
Temporariness Quotes

There are 443 quotes

"While things are temporary, that doesn't mean that there's not meaningful. In fact, that can actually increase the meaning of those short times that we have with those people."
"Rule number three: Never let your temporary circumstances make you feel like you are permanently stuck there forever."
"This period is temporary, and you know that."
"This is all temporary. I want to be forever proud of who I was as a man."
"Fame and fortune can be as fleeting as they are rewarding."
"Patience. The problems you are facing are temporary."
"Cut flower ethics: If you cut flowers from the soil that nurtured them, you can look at the flower and for a couple of days it looks like it doesn't need the soil that nurtured it, but it will wither and die."
"It's never forever. It's never going to be something forever."
"Outlast the temporary. Everything in life is temporary. In fact, our physical body is temporary."
"All pain is temporary. All things are temporary."
"Enjoy this because, of course, it'll end. Enjoy it while you can, you maniacs, and get to work."
"I don't want people to get used to this because this virus is going to be gone."
"For now, the circus is very much in town, so try to enjoy it while you can."
"Everyone gets their 15 minutes, let him have his 15 minutes."
"It's only for a season, give God our praise, hallelujah!"
"Persevering through obstacles and knowing they're not permanent."
"It's a roof over our head, we're warm, we're able to take a shower, and it's temporary. It's a means to an end."
"I'm afraid democracy is like the McRib. It's here now, it'll be around for a little bit longer so enjoy it while you can."
"So if the reading sucks you know it's just for the rest of October and not the rest of your life, right?"
"Things will get better, a lot of this stuff is temporary."
"Everything always changes; this is not your forever."
"Your emotions are valid, but they're not permanent."
"You enjoy it while it lasts because it won't."
"It's okay to sit with your sadness, but remember that it is a temporary state. Time does help."
"It's important to remember, it's not always going to be this way."
"Everything you're going through, every hardship, every difficulty, every trial, every tragedy is temporary."
"When you have a society where there are very high levels of social cohesion virtually any system will work well for a time, but only for a time."
"This is temporary, this is gonna get torn down."
"Where we are right now with inflation is unacceptable but we expect this to be temporary..."
"Honestly, we're just seeing how this goes. We can always leave. This is not a permanent thing."
"The earth and the human race have been saved. For now."
"Accept when you're sad and just know, hey this is temporary."
"This earth is just a tent, we're passing through."
"Feelings are temporary, they're not forever."
"Everything is temporary, remember that if you ever down about anything."
"A storm cloud will not stay over a house forever."
"After all, these unevolved Pokémon only stick around for a little while longer."
"Crushes are just temporary, so rather than trying to focus on that crush or something else, try and focus your energy on something that you can do to better yourself."
"It's hard because they become like your best friend, your only friend. But it's so short-lived."
"I'll get over it, I'll get through it, and the more time goes by the more I realize that like everything that I'm going through it's, I mean it's temporary right?"
"If life comes to [bleep], remember it's only temporary."
"I quit, I uh, you said this was a temporary replacement for someone, remember?"
"It's not permanent, you know, we can change it and we have to change it."
"Everything in life is temporary, that is the nature of life."
"For those three weeks, the Monster Prom seemed larger than life, and then it was gone just like that."
"Everything is temporary, everything comes in and comes out, the only thing we have is this moment."
"You're just dropped in for a moment to experience this moment. Don't worry, the moment will come and go and so will you."
"Not get stuck in emotions... everything that you feel even if you feel it for a really long time it is temporary."
"The outer pleasures are much more temporary than the inner wisdom."
"Happiness is temporary, it's about what makes us happy in the moment."
"What's happening right now is not your forever."
"The hope is knowing that this is just temporary, but there's something much more."
"This is happening for your growth. That's why I say look at the bigger picture. Don't get caught in the moment cuz this is temporary."
"I'm excited to be back. I will be gone again you know come July and August but I'm excited to be here."
"Temporary people in your life can't give permanent advice."
"I was like whatever sure I don't care it probably won't last for long."
"Just cherish the moment. This isn't going to last forever."
"A toner or gloss is great for somebody who wants to go darker...doesn't want the color to be permanent."
"No matter what situation you're in, it's not permanent."
"Know that this too shall pass."
"Embrace it; it's not forever, but it is for the time being, and the more you embrace it, the more you'll learn."
"I know this will be over soon; what's happening right now is only temporary."
