
Abstraction Quotes

There are 1489 quotes

"Our ability to form abstractions about our mortality is one of the deepest elements of what it means to be human."
"Storytelling is to take such a concept or an idea and through the means of your medium create an abstraction outside of reality, wherein the full development of that abstraction is how the idea is transmuted."
"I'm descending into the vapor wave patterns."
"Being able to draw individual experience from that abstraction, I think, is really important."
"In building up something like mathematics, you're building this big tower of abstractions."
"Music transcends musical notation, and algebra transcends any particular notation."
"High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend upon abstractions."
"Thought is the highest level of abstraction, putting one's finger on the essence of a situation and then bouncing back and forth between the actual situation and the essence."
"We're creating abstractions so that when we're actually going through our main function here of our code, we don't have to think about what ask question does; we just know we call it."
"Abstraction means we should hide the details and complexity and show or expose only the essentials."
"Raising the levels of abstraction is one of the most efficient ways to write expressive code."
"Upon entry, one will be greeted by faceless cutouts of ice cream scoopers."
"Words can be abstract, but images are almost never abstract. Images are concrete."
"It's this game played completely abstractly, and it works perfectly in this sort of abstract. It's beautiful and wonderful, and I love it."
"One of the benefits of design patterns is that they help us communicate with other developers at a more abstract level."
"The frustration in debates is that they very rarely defend the god that they actually believe in; they defend instead some abstract notion of a god."
"I feel like one of the defining traits of culture building in the modern age is the process of stylization, which is to say, the evolutionary cycle in which a phenomenon inevitably gets more abstract over time, becoming symbolic or cliched in sync with the original context being forgotten."
"So procedures are the spells, if you like, that control these magical spirits that are the processes."
"Who doesn't want to live a long, healthy life?"
"You can define map on anything and by defining map on object that object becomes a functor."
"Visualization clarifies abstraction, making the journey beautiful."
"Abstraction is the concept of object-oriented programming that only shows the necessary attributes and hides the unnecessary information."
"Abstraction is the idea of suppressing details."
"The zero cost abstraction is that we can think at a higher level and not pay the price that's the other half of the problem."
"Maybe the work should be unabashedly meaningless."
"Language is a way of relaying compressed concepts."
"Those are just words we're using, conventions, mathematical equations. Those are all human constructs."
"We're not here to talk about them as people, we're talking about the ideas that they promoted."
"Everything except the answer, exactly that's everything except the that's what I'm trying to do."
"Abstraction allows the program to be worked on incrementally and prevents it from becoming completely entangled in itself."
"This is not about the individual, this is about what's going on."
"Abstraction and big picture thematics are important, but the true greats know how to balance these things with grace."
"There are truths other than the literal, that are perhaps more truthful than the literal truths."
"An entity higher than that? One that supersedes not only us, but the entity that supersedes us, and the one after that as well?"
"If you can see it, touch it, taste it, smell it, conceptualize it, imagine it, think about it, or perceive it, it's not real. What is real is the invisible."
"Currencyization is seriously flawed, it's a civilization of the inanimate."
"People who are high in openness are comfortable with abstract ideas."
"Object fixation is useful and 'nearly as good as true' but when paradxoes loom, we should remember that while chairs exist, they aren’t made out of matter and can’t be touched or or felt or tasted."
"Money is a real abstraction, but it's also totally real because it runs our lives completely."
"Nobody has seen any stuff that had no shape and nobody has ever seen a shape that had no stuff."
"If art is communication, it's about pointing at something beyond language."
"Each generation faces new temptations to trade personal freedoms for promised benefits—benefits are abstractions, and usually abstractions that turn out to be passing fantasies."
"Abstract as early as possible, that is the craziest statement I've ever read."
"Art moves towards abstraction while retaining its recognizability."
"He walks down a path of abstraction and self-reflection."
"Dependency Injection takes it that next step where it says I don't want my class to know which one it's constructing."
"What is real anymore? How abstract this all is."
