
Contingency Quotes

There are 373 quotes

"The future isn't predetermined and doesn't follow any set pattern of necessity; it's contingent and can be shaped by human action."
"The emergence of intelligent life seems much more contingent and special."
"Everyone expected a disaster... even President Richard Nixon himself was ready should the Apollo 11 mission fail."
"The universe is entirely contingent, and that being necessary being who doesn't need anything to make him the way that he is, that is the existence of that thing the child discerned."
"We've made payment, and if the school isn't going to open, we would much rather follow the child with the payment."
"If anything ever happened to my YouTube channel, would I stream? First thing I would do, get a real job."
"The universe is contingent in a radical way that points to a transcendent cause."
"Existence of life on Earth is a highly contingent event that depends upon a conspiracy of highly improbable conditions."
"We need to ensure that we have made contingency arrangements for every eventuality."
"If I keel over in the middle, just rest assured that we'll have a guest host in place and rename the program and move on from there."
"Top Democrats and donors have reached out to possible replacements for Joe Biden."
"I mean, can you lose with this? I guess, like, if you're empty-handed or if someone just says Roiling Vortex and you're just at five or something."
"We have fail-safes so that if this doesn't work, B should; if B doesn't work, C dang sure will."
"If your bag does get checked and they lose your luggage, you have a shirt and some necessities to get you through a couple of days."
"We need to do both of these things if we really want to make sure that we're going to hedge our bets against some politician being like, no I don't want this."
"Always have a backup, always have a plan B, C, maybe D."
"Organizations need to have a clear understanding of their ability to migrate or exit a cloud service or cloud platform entirely if necessary."
"Make sure to follow us on Rumble just in case YouTube keeps taking down our videos."
"The most important thing in a contract is actually the exit clauses. It's what enables you to move a driver on if things don't work out."
"The best bug out plan is not to have to bug out at all."
"If you marry older, what do you do when you have to become their caretaker? Hire somebody with their money."
"Even if you have a really great setup, you need to have some backup."
"Bug out is an important plan to have in place"
"Ultimately, the only way to protect yourself in that case is you have to find three or four competing vendors and you need to be able to switch between them quickly."
"If this works, we won't be able to worry about our Z twin."
"...mesh tastic is a great way to augment a team that is not as prepared as we might want them to be."
"Palpatine may not have needed Anakin at all if Maul had just killed Obi-Wan rather than taunt him."
"Your future is contingent on what decisions you make."
"I was lucky because I had insurance. If I didn't have insurance Megadeth would probably be over."
"I think it's very important to have alternative plans because you never know if things are going to work out."
"Better to have a comedian and not need him than need one and not have him."
"You're right. We gotta resort to Plan B."
"...if an EMP goes off and shuts down the digital systems that allow flight, you still need a way to get around fast."
"Their fee is free unless they win."
"Starting a fire in any condition: always have a backup plan. Be prepared for the unexpected."
"Make sure that even if the worst happens, we can recover from it."
"Everything I do is in case of emergency."
"What happens if the potatoes suddenly go away?"
"Always leave yourself an out. What's your escape path?"
"If the stores run out and you don't have a garden, there is no food."
"If anything were to go belly up, I could basically replace it for next to nothing."
"Having these threat assessments gives you a plan when things go nuts."
"The universe does not necessarily have to exist. It is contingent, dependent, and reliant on the Creator."
"You can't count on others. They can be part of the plan, but you better have a backup."
"I don't want to have it on my computer, just in case an outage happened."
"If the restaurants run out and the grocery stores run out, my options just ran out. Period."
"This year is your year. But also, backup plans are nice, yeah? Maybe don't also quit your job at the same time, right? Did you guys have a backup plan for if Try Guys didn't work?"
"...one reactor will be the backup for the other if either one goes down."
"A financial contingency provides a way for buyers to back out of a sale if their loan falls through."
"If one thing went wrong, it was likely that the rest of their plan would not go smoothly either."
"That's why I like the fact we have a backup plan."
"She tells her father that if something happens to him, her Aunt Angela will take her."