"Even if you are down at your worst, it's not going to last forever."
"As long as you place your happiness in things that are temporary, your happiness is temporary."
"Never make a permanent decision to try and solve a temporary problem."
"Words and emotions, especially emotions, are very temporary, and people can lie to you, but they can't lie to you with no money in your hand."
"This thing's here for a good time, not for a long time folks."
"Reminder about the flashy version of myself that'll be available for the next couple of days."
"Boot camp is temporary, everything in life is temporary guys, including boot camp."
"Happiness provides euphoria, but it's only temporary and addictive."
"Life and things can become temporary but it's a choice to make them last."
"Temporariness is a sign of borrowed existence, pointing to the falsity of things."
"Even when things feel like they're really serious and really pressing and really intense, know that they're very very temporary."
"I will remain close for the time being."
"It's almost like your holidays are good because they're holidays. They don't last forever, you know what I mean?"
"It's temporary, just like girls. Just shut up."
"just know it is temporary you will not spend every holiday alone and maybe you'll look back and be like wow that was a very pivotal time in my life best is yet to come."
"This is very, very, very temporary."
"Don't let this darkness get you down. It is only a season, much like the winter."
"Don't let temporary problems lead you to make permanent decisions."
"There's plenty of things that can fill the void that can only feel it temporarily there's only one thing that will fill the void forever."
"This isn't long-lasting but it's so lightweight and beautiful."
"The new thing is intersect for a limited time."
"Chrome nail polish is here for a good time, not a long time."
"Absolutely you will not always feel this way."
"The process is temporary, the promise is permanent."
"I know this is hard but it won't be hard forever."
"It's not forever, it's for as long as we want it to be."
"It might feel pervasive but it's never permanent."
"Never make permanent decisions in temporary situations."
"Sometimes things are just meant to be in our lives for a season."
"It takes effort to get out, but also, it's not forever, these things are not forever."
"Your present is not your permanent."
"Some people are here for a season or for a reason, but not permanent."
"Tough times are only temporary, and it's during these tough times that we really discover our true strength."
"Oh, spreading your wings just in time this spring, I know it won't last long."
"It's like a loose tooth, it's just floating a minute."
"If it's only for now, I don't mind because I know that your love is endless."
"Things might be painful sometimes, but it never lasts."
"Don't let the temporary feelings make a permanent situation out of your life."
"It wasn't here for a long time, but it was here for a good time for sure."
"This is temporary, this is temporary."
"Try to just calm yourself down, calm your focus down, and realize that this is just a temporary moment in time and it's all going to be okay."
"It's going to be a beautiful way, yes, for the moment anyhow."
"It doesn't have to be forever. It doesn't have to just be piling one thing on top of another; you can sort of have discrete pieces."
"It's our home for the next two days."
"Job is temporary, fun is forever."
"Temporary solutions often become permanent."
"I just try and remind myself that emotions are just a temporary state, they don't really mean anything."
"Extend yourself Grace and know this is a time, a season, not an eternity."
"Enjoy this caloric surplus while it lasts because at one point you'll be happy with your physique."
"It's temporary, a temporary obstacle."
"This anger is but for a fleeting moment."
"The diet isn't forever, and that means the fat loss diet is 12 weeks long, let's say, you don't need to eat like this the rest of your life."
"God is with you and this is just temporary."
"Wait it out. High school is temporary."
"It's just a temporary partnership, but it's awesome."
"Sure, for a few seconds, everything would make sense."
"Sometimes it's better literally not to fight it because it will pass when it passes."
"Let's not make permanent decisions on temporary situations, be safe about your situation."
"I was just the latest temporary occupant in a long and distinguished line."
"Everything else is pretty much temporary, man."
"And most importantly, I want you guys to understand that this is a temporary phase."
"This feeling will pass, and you will feel okay again."
"Even when things feel really crappy and feel really bad, you know that it's not forever."
"If you're going through something a little bit icky, a little bit weird, a little bit stressful, it's temporary, you'll get through it."
"It's such a short season... and you will feel like a better version of yourself."
"If it's right, it's right, and it doesn't need to be forever."
"It's all temporary, you've got this."
"The most important thing is to remember that those suicidal thoughts and feelings will pass."
"No setback is truly permanent; in fact, I would venture to say that almost every setback is extremely temporary."
"There's nothing more permanent than a temporary setup."
