
Scientific Progress Quotes

There are 345 quotes

"If we continue scientifically, we are discovering truth and in that, discovering common ground on which we can all agree."
"The understanding of COVID has come a very long way since right at the start."
"It's like Einstein's general theory of relativity replaced Newton's gravitation; it's just here's a more accurate model."
"These astronomers take things from the 'we have no idea' column, and after a lot of hard work and brilliance, they move them into the 'oh yeah, we know what that is' column."
"Scientific progress is usually driven not by brilliant theoretical proposals, but by experimental data that doesn't fit the theories."
"I'm very excited that over the last year we've made just spectacular progress in understanding how the universe is fundamentally constructed, progress I didn't think was necessarily going to happen for 100 years."
"Now, because of people like Eric Cornell, we do it routinely."
"We are at the precipice of a revolution where access to information and research on psychedelics is opening up, promising a rapid increase in scientific understanding."
"It takes 17 years on average for what's discovered in science to be put into day-to-day clinical practice."
"All of our achievements are based on hundreds of years of scientific development, thousands of years of scientific development."
"Over the past 200 years, we've made significant progress towards gaining crucial insight into the complexity of the universe we live in."
"We're one step closer to perhaps resolving the crisis in cosmology."
"It's clear that this research isn't the beginning of the end for the time crystal research, but is the end of the beginning."
"Every theory eventually gets replaced by a better one."
"In the past 50 years, science has put man on the moon. Now, it's powering our mission towards a life-changing dementia treatment."
"Each rover mission stands on the shoulders of the previous mission in the questions that it gets to ask."
"If I can see farther than others, it's because I've stood on the shoulders of giants."
"Disease was thought to be caused by miasma and an imbalance of the humors... It gave specificity to medicine because, prior to Pasteur identifying particular bacteria with particular diseases, everything was non-specific."
"In the entire history of humanity, nothing has ever proven a scientific finding wrong, except for better science."
"Scientific debate is good; more science gets us incrementally closer to the truth."
"The recent past heralded a boom in discovering exoplanets."
"I think the historical record shows that the power of science to explain what was previously mysterious is enormous."
"The science of tomorrow starts with the technology of today."
"Advancements in forensic science have been stunning."
"Science is a type of knowledge that's able to disprove its old assumptions and accept new truths."
"Moving onwards to the second stage which of course continued down range and into near orbit."
"The last piece of theoretical progress actually involves Dawkins Selfish Gene we essentially encapsulates a synthesis."
"Because science only moves forward when we try to push its theories to the breaking point."
"Exploring the unexplained is how we make progress."
"It's 2023, the year of our telescope and research savior at JWST, and this is just where we are now, where it feels like it's constantly surprising us."
"New evidence always supersedes old ideas if the two are contradictory."
"Einstein expands what Newton knew, he takes what Newton ooh and then makes that region much greater and it continues to endless Road."
"Science makes progress by paying attention to anomalies, to things that do not quite line up with what you expected, rather than ridiculing those anomalies and ignoring them."
"Net energy gain: one of the most significant milestones in history."
"In the history of science, we had many occasions that the ideas were not welcomed by the society."
"The rules don't apply to them, they only apply to the poor and the middle class."
"Science moves forward when new information is found, and he may have a different opinion in six months as we learn more." - Dr. Drew
"Science tells us what's true... science is still progressing."
"Isaac Newton gave scientists the belief that maybe we can know the future."
"A scientific truth does not triumph by converting its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
"Even if Galileo couldn't conclusively prove the heliocentric model that he advocated, the process of discussion and debate that books like his dialogue represented define and are absolutely crucial to the scientific method."
"Science changes all the time because it gets better."
"Fusion might be closer than we think and tremendous advances are being made every day."
"Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points."
"Science works because we recognize that things in the past weren't correct and we improve upon them."
"As with all great discoveries, this is just the beginning."
"Sure as hell we're making progress in understanding human evolution."
"As our scientific and biological knowledge grows, we can alter our understanding of the world and change our behavior accordingly."
"While fusion might not be right around the corner, the scope and frequency of recent advances means there’s good reason to be optimistic about a not-too-distant fusion future."
"In the world of science, we're leaving the Dark Ages."
"People joke about fusion being a long way away. It really depends on us and how badly we want this."