"Batman now needs to outsmart himself and create contingency plans for his contingency plans, also he can save his friends from himself."
"If anything happens while we're on the runway, we'll just pull the power back and land it right back up right down on the runway."
"He had a plan to back up the plan to back up the plan in case the plan went wrong."
"Everything turns out ultimately from this perspective to be contingent. Nothing is certain."
"Nothing ever goes quite as planned, but risk management is a great way to make sure you know what could go wrong and how you'll address it."
"Bruce's last fail safe wasn't a way to stop The Invasion, it was a way to start over."
"We ultimately need to ground our knowledge of contingent facts, including the entire universe, in something non-contingent."
"Watch how the ending works out, a magnificent example of a director dealing with contingencies he could not possibly have anticipated."
"I promise that I wouldn't use this unless it was absolutely necessary. I can only use this once every few years if the Joker takes this place over."
"Kirby respected Stetson Bennett, and he knew he may need him again."
"Just a little quantum entanglement in case I ever needed them in a situation like this."
"So I have set up a fail-safe switch for sure' so basically if I pull this switch down it's going to go into failsafe mode."
"Give a sense of the complexities of history, the contingencies of history."
"Plan B, which is check Google Maps again, I guess, for more grocery shops."
"I'm honored to say, here's Plan B."
"It's small but it's there in case you ever need it."
"Lion tamers often keep a pistol at their side in case things go wrong."
"...as many variables as I can remove the less that Murphy's Law can have a hold on me whenever I'm at the range or whenever I'm doing stuff out in the in my environment."
"If China invades Taiwan, then what does a central banker do? Is that a contingency for that?"
"So figure out your escape route and make sure you know what it is."
"Listen Yana we'll help you bring her up but if anything goes south we're getting rid of her."
"Just on the off chance that something happens, we're a little bit more prepared to handle those unexpected things like your bike doesn't want to start."
"Batman usually has backup plans for every member of the Justice League if they go bad."
"The possibilities for using contingency are endless."
"Plan Z was a success. Told you you can trust me."
"In every project, there's escape hatches."
"Give yourself a peace of mind in case your luggage gets delayed or goes missing by bringing those just in case items like a toothbrush toothpaste deodorant maybe a change of underwear just in case."
"Always have a backup plan. Things can always change."
"If something went wrong with the landing, if Armstrong was forced to abort, if the ascent engine malfunctioned, or the guidance system failed, Collins crewmates’ survival would depend almost entirely upon his skills."
"Why not have some things that could help you out in a bind if you find yourself lost or stuck?"
"Once you fill it with people and then like they each have a bag."
"If anything happens with your internet, if my sound goes out, whatever, don't worry."
"It's not just about getting your money back for a canceled flight or a lost suitcase it is knowing that if something goes horribly wrong like it did for us in Thailand you have a safety net."
"If the brassica fails for some reason, I'll just throw rye on it and enjoy the season."
"The government has to start thinking about stockpiling maybe four to six weeks of supplies in certain cases."
"What if NASA's grand plans for Artemis just don't work out?"
"Make sure you have a backup plan and make sure you take advantage of it."
"We're compelled to praise things whose attributes are limited and contingent."
"There's always an escape button. Okay? There's always an escape button."
"Put some money for contingency because things happen."
"When it comes to your wedding day, it's best to be ready with backup plans."
"I reasoned that if we had money problems in the future, we could sell the car and still be okay."
"You gotta have two ways in and out."
"Worst case scenario, you lose, you get a wide receiver and you just won a Super Bowl in February."
"I mean, if it doesn't work, then we can just do one of the other plans. So, that seems like a good idea to me."
"I thought I was gonna get caught. Luckily, I still have my last resort."
"Always have a backdoor option when you're going out on a new path."
"Building an email list can provide a safety net if social media platforms are lost."
"Be flexible, absolutely have a plan B."
"My verdict is it's probably not going to work, but we do at least have a backup plan."
"The event of a catastrophic failure of the service module required the crew to transfer to the lunar module."
"It is always useful to have something to fall back on in case things go wrong."
"You should pack a swimsuit just in case."
