
Common Ground Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"If we continue scientifically, we are discovering truth and in that, discovering common ground on which we can all agree."
"Common Sense dictates that in order to get things done on behalf of the American people, Democrats and Republicans should be working together to find common ground."
"It's about if two people who are supposed to be the opposites of each other, who supposed to be avowed enemies...are there common concerns that do something other than just feeding the food fight that our politics has become?"
"For present purposes, our differences are far less important than our unanimity."
"I realized that maybe response videos and back and forth wouldn't help... I wanted to see that, or in my opinion, I think that you and I probably agree on way more than we disagree on."
"Our ability to upgrade the conversations such that they're able to find common ground and for us to move forward together is potentially very important."
"To me, it's so beautiful that we have so much common ground and I think that's a message that we need to spread."
"Your voice matters too...the goal is not to win, the goal is to find common ground."
"Just because we disagree about some things, possibly many things, that doesn't mean we disagree about everything, and where we do agree, we can and we should work together."
"Finding common ground is possible; it's a glimmer of hope in a dark tunnel."
"The sustainability of modern politics derives not from an uncompromising absolutism but rather through the painstaking marking out of a common ground."
"We're in favor of reason and logic and empiricism and things like that. Then we can find some common ground."
"When you discuss solutions, sometimes you can find common ground."
"Human interaction and human engagement is always a prerequisite for finding common ground."
"We must seek common ground while putting aside differences and find a path toward win-win cooperation."
"We need to look much more at the common ground always look for the common ground rather than the differences."
"The majority of us agree on most things if you sit down with them individually."
"We're being pitted against each other in a way where, even someone that I ostensibly should disagree with, if I get in a room with them for five minutes, we agree on most things."
"There's more that unites us or there's more common ground that we have, and we need to find that common ground."
"We can choose to be defined by our differences, and give in to a future of suspicion and mistrust, or we can choose to do the hard work of forging common ground."
"That's perfect, actually. That's exactly what I wanted you to do. I wanted you to feel slightly irritated, feel like you were disagreeing with it, but actually, when we actually get to the weeds of this debate, you're going to find people watching this discussion between us and concluding we have a lot more in common than we have that separates us."
"Turns out, you can actually find some common ground and have great dialogues when you actually start talking with people."
"We should find common ground and build upon that."
"For America to succeed, our politics must find common ground."
"Let's draw common ground first and say what's the problem we're all trying to solve."
"I don't care about what they argue over in politics. I care about what they all agree to."
"Conversing across political divides requires speaking the same language."
"I think most Americans actually agree on more things than we realize."
"The woke left and the right actually agree on so much."
"We could have some common ground. I know we don't normally agree, but would you want to come on and talk about an issue that we can find common ground on?"
"Ultimately, Americans agree on a lot more than they disagree on."
"Trying to find Common Ground, that's all about partisanship is that's all compromise is trying to find common ground."
"Our job is to use this common ground we have."
"Find areas of agreement... it's important to hear where you've got commonalities."
"I think we agree more than we probably disagree."
"We have to let go of ego, find your common ground with your brother as opposed to finding the reasons that you disagree."
"Ultimately, I think we agree on a lot more than we disagree."
"Reliability is one of this car's biggest selling points, the only real drawback is material quality."
"There is a time to set something aside and focus on finding common ground with someone."
"This only can work if we can find a way to understand each other and view things with some common frame of reference."
"Most people end up agreeing on more things than disagreeing."
"When two enemies come together and find their common ground, there is nothing more beautiful."
"Last of Us 2 is overall takeaway message is be thankful for what you have challenged why you think you're supposed to hate something and maybe you can find some common ground before things escalate to getting human on human."
"Trump and I had something fundamental in common... a shared adversary."
"Music is just an interesting, it's just a good way to get a feel for a person or just establish some common ground, especially if it's your first time talking to somebody you're not very familiar with."
"Most of the time, if you try to connect to a person's humanity, you're going to find some kind of common ground."
"What I really care about is find a way to reason together off common facts and solve problems."
"You can maybe stop looking at each other as Democrats and Republicans and find the common ground."
"It's just finding those balances and that common ground, and the common ground should be, 'Hey, we don't want anyone hurt.'"
"The only resolution strategy that works is to appeal to common goals and common ground... morality argument needs to rest on something more concrete than the what if we don't agree appeal to emotion."
"If we're just about finger-wagging and shaming people into positions... sometimes the most persuasive way... is to create a path for them to find common ground with you."
