
Meaningful Life Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"To live a meaningful life is to see what transcends us as humans and hopefully contribute to that."
"I think paying attention to the seasons, and taking time to appreciate the little things, the simple things is what makes a meaningful life."
"My life has to be big, big doesn't mean successful in money, big means meaningful, rich, layered."
"Choosing to face this moment with stubborn optimism can fill our lives with meaning and purpose."
"Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life."
"Decisions based on values can lead to a life of meaning, even if it's not always comfortable."
"Education is not just about acquiring knowledge, but about learning how to live a life of purpose and meaning."
"Meaning is to be in a purposive relationship to a value...a meaningful life is one that's lived in a purposive relationship to values."
"I want to do something that actually means something rather than just... I want my kids to know they had a dad who cared for them and wanted to do something that's meaningful."
"To live according to our truth is dangerous, beautiful, and it's absolutely necessary to live a meaningful life."
"Emotions are not bad, they can be functional. When we stop getting in the way of their inherent purpose and we flow with them, then we're able to live better lives of meaning and integrity."
"The spiritual dimension... the list of of what should be attended to to have a meaningful life... it's and that narrow focus on material well-being necessary though it is does seem to lack to it there's something in it that's missing that's absolutely fundamental."
"Only by gaining the truth and living by the truth can we live out truly meaningful and valuable lives."
"You can have a deeply meaningful life and be single."
"We reject a life that's actually worth living because we've deluded ourselves into believing that the unwatched life is meaningless."
"Meaningful life is one that's lived in some kind of purposive relationship to a value."
"When she found these other people, they found life; they found the things that make life meaningful and their depression and anxiety largely went away."
"Only then can you truly say, my life was well lived and a life was worth it."
"Death is actually our ultimate motivator to live a beautiful, meaningful life."
"When you are in that place where you are acting in the proper manner and you are facing things courageously and you're speaking the truth, you are imbued with a sense of fundamental meaning and that meaning is the antidote to the catastrophe of life."
"It's a luxury to pursue what makes you happy; it's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful."
"We should get on to lives of meaning and to doing meaningful things with our time."
"Deep down, all these people are always longing for something more meaningful."
"A meaningful life generates a passive income of gradual happiness."
"The right pathway to meaning is through responsibility."
"So as I was saying it doesn't come from magic, the argument in the studies is it comes because people have an internal sense of purpose and meaning."
"Legacy is about how you pick up the pieces of everything around you and construct it into something meaningful."
"To have meaning means that I have a purpose and that it matters. That's what it means to live a meaningful life."
"I think the best you can do is to try to make the life that you do have as meaningful as you can."
"Can you actually lead a meaningful life there?"
"This really is a pivotal time for Humanity... to find a deeper personal purpose, to live with a deeper state of meaning in your life."
"The purpose of life is to find a mode of being that is so meaningful that the fact that life is suffering is no longer relevant."
"What would you do if you couldn't fail? Try to find a way to have everyone feel like they live a meaningful and enjoyable life."
"Having a baby is not the only way to have a meaningful life."
"We're preparing people to live lives of meaning and purpose."
"Define your rich and meaningful life... how should I use my energy right now?"
"How about a 40-year long life filled with meaning and purpose."
"I'd trade a safe life for a meaningful one any day."
"Everything you do matters. That's the definition of a meaningful life."
"Happiness as a byproduct of pursuing meaningful action congruent with our values."
"Remember your death; live a life that is worth dying for."
"Life well lived is one where memories continue to be made."
"Well, my ultimate goal in life is to live a life I can be proud of, to live a life that to me is meaningful."
"Living a life of substance can fill up your life."
"Obligation and working for people outside of yourself working for a higher power working for things anything outside of yourself that's what gives you fulfillment that's what gives you gratitude that's what gives you a meaningful life."
"Every idea in this has promise that ties into the meaning of life."
"A meaningful life is the life of the philosopher."
"You cannot live as though your life were purposeless and meaningless."
"Self-discipline is not just about control, but about living a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment."
"I want meaningful work and meaningful relationships through radical truthfulness and radical transparency."
"Let's you know endure some more meaningful things in our life that will give us purpose."
"And I think there are many, many ways of having a meaningful life."
"A life that is worth living, not just existing."
"Finding something that is meaningful, pleasurable, and aligns with our strengths is where we find the most happiness in life."
"Mackenzie Rosman has lived quite the meaningful life."
"Money is essentially just a means to live a life that is meaningful to you and hopefully can be positive for others."
"Desire doesn't have to be a distraction from your divine path; it can be a way you discover what has meaning for you."
"A meaningful life is in a purposive relationship to a value you not only appreciate the value but now you're ordering your life toward it."
"Philosophy is really the word philosophy means the love of wisdom and the idea in the ancient world was that wisdom can show you how to have a meaningful and purposeful life."
"The only person that can stop you from living a meaningless existence is yourself."
"Ultimately the goal is to create a life that is more meaningful and intentional."
"The wealth gives you not only the ability but the opportunities to do things that are meaningful."
"... what makes life meaningful isn't whether it's nice all the time ... it's whether it has intrinsic value ..."
"What really makes life worth living is a relationship, an emotionally profound significant relationship where you have to risk."
"The antidote to the unending diet of Rights and Freedoms is truth and responsibility. That's the secret to a meaningful life."
"It's possible to live a full and meaningful life with diabetes."
"Are you living a meaningful life?"
"Living an intentional life, a meaningful life, with less."
"Your journey will be your own but if you regularly take the time to check in with your core values and beliefs, your choices will never be too far removed from those that will ultimately make your life more meaningful."
"Crafting a life that is not just successful in a material sense but is also deeply meaningful and rewarding."