"Cloning is just another step in that process."
"The humankind can do anything when we put our minds to it, and that's what fascinates me about the engineers and the researchers and the scientists—they're doing amazing things."
"Freedom of thought is best promoted by the gradual illumination of men's minds which follows from the advance of science."
"Very little new science gets done during chaos."
"Science is constantly giving us new information and constantly changing our views of things."
"It’s hard to stop the progress of science however, especially when there’s a deific construct at the center of things."
"Science has evolved before people understood how changes occurred."
"This led to many other scientists being able to build upon his work and discovery which all led us to where we are now."
"Finally, atoms are starting to act like their name actually suggests adding things to the game, good work!"
"All of us are not going to be able to make that fusion, but some of us will."
"We end the Golden Age of super science era of our timeline and we slide into the College."
"What started as weapons of conflict can develop into vehicles to satisfy man's insatiable craving for an understanding of the universe."
"We may be able to find cures to certain genetic disorders. Yes, science!"
"The Science Nexus is now complete, wonderful, which also gives us a percentage bonus to our research."
"Admirable as its progress accomplished in certain regions of physics, there still exists many neglected regions which remain in painful darkness."
"It'll be really interesting going forward to see in what other ways genetics will change the way we view the past."
"The first known use of concave lenses to address nearsightedness were created for Pope Leo the 10th."
"The vaccine is our route out of all this. And however tough this Christmas and this winter is going to be, we know that the transforming force of science is helping to find a way through."
"Technology improved a lot, so who knows maybe advancements in technology could find something now that those first tests hadn't actually found."
"Greg Robinson turned a 10 billion dollar debacle into a groundbreaking scientific mission."
"Science is always pushing beyond the limits and this means that what seemed just a flight of fancy yesterday may well become real tomorrow."
"Growth is the certainty...allowing ourselves to propel towards new scientific developments, new perspectives, new ideas, new inventions, new innovations."
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents, but because its opponents eventually die."
"Halley's discovery changed the status of comets from mystical omen to real and physical threat."
"The pace of scientific discovery is accelerating and it's an amazing time to be alive."
"The big thing that's happened in the past 15 years is basically the acceptance that this is a promising way to go."
"Scientific and technological progress in human history. It started off as a slow crawl and now it is just sprinting down the line."
"Change, grow, evolve. The problem with science can be that it fights change."
"Thankfully I think science is sort of progressing to where we're open-minded about stuff."
"The solution is a cultural shift towards love, respect, and scientific advancement."
"As we move forward more and more scientists are getting on board and that's where this world will shift because when you start to study evidence there's no doubt about the direction in which it leads."
"Most of this is through the work of Thomas Hunt Morgan. He bred fruit flies and kind of took the work of Mendel and then pushed it into modern day."
"We have to be fluid because science and technology, what we can learn and identify changes over time."
"It's a pretty cool scientific advancement as well as a terrifying sound."
"When we get new images from the James Webb Space Telescope, we don't say, 'well these images are new so we're going to go back and use the old Hubble images as well.'"
"These first samples are important because they kick off that Mars Sample Return campaign."
"These kinds of stories are red meat for alternative history proponents because they like to believe that good science very often can't move forward because of interference by the powers that be who don't want history to be changed."
"We're working towards a unifying model of type 2 diabetes."
"Science is a long steady progression into the future."
"With the shuttle safely home, it's now all about the future, the future of the international space station."
"Medical advances at work before germs were discovered."
"We're entering the first truly major travail of the birth of a new age, a 20th-century period where science will slowly eclipse blind belief, blind faith."
"Are you up to speed? 5,000 known planets beyond our solar system."
"Before Darwin, life looked like magic. Darwin solved that problem, showing that science doesn't give up, even on the hardest problems."
"Our scientists are learning more hour by hour."
"Scientists firmly believe that a larger Hadron Collider will enable them to push the boundaries of Science."
"Doubling all the science budgets would get us pretty far pretty quickly."
"We were talking earlier about, you know, that it's very plausible that within the next decade or so, that biologists are going to have figured out and geneticists are going to figure out a way to clone the woolly mammoths."
"We triumph in innovation, ingenuity, surprise, discovery."
"Let's be those positive champions for all things Space Flight and go out there and cheer on everyone doing that hard work."