"I am the mermaid who got her legs, but only for a day."
"No, I believe, boys, one up, congratulations, enjoy it while it lasts."
"Whatever is going on in your life right now is temporary."
"I want you guys to know that it's not permanent, it's not forever, it's temporary, and you will get better."
"The fat is temporary, it's easy to get rid of later."
"The idea is not to end it, it's not to give yourself a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
"Use your job to fund your dream and also realize that your job is not permanent unless you make it permanent."
"Whatever trouble you're going through and whatever crisis is going on inside your head, all of that is only for now."
"You just have to remember that this is only temporary, these feelings."
"May all your troubles last as long as New Year's resolutions."
"This too shall pass; that's a promise."
"Think of it as an investment, not something permanent; the car isn't permanent."
"Everybody is in your life for a reason or a season."
"Cold is for now, content is forever."
"Feels like technology-wise, things are under control, at least for the time being."
"That's black sacrifice, a skill that sacrifices oneself by burning life energy and mana to obtain incredible strength for a very short time."
"Just remember that everything is temporary, and we will get through this together."
"It's a truce, don't even go back to hating each other tomorrow."
"There is a light at the end of the tunnel; just know it's not going to be forever."
"This was only ever meant to be temporary, and on to the next adventure."
"Never make a permanent decision in a temporary problem."
"Never sacrifice the permanency for something that is temporary."
"Never try to solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution."
"We're not necessarily in the school of thought that any home is gonna be our forever home."
"It's funny, all these temporary programs that governments, these central banks make, they always say, 'Don't stress everyone, don't worry, it's just temporary.'"
"Outlast the temporary. Everything in life is temporary; all pain is temporary."
"If where you are is not what you saw, then what you are in is temporary."
"Enjoy it, embrace it because it's only there for a tiny little blip in your life."
"Just because something's temporary doesn't mean it doesn't have value."
"Everything is temporary, so when you date a girl, you'll be like, 'Oh, this is the love of my life.' It's not. It's the love of your time at that moment, just that moment."
"Your light affliction which is but for a moment, is working for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."
"Hang in there, it's only temporary."
"Do not make the temporary permanent."
"Life is never that difficult, it doesn't matter what you're going through, it's only temporary."
"Dreams will remind you that the situation that you're facing right now is temporary."
"Whatever it is, this new change or sadness that you feel is just temporary, and everything is going to be okay."
"For the time being, it means you're doing it just for a little while, not forever."
"It's only temporary, and things will be better down the road."
"It's all temporary, baby. This is just one step on my journey."
"Yes, but it's fun while it lasts."
"It's all just temporary; she will be going back, it's a matter of when not if."
"Embrace the suck and be in the moment; it's only temporary."
"We're friends, yeah, I would say for now."
"We must find a way in an understanding that this thing that we are dealing with right now in our lives is only temporary."
"Enjoy your Birder of the Year title while it lasts."
"Ego is the one who wants to be fed with all the accomplishments, the money, the gratification and all this, and that's so fleeting."
"A lot of what you're feeling about your body is temporary, and body image is really a social construct."
"Enjoy the happy times while they last."
"This is temporary. Normalcy in your life will return."
"Whatever situation you're in right now is only temporary."
"Everything is short term; it's temporary, it's not going to be like this forever."
"The good thing about Botox is that if you don't like it, in a few months or four months, it's going to be gone, and you go back to your reality."
"The discomfort and everything is temporary, but the results are forever."
"Some people come into your life for a season, not a lifetime."
"It's temporary, it's like labor, it's not going to last forever."
"Acknowledging and accepting your feelings because you know it's only temporary when you're feeling down."
"Despite how I feel, I understand this feeling and situation is temporary."
"Whatever you're going through, just know that it's the best definition of temporary."
"Tests and trials are not permanent. They're not going to last forever."
"Never settle on a permanent resolution to fix a temporary problem."
"You're the kind of exciting I know can't last."
"When something really good is happening, make sure you soak up every bit of it because you don't know when it's going to be over."
"The depression isn't going to last forever."
"You do always have tomorrow and the feelings that you feel aren't rooted in such permanence."
"I enjoy them for a while, and then I end up giving it to somebody when I find the right gift."
"It's all temporary, so live in the moment, you're gonna be okay, stay spicy."
"Be honest with where you are right now; it's not for the rest of your life."
"Whatever you're going through, it's only temporary."