"If something happens, they will replace the stones."
"If you are having an issue and you should have this on hand anyways just in case you never know what's going to happen."
"Have a backup plan if things don't work out."
"The reason we are adding read replica is tomorrow if cach a which is the main server if that server goes down we know that the URLs or the configurations of read replica is also available with our Clash client."
"...at the end of the day, it all depends."
"You know, it's better to have Lou Rawls and not need him than need Lou Rawls and not have him."
"You never want to end up in the water, but if on the off chance something happens and you do, you gotta be prepared."
"Get to know your backups as well because you never know when you're going to need them."
"And look at all the dreams that we're creating for the people who the pilots who want to sit back there and have dreams of bringing it in for landing because the pilots were both incapacitated or something it could happen I think it has happened."
"We don't have to leave the earth immediately but it does mean that we should think about an escape clause."
"For any flight away from the vicinity of an airport, an alternate course of action should be considered if conditions change."
"Many people forget that Seward almost didn't live to see it either. On the night of the assassination, Booth and the other assassins targeted not only Lincoln but Vice President Johnson, General Grant, and Seward."
"Well, Matthew, you know, if it doesn't work we're just gonna be stuck with a whole lotta bourbon."
"You can't come away from Keaton's films without a simultaneous sense of the importance of human action, of human agency."
"...also of the inadequacy of human agency, of how contingent every experience, every adventure, every personality is."
"So, if I am stuck having to walk home from work like in some of the more intense situations, I can fill this up before I leave, you know, have a couple options from there."
"It's never a bad idea to have some backup power."
"Unexpected or emergency expenses are the main reason for carrying credit card debt."
"For every point of failure that this drone has, there's always something that's put into place that can act as a backup."
"If and when Zyo just happens to decide that it no longer needs Ora Sarata's body, Ora Sarata will die."
"If you lose your job, what will you do?"
"...in case I disappear off this platform, that I can get a hold of you and we can keep the information flowing and the safety flowing."
"If a car got stolen, if a bag fell in the creek, whatever, you don't want to have all your eggs in one laptop."
"Think about the worst possible scenario."
"If Mom doesn't appear, we do this and it's a good thing."
"The failure of German democracy, let alone the rise of Hitler, was by no means inevitable."
"Worst case scenario, you know we can recast this role."
"You have to carefully plan your water usage and possibly invest in an alternative heating method for times when the engine isn't running."
"Nothing ever goes wrong. Your boat might fly off, but the camper, we'll have a camper to sleep in."
"They might, as far as the club is concerned, almost write it off. So, this is a bit of a sunny day plan because we don't know some of this stuff, but if we just do a bit of rounding's, we're approaching a billion pounds of debt that we're supposed to have."
"In the event that it does save my ass."
"Many of you here are not even on a trajectory to even have that kind of a backup if something were to happen."
"There's always something that could happen and you just need that one extra outfit."
"Kiyomi assures Mikasa that if everything goes to hell, the offer is open for Mikasa to flee to Hizuru if she wants."
"You can never be too careful. What if y'all lose yours and my purse gets stolen? I'll still have two—one to give you and one for me."
"But once we commit once we decide well first of all we can always go to a level two if we get or an ice machine if we get in real trouble uh and we also have the combo one adapter for EA or any CCS charger."
"Contingent things might be the case but don't need to be."
"All these guys wanted to keep Plan B available, and a lot of them were not comfortable with it, but I assumed that that was the case with Bobby."
"Plan B has changed the game dramatically."
"...the mistake that I see sometimes that couples make is one spouse takes the attitude while I do it all, and then I'm going to, you know, keep all the information close to my chest and then that person is unexpectedly killed."
"If all else fails, I have bait in the boat."
"Have a plan if the first flight is delayed or canceled. Stressing about making your connection is bad enough without worrying about your plans at your destination."
"Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. This is why it's live you see, 'cause stuff like this happens right emergency backup always have an emergency backup when you're live."
"You've got to have those contingency plans in place."
"Order routing what it does is If an item let's say goes out of stock then your print on demand provider can automatically reroute it to a different print-on-demand provider that sells the same t-shirt or sweatshirt that went out of stock."