"Orwell's gripe was that Wells naively believed in the natural progression of scientific progress as inevitably leading to a better world."
"Medicine has been wrong before though too. Science is a process and things get better."
"100 years from now String Theory will be viewed as a stepping stone towards a greater understanding of nature."
"We are unleashing our nation's scientific brilliance, and we will likely have a therapeutic and a vaccine solution long before the end of the year."
"Come on, man! How? What do you want? The guy is curing blindness! You want the mouse to live forever? You got a problem? He's freaking Jesus to mice, and you got a problem with him?"
"Just 20 years ago, no one could have imagined what scientists know two decades later about humanity's deep past, let alone how much knowledge could be extracted from a thimble of dirt."
"Just imagine if you can compress 250 years of progress in chemistry and Material Science into the next 25 years."
"Science is supposed to evolve and you're supposed to learn more and challenge yourself."
"The moment science brings in the phenomenon of the non-physical, we will do more in the next ten years than we did in the past five thousand."
"A lot of these incorrect theories were just as highly regarded as the correct ones."
"Most of all, new discoveries remind us that in America anything is possible if we have the courage and wisdom to learn."
"Science has moved so you bring down free speech, you eliminate open discourse."
"The scientific apparatus is functioning in some ways better than I've ever seen it function before."
"This is all part of an ongoing scientific trajectory that the world is on and it will unlock a lot of knowledge that will be helpful to humankind."
"It's amazing how science continues to rewrite itself."
"Science progresses one funeral at a time." - Max Planck
"It's amazing how far we've come in a hundred and fifty years in our understanding of Earth's history."
"Science is changing. Think about where we are right now, where we were when you were a kid, and then think about where we'll be in 20 years from now."
"Most of the greatest Minds who have really made great advances in the understanding of the alien civilization have also been in some way exposed to the Indian and broader Far Eastern cultures."
"We're making progress identifying the patterns that give rise to consciousness."
"Nikola Tesla: 'The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.'"
"Scientists won't be rewriting textbooks with this historic mission; they'll be writing them from scratch."
"But it’s clear that this is not the last word in physics."
"Your mindset makes an impact on your life, your health. It's more than we thought 70 years ago, but science is catching up."
"For every generation of new large telescopes that have been built, it has increased and deepened our understanding of our place in the universe."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself: one of the most beautiful formulations of religion as well as philosophy."
"It's bittersweet seeing years of research become outdated in a matter of days."
"Arguably the greatest advances of the 20th century were in part driven by the simple intuitions of the likes of Einstein and Dirac that physical law should be mathematically elegant."
"Science is a slow and methodical process, but throughout history, there have been Visionaries that were too far ahead of their time."
"Science and industry... revolutionized the world."
"We're getting closer to actual experiments to do."
"Inventing a new instrument can lead to incredible revolutions in astronomical discoveries."
"I love doctors and scientists who are willing to consider their beliefs and assumptions because that's how progress happens."
"From miracles of science to assets destined for exploitation."
"The thing to celebrate is the system that established knowledge and built upon it."
"Science is changing every single day, and yes, there are still some people that believe in science."
"Our inventions and discoveries are but reinventions, rediscoveries."
"Only by challenging its claims, even sometimes foundational ones, does science enable continuous advancement and learning."
"The triumph of this science is going to be a triumph of the human spirit."
"Friendship is the true magic of scientific advancement."
"But in science what is one day thought absurd can the next become accepted as fact."
"We found something special, if this is a natural phenomenon we won't even be able to measure the progress."
"Nuts and bolts is what's going to make it so that we can actually have the genetic future that was promised."
"I think it's the responsible way to go... as scientists we're responsible for advancing that in a thoughtful and meaningful way."
"On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give this about an 8 out of 10 for coming back in our lifetime."
"I hope that science and man's quest for knowledge will open up possibilities that we can't even guess at yet."
"Science is evolving, we could one day have a cure for HIV."
"Collecting the most exciting suite of sample that we can manage that has been building up over time for us to get to this point."
"AI can't importantly help the progress of science at a very practical level."
"The story of Frankenstein serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of scientific progress when pursued without ethical considerations."
"Where would we be without DNA testing? It propelled us light years ahead."