"My purpose, I believe, is empowerment. Letting people learn about history to live a deeper, more meaningful life."
"We talk about living a meaningful life with less. Less stuff, less stress, less debt, and discontent, and overwhelm, and anxiety, and a whole lot more meaning."
"If your first thought was, I'm gonna do something that takes care of me today and your last thought was, I'm so glad I gave a piece of me today. If those were your two thoughts, I think it's gonna create a really meaningful life."
"...if you're basing your life off of the average person's life you're probably not going to be happy because the average person especially in the United States especially in the developed world the average person is not happy the average person is not living a meaningful life."
"So if you are busy with trivial things, you put in your attention on a trivial thing after another trivial thing and so on and so forth you're going to live a trivial life."
"Only a life lived in service to others is a life worth living."
"Living a meaningful and structured life is the number one form of treatment."
"We need to justify why we would want to get people to accept the painful stuff that shows up for them, to pay attention to it on purpose, and to hold it and move forward with it, to engage in a more meaningful life."
"How can you become resilient? How can you know that the trial that you have just endured is a way that will help you to live a more meaningful life?"
"Overcoming distraction to pursue a more meaningful life."
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
"The good news is that you don't have to make your intrusive thoughts go away. You can move in the direction that's important to you and live a really satisfying, meaningful life."
"Humans are motivated by the need to feel that the world is a trustworthy place, that we are capable individuals, that we can make a contribution to society, and that we have lived a meaningful life."
"We're living for what lasts, not for what does not last."
"I want everything I do in life in general to just be meaningful and with intention."
"Valency's story invites us to live the most meaningful version of all the lives we could ever live."
"We want to create a society where a person can follow their bliss, where their whole life is meaningful."
"When we're trying to pursue a meaningful life even when we're in pain."
"A meaningful life overflows with joy, not commitments."
"It's not about decreasing the pain; the more important thing is that you still pursue that meaningful life even when you're distressed."
"That's the secret to a meaningful life, and without a meaningful life all you have is suffering."
"Remember that true meaning is found in accepting our insignificance and connecting with a shared Human Experience."
"I did have the ability to choose to live and at least attempt a meaningful life."
"That's a meaningful life truly, that's a really meaningful life to if it's hard, that's kind of meaningful."
"In this journey, we are not alone; there are countless individuals who have embarked on similar paths, integrating minimalism and stoicism in their quest for a more meaningful life."
"May your life be like a well-written book, one that is not judged by the thickness of its volume but by the richness of its content."
"There's three things that have to happen for you to experience meaning."
"Discuss what it means to live a meaningful life with less."
"Accepting reality as it is, committing to choosing thoughts and behaviors which will help you move toward a rich and meaningful life."
"It's not the sweater you wear, it's not the jeans you wear, it's really the people in your life, the actions, the experiences you have that matter."
"Connection, control, competence, and context are fundamental to a meaningful life."
"We should wish for a meaningful life. If possible, help others; if not, at least refrain from harming others."
"It's more than that what we're looking at is also about people having a good life and a meaningful life."
"Freedom means it gives you the ability to choose a meaningful life."
"Our main goal here is to help you live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling."
"It's not a time of normalcy, but it is a time where we can live life meaningfully together in new and different ways."
"When you develop meaning in your life, you will start to live a more meaningful life."
"The 42 admonitions of Ma'at were not just so that your heart could be weighed favorably on the scale of justice at the time of your death, but it was designed specifically for you to live a meaningful life while you were here on planet Earth."
"A life of connection is a meaningful life."
"You're not going to get anything in life that is meaningful without having some level of sacrifice."
"What we are looking for all throughout our lives - deep peace, fulfillment, deeply meaningful life - that's possible."
"Is having this current version in the way of me living a more meaningful life?"
"We're living life really with meaning and all the extra beautiful things."
"Spirituality means something meaningful life, truthful, peaceful, and I think I should say more realistic."
"You can't draw from a meaningful life to create meaningful art if you're not living a meaningful life that you need to be stable to sustain."
"What does a life of meaning look like to me today?"
"I want to live a life that is meaningful, has memories, and things that are important."
"...you have the gift of compassion and understanding all those things give you the advantage of living a loving and meaningful life."
"One's life is supposed to be meaningful, and you're supposed to dedicate your intellect and your energy and your resources to making the world a better place."
"I wanted to have a life that mattered, just like my grandparents' lives had mattered."
"You can lead a good and meaningful life in a virtual world."
"What makes life meaningful? I would say health."
"Your life has got more meaning if you seek that meaning and you seek the truth."
"We come out wiser and stronger and leading more meaningful lives on the other end."
"Socially significant like what's the most socially significant or socially valid that this individual needs to have a meaningful life."
"Making meaningful precious human life by adopting or generating wisdom, compassion practice."
"You're living the life you were already living, but it's full of meaning, and that's the optimism, that's the update."
"I will live a life that matters. I will live life fully and fearlessly."
"Life a meaningful life comes from vocation or work, relationships, and then persevering through difficulty."
"We want meaningful life, and for meaningful life, we are willing to fight, we are willing to make efforts, we are willing to overcome obstacles."
"That's a life worth living I think, if you can just have one person, then I think life is well lived."
"Everyone wants to live meaningfully and do something of real value to the world."
"A significant life, just what it was needed."
"It's really the little things in life that make life worth living."
"We're the only creatures on the planet that have an idea, a concept of death, and therefore we're the only creatures on the planet that worry about having a meaningful life."
"Your life is still meaningful, and I'm gonna do everything possible to keep them from taking you."
"God gives you that foundation, that basis to have a life which is more holistic, which is more meaningful."