowledge and influence of others."
"Wisdom of the crowds is an idea where we learn from all the experience of our huge user base."
"The individual ants are quite stupid; it's really the whole nest that's the colony that's quite intelligent in their behavior."
"We're all working together in a collective to share our brain space."
"Consider it like using the same library; if every person in the world can access my brain, it's as if all mankind has acquired my knowledge."
"We have a great community here in the collective brain of makeup awesomeness."