"Although we've learnt an incredible amount about atoms... our scientific journey has only just begun."
"Einstein's relativity is holding up, scientists are unraveling the Big Bang, it's an explosion of space itself."
"The shift in thinking was seismic, and the way it came about had nothing in common with the textbook picture of progress in science."
"He dared to set the earth in motion."
"There's so much that has been done in the peptide world."
"But others say that the scientific leaps of the 1960s were not made by one hero, and not with the help of aliens."
"We now have a comprehensive understanding of our solar system around us but this has only been possible in relatively recent human history."
"So very excited to walk you through some of the progress in sparse nonlinear models of fluid dynamics."
"We know this can work and I have every confidence that scientists around the world will figure out ways to make it work."
"Every new experiment or discovery in any relevant field always only ever accords with evolution."
"What's been remarkable about genomics in the 11 and a half years or so since the end of the genome project... all the different ways that genomics has now found its way as a scientific discipline into areas of incredible importance."
"I didn't realize how quickly the science would go. I thought that I'd probably be lucky to see a little bit of change in my lifetime like 5, 10, 20 years maybe more."
"I'm going to leave you with this one final thought: 400 years ago Galileo pointed the first telescope into the sky."
"Evidence started to mount slowly but surely over the last century."
"The history of science is full of happy accidents."
"...it's going Beyond current Quantum Mechanics."
"...our understanding of viruses in particular has grown monumentally."
"We are living in the Golden Age of astronomy."
"We don't know how close we are to figuring out dark matter. I don't think we're very close. I would say we are still probably decades away from knowing what it is."
"What happened in 1994 to 5 was that a wider perspective emerged in which all the quantum field theories play a role."
"The idea of getting closer to something is reasonable for science."
"I've always been dead serious about what I'm saying now. I always thought that the idea of wanting to go beyond Albert Einstein was something everybody would grow up wanting to. It didn't occur to me that there was another thing that you would want to do with your life."
"We just have to wait for science to catch up so that we can know what's causing it."
"We see just a tremendously bright future for gravitational waves with this global network."
"So yeah, stop by research Hub, sign up, join our Discord, and help us accelerate the pace of scientific research."
"Time travel into the future is going to happen, and we've actually already seen the experimental baby steps of that."
"The triumph of the modern natural sciences... is an irreversible process."
"Since November of 2000, humanity has maintained a presence in low Earth orbit aboard the world's greatest laboratory."
"Recent papers have proposed various methods to further optimize the geometry of the warp bubble, aiming at making the energy requirements even more feasible."
"Scientific paradigms have been flawed or incomplete plenty of times before."
"Everything and anything really has hope. So yes, from a personal opinion, of course, I think PROTACs has a lot of hope."
"The definitive victory of Ludwig Boltzmann's ideas led to great scientific developments, the understanding of the world, and the laws governing it."
"Scientific progress is often slow, building incrementally. But sometimes science makes giant leaps, literally overnight."
"Their work—their creativity is essential to doing great science."
"Galileo's work paved the way for Isaac Newton's later formulation of the law of universal gravitation."
"Newton wasn't wrong, Newton was incomplete."
"The last truly surprising advance in physics was back in 1998 when we discovered dark energy."
"In the long term, I would be not at all surprised that there lurks out there a better theory than either relativity or quantum mechanics that will be similarly revolutionary."
"The good news is in the past two years we've had absolutely amazing scientific learning and achievements on an unprecedented scale."
"I think you've seen in this lecture just a first glimpse of how the pandemic has really been transformed by scientific achievements."
"There's this accumulation of new data towards a new kind of model."
"Just like they thought you can't break the atom anymore, and quantum mechanics come along and now we can break the atom even further and further."
"Cosmology went from being stories told around a campfire to now a Precision science."
"What an important point it seems to me that once something is discovered, it can’t be un-discovered."
"Progress in science depends on new techniques, new discoveries, and new ideas, probably in that order."
"Science leads us to new knowledge; a new knowledge leads us to understand the world in a better way."
"I am unconvinced when people tell me that rapid scientific progress which changes fundamentally the ways we provide for our material wants thereby obsolete the fundamental ethical and moral principles Western man has painfully evolved over the centuries."
"I mean freud has been discredited on some issues and we've moved on with experimental psychology but that's the one that was interesting."