
Societal Good Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Good is a proxy for the stability and fitness of the civilization."
"It's actually about greater greed, which gives us an opportunity as investors to think about where companies' greater greed intersects with our greater good."
"Collectivism focuses on societal interests. It prioritizes the greater good."
"Islam not only allows, it commands us to cooperate with anyone of any background when it comes to something positive and good into society."
"Intelligence is not a privilege, it's a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind."
"Justice exists when all parties exercise their power in a way that is consistent with the humanity of everyone involved and in the interest of the greater good."
"Ideas that one finds objectionable should be challenged and debated. The common good of society depends on the search for knowledge and its free expression."
"Technology should be made to work for the good of all and placed in the hands of people of understanding who care and can control it towards a free world."
"A true hero makes a personal sacrifice for the greater good of society."
"Our societies are not evil, they are good societies."
"The greater good cannot come at the expense of innocent lives."
"As a person who's really invested in public health, I think public health gets to curtail our choices sometimes."
"Nutrition matters, and if that translates into better health and a kinder world, then that's all to the good."
"What's at stake really is not just the protection of minority opinions; it's really the public good of a citizenry who know how to restrain themselves when they hear things they don't like."
"Who says something like that and actually has it be to serve the greater good?"
"Sometimes you have to vote for the greater good."
"Conservatives really care more about the good of the whole, I think much more than liberals ever did."
"The choice for the greater good is always the right choice."
"For the greater good of the whole, for the power of the people."
"I want happiness, I want people to be cared for, I want a lot of good things to happen in the world."
"Technology can be a force for tremendous progress and tremendous good."
"I think it's really good technology and I think it's good for people to have."
"Just those little gestures, those little signs that show that there is good here."
"Teaching people to read and write is a good thing."
"We need to return to the idea of higher education as a public good."
"Good for the world producing well-being, happiness."
"Decent people start to care more about a greater good and about what is right than whether or not their personal cost will be."
"Capitalism and really freedom in general uses our own selfishness and greed and desire for things to go well for us to serve the good of all."
"We need the world to be populated by good people. That's the greatest good possible."
"Human life is of paramount importance. So, you've given a choice of turning the trolley towards the one person instead of hitting on the five, right? I would go with the one, which has a higher art of doing to the betterment of the society."
"His conviction that one should support causes perceived as for the greater good of society."
"But in a free market, I think that profits can be understood as a measure of how much good a business has done for other people."
"The ultimate good for society is saving someone's life."
"I'm pro-societal good, but government waste sucks."
"When we developed the middle prefrontal areas we actually can not only pause but we can think of the larger social good and enact a behavior that's better for everyone."
"We must ask not what is good for science, good for technology, still less what is good for General Motors or Union Carbide or IBM or even the Pentagon, but what is good for man."
"Religion at its best seeks to stimulate, to ask questions, and to look for the good of the child and society as a whole."
"Ensuring that everyone is allowed to talk authoritatively about the economy is the prerequisite for a good society and a precondition for authentic democracy."
"Yeah, it's about control versus freedom and you know, like trying to figure out what peace is in terms of the greater good."
"Think for yourself and ask the question, will this be for the good and the benefit of the many."
"Getting married is about more than self; it is about doing good for families, for my neighborhood, for my country, and for my local church."
"I think people are really interested in kindness. They know that it's good, and that we want more of it."
"Everything is for the sake of a just society."
"Rules and regulations are there for our own good."
"The purpose of the nonprofit is because you want to do something for the greater good of society."
"Justice doesn't aim at vengeance or proportionality; it aims at what is best for society."
"Secular morality would be, 'Okay, we need to improve the societal and individualistic well-being of humanity'."
"Most people want to do the right thing if they only knew what it was."
"We purposefully limit our free will to ensure greater outcomes for not just ourselves but also ideally for others."
"You cannot make men good by law, and without good men, you cannot have a good society."
"We need good people in the world, we need people doing good things."
"The University of Arizona is proud to present scholarships to outstanding awardees who have demonstrated robust research for the greater good of society."
"We are all better off when we embrace fundamentally good values when we share values of responsibility and decency together."
"Whatever makes society the best possible."
"If we educate you to be the best possible version of yourself, you will do good by necessity."
"Companies that are doing well are more capable of doing good for society than companies doing badly."
"Which is to aspire to fulfill the deepest aspirations that humanity has. The good, the true, the beautiful and the heroic."
"The needs of the many versus the needs of the few."
"And I want to show you that this is a good place with good people."
"There's a force that's looking for the common good, and there's a force that's looking for not the common good."
"Most people go into public services to do good in the world, and we should recognize and build on that rather than build markets around it."
"The acceptance of the rule of recognition requires and depends on fundamentally a shared sense that the order it establishes is good."
"The perfect society would have the lowest pain and highest pleasure because it would be better for each and every single individual."
"Thankfully there are plenty of good, decent people in the world that genuinely care about others and want to do good."