
Human Essence Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"At your most fundamental level, you are basically waves of love."
"We were given hearts and souls for a reason. And that's what faith is, that's what hope is."
"This is a society that, for all its wealth, scientific ingenuity, and incredible progress, has fundamentally got disconnected from the essence of what it means to be human beings."
"The decline of humanities has already started really. And what is going to be lost is in the name of humanities, we're going to lose what it means to be human."
"We don't live as though we think we're a collection of atoms. There's more to us than that."
"It inherently does something to the human being physically and metaphysically the essence and experience of the human being that I can never accept."
"We do not die; these bodies just no longer become powerful enough to store our light energies."
"You are an infinite soul inside a physical body."
"So, Dying Light 2 has a subtitle: 'Stay Human'. What does that mean?"
"Truth, which is one with the universal being, must be essentially human."
"Love somehow goes right through all the barriers and speaks to the essence."
"Inside every human being there is a spark of the divine supremacy."
"Know that you are made of Starlight Stardust and you have a connection to Nature and the universe."
"There is a light inside each of you... that illuminates your very human beingness if you let it."
"We've got to get back to being spiritual human beings again."
"There’s no separating the human being from the art and the creativity."
"Being a replicant is not mutually exclusive from being a human. He's a dad, doesn't matter when it comes down to it. What a hell of a statement for a sequel 35 years in the making to itself make: stop asking."
"Only when you really know how to love and sacrifice for others will you return to being a human being."
"The most valuable thing on the planet is a person's soul."
"Every single human being on this planet has a greater part of themselves called the soul."
"The biggest joy in life, the thing that makes us most human, is learning."
"The essence of the human being is the image of God within."
"The true identity of a human being lies in their heart. The heart don't lie."
"We are not the color of our skin, that's not who we are as people."
"It's about your heart and not your genes that really matter."
"For me, being human is a long evolutionary trail we're on as souls, and it has very deeply to do with the qualities that the Greeks put forth thousands of years ago."
"Recognize the divine beautiful essence in every being."
"Even if my existence is in the virtual world, I am human at my core."
"We are not just our brains; we are not brains in jars."
"Without feelings you're nothing, you just second-rate mimics of a higher organism."
"If you're a baby or if you're 99 years old it's in us. It's who we are."
"What's the difference between you and sticks and stones? There's a light inside you."
"Take a step back and say, 'Okay, what about my life in general?' We are human beings first."
"Being human is remembering who and what we are."
"Thinking about yourself this way is a real disaster because it means neglecting what drives you, what fulfills you, what makes you human."
"We are made of love, we are created by love, we were made to be loved."
"Not only are you a mind not only are you a body but you are a soul."
"I'm a lot more than what meets the eye, so are all of us. We're not these flesh suits. We're Spiritual Beings."
"Being a human means at its very core other humans."
"Imagination is not a state; it is the essence of human existence itself."
"What is that essence of being human that we all come from?"
"A philosophical zombie apocalypse would challenge the very essence of what it means to be human and could disrupt human existence profoundly."
"Existentialism emphasizes the degree to which our existence precedes our essence."
"...air tonight, artificial intelligence...a robot can't replicate human meaning, connection, emotion, or why we create."
"We are not just dust and broken off bone; we are breath of God and touch and design of God."
"You've got a heart, you've got a mind, you've got a spirit, you've got a physical body essence about you."
"The soul of a nation is in its creativity because the essence of a human being is in that amazing, unique gift that we have to create."
"You're not a man or a woman, you're a spiritual being capable of tremendous expansion."
"You are a luminous spirit, a beacon of light cloaked in human form."
"Our deepest nature is that basic aliveness and awareness and love that really gives rise to this world."
"Consciousness is something that we all hold and we keep and we rarely lose."
"He did not want to create a great scent, he did not want to create a prestigious cologne... his true goal was the scent of humanness."
"The human essence and being calls for this in its nature."
"When we do Buddhistic teachings and practices, it is not to make us 'Buddhist'; it is to make us a wonderful, beautiful human being."
"The term Soul often refers to human life in general or even the entire human person, but Soul specifically refers to the innermost aspect of a person, that which is of greatest value in him."
"If you dig into the essence of a human being, you will discover that the essence of a human being has no needs."
"I believe that it is undeniable and may I say a fundamental quality of man."
"The soul is the solar principle within us; it is the center of gravity which weaves a human being together into a singular personality."
"What makes a human, in terms of the soul and the body connection, is a mystery."
"Human beings are the letters and syllables of God's language."
"When you tap into your luminous humanness, it has age-defying effects."