"I believe that most of the people who disagree with me, if we really sat down, we would probably agree on about 80% of that stuff."
"Finding what unites us, find the joint, find the connecting point."
"There are lots of Democrats and Republicans who agree with each other on the big issues."
"I look for the things that we agree on, the things where you and I might be allies."
"Someone that you agree with 80% of the time is not 20% your enemy."
"The premise usually relies on some commonality between us a shared experience a shared value or shared know knowledge of some sort."
"We don't want to be 300 million plus silos. We want to find common ground."
"That's fine, 100%. That's one thing that we are in common ground with."
"Making friends with people, finding the things we agree on, that's what it's about."
"So it's always interesting to find where we have common ground and where we have disagreements."
"Whatever partisan divisions there are around other issues, there don't have to be around this one."
"Rather than fighting, it would be a lot better if the rhetoric actually recognized the potential for common ground."
"Unity isn't about ideological purity, it's about finding common ground where it exists."
"The populists on the left and right have a lot more in common."
"Everybody should realize that when I talk about the plasma world or the other world, I'm speaking the same world that religious people call the spiritual world."
"You're not my enemy, it's like just because I don't agree 100 with everything you do we probably agree with a lot."
"A lot of times when you have disagreements with someone, you end up finding common ground."
"This communication will be very positive in the sense that it will bring some common ground and some understanding."
"No matter how different our worlds are, we can still meet somewhere in the middle."
"I do think that I have more in common today politically with people who cast ballots for Donald Trump than with Nancy Pelosi for example."
"There is something that is more important than the differences."
"Common language is how you build common unity."
"There is common ground here which is a call for an end to violence, a call for an end to the death toll."
"If there's anything worth doing it's in touching on the things that link us and not those that divide us."
"If we understand the rational arguments for the truth of Islam, then we can genuinely tell people who believe in the secular narrative, who believe in human rights, that we agree with them."
"It's strange how two beings from different corners of the universe can find common ground so far from home."
"We all love our families, we love our kids, we all want the best for them, and that's the Common Ground."
"It's possible to find common ground and move forward."
"If you spend just five minutes with your worst enemy, I will guarantee you that you will find something in common."
"We both feel accountable to God and we believe God and, for both of us, we believe that Jesus Christ makes all the difference in our lives. That's a huge point we have in common."
"I think a lot of the way we've done different of all kinds in these early miss early half century has been about celebrating what we have in common finding common ground."
"Nobody likes detention, not even teachers."
"As soon as you find common ground, you can build back up again."
"There's got to be some common ground or some effort to find common ground."
"There's a common ground that can be found between gun owners."
"Even if I think Buddhists are wrong, we probably have more in common than we don't."
"People find with me that they're always surprised that I can do atheism well... We're not so far off, not so different, you and I."
"My goal is to find the smallest point of common ground on which we can stand together."
"Awareness is the common ground of every experience."
"Perfect Strangers is really about finding common ground with your fellow man."
"There has to be some common ground, and that's when we begin to move towards a recognition of oneness, interdependence, universal spiritual principles."
"You know, if you're in your 20s or your 30s and you try to do therapy or whatever group therapy counseling, whatever, to get to some sort of common ground to work it out, that's one thing."
"They agreed that they hate Jesus more than any of their differences."
"I think we have to understand the world we're living in and try, to the extent we can, to find common ground."
"It doesn't actually matter what it is but what you do is you identify something that you have in common with that person and you get in touch with them and you don't ask for a job ever because the answer is we're not hiring even if they are what you ask for is some advice."
"A big part of life is you have to grow, you gotta evolve, and you gotta learn, importantly, you gotta learn that you guys have to come to Common Ground."
"We gotta find more common ground, we gotta find common ground in music, we gotta find common ground in different genres of entertainment and stop being so divisive."
"This is the reason Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is still alive. They don't love each other, but they find each other on One Foundation. They're still together, they find common ground."
"Money can be something that brings them together."
"In a world so full of division we finally found something to bring us all together."
"So how do we start bridging these divides that are tearing our country apart? Only if we start with what we have in common, not if we begin with what divides us, and storytelling is a huge part of that."
"If a torture victim can extend an olive branch to people who literally broke his back, then surely we can find it in ourselves to seek common ground with those who disagree with us."
"Find something in common with somebody on the other side of the aisle."
"Are you interested because you're a neuroscientist as well?"
"You both desire, there's a mutual agreement to meet on common ground."