"Ultimately, they're more of an abstraction to us than a human."
"You cannot comprehend how big the things we're talking about are."
"Nothing seems too abstract. Shortly after getting our outfit, we're introduced to Hoyt."
"Can there be such a thing as nothing at all?"
"Numbers like that I mean they may seem abstract on paper but these have very real consequences for people."
"When it's time to talk about us, everything becomes theoretical, everything becomes abstract, everything becomes 'we're not sure,' everything becomes 'what happened.' Everything becomes 'these are the reasons you can't get it.'"
"The internet isn't a place. It's a process that functions like a place."
"There is no spoon, software is just an abstraction."
"The truth is not an abstraction, the truth is a person."
"Truth always escapes symbolic and systemic encapsulation."
"It was a vast place of infinite complexity, but also of infinite simplicity."
"The organized left has turned away from reality, increasingly concerned with abstract ideals."
"All objects are human-made constructions, including abstract constructs such as purpose, time, and ego."
"We selectively distill, organize, and abstract the body of knowledge from the real world."
"So what do we know about bounds? In general, they're quite open."
"Everything in a video game for the most part is lines."
"At the end of the day, it's an organization."
"Isn't it a little bit vague and ephemeral to talk about the beautiful?"
"It's the inevitable incorporation of everything. It's the oneness."
"Imagine something perfect darkness, absolutely pristine void. It wouldn't look like anything."
"I don't have eyes but once I did see, once I had thoughts but now I'm white and empty. What am I?"
"I've abstracted certain botanical characteristics and present them, and people say, 'Wow, look at that flower.'"
"They're masters of this: looks really cool, abstract, but makes you feel something."
"The further you move towards abstraction, the more people can see themselves."
"When we think rationally, we're going from a specific to General, from a material instance to a spaceless Timeless form of knowledge."
"When we reason, we're turning everything that we perceive, everything that we encounter into something abstract that we can then organize and think logically about in our minds."
"The spirit of the thing... there absolutely is."
"Pure consciousness is the witness of the mind."
"Nothing is the absence of everything. It is a negative that's interesting."
"No one mistakes the sheet music for the melody itself."
"Focusing on underlying concepts is what we want to do."
"Maybe the reason why quantum theory is so powerful is precisely because it's not specific about anything."
"You're becoming like the solution to some kind of problem that could have taken place."
"The abstract language of art is what makes you a better artist."
"It's a brilliant solution. It's called abstraction baby."
"The void star is the most distilled form of pure abstraction."
"Confuse empirical experience with abstraction."
"The power to eliminate anything from existence, even something abstract like multiple timelines."
"From someone from my tanglement, my Quantum now space and the things that I've done, that statement is very, it's very easy to say."
"There's no finite amount of measurement like the glass half full it's like that's a glasses worth."
"We're not painting every hair, we're going to paint the shape and value of the hair."
"Category theory is sort of the most abstract current game in town for thinking about mathematical kinds of things."
"The real power of category theory is being able to isolate the kind of property you care about."
"The non-bureaucratic aspect of category theory is that I can define things in a category, I can distill it to abstract things and then I can transfer them over to other categories."
"Finding the right abstraction level is crucial. If it's too low, you end up having to rewrite everything every time. If it's set too high, it's unapplicable to what you want to do."
"That's a good artist that's somebody who knows what they're doing that's a trained artist who's working in abstraction."
"The most remarkable quality of human cognition is the ability to take any two objects and select from an infinite set of possible abstractions."
"Abstraction is a methodology of hiding the implementation of internal details and showing the functionality to the user."
"...the immortal soul concept, which is in some sense immortal because this pattern of computation is something abstract that is not specific to the particular material of a brain."
"I believe that abstracting up the problem to that level of analysis does no good because it pits groups against groups."
"The base level of your thinking is not language, it's something else."
"Direct is a more concrete form of communication, and informative is more of an abstract form of communication."
"Abstraction may seem like it's taking you further from normal life, but actually because it's abstract, it can be applied much more widely to a broader range of things."
"Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things."
"Diagonalization is the essence of many theorems."
"What that picture looks like teaches us some broader lessons in maths."
"Mathematics is abstract already, and then at some point, mathematics got so complicated that some mathematicians decided that we needed a theory of mathematics to organize the mathematics itself."
"Sometimes some people, including me, like to say that category theory is the mathematics of mathematics."
"That's why I called my book The Joy of abstraction because to me it is a joy."
"It's like physics without gravity."
"Much of his thinking does not involve language."
"It's so important to get that mix of realism versus abstraction sorted."
"You're just really abstractifying this certain subject that you've been drawing into all of these infinite possibilities that you could think of."
"everything can be functions literally everything"
"We divide infinity into eight parts."
"Nothing left out, and yet we're always leaving things out."
"If you have ever come across two very similar bits of code but that are just slightly different, then this ability to pass a function as an argument is a really nice tool to use to simplify and generalize the code."
"The loom revealed the power of abstracting information. It showed that you can take the essence of something, extract the vital information, and represent it in another form."
"The digital world had transformed into an abstract nightmare."
"The more we do these things, the more complicated it gets and the more like computer programming in a world using physics that don't exist it gets."
"The powerful tool of abstraction surely deserves the title of the mathematician's weapon."
"The hard physical reality is made of the same abstract stuff as those thoughts that we're internally generating."
"Abstraction simplifies complex systems."
"Really applying this category Theory to deep learning is one part of what category Theory does but once you start thinking about this, all things start looking like category Theory."
"Category theory gives us a bird's eye view of these things; all of these structures are categories."
"Category theory tells you that if you're interested in the variables, you're also interested in the kinds of things those variables are."
"There is no car, there is ultimately no car."
"Abstraction not only means to take something that sounds real and make it expressive in a non-realistic way but that is very expressive but also means subtracting."
"Computing is all about building up simpler concepts to achieve more complicated ones."
"Gainsborough never let reality intrude."
"Mock theta functions are a highly abstract concept, like a secret code mathematicians are still trying to understand."
"I'm feeling on some kind of weird level right now."
"What's challenging is the conceptual idea of describing a Quantum particle by this abstract function PSI."
"Lambda calculus makes very extensive use of a mathematical concept called currying."
"Why stop with two-dimensional bivectors? Let's make an oriented volume! We call this a trivector."
"It's this creation of our own functions, this modularity, this abstraction that's going to be the idea that keeps coming back to us."
"I feel like all these crazy dimensions and different worlds are ways to like represent different lives and stories and people but not directly, just kind of giving you a an idea of what the message is without being direct about anything"
"A generalization of this kind of idea at every point in space would tell you everything you need to know about the geometry."
"Vectors don't have the spaces. Vectors are just numbers."
"...it was very much an abstract thing..."
"How much of it could you actually cut away and still actually have something that you could compute with?"
"Abstract shapes are easier than thinking about rocks."
"Complexity is literally just information. In other words, information or complexity is just a form of information."
"Writing it down converts that abstraction into words."
"That's the point, to really begin to start to see these ideas in an abstract way."
"The void is like space. Space contains everything."
"Number is just a word, and word is just a thing."
"Reality could have emerged not from a state of complete nothingness but from something so abstract that it transcends all existing entities."
"Adding more layers allows us to identify more abstract and more specific concepts."
"Any problem can be solved with enough layers of abstraction."
"As long as you have enough of them, simple symbols can be used to describe anything in the entire universe."
"Is it metaphorical, is it... literal, are we using characters or are we using shapes?"
"An entity should depend upon abstractions not concretions."
"Romance is such an abstract thing."
"Category theory allows us to see commonality between different structures, revealing fundamental ideas."
"Category theory deals with large-scale structures of mathematics, comparing similarities between different areas."
"The purpose of abstract classes is to encapsulate common functionality."
"When you start to extract and extract and extract, you find the true object-oriented structure of the system that you're trying to design."
"It's like an abstract, you know? It's almost more art than architectural."