"We need to be able to fail over or run in another region in a very you know short amount of time."
"I would rather be prepared and say, 'Oh shucks, that stuff didn't pass' rather than be caught unprepared."
"We became masters of plan B. That's the one that when plan A fails you pull out of your back pocket and start working it out."
"We really need to be prepared in case things go South."
"If YouTube shut down today, what would you do?"
"If A was wrong, then we'd go B, and if B was wrong, we'd go C."
"Just have a backup or a plan B, or just look at your other options."
"In the unlikely case of a pipe break or any other disturbance there are large reserves of water set on standby to inject water right into the core of the reactor."
"Our plans for airbag are, um, I'll take it to our local garage in Southport."
"We can also choose the freaking President if no candidate gets the majority of votes in the Electoral College."
"Now it is our viability um yeah together yeah and it works that's exactly but it's like viable income I also always worried like what would happen if YouTube decided to take away ads oh yeah you know stuff like."
"Insert Plan B where at least we've got this backup."
"Fortunately, my hotel has power, well hopefully, you know, I guess there's no promises."
"Always keep a flashlight. Two is one and one is none."
"There's always a plan B, yeah, exactly, yeah, well, shoot it from the same the same exact room, yeah."
"You need cash for unexpected expenses."
"Don't worry, I have a backup plan."
"He was the president of the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 where they agreed on the final solution of the Jewish question and by many he was considered a natural successor to Hitler in case Hitler was killed."
"And what could happen, right? I mean, I have a credit card. If I get into really bad trouble, I'll fly home."
"If the engine fails, the pilot can fire off a rocket-propelled parachute."
"That means we can a part some of the plane. Yeah, to you if it doesn't work out."
"This is a really light insurance policy to keep you from getting too soaked and you know worst case scenario I have to go go back so on all my longer trips I definitely bring a rain cover."
"Have a backup solo plan. Expect this and have a backup plan that you're gonna do if she cancels."
"Plan for the worst case scenario and then everything else is a bonus."
"It's good to have a house with a junior primary bedroom just in case"
"Prepare for what's most likely, but also be prepared for the worst case."
"Now what if they got it wrong? Well, that would be an else."
"Competition is good not only for the obvious reasons that it brings about the most efficient productive and cost-effective work product but what it does it gives you a backup."
"If I want to take my in-ear out I have the cabinet up there in case I need it."
"Plan B honestly is even better than plan A."
"You always need to test your compounds, usually in your favorite rodent, and then you have a plan B, a backup plan."
"This is a good example of how you should always have a plan B or C."
"It's better to have it and not need it."
"I'm ready to print it and because my printer doesn't always like to cooperate especially when we're on Facebook live, I pre-printed it for us."
"This whole series of us being banished to YouTube jail has made me very depressed. It has. I actually thought of a live stream idea, you know, just in case this happened again."
"...if anything happens to us develop this film."
"The first part of it will be hopefully avoiding being confused by swings in the data if there's a strike with United Auto Workers."
"If at the last resort I would take over, have all the Danny clones take over all the Jake clones and have them all just destroy each other."
"...you're in a blackout strategy if you already have a standby load balancer up and running with targets behind it and you have DNS set up to flip automatically to it."
"What are some good places in case we ever need them?"
"I think we need Escape Clauses for when things change."
"Even worst case scenario, I just make a chump blocker every turn, right? I sort of have run out of gas, my opponents attack me with a big creature, I just spit out an 01 token and chump with it. So it can always be good."
"This is designed to combat that if just in case that scenario happens."
"Fail-safe means like a hard reset, right? That could be the fail save, the fail save could be that we lock everything down."
"So, I missed my flight, but I was able, thankfully, to get another flight the same day."
"Pan roasting isn't gonna give you nearly the results that your dedicated home roasting machine will, but what about if the power goes out?"
"You've always got to have an escape plan. It can change in a second."
"If that was the only source of income you had, what would have happened?"
"Follow those five rules, look for alternative uses, in other words Plan B's."