"We need a stronger interfaith dialogue where people find the common ground."
"There's always something that everybody's going 'oh yeah'."
"Philosophy tries to find common ground between different disciplines."
"We have to make common ground with secular humanists who are equally concerned for the future of our world and its freedoms."
"Putting our differences aside, that's very cool."
"I'd rather like to think that under different circumstances, we'd be allies, friends perhaps."
"Why can't we just have a smart intellectual conversation and then find some kind of common ground where we relate to the other?"
"Whatever their dispute was about, they had a greater common ground in Jesus Christ."
"The reality of teleology or final causality should be common ground between the theist and the atheist."
"What kind of common ground can we find if we're going to resolve the moral questions that divide us within nations and across nations?"
"What we need is a common currency, a higher order system that we can appeal to in order to allow groups with different values to get along."
"There's no basis for consensus anymore."
"We're becoming a little bit more understanding to say, hey, we got a lot of things in common."
"There is perhaps more that we can agree on than we first imagined."
"If hip-hop can transform or bring some level of common ground through ethnic minorities and ethnic majorities globally, how much more can the gospel?"
"Small talk is a means of finding a common ground."
"We have much more in common than we are different, we are different only in the very small, small things, minor things, unimportant things."
"There's a lot of common ground here to work with."
"We have to find that commonality, those things that bring us together, so we can figure out how to go forward."
"The Quran calls us to begin our dialogue with other people on the basis of commonality and then get to the differences."
"We actually agree on more than we disagree."
"This story encourages all of us to seek common ground and help whenever we can."
"It is very important that people of all faith have a point to meet and to focus on the things that draw us together rather than those things that divide us."
"...we have to look for things that we can agree on."
"Identifying common ground enables us to overcome ignorance and suspicions."
"We have to understand what makes people tick and the people who don't accept what I work on so we can try and find a way of meeting that matching point between what they believe in and the truth of it."
"Even in a very polarized environment, there are still things on which you might agree."
"It's a chance for you to educate them or to just have a conversation because usually when you have that conversation, you usually find a lot more common ground."
"And then try to find that common ground, that shared future that we all really want."
"We just need to understand people more, listen to people, and hopefully, we can find a meeting ground."
"We're on the same side. Which side is that? Humanity's the right side."
"They were slaves and there's enough common ground where he can make that connection."
"The most effective way to overcome those divisions is for us to look for common ground with our fellow citizens, to assume the best, and to engage in the hard work of democracy."
"Rather than drawing lines in the sand, let's draw circles of commonality."
"I think we can all agree that a nice cup of tea is a great thing."
"It's a point where everyone's gonna meet, it makes sense."
"Let's find humility in a middle part in a place between us."
"If there's anything bipartisan, it's lowering drug prices."
"It's funny that we end up coming to the same conclusions on so many vitally important things."
"There are certain principles that can unite us."
"There isn't a pony in all of Equestria I have more in common with."
"Everybody ain't gonna be on the same level of understanding, but I can find out what we agree on, and then we can work there."
"We have to have some type of compromise, not compromise on my existence on my rights, but compromise like I believe in this and that and you believe in this, let's come together and find some common ground."
"Our job as a bank is not to arbitrate on who is right or wrong but rather to find common ground."
"Civics is the stuff we are all supposed to agree on, regardless of our policy views differences."
"You don't have to have all the exact same interests, but as much as you can bleed the two together, you can get something to find something to get down on together. That's always good."
"They're polar opposites pretty much in every way, and they come from completely different worlds and they find common ground despite that."
"Let us come to ground that is common to both: the testimony of the holy scriptures."
"Bridging the gap between these culture wars between the left and the right is important... finding that common ground is really important to us."
"Leverage is getting to know your neighbor again, and oftentimes if you do, you'll realize they've got the same idea of an issue that you do."
"...the more overlap we have, the better conversation we're going to have."
"Who would believe that Baroness Lily von Hasenbuch, the most aristocratic of aristocrats, would suddenly find she had so much in common with a commoner?"
"...let's have a conversation about this and let's try to figure out if there is some commonality or common ground between all of us and move forward."
"They want to gain some sort of peaceful resolution to this matter and find the common ground."
"No matter where we're from or what our background is, we all have something in common."
"When you have real discussions, you usually realize you're not as far away as you thought you were."
"We actually tend to agree on more than we realize."
"What unites us up here, the ten of us, is much longer than what divides us."
"We are very different people who have very different views, but I think we can find common ground."