"Lambda gets top points for abstraction."
"Use an abstraction that hides the nuances of State Management."
"Abstract art can feel so personal because it's so reflexive and hard to grasp."
"The precise details aren't supposed to make sense, only its overall theme."
"The things that we talk about, the things that we obsess about, all day long, are these abstract things. How do our minds create these?"
"They’re less living entities and more conceptual constructs - pure ideas - that just happen to be self-aware of their own existence in their private, hellish voids."
"Category Theory brings a kind of dynamical quality to the foundations of mathematics."
"Mathematics is the language that's most human to talk about ideas."
"Infinity is useful in conceptualizing things. It's not actual by definition."
"...so the question is, what is in a sense the most structureless structure you can imagine, right? So, and in fact what I've recently realized in the last year or so, I have a new most structureless structure."
"Objects don't really represent real-world things."
"Old Trek commented on current political issues by abstracting them, elevating them to questions of basic values."
"Time is simply an abstraction that we've created."
"Abstraction means showing and displaying the important information while hiding the unimportant and complex details."
"Once a certain behavior is abstracted to the point where it is very easy to use for the end user, then the obstruction becomes a standard."
"The true importance of abstraction is that developers can work on their specific parts without worrying about the complexities of other parts."
"For the end user, abstraction means they can use functionalities without worrying about how they are implemented."
"Abstraction allows developers to work on specific functionalities without knowing the details of other functionalities."
"Abstraction represents an abstract layer which provides a simple interface for using functionalities."
"Abstracting away complexity with knowledge bases."
"Abstraction is the idea of hiding complex details behind simple procedures."
"The point is that classical physics is subcorporeal, and this means that it deals with entities which have irreducible wholeness."
"Understanding one kind of thing in terms of another kind of thing."
"A first fundamental point is that it is very natural to interpret the elements of a group as actions, as movements."
"...by swapping out cross products for tilt products we find it actually generalizes far beyond 3D."
"...since complex numbers can't really describe anything in 3D or higher Dimensions, but by going Beyond complex numbers and entering the strange and beautiful world of matrices in linear algebra we can find an analog of Oiler's formula that works in any Dimension."
"At each level, you're moving up to another abstraction level as you assemble your system, right? You don't keep building a system out of millions and millions of small primitives all interconnected. You build some abstraction points."
"Kandinsky defined abstract art as the content that painting has to express. In other words, the invisible life."
"If we use infinitely small columns we can find the area of anything."
"Abstraction helps with generalization, which is a very not well understood kind of mystery."
"There's got to be a pure field here, there's got to be a field that is just about the abstract investigation of simple programs and what they do having nothing to do with the applications."
"Abstraction is key to generalization, and the way we perform abstraction is different in continuous versus discrete space."
"Intelligence, which is to say generalization power, is literally sensitivity to abstract analysis. And that's in fact all there is to it."
"The whole point is that he views abstraction as a key to pragmatically useful progress."
"When you don't find good names for your things... you don't have the right abstraction in your head."
"The whole point of abstraction is that it gives you very powerful abilities to generalize to new settings, including out of distribution, which is one of the hottest topics in machine learning right now. How do we extend what we do so that it generalizes well in new settings?"
"...the goal here is to figure out how to get uh machine learning to learn structures that by virtue of their simplification their simple abstractions are more generalizable out of distribution..."
"We're going to be more and more abstracted from the nitty-gritty, the low-level groundwork of what is actually productive."
"The best paintings usually aren't realistic, they are patterns."
"Using a model to transform raw pixels into representations gives us better compressions, abstractions, or conceptualizations."
"But one level below this is an abstract and mathematical structure that underlies our entire universe."
"We have the tools for solutions, and if we choose to intentionally evolve C++ toward abstractions that let programmers directly express what they want to do, their intent, in a regular way, then more often than not, several things will automatically happen just organically."
"There's no substitute for the process of abstracting and using mathematics."
"any set of objects for which you can do this is a vector space"